name: Run Release Tests on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: codexdockerimage: description: "Codex Docker image (example: 'codexstorage/nim-codex:0.1.8-dist-tests')" required: true type: string workflow_call: inputs: source: description: Repository with tests (current) required: false type: string branch: description: Branch with tests (master) required: false type: string codexdockerimage: description: "Codex Docker image (example: 'codexstorage/nim-codex:0.1.8-dist-tests')" required: true type: string workflow_source: description: Workflow source required: false type: string default: '' env: SOURCE: ${{ format('{0}/{1}', github.server_url, github.repository) }} BRANCH: ${{ github.ref_name }} CODEXDOCKERIMAGE: codexstorage/nim-codex:latest-dist-tests TEST_TYPE: release-tests NAMEPREFIX: r-tests NAMESPACE: default JOB_MANIFEST: docker/job-release-tests.yaml COMMAND: dotnet test Tests/CodexReleaseTests KUBE_CONFIG: ${{ secrets.KUBE_CONFIG }} KUBE_VERSION: v1.30.5 jobs: run_tests: name: Run Release Tests runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: repository: ${{ inputs.workflow_source }} - name: Variables run: | RUNID=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S) echo "RUNID=${RUNID}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "TESTID=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_ENV [[ -n "${{ inputs.source }}" ]] && echo "SOURCE=${{ inputs.source }}" >>"$GITHUB_ENV" || echo "SOURCE=${{ env.SOURCE }}" >>"$GITHUB_ENV" [[ -n "${{ inputs.branch }}" ]] && echo "BRANCH=${{ inputs.branch }}" >>"$GITHUB_ENV" || echo "BRANCH=${{ env.BRANCH }}" >>"$GITHUB_ENV" [[ -n "${{ inputs.codexdockerimage }}" ]] && echo "CODEXDOCKERIMAGE=${{ inputs.codexdockerimage }}" >>"$GITHUB_ENV" || echo "CODEXDOCKERIMAGE=${{ env.CODEXDOCKERIMAGE }}" >>"$GITHUB_ENV" [[ -n "${{ inputs.nameprefix }}" ]] && NAMEPREFIX="`awk '{ print tolower($0) }' <<< ${{ inputs.nameprefix }}`" || NAMEPREFIX="`awk '{ print tolower($0) }' <<< ${{ env.NAMEPREFIX }}`" echo "NAMEPREFIX=${NAMEPREFIX}-${RUNID}" >>"$GITHUB_ENV" [[ -n "${{ inputs.namespace }}" ]] && echo "NAMESPACE=${{ inputs.namespace }}" >>"$GITHUB_ENV" || echo "NAMESPACE=${{ env.NAMESPACE }}" >>"$GITHUB_ENV" [[ -n "${{ inputs.command }}" ]] && COMMAND="${{ inputs.command }}" || COMMAND="${{ env.COMMAND }}" echo "COMMAND=$(jq -c 'split(" ")' <<< '"'${COMMAND}'"')" >>"$GITHUB_ENV" - name: Kubectl - Install ${{ env.KUBE_VERSION }} uses: azure/setup-kubectl@v4 with: version: ${{ env.KUBE_VERSION }} - name: Kubectl - Kubeconfig run: | mkdir -p "${HOME}"/.kube echo "${{ env.KUBE_CONFIG }}" | base64 -d > "${HOME}"/.kube/config - name: Kubectl - Create Job to run tests run: | envsubst < ${{ env.JOB_MANIFEST }} | kubectl apply -f - - name: Tests Identification run: | echo "----" echo "Repository: ${{ env.SOURCE }}" echo "Branch: ${{ env.BRANCH }}" echo "Runner job: ${{ env.NAMEPREFIX }}" echo "Runner pod: $(kubectl get pod --selector job-name=${{ env.NAMEPREFIX }} -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')" echo "Runner namespace: ${{ env.NAMESPACE }}" echo "----" - name: Show Runner logs run: | # Variables # We need more than 300 seconds because Auto Scaler may take 3 minutes to tun a node namespace="${{ env.NAMESPACE }}" pod=$(kubectl get pod --selector job-name=${{ env.NAMEPREFIX }} -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') # Check Pod status WAIT=120 SECONDS=0 sleep=1 while (( SECONDS < WAIT )); do phase=$(kubectl get pod ${pod} -n ${namespace} -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}') [[ "${phase}" == "Running" ]] && { echo "Pod $pod is in the $phase state - Get the logs"; break; } || { echo "Pod $pod is in the $phase state - Retry in $sleep second(s) / $((WAIT - SECONDS))"; } sleep $sleep done # Get logs while [[ $(kubectl get pod ${pod} -n ${namespace} -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}') == "Running" ]]; do echo "Show ${pod} logs ..." echo "----" kubectl logs $pod -n $namespace -f || true sleep 1 done - name: Set workflow status from job status run: | sleep 5 job_status=$(kubectl get jobs ${{ env.NAMEPREFIX }} -n ${{ env.NAMESPACE }} -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[0].type}') echo "Job status: $job_status" if [[ "${job_status}" != "Complete" ]]; then exit 1; fi