mirror of synced 2025-02-26 23:10:29 +00:00

Merge branch 'feature/codex-net-deployer' into feature/continuous-testing

This commit is contained in:
benbierens 2023-06-23 08:53:07 +02:00
commit a21078f4a9
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: FE44815D96D0A1AA
17 changed files with 555 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
namespace CodexNetDeployer
public class ArgOrVar
public static readonly ArgVar CodexImage = new ArgVar("codex-image", "CODEXIMAGE", "Docker image of Codex.");
public static readonly ArgVar GethImage = new ArgVar("geth-image", "GETHIMAGE", "Docker image of Geth.");
public static readonly ArgVar ContractsImage = new ArgVar("contracts-image", "CONTRACTSIMAGE", "Docker image of Codex Contracts deployer.");
public static readonly ArgVar KubeConfigFile = new ArgVar("kube-config", "KUBECONFIG", "Path to Kubeconfig file.");
public static readonly ArgVar KubeNamespace = new ArgVar("kube-namespace", "KUBENAMESPACE", "Kubernetes namespace to be used for deployment.");
public static readonly ArgVar NumberOfCodexNodes = new ArgVar("nodes", "NODES", "Number of Codex nodes to be created.");
public static readonly ArgVar NumberOfValidatorNodes = new ArgVar("validators", "VALIDATORS", "Number of Codex nodes that will be validating.");
public static readonly ArgVar StorageQuota = new ArgVar("storage-quota", "STORAGEQUOTA", "Storage quota in megabytes used by each Codex node.");
public static readonly ArgVar LogLevel = new ArgVar("log-level", "LOGLEVEL", "Log level used by each Codex node. [Trace, Debug*, Info, Warn, Error]");
private readonly string[] args;
public ArgOrVar(string[] args)
this.args = args;
public string Get(ArgVar key, string defaultValue = "")
var argKey = $"--{key.Arg}=";
var arg = args.FirstOrDefault(a => a.StartsWith(argKey));
if (arg != null)
return arg.Substring(argKey.Length);
var env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(key.Var);
if (env != null)
return env;
return defaultValue;
public int? GetInt(ArgVar key)
var str = Get(key);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return null;
if (int.TryParse(str, out int result))
return result;
return null;
public void PrintHelp()
var nl = Environment.NewLine;
Console.WriteLine("CodexNetDeployer allows you to easily deploy multiple Codex nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. " +
"The deployer will set up the required supporting services, deploy the Codex on-chain contracts, start and bootstrap the Codex instances. " +
"All Kubernetes objects will be created in the namespace provided, allowing you to easily find, modify, and delete them afterwards." + nl);
Console.WriteLine("CodexNetDeployer assumes you are running this tool from *inside* the Kubernetes cluster you want to deploy to. " +
"If you are not running this from a container inside the cluster, add the argument '--external'." + nl);
Console.Write("\t[ CLI argument ] or [ Environment variable ]");
Console.CursorLeft = 70;
Console.Write("(Description)" + nl);
var fields = GetType().GetFields();
foreach (var field in fields)
var value = (ArgVar)field.GetValue(null)!;
public class ArgVar
public ArgVar(string arg, string var, string description)
Arg = arg;
Var = var;
Description = description;
public string Arg { get; }
public string Var { get; }
public string Description { get; }
public void PrintHelp()
Console.Write($"\t[ --{Arg}=... ] or [ {Var}=... ]");
Console.CursorLeft = 70;
Console.Write(Description + Environment.NewLine);

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<ProjectReference Include="..\DistTestCore\DistTestCore.csproj" />

