mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:50:50 +00:00
The envisioned changes would allow extra settings to enable dynamically defined auth methods to be used instead of or in addition to the statically defined one in the configuration.
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package config
import (
libtempl "github.com/hashicorp/consul/lib/template"
// Builder constructs a valid runtime configuration from multiple
// configuration sources.
// To build the runtime configuration first call Build() which merges
// the sources in a pre-defined order, converts the data types and
// structures into their final form and performs the syntactic
// validation.
// The sources are merged in the following order:
// * default configuration
// * config files in alphabetical order
// * command line arguments
// The config sources are merged sequentially and later values
// overwrite previously set values. Slice values are merged by
// concatenating the two slices. Map values are merged by over-
// laying the later maps on top of earlier ones.
// Then call Validate() to perform the semantic validation to ensure
// that the configuration is ready to be used.
// Splitting the construction into two phases greatly simplifies testing
// since not all pre-conditions have to be satisfied when performing
// syntactical tests.
type Builder struct {
// options contains the input values used to construct a RuntimeConfig
options BuilderOpts
// Head, Sources, and Tail are used to manage the order of the
// config sources, as described in the comments above.
Head []Source
Sources []Source
Tail []Source
// Warnings contains the warnings encountered when
// parsing the configuration.
Warnings []string
// Hostname returns the hostname of the machine. If nil, os.Hostname
// is called.
Hostname func() (string, error)
// GetPrivateIPv4 and GetPublicIPv6 return suitable default addresses
// for cases when the user doesn't supply them.
GetPrivateIPv4 func() ([]*net.IPAddr, error)
GetPublicIPv6 func() ([]*net.IPAddr, error)
// err contains the first error that occurred during
// building the runtime configuration.
err error
// NewBuilder returns a new configuration Builder from the BuilderOpts.
func NewBuilder(opts BuilderOpts) (*Builder, error) {
newSource := func(name string, v interface{}) Source {
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return Source{Name: name, Format: "json", Data: string(b)}
b := &Builder{
options: opts,
Head: []Source{DefaultSource(), DefaultEnterpriseSource()},
if b.boolVal(opts.DevMode) {
b.Head = append(b.Head, DevSource())
// Since the merge logic is to overwrite all fields with later
// values except slices which are merged by appending later values
// we need to merge all slice values defined in flags before we
// merge the config files since the flag values for slices are
// otherwise appended instead of prepended.
slices, values := b.splitSlicesAndValues(opts.Config)
b.Head = append(b.Head, newSource("flags.slices", slices))
for _, path := range opts.ConfigFiles {
sources, err := b.sourcesFromPath(path, opts.ConfigFormat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.Sources = append(b.Sources, sources...)
b.Tail = append(b.Tail, newSource("flags.values", values))
for i, s := range opts.HCL {
b.Tail = append(b.Tail, Source{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("flags-%d.hcl", i),
Format: "hcl",
Data: s,
b.Tail = append(b.Tail, NonUserSource(), DefaultConsulSource(), OverrideEnterpriseSource(), DefaultVersionSource())
if b.boolVal(opts.DevMode) {
b.Tail = append(b.Tail, DevConsulSource())
return b, nil
// sourcesFromPath reads a single config file or all files in a directory (but
// not its sub-directories) and returns Sources created from the
// files.
func (b *Builder) sourcesFromPath(path string, format string) ([]Source, error) {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("config: Open failed on %s. %s", path, err)
defer f.Close()
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("config: Stat failed on %s. %s", path, err)
if !fi.IsDir() {
if !shouldParseFile(path, format) {
b.warn("skipping file %v, extension must be .hcl or .json, or config format must be set", path)
return nil, nil
src, err := newSourceFromFile(path, format)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []Source{src}, nil
fis, err := f.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("config: Readdir failed on %s. %s", path, err)
// sort files by name
var sources []Source
for _, fi := range fis {
fp := filepath.Join(path, fi.Name())
// check for a symlink and resolve the path
if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink > 0 {
var err error
fp, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(fp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fi, err = os.Stat(fp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// do not recurse into sub dirs
if fi.IsDir() {
if !shouldParseFile(fp, format) {
b.warn("skipping file %v, extension must be .hcl or .json, or config format must be set", fp)
src, err := newSourceFromFile(fp, format)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sources = append(sources, src)
return sources, nil
// newSourceFromFile creates a Source from the contents of the file at path.
