import 'bootstrap'; import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; import './dapp.css'; import EmbarkJS from 'Embark/EmbarkJS'; import IdentityFactory from 'Embark/contracts/IdentityFactory'; import UpdatedIdentityKernel from 'Embark/contracts/UpdatedIdentityKernel' __embarkContext.execWhenReady(function(){ loadAccounts(); $('#getAccounts button').on('click', loadAccounts); window.IdentityFactory = IdentityFactory; prepareFunctionForm(IdentityFactory, 'IdentityFactory', $('#functions'), $('#constructor')); obtainSourceCode($('#contract'), ''); // TODO // 1. Add validations to fields // 2 Show events // 3 Show on screen function result // 4 Show loading gif // 5 Fallback // 6 Use specific contract address // 8 Extract to independent JS }); const obtainSourceCode = function(container, sourceURL){ var Highlight = require('syntax-highlighter'); var js = require('highlight-javascript'); var highlight = new Highlight().use(js); let html = $(`

`); container.append(html); $('.filename', container).text(sourceURL.split('\\').pop().split('/').pop()); $('.url', container).text(sourceURL); $.ajax({ url: sourceURL, success: function(data) { $('.sourcecode', container).text(data); highlight.element('.sourcecode'); }}); } const prepareFunctionForm = function(contract, contractName, functionContainer, constructorContainer){ contract.options.jsonInterface.forEach((elem, i) => { if(elem.type != "function" && elem.type != 'constructor') return; const isDuplicated = contract.options.jsonInterface.filter(x => == > 0; const functionLabel = getFunctionLabel(contractName, elem, isDuplicated); const functionElem = $(`

${elem.type == 'function' ? : contractName}

await ${functionLabel}(${getFunctionParamFields(elem)}).${getMethodType(elem)}(${getMethodFields(elem)})

`) setButtonAction(contract, $('button', functionElem), functionLabel, elem); if(elem.type == 'function'){ functionContainer.append(functionElem); } else { constructorContainer.append(functionElem); } }); } const setButtonAction = function(contract, button, functionLabel, elem){ button.on('click', async function(){ const parentDiv = button.parent() let executionParams = { from: $('select.accountList', parentDiv).val(), gasLimit: $('input.gasLimit', parentDiv).val() } if(elem.payable) executionParams.value = $('input.value', parentDiv).val(); let functionParams = getFunctionParamString(elem, parentDiv); let methodParams = getMethodString(elem, '123'); methodParams = methodParams.replace('$account', $('select.accountList option:selected', parentDiv).text()); methodParams = methodParams.replace('$gasLimit', executionParams.gasLimit); methodParams = methodParams.replace('$value', executionParams.value); if(elem.type == "constructor") functionParams = `{arguments: [${functionParams}]}`; console.log(`%cawait ${functionLabel}(${functionParams}).${getMethodType(elem)}(${methodParams})`, 'font-weight: bold'); const funcArguments = $('input[data-type="inputParam"]', parentDiv).map((i, input) => $(input).val()); if(elem.type == 'constructor'){ let contractInstance = await contract.deploy({arguments: funcArguments}).send(executionParams); console.log("Instance created: " + contractInstance.options.address); } else { const receipt = await contract .methods[ + '(' + => input.type).join(',') + ')'] .apply(null, funcArguments) [getMethodType(elem)](executionParams) console.log(receipt); } }); } const getFunctionLabel = function(contractName, elem, isDuplicated){ if(elem.type == 'function') if(!isDuplicated) return `${contractName}.methods.${}`; else { return `${contractName}.methods['${ + '(' + => input.type).join(',') + ')'}']`; } else return `${contractName}.deploy`; } const getFunctionParamFields = function(elem){ return elem.inputs .map((input, i) => ``) .join(', '); } const getFunctionParamString = function(elem, container){ return elem.inputs .map((input, i) => '"' + $('input[data-name="' + + '"]', container).val() + '"') .join(', '); } const getMethodType = function(elem){ return (elem.constant == true || elem.stateMutability == 'view' || elem.stateMutability == 'pure') ? 'call' : 'send'; } const getMethodFields = function(elem){ let methodParams = "({"; methodParams += `from: `; if(getMethodType(elem) == 'send'){ methodParams += ', gasLimit: ' if(elem.payable){ methodParams += ', value: ' } } return methodParams + "})"; } const getMethodString = function(elem, account){ let methodParams = "({"; methodParams += `from: $account`; if(getMethodType(elem) == 'send'){ methodParams += ', gasLimit: $gasLimit' if(elem.payable){ methodParams += ', value: $value' } } return methodParams + "})"; } const loadAccounts = async function(){ let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); window.accounts = accounts; let accountSelect = $('.accountList') $('option', accountSelect).remove();, i) => ``) .forEach(elem => accountSelect.append($(elem))); accountSelect.prop('disabled', false); $(this).parents('div').children('p.note').show(); console.log("%cawait web3.eth.getAccounts()", 'font-weight: bold'); console.log(accounts); }