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
using DistTestCore;
using DistTestCore.Codex;
using DistTestCore.Marketplace;
using KubernetesWorkflow;
using Logging;
namespace CodexNetDeployer
public class CodexNodeStarter
private readonly Configuration config;
private readonly WorkflowCreator workflowCreator;
private readonly TestLifecycle lifecycle;
private readonly BaseLog log;
private readonly ITimeSet timeSet;
private readonly GethStartResult gethResult;
private string bootstrapSpr = "";
private int validatorsLeft;
public CodexNodeStarter(Configuration config, WorkflowCreator workflowCreator, TestLifecycle lifecycle, BaseLog log, ITimeSet timeSet, GethStartResult gethResult, int numberOfValidators)
this.config = config;
this.workflowCreator = workflowCreator;
this.lifecycle = lifecycle;
this.log = log;
this.timeSet = timeSet;
this.gethResult = gethResult;
this.validatorsLeft = numberOfValidators;
public RunningContainer? Start(int i)
Console.Write($" - {i} = ");
var workflow = workflowCreator.CreateWorkflow();
var workflowStartup = new StartupConfig();
workflowStartup.Add(CreateCodexStartupConfig(bootstrapSpr, i, validatorsLeft));
var containers = workflow.Start(1, Location.Unspecified, new CodexContainerRecipe(), workflowStartup);
var container = containers.Containers.First();
var address = lifecycle.Configuration.GetAddress(container);
var codexNode = new CodexNode(log, timeSet, address);
var debugInfo = codexNode.GetDebugInfo();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(debugInfo.spr))
var pod = container.Pod.PodInfo;
Console.Write($"Online ({pod.Name} at {pod.Ip} on '{pod.K8SNodeName}')" + Environment.NewLine);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bootstrapSpr)) bootstrapSpr = debugInfo.spr;
return container;
Console.Write("Unknown failure." + Environment.NewLine);
return null;
private CodexStartupConfig CreateCodexStartupConfig(string bootstrapSpr, int i, int validatorsLeft)
var codexStart = new CodexStartupConfig(config.CodexLogLevel);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bootstrapSpr)) codexStart.BootstrapSpr = bootstrapSpr;
codexStart.StorageQuota = config.StorageQuota!.Value.MB();
var marketplaceConfig = new MarketplaceInitialConfig(100000.Eth(), 0.TestTokens(), validatorsLeft > 0);
marketplaceConfig.AccountIndexOverride = i;
codexStart.MarketplaceConfig = marketplaceConfig;
return codexStart;

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
using DistTestCore;
using DistTestCore.Codex;
namespace CodexNetDeployer
public class Configuration
public Configuration(
string codexImage,
string gethImage,
string contractsImage,
string kubeConfigFile,
string kubeNamespace,
int? numberOfCodexNodes,
int? numberOfValidators,
int? storageQuota,
CodexLogLevel codexLogLevel,
TestRunnerLocation runnerLocation)
CodexImage = codexImage;
GethImage = gethImage;
ContractsImage = contractsImage;
KubeConfigFile = kubeConfigFile;
KubeNamespace = kubeNamespace;
NumberOfCodexNodes = numberOfCodexNodes;
NumberOfValidators = numberOfValidators;
StorageQuota = storageQuota;
CodexLogLevel = codexLogLevel;
RunnerLocation = runnerLocation;
public string CodexImage { get; }
public string GethImage { get; }
public string ContractsImage { get; }
public string KubeConfigFile { get; }
public string KubeNamespace { get; }
public int? NumberOfCodexNodes { get; }
public int? NumberOfValidators { get; }
public int? StorageQuota { get; }
public CodexLogLevel CodexLogLevel { get; }
public TestRunnerLocation RunnerLocation { get; }
public void PrintConfig()
ForEachProperty(onString: Print, onInt: Print);
public List<string> Validate()
var errors = new List<string>();
onString: (n, v) => StringIsSet(n, v, errors),
onInt: (n, v) => IntIsOverZero(n, v, errors));
if (NumberOfValidators > NumberOfCodexNodes)
errors.Add($"{nameof(NumberOfValidators)} ({NumberOfValidators}) may not be greater than {nameof(NumberOfCodexNodes)} ({NumberOfCodexNodes}).");
return errors;
private void ForEachProperty(Action<string, string> onString, Action<string, int?> onInt)
var properties = GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var p in properties)
if (p.PropertyType == typeof(string)) onString(p.Name, (string)p.GetValue(this)!);
if (p.PropertyType == typeof(int?)) onInt(p.Name, (int?)p.GetValue(this)!);
private static void IntIsOverZero(string variable, int? value, List<string> errors)
if (value == null || value.Value < 1)
errors.Add($"{variable} is must be set and must be greater than 0.");
private static void StringIsSet(string variable, string value, List<string> errors)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
errors.Add($"{variable} is must be set.");
private static void Print(string variable, string value)
Console.WriteLine($"\t{variable}: '{value}'");
private static void Print(string variable, int? value)
if (value != null) Print(variable, value.ToString()!);
else Print(variable, "<NONE>");

