Merge branch 'feature/peer-connection-check-on-deploy'
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
validatorsLeft = numberOfValidators;
public RunningContainer? Start(int i)
public CodexNodeStartResult? Start(int i)
Console.Write($" - {i} = ");
var workflow = lifecycle.WorkflowCreator.CreateWorkflow();
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bootstrapSpr)) bootstrapSpr = debugInfo.spr;
return container;
return new CodexNodeStartResult(workflow, container, codexAccess);
@ -102,4 +102,18 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
return codexStart;
public class CodexNodeStartResult
public CodexNodeStartResult(StartupWorkflow workflow, RunningContainer container, CodexAccess access)
Workflow = workflow;
Container = container;
Access = access;
public StartupWorkflow Workflow { get; }
public RunningContainer Container { get; }
public CodexAccess Access { get; }
@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
[Uniform("teststype-podlabel", "ttpl", "TESTSTYPE-PODLABEL", false, "Each kubernetes pod will be created with a label 'teststype' with value 'continuous'. " +
"set this option to override the label value.")]
public string TestsTypePodLabel { get; set; } = "continuous-tests";
[Uniform("check-connect", "cc", "CHECKCONNECT", false, "If true, deployer check ensure peer-connectivity between all deployed nodes after deployment.")]
public bool CheckPeerConnection { get; set; } = false;
public List<string> Validate()
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
public class Deployer
private readonly Configuration config;
private readonly NullLog log;
private readonly DefaultTimeSet timeset;
private readonly PeerConnectivityChecker peerConnectivityChecker;
public Deployer(Configuration config)
this.config = config;
log = new NullLog();
timeset = new DefaultTimeSet();
peerConnectivityChecker = new PeerConnectivityChecker();
public CodexDeployment Deploy()
@ -45,16 +45,19 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
// Each node must have its own IP, so it needs it own pod. Start them 1 at a time.
var codexStarter = new CodexNodeStarter(config, lifecycle, gethResults, config.NumberOfValidators!.Value);
var codexContainers = new List<RunningContainer>();
var startResults = new List<CodexNodeStartResult>();
for (var i = 0; i < config.NumberOfCodexNodes; i++)
var container = codexStarter.Start(i);
if (container != null) codexContainers.Add(container);
var result = codexStarter.Start(i);
if (result != null) startResults.Add(result);
var (prometheusContainer, grafanaStartInfo) = StartMetricsService(lifecycle, setup, codexContainers);
var (prometheusContainer, grafanaStartInfo) = StartMetricsService(lifecycle, setup, startResults.Select(r => r.Container));
return new CodexDeployment(gethResults, codexContainers.ToArray(), prometheusContainer, grafanaStartInfo, CreateMetadata());
return new CodexDeployment(gethResults, startResults.Select(r => r.Container).ToArray(), prometheusContainer, grafanaStartInfo, CreateMetadata());
private TestLifecycle CreateTestLifecycle()
@ -71,10 +74,10 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
k8sNamespacePrefix: config.KubeNamespace
return new TestLifecycle(log, lifecycleConfig, timeset, config.TestsTypePodLabel, string.Empty);
return new TestLifecycle(new NullLog(), lifecycleConfig, timeset, config.TestsTypePodLabel, string.Empty);
private (RunningContainer?, GrafanaStartInfo?) StartMetricsService(TestLifecycle lifecycle, CodexSetup setup, List<RunningContainer> codexContainers)
private (RunningContainer?, GrafanaStartInfo?) StartMetricsService(TestLifecycle lifecycle, CodexSetup setup, IEnumerable<RunningContainer> codexContainers)
if (setup.MetricsMode == DistTestCore.Metrics.MetricsMode.None) return (null, null);
@ -95,6 +98,35 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
return kubeConfigFile;
private void CheckPeerConnectivity(List<CodexNodeStartResult> codexContainers)
if (!config.CheckPeerConnection) return;
Log("Starting peer-connectivity check for deployed nodes...");
Log("Check passed.");
private void CheckContainerRestarts(List<CodexNodeStartResult> startResults)
var crashes = new List<RunningContainer>();
