2018-04-26 17:11:33 -04:00

110 lines
4.7 KiB

// Run with node test/messageTribute-signed.js
const Web3 = require('web3');
const MiniMeTokenFactoryJson = require('../dist/contracts/MiniMeTokenFactory.json');
const MiniMeTokenJson = require('../dist/contracts/MiniMeToken.json');
const MessageTributeJson = require('../dist/contracts/MessageTribute.json');
async function execute(){
let connectionURL = 'ws://localhost:8546';
const web3 = new Web3(connectionURL);
accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
let MiniMeTokenFactory = new web3.eth.Contract(MiniMeTokenFactoryJson.abi, null, {data: '0x' + MiniMeTokenFactoryJson.code});
MiniMeTokenFactory = await MiniMeTokenFactory.deploy({arguments: []}).send({from: accounts[0], gasLimit: 7000000});
let MiniMeToken = new web3.eth.Contract(MiniMeTokenJson.abi, null, {data: '0x' + MiniMeTokenJson.code});
MiniMeToken = await MiniMeToken.deploy({arguments: [
"Status Test Token",
true]}).send({from: accounts[0], gasLimit: 7000000});
let SNT = MiniMeToken;
let MessageTribute = new web3.eth.Contract(MessageTributeJson.abi, null, {data: '0x' + MessageTributeJson.code});
MessageTribute = await MessageTribute.deploy({arguments: [MiniMeToken.options.address]})
.send({from: accounts[0], gasLimit: 7000000});
const secret = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000123456";
await SNT.methods.generateTokens(accounts[0], 5000).send({from: accounts[0], gasLimit: 500000});
await SNT.methods.generateTokens(accounts[1], 5000).send({from: accounts[0], gasLimit: 500000});
// ==================================================================================
// Actual logic starts here
// ==================================================================================
// Account 0 sets a tribute to everyone
let receipt = await MessageTribute.methods
.setRequiredTribute("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 200, true)
.send({from: accounts[0]});
// Account 1 checks if there's a tribute set
const fee = web3.utils.toBN(await MessageTribute.methods.getRequiredFee(accounts[0]).call({from: accounts[1]}));
if({ // There's a fee
// Allow amount transfer
receipt = await SNT.methods.approve(accounts[0], fee).send({from: accounts[1], gasLimit: 700000});
// Create message to sign
const timeLimit = ( + 0) / 1000;
const hashedSecret = web3.utils.soliditySha3(accounts[0], secret);
let message = await MessageTribute.methods.getRequestAudienceHash(accounts[0], hashedSecret, timeLimit).call()
// We prepare a message to be sent via whisper
let requestPayload = {
"type": "request-audience",
"requestorSignature": await web3.eth.sign(message, accounts[1]),
"requestor": accounts[1],
"secret": secret,
"timeLimit": timeLimit
// Assume `requestPayload` is a message sent to account0 from account1 using asym key, and topic :tribute
// account0 receives the message, and if the type is "request-audience" prepares its reply
const approve = true;
const waive = false;
const requestorSignatureHash = web3.utils.soliditySha3(requestPayload.requestorSignature);
message = await MessageTribute.methods.getGrantAudienceHash(requestorSignatureHash, approve, waive, secret).call()
// We prepare a reply to be sent via whisper
let grantPayload = {
"type": "grant-audience",
"grantorSignature": await web3.eth.sign(message, accounts[0]),
"approve": approve,
"waive": waive,
"secret": secret
// The requestor, account1, would receive the message and invoke grantAudience
receipt = await MessageTribute.methods.grantAudience(grantPayload.approve,
grantPayload.grantorSignature).send({from: accounts[1], gasLimit: 5000000});
// AudienceGranted contains details if audience was granted or not