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
using DistTestCore;
using DistTestCore.Codex;
using KubernetesWorkflow;
namespace CodexNetDeployer
public class Deployer
private readonly Configuration config;
private readonly NullLog log;
private readonly DefaultTimeSet timeset;
public Deployer(Configuration config)
this.config = config;
log = new NullLog();
timeset = new DefaultTimeSet();
public CodexDeployment Deploy()
var (workflowCreator, lifecycle) = CreateFacilities();
Log("Preparing configuration...");
// We trick the Geth companion node into unlocking all of its accounts, by saying we want to start 999 codex nodes.
var setup = new CodexSetup(999, config.CodexLogLevel);
Log("Creating Geth instance and deploying contracts...");
var gethStarter = new GethStarter(lifecycle, workflowCreator);
var gethResults = gethStarter.BringOnlineMarketplaceFor(setup);
Log("Geth started. Codex contracts deployed.");
Log("Warning: It can take up to 45 minutes for the Geth node to finish unlocking all if its 1000 preconfigured accounts.");
Log("Starting Codex nodes...");
// Each node must have its own IP, so it needs it own pod. Start them 1 at a time.
var codexStarter = new CodexNodeStarter(config, workflowCreator, lifecycle, log, timeset, gethResults, config.NumberOfValidators!.Value);
var codexContainers = new List<RunningContainer>();
for (var i = 0; i < config.NumberOfCodexNodes; i++)
var container = codexStarter.Start(i);
if (container != null) codexContainers.Add(container);
return new CodexDeployment(gethResults, codexContainers.ToArray());
private (WorkflowCreator, TestLifecycle) CreateFacilities()
var lifecycleConfig = new DistTestCore.Configuration
kubeConfigFile: config.KubeConfigFile,
logPath: "null",
logDebug: false,
dataFilesPath: "notUsed",
codexLogLevel: config.CodexLogLevel,
runnerLocation: config.RunnerLocation
var kubeConfig = new KubernetesWorkflow.Configuration(
k8sNamespacePrefix: config.KubeNamespace,
kubeConfigFile: config.KubeConfigFile,
operationTimeout: timeset.K8sOperationTimeout(),
retryDelay: timeset.WaitForK8sServiceDelay());
var workflowCreator = new WorkflowCreator(log, kubeConfig);
var lifecycle = new TestLifecycle(log, lifecycleConfig, timeset, workflowCreator);
return (workflowCreator, lifecycle);
private void Log(string msg)

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
using Logging;
namespace CodexNetDeployer
public class NullLog : TestLog
public NullLog() : base("NULL", false, "NULL")
protected override LogFile CreateLogFile()
return null!;
public override void Log(string message)
public override void Debug(string message = "", int skipFrames = 0)
public override void Error(string message)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + message);
public override void MarkAsFailed()
public override void AddStringReplace(string from, string to)
public override void Delete()

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
using CodexNetDeployer;
using DistTestCore;
using DistTestCore.Codex;
using DistTestCore.Marketplace;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Utils;
using Configuration = CodexNetDeployer.Configuration;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var nl = Environment.NewLine;
Console.WriteLine("CodexNetDeployer" + nl + nl);
var argOrVar = new ArgOrVar(args);
if (args.Any(a => a == "-h" || a == "--help" || a == "-?"))
var location = TestRunnerLocation.InternalToCluster;
if (args.Any(a => a == "--external"))
location = TestRunnerLocation.ExternalToCluster;
var config = new Configuration(
codexImage: argOrVar.Get(ArgOrVar.CodexImage, CodexContainerRecipe.DockerImage),
gethImage: argOrVar.Get(ArgOrVar.GethImage, GethContainerRecipe.DockerImage),
contractsImage: argOrVar.Get(ArgOrVar.ContractsImage, CodexContractsContainerRecipe.DockerImage),
kubeConfigFile: argOrVar.Get(ArgOrVar.KubeConfigFile),
kubeNamespace: argOrVar.Get(ArgOrVar.KubeNamespace),
numberOfCodexNodes: argOrVar.GetInt(ArgOrVar.NumberOfCodexNodes),
numberOfValidators: argOrVar.GetInt(ArgOrVar.NumberOfValidatorNodes),
storageQuota: argOrVar.GetInt(ArgOrVar.StorageQuota),
codexLogLevel: ParseEnum.Parse<CodexLogLevel>(argOrVar.Get(ArgOrVar.LogLevel, nameof(CodexLogLevel.Debug))),
runnerLocation: location
var errors = config.Validate();
if (errors.Any())
Console.WriteLine($"Configuration errors: ({errors.Count})");
foreach ( var error in errors ) Console.WriteLine("\t" + error);
var deployer = new Deployer(config);
var deployment = deployer.Deploy();
Console.WriteLine("Writing codex-deployment.json...");
File.WriteAllText("codex-deployment.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deployment, Formatting.Indented));