foreach (var startResult in startResults)
var watcher = startResult.Workflow.CreateCrashWatcher(startResult.Container);
if (watcher.HasContainerCrashed()) crashes.Add(startResult.Container);
if (!crashes.Any())
Log("Container restart check passed.");
Log($"Deployment failed. The following containers have crashed: {string.Join(",", crashes.Select(c => c.Name))}");
throw new Exception("Deployment failed: One or more containers crashed.");
private DeploymentMetadata CreateMetadata()
return new DeploymentMetadata(
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
using DistTestCore.Helpers;
using Logging;
namespace CodexNetDeployer
public class PeerConnectivityChecker
public void CheckConnectivity(List<CodexNodeStartResult> startResults)
var log = new ConsoleLog();
var checker = new PeerConnectionTestHelpers(log);
var access = startResults.Select(r => r.Access);
public class ConsoleLog : BaseLog
public ConsoleLog() : base(false)
protected override string GetFullName()
return "CONSOLE";
public override void Log(string message)
@ -56,8 +56,5 @@ public class Program
Console.WriteLine("CodexNetDeployer allows you to easily deploy multiple Codex nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. " +
"The deployer will set up the required supporting services, deploy the Codex on-chain contracts, start and bootstrap the Codex instances. " +
"All Kubernetes objects will be created in the namespace provided, allowing you to easily find, modify, and delete them afterwards." + nl);
Console.WriteLine("CodexNetDeployer assumes you are running this tool from *inside* the Kubernetes cluster you want to deploy to. " +
"If you are not running this from a container inside the cluster, add the argument '--external'." + nl);
@ -12,4 +12,5 @@ dotnet run \
--block-ttl=180 \
--block-mi=120 \
--block-mn=10000 \
--metrics=Dashboard \
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using DistTestCore;
using Logging;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace ContinuousTests.Tests
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ namespace ContinuousTests.Tests
var filesize = filesizePerUploadMb.MB();
double codexDefaultBlockSize = 31 * 64 * 33;
var numberOfBlocks = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Ceiling(filesize.SizeInBytes / codexDefaultBlockSize));
var sizeInBytes = filesize.SizeInBytes;
Assert.That(numberOfBlocks, Is.EqualTo(1282));
file = FileManager.GenerateTestFile(filesize);
@ -34,75 +32,8 @@ namespace ContinuousTests.Tests
cid = UploadFile(Nodes[0], file);
Assert.That(cid, Is.Not.Null);
var cidTag = cid!.Id.Substring(cid.Id.Length - 6);
Stopwatch.Measure(Log, "upload-log-asserts", () =>
var uploadLog = DownloadContainerLog(Nodes[0].Container, 50000);
var storeLines = uploadLog.FindLinesThatContain("Stored data", "topics=\"codex node\"");
var storeLine = GetLineForCidTag(storeLines, cidTag);
AssertStoreLineContains(storeLine, numberOfBlocks, sizeInBytes);
var dl = DownloadFile(Nodes[0], cid!);
Stopwatch.Measure(Log, "download-log-asserts", () =>
var downloadLog = DownloadContainerLog(Nodes[0].Container, 50000);
var sentLines = downloadLog.FindLinesThatContain("Sent bytes", "topics=\"codex restapi\"");
var sentLine = GetLineForCidTag(sentLines, cidTag);
AssertSentLineContains(sentLine, sizeInBytes);
private void AssertSentLineContains(string sentLine, long sizeInBytes)
var tag = "bytes=";
var token = sentLine.Substring(sentLine.IndexOf(tag) + tag.Length);
var bytes = Convert.ToInt64(token);
Assert.AreEqual(sizeInBytes, bytes, $"Sent bytes: Number of bytes incorrect. Line: '{sentLine}'");
private void AssertStoreLineContains(string storeLine, long numberOfBlocks, long sizeInBytes)
var tokens = storeLine.Split(" ");
var blocksToken = GetToken(tokens, "blocks=");
var sizeToken = GetToken(tokens, "size=");
if (blocksToken == null) Assert.Fail("blockToken not found in " + storeLine);
if (sizeToken == null) Assert.Fail("sizeToken not found in " + storeLine);
var blocks = Convert.ToInt64(blocksToken);
var size = Convert.ToInt64(sizeToken?.Replace("'NByte", ""));
var lineLog = $" Line: '{storeLine}'";
Assert.AreEqual(numberOfBlocks, blocks, "Stored data: Number of blocks incorrect." + lineLog);
