Implements elastic search log downloader. Requires log-counter codex update!
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,17 +58,6 @@ namespace Core
var workflow = entryPoint.Tools.CreateWorkflow();
return workflow.ExecuteCommand(container, command, args);
public IHttp CreateHttp()
var address = new Address("http://localhost", 9200);
var baseUrl = "";
return entryPoint.Tools.CreateHttp(address, baseUrl, client =>
// -H "kbn-xsrf: reporting" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("kbn-xsrf", "reporting");
public interface IHasContainer
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ namespace Core
TResponse HttpPostJson<TRequest, TResponse>(string route, TRequest body);
string HttpPostJson<TRequest>(string route, TRequest body);
string HttpPostString(string route, string body);
TResponse HttpPostString<TResponse>(string route, string body);
string HttpPostStream(string route, Stream stream);
Stream HttpGetStream(string route);
T TryJsonDeserialize<T>(string json);
@ -99,6 +100,15 @@ namespace Core
}, $"HTTP-POST-STRING: {route}");
public TResponse HttpPostString<TResponse>(string route, string body)
var response = HttpPostString(route, body);
if (response == null) throw new Exception("Received no response.");
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TResponse>(response);
if (result == null) throw new Exception("Failed to deserialize response");
return result;
public string HttpPostStream(string route, Stream stream)
return Retry(() =>
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
using Logging;
namespace ContinuousTests
public class ContainerLogStream
private readonly StreamReader reader;
private readonly Stream stream;
private readonly LogFile targetFile;
private readonly CancellationToken token;
private readonly TaskFactory taskFactory;
private int lastNumber = -1;
public bool Fault { get; private set; }
private bool run;
public ContainerLogStream(Stream stream, string name, LogFile targetFile, CancellationToken token, TaskFactory taskFactory)
|||| = stream;
this.targetFile = targetFile;
this.token = token;
this.taskFactory = taskFactory;
Fault = false;
reader = new StreamReader(stream);
public void Run()
run = true;
taskFactory.Run(() =>
while (run && !token.IsCancellationRequested)
public void Stop()
run = false;
public void DeleteFile()
if (run) throw new Exception("Cannot delete file while stream is still running.");
private void Monitor()
var line = reader.ReadLine();
while (run && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && !token.IsCancellationRequested)
line = reader.ReadLine();
private void ProcessLine(string s)
// 000000004298
var sub = s.Substring(0, 12);
if (!int.TryParse(sub, out int number)) return;
if (lastNumber == -1)
lastNumber = number;
var expectedNumber = lastNumber + 1;
if (number != expectedNumber)
Fault = true;
lastNumber = number;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
using Core;
using KubernetesWorkflow;
using Logging;
using Utils;
namespace ContinuousTests
public class ElasticSearchLogDownloader
private readonly IPluginTools tools;
private readonly ILog log;
public ElasticSearchLogDownloader(IPluginTools tools, ILog log)
|||| = tools;
this.log = log;
public void Download(LogFile targetFile, RunningContainer container, DateTime startUtc, DateTime endUtc)
DownloadLog(targetFile, container, startUtc, endUtc);
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("Failed to download log: " + ex);
private void DownloadLog(LogFile targetFile, RunningContainer container, DateTime startUtc, DateTime endUtc)
log.Log($"Downloading log (from ElasticSearch) for container '{container.Name}' within time range: " +
$"{startUtc.ToString("o")} - {endUtc.ToString("o")}");
var http = CreateElasticSearchHttp();
var queryTemplate = CreateQueryTemplate(container, startUtc, endUtc);
targetFile.Write($"Downloading '{container.Name}' to '{targetFile.FullFilename}'.");
var reconstructor = new LogReconstructor(targetFile, http, queryTemplate);
log.Log("Log download finished.");
private string CreateQueryTemplate(RunningContainer container, DateTime startUtc, DateTime endUtc)
var podName = container.Pod.PodInfo.Name;
var start = startUtc.ToString("o");
var end = endUtc.ToString("o");
var source = "{ \"sort\": [ { \"@timestamp\": { \"order\": \"asc\" } } ], \"fields\": [ { \"field\": \"@timestamp\", \"format\": \"strict_date_optional_time\" }, { \"field\": \"pod_name\" }, { \"field\": \"message\" } ], \"size\": <SIZE>, <SEARCHAFTER> \"_source\": false, \"query\": { \"bool\": { \"must\": [], \"filter\": [ { \"range\": { \"@timestamp\": { \"format\": \"strict_date_optional_time\", \"gte\": \"<STARTTIME>\", \"lte\": \"<ENDTIME>\" } } }, { \"match_phrase\": { \"pod_name\": \"<PODNAME>\" } } ] } } }";