func newSourceFromFile(path string, format string) (Source, error) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return Source{}, fmt.Errorf("config: failed to read %s: %s", path, err)
if format == "" {
format = formatFromFileExtension(path)
return Source{Name: path, Data: string(data), Format: format}, nil
// shouldParse file determines whether the file to be read is of a supported extension
func shouldParseFile(path string, configFormat string) bool {
srcFormat := formatFromFileExtension(path)
return configFormat != "" || srcFormat == "hcl" || srcFormat == "json"
func formatFromFileExtension(name string) string {
switch {
case strings.HasSuffix(name, ".json"):
return "json"
case strings.HasSuffix(name, ".hcl"):
return "hcl"
return ""
type byName []os.FileInfo
func (a byName) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byName) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byName) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Name() < a[j].Name() }
func (b *Builder) BuildAndValidate() (RuntimeConfig, error) {
rt, err := b.Build()
if err != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, err
if err := b.Validate(rt); err != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, err
return rt, nil
// Build constructs the runtime configuration from the config sources
// and the command line flags. The config sources are processed in the
// order they were added with the flags being processed last to give
// precedence over the other sources. If the error is nil then
// warnings can still contain deprecation or format warnings that should
// be presented to the user.
func (b *Builder) Build() (rt RuntimeConfig, err error) {
// TODO: move to NewBuilder to remove Builder.options field
configFormat := b.options.ConfigFormat
if configFormat != "" && configFormat != "json" && configFormat != "hcl" {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("config: -config-format must be either 'hcl' or 'json'")
// build the list of config sources
var srcs []Source
srcs = append(srcs, b.Head...)
srcs = append(srcs, b.Sources...)
srcs = append(srcs, b.Tail...)
// parse the config sources into a configuration
var c Config
for _, s := range srcs {
if s.Name == "" || s.Data == "" {
c2, md, err := Parse(s.Data, s.Format)
if err != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing %s: %s", s.Name, err)
var unusedErr error
for _, k := range md.Unused {
switch k {
case "acl_enforce_version_8":
b.warn("config key %q is deprecated and should be removed", k)
unusedErr = multierror.Append(unusedErr, fmt.Errorf("invalid config key %s", k))
if unusedErr != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing %s: %s", s.Name, unusedErr)
// for now this is a soft failure that will cause warnings but not actual problems
b.validateEnterpriseConfigKeys(&c2, md.Keys)
// if we have a single 'check' or 'service' we need to add them to the
// list of checks and services first since we cannot merge them
// generically and later values would clobber earlier ones.
if c2.Check != nil {
c2.Checks = append(c2.Checks, *c2.Check)
c2.Check = nil
if c2.Service != nil {
c2.Services = append(c2.Services, *c2.Service)
c2.Service = nil
c = Merge(c, c2)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// process/merge some complex values
var dnsServiceTTL = map[string]time.Duration{}
for k, v := range c.DNS.ServiceTTL {
dnsServiceTTL[k] = b.durationVal(fmt.Sprintf("dns_config.service_ttl[%q]", k), &v)
soa := RuntimeSOAConfig{Refresh: 3600, Retry: 600, Expire: 86400, Minttl: 0}
if c.DNS.SOA != nil {
if c.DNS.SOA.Expire != nil {
soa.Expire = *c.DNS.SOA.Expire
if c.DNS.SOA.Minttl != nil {
soa.Minttl = *c.DNS.SOA.Minttl
if c.DNS.SOA.Refresh != nil {
soa.Refresh = *c.DNS.SOA.Refresh
if c.DNS.SOA.Retry != nil {
soa.Retry = *c.DNS.SOA.Retry
leaveOnTerm := !b.boolVal(c.ServerMode)
if c.LeaveOnTerm != nil {