Assert.AreEqual(sizeInBytes, size, "Stored data: Number of blocks incorrect." + lineLog);
private string GetLineForCidTag(string[] lines, string cidTag)
var result = lines.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Contains(cidTag));
if (result == null)
Assert.Fail($"Failed to find '{cidTag}' in lines: '{string.Join(",", lines)}'");
throw new Exception();
return result;
private string? GetToken(string[] tokens, string tag)
var token = tokens.SingleOrDefault(t => t.StartsWith(tag));
if (token == null) return null;
return token.Substring(tag.Length);
@ -88,13 +88,17 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Codex
return Http().HttpGetString($"connect/{peerId}?addrs={peerMultiAddress}");
private Http Http()
public string GetName()
return new Http(log, timeSet, Address, baseUrl: "/api/codex/v1", Container.Name);
return Container.Name;
private void CheckContainerCrashed()
private Http Http()
return new Http(log, timeSet, Address, baseUrl: "/api/codex/v1", CheckContainerCrashed, Container.Name);
private void CheckContainerCrashed(HttpClient client)
if (hasContainerCrashed) throw new Exception("Container has crashed.");
@ -30,14 +30,8 @@ namespace DistTestCore
var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
fixtureLog = new FixtureLog(logConfig, startTime);
statusLog = new StatusLog(logConfig, startTime);
PeerConnectionTestHelpers = new PeerConnectionTestHelpers(this);
PeerDownloadTestHelpers = new PeerDownloadTestHelpers(this);
public PeerConnectionTestHelpers PeerConnectionTestHelpers { get; }
public PeerDownloadTestHelpers PeerDownloadTestHelpers { get; }
public void GlobalSetup()
@ -175,6 +169,16 @@ namespace DistTestCore
public PeerConnectionTestHelpers CreatePeerConnectionTestHelpers()
return new PeerConnectionTestHelpers(GetTestLog());
public PeerDownloadTestHelpers CreatePeerDownloadTestHelpers()
return new PeerDownloadTestHelpers(GetTestLog(), Get().FileManager);
public void Measure(string name, Action action)
Stopwatch.Measure(Get().Log, name, action);
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using DistTestCore.Codex;
using Logging;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Utils;
@ -14,23 +15,23 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
public class FullConnectivityHelper
private static string Nl = Environment.NewLine;
private readonly DistTest test;
private readonly BaseLog log;
private readonly IFullConnectivityImplementation implementation;
public FullConnectivityHelper(DistTest test, IFullConnectivityImplementation implementation)
public FullConnectivityHelper(BaseLog log, IFullConnectivityImplementation implementation)
this.test = test;
this.log = log;
this.implementation = implementation;
public void AssertFullyConnected(IEnumerable<IOnlineCodexNode> nodes)
public void AssertFullyConnected(IEnumerable<CodexAccess> nodes)
private void AssertFullyConnected(IOnlineCodexNode[] nodes)
private void AssertFullyConnected(CodexAccess[] nodes)
test.Log($"Asserting '{implementation.Description()}' for nodes: '{string.Join(",", nodes.Select(n => n.GetName()))}'...");
Log($"Asserting '{implementation.Description()}' for nodes: '{string.Join(",", nodes.Select(n => n.GetName()))}'...");
var entries = CreateEntries(nodes);
var pairs = CreatePairs(entries);
@ -43,19 +44,19 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
var pairDetails = string.Join(Nl, pairs.SelectMany(p => p.GetResultMessages()));
test.Log($"Connections failed:{Nl}{pairDetails}");
Log($"Connections failed:{Nl}{pairDetails}");
Assert.Fail(string.Join(Nl, pairs.SelectMany(p => p.GetResultMessages())));
test.Log($"'{implementation.Description()}' = Success! for nodes: {string.Join(",", nodes.Select(n => n.GetName()))}");
Log($"'{implementation.Description()}' = Success! for nodes: {string.Join(",", nodes.Select(n => n.GetName()))}");
private static void RetryWhilePairs(List<Pair> pairs, Action action)
var timeout = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
var timeout = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);
while (pairs.Any(p => p.Inconclusive) && timeout > DateTime.UtcNow)
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
foreach (var pair in selectedPair)