return source
.Replace("<STARTTIME>", start)
.Replace("<ENDTIME>", end)
.Replace("<PODNAME>", podName);
private IHttp CreateElasticSearchHttp()
var address = new Address("http://localhost", 9200);
var baseUrl = "";
return tools.CreateHttp(address, baseUrl, client =>
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("kbn-xsrf", "reporting");
public class LogReconstructor
private readonly List<LogQueueEntry> queue = new List<LogQueueEntry>();
private readonly LogFile targetFile;
private readonly IHttp http;
private readonly string queryTemplate;
private const int sizeOfPage = 2000;
private string searchAfter = "";
private int lastHits = 1;
private int lastLogLine = -1;
public LogReconstructor(LogFile targetFile, IHttp http, string queryTemplate)
this.targetFile = targetFile;
this.http = http;
this.queryTemplate = queryTemplate;
public void DownloadFullLog()
while (lastHits > 0)
private void QueryElasticSearch()
var query = queryTemplate
.Replace("<SIZE>", sizeOfPage.ToString())
.Replace("<SEARCHAFTER>", searchAfter);
var response = http.HttpPostString<SearchResponse>("_search", query);
lastHits = response.hits.hits.Length;
if (lastHits > 0)
foreach (var hit in response.hits.hits)
private void AddHitToQueue(SearchHitEntry hit)
var message = hit.fields.message.Single();
var sub = message.Substring(0, 12);
if (int.TryParse(sub, out int number))
queue.Add(new LogQueueEntry(message, number));
private void UpdateSearchAfter(SearchResponse response)
var uniqueSearchNumbers = response.hits.hits.Select(h => h.sort.Single()).Distinct().ToList();
var searchNumber = GetSearchNumber(uniqueSearchNumbers);
searchAfter = $"\"search_after\": [{searchNumber}],";
private long GetSearchNumber(List<long> uniqueSearchNumbers)
if (uniqueSearchNumbers.Count == 1) return uniqueSearchNumbers.First();
return uniqueSearchNumbers.Skip(1).First();
private void ProcessQueue()
while (queue.Any())
var wantedNumber = lastLogLine + 1;
var currentEntry = queue.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Number == wantedNumber);
if (currentEntry != null)
lastLogLine = currentEntry.Number;
// The line number we want is not in the queue.
// It will be returned by the elastic search query, some time in the future.
// Stop processing the queue for now.
private void WriteEntryToFile(LogQueueEntry currentEntry)
private void DeleteOldEntries(int wantedNumber)
queue.RemoveAll(e => e.Number < wantedNumber);
public class LogQueueEntry
public LogQueueEntry(string message, int number)
Message = message;
Number = number;
public string Message { get; }
public int Number { get; }
public class SearchResponse
public SearchHits hits { get; set; }
public class SearchHits
public SearchHitEntry[] hits { get; set; }
public class SearchHitEntry
public SearchHitFields fields { get; set; }
public long[] sort { get; set; }
public class SearchHitFields
public string[] @timestamp { get; set; }
public string[] message { get; set; }
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using System.Reflection;
using CodexPlugin;
using DistTestCore.Logs;
using Core;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace ContinuousTests
@ -63,24 +64,18 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
private void RunTest(Action<bool> resultHandler)
var ci = entryPoint.CreateInterface();
var monitors = nodes.Select(n => new ContainerLogStream(
stream: ci.MonitorLog(n),
name: n.GetName(),
targetFile: fixtureLog.CreateSubfile(),
token: cancelToken,
taskFactory: taskFactory)).ToArray();
var testStart = DateTime.UtcNow;
foreach (var m in monitors) m.Run();
fixtureLog.Log("Monitor start");
var duration = DateTime.UtcNow - testStart;
OverviewLog($" > Test passed. ({Time.FormatDuration(duration)})");
if (!config.KeepPassedTestLogs)
foreach (var m in monitors) m.DeleteFile();
@ -89,6 +84,8 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
fixtureLog.Error("Test run failed with exception: " + ex);
if (config.StopOnFailure > 0)
@ -101,12 +98,21 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
private void DownloadContainerLogs(DateTime testStart)
// The test failed just now. We can't expect the logs to be available in elastic-search immediately:
var effectiveStart = testStart.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
var effectiveEnd = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(30);
var elasticSearchLogDownloader = new ElasticSearchLogDownloader(entryPoint.Tools, fixtureLog);
foreach (var node in nodes)
fixtureLog.Log("Monitor stop");
foreach (var m in monitors) m.Stop();
if (monitors.Any(m => m.Fault)) throw new Exception("One or more downloaded container log is missing lines!");