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Codex
var gethConfig = startupConfig.Get<GethStartResult>();
var companionNode = gethConfig.CompanionNode;
var companionNodeAccount = companionNode.Accounts[Index];
var companionNodeAccount = companionNode.Accounts[GetAccountIndex(config.MarketplaceConfig)];
var ip = companionNode.RunningContainer.Pod.PodInfo.Ip;
@ -60,7 +60,18 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Codex
AddEnvVar("ETH_ACCOUNT", companionNodeAccount.Account);
AddEnvVar("ETH_MARKETPLACE_ADDRESS", gethConfig.MarketplaceNetwork.Marketplace.Address);
AddEnvVar("PERSISTENCE", "1");
if (config.MarketplaceConfig.IsValidator)
AddEnvVar("VALIDATOR", "1");
private int GetAccountIndex(MarketplaceInitialConfig marketplaceConfig)
if (marketplaceConfig.AccountIndexOverride != null) return marketplaceConfig.AccountIndexOverride.Value;
return Index;

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
using DistTestCore.Marketplace;
using KubernetesWorkflow;
namespace DistTestCore.Codex
public class CodexDeployment
public CodexDeployment(GethStartResult gethStartResult, RunningContainer[] codexContainers)
GethStartResult = gethStartResult;
CodexContainers = codexContainers;
public GethStartResult GethStartResult { get; }
public RunningContainer[] CodexContainers { get; }

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace DistTestCore
ICodexSetup EnableMetrics();
ICodexSetup EnableMarketplace(TestToken initialBalance);
ICodexSetup EnableMarketplace(TestToken initialBalance, Ether initialEther);
ICodexSetup EnableMarketplace(TestToken initialBalance, Ether initialEther, bool isValidator);
public class CodexSetup : CodexStartupConfig, ICodexSetup
@ -62,7 +63,12 @@ namespace DistTestCore
public ICodexSetup EnableMarketplace(TestToken initialBalance, Ether initialEther)
MarketplaceConfig = new MarketplaceInitialConfig(initialEther, initialBalance);
return EnableMarketplace(initialBalance, initialEther, false);
public ICodexSetup EnableMarketplace(TestToken initialBalance, Ether initialEther, bool isValidator)
MarketplaceConfig = new MarketplaceInitialConfig(initialEther, initialBalance, isValidator);
return this;

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@ -17,10 +17,20 @@ namespace DistTestCore
kubeConfigFile = GetNullableEnvVarOrDefault("KUBECONFIG", null);
logPath = GetEnvVarOrDefault("LOGPATH", "CodexTestLogs");
logDebug = GetEnvVarOrDefault("LOGDEBUG", "false").ToLowerInvariant() == "true";
logDebug = GetEnvVarOrDefault("LOGDEBUG", "true").ToLowerInvariant() == "true";
dataFilesPath = GetEnvVarOrDefault("DATAFILEPATH", "TestDataFiles");
codexLogLevel = ParseEnum<CodexLogLevel>(GetEnvVarOrDefault("LOGLEVEL", nameof(CodexLogLevel.Trace)));
runnerLocation = ParseEnum<TestRunnerLocation>(GetEnvVarOrDefault("RUNNERLOCATION", nameof(TestRunnerLocation.ExternalToCluster)));
codexLogLevel = ParseEnum.Parse<CodexLogLevel>(GetEnvVarOrDefault("LOGLEVEL", nameof(CodexLogLevel.Trace)));
runnerLocation = ParseEnum.Parse<TestRunnerLocation>(GetEnvVarOrDefault("RUNNERLOCATION", nameof(TestRunnerLocation.ExternalToCluster)));
public Configuration(string? kubeConfigFile, string logPath, bool logDebug, string dataFilesPath, CodexLogLevel codexLogLevel, TestRunnerLocation runnerLocation)
this.kubeConfigFile = kubeConfigFile;
this.logPath = logPath;
this.logDebug = logDebug;
this.dataFilesPath = dataFilesPath;
this.codexLogLevel = codexLogLevel;
this.runnerLocation = runnerLocation;
public KubernetesWorkflow.Configuration GetK8sConfiguration(ITimeSet timeSet)
@ -75,11 +85,6 @@ namespace DistTestCore
if (v == null) return defaultValue;
return v;
private static T ParseEnum<T>(string value)
return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, true);
public enum TestRunnerLocation