if (pair.Success)
@ -81,10 +82,10 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
test.Log($"Connections successful:{Nl}{string.Join(Nl, pairDetails)}");
Log($"Connections successful:{Nl}{string.Join(Nl, pairDetails)}");
private Entry[] CreateEntries(IOnlineCodexNode[] nodes)
private Entry[] CreateEntries(CodexAccess[] nodes)
var entries = nodes.Select(n => new Entry(n)).ToArray();
@ -117,15 +118,20 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
private void Log(string msg)
public class Entry
public Entry(IOnlineCodexNode node)
public Entry(CodexAccess node)
Node = node;
Response = node.GetDebugInfo();
public IOnlineCodexNode Node { get; }
public CodexAccess Node { get; }
public CodexDebugResponse Response { get; }
public override string ToString()
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using DistTestCore.Codex;
using Logging;
using static DistTestCore.Helpers.FullConnectivityHelper;
namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
@ -7,12 +8,17 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
private readonly FullConnectivityHelper helper;
public PeerConnectionTestHelpers(DistTest test)
public PeerConnectionTestHelpers(BaseLog log)
helper = new FullConnectivityHelper(test, this);
helper = new FullConnectivityHelper(log, this);
public void AssertFullyConnected(IEnumerable<IOnlineCodexNode> nodes)
AssertFullyConnected(nodes.Select(n => ((OnlineCodexNode)n).CodexAccess));
public void AssertFullyConnected(IEnumerable<CodexAccess> nodes)
@ -57,9 +63,8 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
var peer = allEntries.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Response.table.localNode.peerId == node.peerId);
if (peer == null) return $"peerId: {node.peerId} is not known.";
var n = (OnlineCodexNode)peer.Node;
var ip = n.CodexAccess.Container.Pod.PodInfo.Ip;
var discPort = n.CodexAccess.Container.Recipe.GetPortByTag(CodexContainerRecipe.DiscoveryPortTag);
var ip = peer.Node.Container.Pod.PodInfo.Ip;
var discPort = peer.Node.Container.Recipe.GetPortByTag(CodexContainerRecipe.DiscoveryPortTag);
return $"{ip}:{discPort.Number}";
@ -1,21 +1,30 @@
using static DistTestCore.Helpers.FullConnectivityHelper;
using DistTestCore.Codex;
using Logging;
using static DistTestCore.Helpers.FullConnectivityHelper;
namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
public class PeerDownloadTestHelpers : IFullConnectivityImplementation
private readonly FullConnectivityHelper helper;
private readonly DistTest test;
private readonly BaseLog log;
private readonly FileManager fileManager;
private ByteSize testFileSize;
public PeerDownloadTestHelpers(DistTest test)
public PeerDownloadTestHelpers(BaseLog log, FileManager fileManager)
helper = new FullConnectivityHelper(test, this);
helper = new FullConnectivityHelper(log, this);
testFileSize = 1.MB();
this.test = test;
this.log = log;
this.fileManager = fileManager;
public void AssertFullDownloadInterconnectivity(IEnumerable<IOnlineCodexNode> nodes, ByteSize testFileSize)
AssertFullDownloadInterconnectivity(nodes.Select(n => ((OnlineCodexNode)n).CodexAccess), testFileSize);
public void AssertFullDownloadInterconnectivity(IEnumerable<CodexAccess> nodes, ByteSize testFileSize)
this.testFileSize = testFileSize;
@ -33,13 +42,15 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
public PeerConnectionState Check(Entry from, Entry to)
var expectedFile = GenerateTestFile(from.Node, to.Node);
var contentId = from.Node.UploadFile(expectedFile);
using var uploadStream = File.OpenRead(expectedFile.Filename);
var contentId = Stopwatch.Measure(log, "Upload", () => from.Node.UploadFile(uploadStream));
var downloadedFile = to.Node.DownloadContent(contentId, expectedFile.Label + "_downloaded");
var downloadedFile = Stopwatch.Measure(log, "Download", () => DownloadFile(to.Node, contentId, expectedFile.Label + "_downloaded"));
return PeerConnectionState.Connection;
@ -49,16 +60,29 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Helpers
// We consider that as no-connection for the purpose of this test.
return PeerConnectionState.NoConnection;
// Should an exception occur during upload, then this try is inconclusive and we try again next loop.
private TestFile GenerateTestFile(IOnlineCodexNode uploader, IOnlineCodexNode downloader)
private TestFile DownloadFile(CodexAccess node, string contentId, string label)
var downloadedFile = fileManager.CreateEmptyTestFile(label);
using var downloadStream = File.OpenWrite(downloadedFile.Filename);
using var stream = node.DownloadFile(contentId);
return downloadedFile;
private TestFile GenerateTestFile(CodexAccess uploader, CodexAccess downloader)
var up = uploader.GetName().Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "");
var down = downloader.GetName().Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "");
var label = $"~from:{up}-to:{down}~";
return test.GenerateTestFile(testFileSize, label);
return fileManager.GenerateTestFile(testFileSize, label);
@ -512,6 +512,203 @@
"title": "Bytes used",
"type": "timeseries"
"collapsed": false,
"gridPos": {
"h": 1,
"w": 24,
"x": 0,
"y": 2
"id": 24,
"panels": [],
"title": "Network Status",
"type": "row"
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
"uid": "c89eaad3-9184-429f-ac94-8ba0b1824dbb"
"fieldConfig": {
"defaults": {
"color": {
"mode": "palette-classic"
"custom": {
"axisCenteredZero": false,
"axisColorMode": "text",
"axisLabel": "",
"axisPlacement": "auto",
"barAlignment": 0,
"drawStyle": "line",
"fillOpacity": 0,
"gradientMode": "none",
"hideFrom": {
"legend": false,
"tooltip": false,
"viz": false
"lineInterpolation": "linear",
"lineWidth": 1,
"pointSize": 5,
"scaleDistribution": {
"type": "linear"
"showPoints": "auto",
"spanNulls": false,
"stacking": {
"group": "A",
"mode": "none"
"thresholdsStyle": {
"mode": "off"
"mappings": [],
"thresholds": {
"mode": "absolute",
"steps": [
"color": "green",
"value": null
"color": "red",
"value": 80
"overrides": []
"gridPos": {
"h": 8,
"w": 12,
"x": 0,
"y": 3
"id": 25,
"options": {
"legend": {
"calcs": [],
"displayMode": "list",
"placement": "bottom",
"showLegend": false
"tooltip": {
"mode": "single",
"sort": "none"
"targets": [
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
"uid": "c89eaad3-9184-429f-ac94-8ba0b1824dbb"
"editorMode": "builder",
"expr": "libp2p_peers",
"instant": false,
"range": true,
"refId": "A"
"title": "Peers",
"type": "timeseries"
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
"uid": "c89eaad3-9184-429f-ac94-8ba0b1824dbb"
"fieldConfig": {
"defaults": {
"color": {
"mode": "palette-classic"
"custom": {
"axisCenteredZero": false,
"axisColorMode": "text",
"axisLabel": "",
"axisPlacement": "auto",
"barAlignment": 0,
"drawStyle": "line",
"fillOpacity": 0,
"gradientMode": "none",
"hideFrom": {
"legend": false,
"tooltip": false,
"viz": false
"lineInterpolation": "linear",
"lineWidth": 1,
"pointSize": 5,
"scaleDistribution": {
"type": "linear"
"showPoints": "auto",
"spanNulls": false,
"stacking": {
"group": "A",
"mode": "none"
"thresholdsStyle": {
"mode": "off"
"mappings": [],
"thresholds": {
"mode": "absolute",
"steps": [
"color": "green",
"value": null
"color": "red",
"value": 80
"overrides": []
"gridPos": {
"h": 8,
"w": 12,
"x": 12,
"y": 3
"id": 26,
"options": {
"legend": {
"calcs": [],
"displayMode": "list",
"placement": "bottom",
"showLegend": false
"tooltip": {
"mode": "single",
"sort": "none"
"targets": [
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
"uid": "c89eaad3-9184-429f-ac94-8ba0b1824dbb"
"editorMode": "builder",
"expr": "routing_table_nodes",
"instant": false,
"range": true,
"refId": "A"
"title": "Routing table nodes",
"type": "timeseries"
"collapsed": false,
"gridPos": {
@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ namespace KubernetesWorkflow
if (workerException != null) throw new Exception("Exception occurred in CrashWatcher worker thread.", workerException);
public bool HasContainerCrashed()
using var client = new Kubernetes(config);
return HasContainerBeenRestarted(client, container.Pod.PodInfo.Name);
private void Worker()
@ -57,7 +63,7 @@ namespace KubernetesWorkflow