var container = node.Container;
elasticSearchLogDownloader.Download(fixtureLog.CreateSubfile(), container, effectiveStart, effectiveEnd);
@ -144,7 +150,6 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
OverviewLog(" > Test passed.");
@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
using DistTestCore;
using GethPlugin;
using MetricsPlugin;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Utils;
@ -13,131 +10,6 @@ namespace Tests.BasicTests
public class ExampleTests : CodexDistTest
public void AAA()
var http = this.Ci.CreateHttp();
//var query = "{\r\n \"query\": {\r\n \"bool\": {\r\n \"filter\": [\r\n {\r\n \"term\": {\r\n \"container_image.keyword\": \"\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"term\": {\r\n \"pod_namespace.keyword\": \"codex-continuous-tests\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"term\": {\r\n \"pod_name.keyword\": \"codex3-workflow3-ff476767d-98zx4\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"range\": {\r\n \"@timestamp\": {\r\n \"lte\": \"2023-09-25T13:02:23.559Z\",\r\n \"gt\": \"2023-09-25T20:00:00.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}";
//var query = "{ \"query\": {\"bool\": { \"filter\": [{ \"term\": {\"container_image.keyword\": \"\" }},{ \"term\": {\"pod_namespace.keyword\": \"codex-continuous-tests\" }},{ \"term\": {\"pod_name.keyword\": \"codex3-workflow3-ff476767d-98zx4\" }},{ \"range\": {\"@timestamp\": { \"lte\": \"2023-09-29T13:02:23.559Z\", \"gt\": \"2023-09-20T20:00:00.000Z\"} }} ]} }}";
//var queryTemplate = "{ \"query\": {\"bool\": { \"filter\": [{ \"term\": {\"pod_namespace.keyword\": \"codex-continuous-tests\" }},{ \"term\": {\"pod_name.keyword\": \"bootstrap-2-599dfb4d65-v4v2b\" }},{ \"range\": {\"@timestamp\": { \"lte\": \"2023-10-03T13:02:23.559Z\", \"gt\": \"2023-09-01T20:00:00.000Z\"} }} ]} },\t\"_source\": \"message\",\t\"from\": <FROM>,\t\"size\": <SIZE>}";
var queryTemplate = "{ \"sort\": [ { \"@timestamp\": { \"order\": \"asc\" } } ], \"fields\": [ { \"field\": \"@timestamp\", \"format\": \"strict_date_optional_time\" }, { \"field\": \"pod_name\" }, { \"field\": \"message\" } ], \"size\": <SIZE>, <SEARCHAFTER> \"_source\": false, \"query\": { \"bool\": { \"must\": [], \"filter\": [ { \"range\": { \"@timestamp\": { \"format\": \"strict_date_optional_time\", \"gte\": \"2023-10-01T00:00:00.000Z\", \"lte\": \"2023-10-03T09:00:00.000Z\" } } }, { \"match_phrase\": { \"pod_name\": \"bootstrap-2-599dfb4d65-v4v2b\" } } ] } } }";
var outputFile = "c:\\Users\\Ben\\Desktop\\Cluster\\reconstructed.log";
var sizeOfPage = 2000;
var searchAfter = "";
var lastHits = 1;
var totalHits = 0;
var lastLogLine = -1;
var queue = new List<QueryLogEntry>();
//var jumpback = 0;
while (lastHits > 0)
//if (queue.Any()) jumpback++;
//else jumpback = 0;
var query = queryTemplate
.Replace("<SIZE>", sizeOfPage.ToString())
.Replace("<SEARCHAFTER>", searchAfter);
var output = http.HttpPostString("_search", query);
var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SearchResponse>(output)!;
lastHits = response.hits.hits.Length;
totalHits += response.hits.hits.Length;
if (lastHits > 0)
var uniqueSearchNumbers = response.hits.hits.Select(h => h.sort.Single()).Distinct().ToList();
var searchNumber = uniqueSearchNumbers.Skip(1).First().ToString();
searchAfter = $"\"search_after\": [{searchNumber}],";
foreach (var hit in response.hits.hits)
var message = hit.fields.message.Single();
var sub = message.Substring(0, 12);
if (int.TryParse(sub, out int number))
queue.Add(new QueryLogEntry(message, number));
// unload queue
var runQueue = 1;
while (runQueue > 0)
var wantedNumber = lastLogLine + 1;
var oldOnes = queue.Where(e => e.Number < wantedNumber).ToList();
foreach (var old in oldOnes) queue.Remove(old);
var entry = queue.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Number == wantedNumber);
if (entry != null)
File.AppendAllLines(outputFile, new[] { entry.Message });
lastLogLine = entry.Number;
if (!queue.Any()) runQueue = 0;
runQueue = 0;
//var ouput = http.HttpGetString("");
var aaa = 0;
public class QueryLogEntry
public QueryLogEntry(string message, int number)
Message = message;
Number = number;
public string Message { get; }
public int Number { get; }
public override string ToString()
return Number.ToString();
public class SearchResponse
public SearchHits hits { get; set; }
public class SearchHits
public SearchHitEntry[] hits { get; set; }
public class SearchHitEntry
public SearchHitFields fields { get; set; }
public long[] sort { get; set; }
public class SearchHitFields
public string[] @timestamp { get; set; }
public string[] message { get; set; }
public void CodexLogExample()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user