using Utils; namespace Logging { public interface ILog { void Log(string message); void Debug(string message = "", int skipFrames = 0); void Error(string message); void AddStringReplace(string from, string to); LogFile CreateSubfile(string addName, string ext = "log"); } public abstract class BaseLog : ILog { public static bool EnableDebugLogging { get; set; } = false; private readonly NumberSource subfileNumberSource = new NumberSource(0); private readonly List replacements = new List(); private LogFile? logFile; public BaseLog() { IsDebug = EnableDebugLogging || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOGDEBUG")) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DEBUGLOG")); } protected bool IsDebug { get; private set; } protected abstract string GetFullName(); public LogFile LogFile { get { if (logFile == null) logFile = new LogFile(GetFullName(), "log"); return logFile; } } public virtual void Log(string message) { LogFile.Write(ApplyReplacements(message)); } public void Debug(string message = "", int skipFrames = 0) { if (IsDebug) { var callerName = DebugStack.GetCallerName(skipFrames); Log($"(debug)({callerName}) {message}"); } } public virtual void Error(string message) { var msg = $"[ERROR] {message}"; Console.WriteLine(msg); Log(msg); } public virtual void AddStringReplace(string from, string to) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(from)) return; if (replacements.Any(r => r.From == from)) return; replacements.Add(new BaseLogStringReplacement(from, to)); } public virtual void Delete() { File.Delete(LogFile.FullFilename); } public LogFile CreateSubfile(string addName, string ext = "log") { addName = addName .Replace("<", "") .Replace(">", ""); return new LogFile($"{GetFullName()}_{GetSubfileNumber()}_{addName}", ext); } protected string ApplyReplacements(string str) { if (IsDebug) return str; foreach (var replacement in replacements) { str = replacement.Apply(str); } return str; } private string GetSubfileNumber() { return subfileNumberSource.GetNextNumber().ToString().PadLeft(6, '0'); } } public class BaseLogStringReplacement { public BaseLogStringReplacement(string from, string to) { From = from; To = to; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(from) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(to) || from == to) throw new ArgumentException(); } public string From { get; } public string To { get; } public string Apply(string msg) { return msg.Replace(From, To); } } }