private void MonitorContainer(CancellationToken token)
var client = new Kubernetes(config);
using var client = new Kubernetes(config);
while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
@ -65,9 +71,7 @@ namespace KubernetesWorkflow
var pod = container.Pod;
var recipe = container.Recipe;
var podName = pod.PodInfo.Name;
var podInfo = client.ReadNamespacedPod(podName, k8sNamespace);
if (podInfo.Status.ContainerStatuses.Any(c => c.RestartCount > 0))
if (HasContainerBeenRestarted(client, podName))
DownloadCrashedContainerLogs(client, podName, recipe);
@ -75,6 +79,12 @@ namespace KubernetesWorkflow
private bool HasContainerBeenRestarted(Kubernetes client, string podName)
var podInfo = client.ReadNamespacedPod(podName, k8sNamespace);
return podInfo.Status.ContainerStatuses.Any(c => c.RestartCount > 0);
private void DownloadCrashedContainerLogs(Kubernetes client, string podName, ContainerRecipe recipe)
log.Log("Pod crash detected for " + container.Name);
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using DistTestCore.Helpers;
using DistTestCore;
using DistTestCore;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace TestsLong.DownloadConnectivityTests
@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ namespace TestsLong.DownloadConnectivityTests
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) SetupCodexNode();
PeerDownloadTestHelpers.AssertFullDownloadInterconnectivity(GetAllOnlineCodexNodes(), sizeMBs.MB());
CreatePeerDownloadTestHelpers().AssertFullDownloadInterconnectivity(GetAllOnlineCodexNodes(), sizeMBs.MB());
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace Tests.BasicTests
public class TwoClientTests : DistTest
public void TwoClientsOnePodTest()
public void TwoClientTest()
var group = SetupCodexNodes(2);
@ -18,15 +18,6 @@ namespace Tests.BasicTests
PerformTwoClientTest(primary, secondary);
public void TwoClientsTwoPodsTest()
var primary = SetupCodexNode();
var secondary = SetupCodexNode();
PerformTwoClientTest(primary, secondary);
public void TwoClientsTwoLocationsTest()
@ -6,15 +6,36 @@ namespace Tests.DownloadConnectivityTests
public class FullyConnectedDownloadTests : AutoBootstrapDistTest
public void MetricsDoesNotInterfereWithPeerDownload()
SetupCodexNodes(2, s => s.EnableMetrics());
public void MarketplaceDoesNotInterfereWithPeerDownload()
SetupCodexNodes(2, s => s.EnableMetrics().EnableMarketplace(1000.TestTokens()));
public void FullyConnectedDownloadTest(
[Values(1, 3, 5)] int numberOfNodes,
[Values(1, 10)] int sizeMBs)
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) SetupCodexNode();
PeerDownloadTestHelpers.AssertFullDownloadInterconnectivity(GetAllOnlineCodexNodes(), sizeMBs.MB());
private void AssertAllNodesConnected(int sizeMBs = 10)
CreatePeerDownloadTestHelpers().AssertFullDownloadInterconnectivity(GetAllOnlineCodexNodes(), sizeMBs.MB());
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using DistTestCore;
using DistTestCore.Helpers;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Tests.PeerDiscoveryTests
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ namespace Tests.PeerDiscoveryTests
private void AssertAllNodesConnected()
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using DistTestCore;
using DistTestCore.Helpers;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Tests.PeerDiscoveryTests
@ -17,23 +16,36 @@ namespace Tests.PeerDiscoveryTests
Assert.That(result.IsPeerFound, Is.False);
public void MetricsDoesNotInterfereWithPeerDiscovery()
SetupCodexNodes(2, s => s.EnableMetrics());
public void MarketplaceDoesNotInterfereWithPeerDiscovery()
SetupCodexNodes(2, s => s.EnableMarketplace(1000.TestTokens()));
public void VariableNodesInPods(int number)
public void VariableNodes(int number)
for (var i = 0; i < number; i++)
private void AssertAllNodesConnected()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user