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@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ namespace DistTestCore
private void TransferInitialBalance(MarketplaceNetwork marketplaceNetwork, MarketplaceInitialConfig marketplaceConfig, GethCompanionNodeInfo companionNode)
if (marketplaceConfig.InitialTestTokens.Amount == 0) return;
var interaction = marketplaceNetwork.StartInteraction(lifecycle);
var tokenAddress = marketplaceNetwork.Marketplace.TokenAddress;

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@ -2,13 +2,16 @@
public class MarketplaceInitialConfig
public MarketplaceInitialConfig(Ether initialEth, TestToken initialTestTokens)
public MarketplaceInitialConfig(Ether initialEth, TestToken initialTestTokens, bool isValidator)
InitialEth = initialEth;
InitialTestTokens = initialTestTokens;
IsValidator = isValidator;
public Ether InitialEth { get; }
public TestToken InitialTestTokens { get; }
public bool IsValidator { get; }
public int? AccountIndexOverride { get; set; }

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@ -7,15 +7,18 @@ namespace DistTestCore
public class TestLifecycle
private readonly WorkflowCreator workflowCreator;
private DateTime testStart = DateTime.MinValue;
public TestLifecycle(TestLog log, Configuration configuration, ITimeSet timeSet)
: this(log, configuration, timeSet, new WorkflowCreator(log, configuration.GetK8sConfiguration(timeSet)))
public TestLifecycle(TestLog log, Configuration configuration, ITimeSet timeSet, WorkflowCreator workflowCreator)
Log = log;
Configuration = configuration;
TimeSet = timeSet;
workflowCreator = new WorkflowCreator(log, configuration.GetK8sConfiguration(timeSet));
FileManager = new FileManager(Log, configuration);
CodexStarter = new CodexStarter(this, workflowCreator);

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@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ namespace Logging
public void Log(string message)
public virtual void Log(string message)
public void Debug(string message = "", int skipFrames = 0)
public virtual void Debug(string message = "", int skipFrames = 0)
if (debug)
@ -40,25 +40,25 @@ namespace Logging
public void Error(string message)
public virtual void Error(string message)
Log($"[ERROR] {message}");
public void MarkAsFailed()
public virtual void MarkAsFailed()
if (hasFailed) return;
hasFailed = true;
public void AddStringReplace(string from, string to)
public virtual void AddStringReplace(string from, string to)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(from)) return;
replacements.Add(new BaseLogStringReplacement(from, to));
public void Delete()
public virtual void Delete()

Utils/ParseEnum.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace Utils
public static class ParseEnum
public static T Parse<T>(string value)
return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, true);

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@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "Logging", "Logging\Logging.
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "NethereumWorkflow", "Nethereum\NethereumWorkflow.csproj", "{D6C3555E-D52D-4993-A87B-71AB650398FD}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ContinuousTests", "ContinuousTests\ContinuousTests.csproj", "{025B7074-0A09-4FCC-9BB9-03AE2A961EA1}"
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "ContinuousTests", "ContinuousTests\ContinuousTests.csproj", "{025B7074-0A09-4FCC-9BB9-03AE2A961EA1}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "CodexNetDeployer", "CodexNetDeployer\CodexNetDeployer.csproj", "{871CAF12-14BE-4509-BC6E-20FDF0B1083A}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
@ -57,6 +59,10 @@ Global
{025B7074-0A09-4FCC-9BB9-03AE2A961EA1}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{025B7074-0A09-4FCC-9BB9-03AE2A961EA1}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{025B7074-0A09-4FCC-9BB9-03AE2A961EA1}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{871CAF12-14BE-4509-BC6E-20FDF0B1083A}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{871CAF12-14BE-4509-BC6E-20FDF0B1083A}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{871CAF12-14BE-4509-BC6E-20FDF0B1083A}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{871CAF12-14BE-4509-BC6E-20FDF0B1083A}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE