Using a common dotnet unit-test framework and a few other libraries, this project allows you to write tests that use multiple Codex node instances in various configurations to test the distributed system in a controlled, reproducible environment.
The framework is designed to be extended by project-specific plugins. These plugins contribute functionality and abstractions to the framework. Users of the framework use these to perform tasks such as testing and deploying.
Creating tests is much easier when you can debug them on your local system. This is possible, but requires some set-up. If you want to be able to run the tests on your local system, follow the steps [HERE](/docs/ Please note that tests which require explicit node locations cannot be executed locally. (Well, you could comment out the location statements and then it would probably work. But that might impact the validity/usefulness of the test.)
Surely the test-infra doesn't do everything we'll need it to do. If you're running into a limitation and would like to request a new feature for the test-infra, please create an issue.