leaveOnTerm = b.boolVal(c.LeaveOnTerm)
skipLeaveOnInt := b.boolVal(c.ServerMode)
if c.SkipLeaveOnInt != nil {
skipLeaveOnInt = b.boolVal(c.SkipLeaveOnInt)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// checks and services
var checks []*structs.CheckDefinition
if c.Check != nil {
checks = append(checks, b.checkVal(c.Check))
for _, check := range c.Checks {
checks = append(checks, b.checkVal(&check))
var services []*structs.ServiceDefinition
for _, service := range c.Services {
services = append(services, b.serviceVal(&service))
if c.Service != nil {
services = append(services, b.serviceVal(c.Service))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// addresses
// determine port values and replace values <= 0 and > 65535 with -1
dnsPort := b.portVal("ports.dns", c.Ports.DNS)
httpPort := b.portVal("ports.http", c.Ports.HTTP)
httpsPort := b.portVal("ports.https", c.Ports.HTTPS)
serverPort := b.portVal("ports.server", c.Ports.Server)
grpcPort := b.portVal("ports.grpc", c.Ports.GRPC)
serfPortLAN := b.portVal("ports.serf_lan", c.Ports.SerfLAN)
serfPortWAN := b.portVal("ports.serf_wan", c.Ports.SerfWAN)
proxyMinPort := b.portVal("ports.proxy_min_port", c.Ports.ProxyMinPort)
proxyMaxPort := b.portVal("ports.proxy_max_port", c.Ports.ProxyMaxPort)
sidecarMinPort := b.portVal("ports.sidecar_min_port", c.Ports.SidecarMinPort)
sidecarMaxPort := b.portVal("ports.sidecar_max_port", c.Ports.SidecarMaxPort)
exposeMinPort := b.portVal("ports.expose_min_port", c.Ports.ExposeMinPort)
exposeMaxPort := b.portVal("ports.expose_max_port", c.Ports.ExposeMaxPort)
if proxyMaxPort < proxyMinPort {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf(
"proxy_min_port must be less than proxy_max_port. To disable, set both to zero.")
if sidecarMaxPort < sidecarMinPort {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf(
"sidecar_min_port must be less than sidecar_max_port. To disable, set both to zero.")
if exposeMaxPort < exposeMinPort {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf(
"expose_min_port must be less than expose_max_port. To disable, set both to zero.")
// determine the default bind and advertise address
// First check whether the user provided an ANY address or whether
// the expanded template results in an ANY address. In that case we
// derive an advertise address from the current network
// configuration since we can listen on an ANY address for incoming
// traffic but cannot advertise it as the address on which the
// server can be reached.
bindAddrs := b.expandAddrs("bind_addr", c.BindAddr)
if len(bindAddrs) == 0 {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("bind_addr cannot be empty")
if len(bindAddrs) > 1 {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("bind_addr cannot contain multiple addresses. Use 'addresses.{dns,http,https}' instead.")
if isUnixAddr(bindAddrs[0]) {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("bind_addr cannot be a unix socket")
if !isIPAddr(bindAddrs[0]) {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("bind_addr must be an ip address")
if ipaddr.IsAny(b.stringVal(c.AdvertiseAddrLAN)) {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("Advertise address cannot be, :: or [::]")
if ipaddr.IsAny(b.stringVal(c.AdvertiseAddrWAN)) {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("Advertise WAN address cannot be, :: or [::]")
bindAddr := bindAddrs[0].(*net.IPAddr)
advertiseAddr := b.makeIPAddr(b.expandFirstIP("advertise_addr", c.AdvertiseAddrLAN), bindAddr)
if ipaddr.IsAny(advertiseAddr) {
var addrtyp string
var detect func() ([]*net.IPAddr, error)
switch {
case ipaddr.IsAnyV4(advertiseAddr):
addrtyp = "private IPv4"
detect = b.GetPrivateIPv4
if detect == nil {
detect = ipaddr.GetPrivateIPv4
case ipaddr.IsAnyV6(advertiseAddr):
addrtyp = "public IPv6"
detect = b.GetPublicIPv6
if detect == nil {
detect = ipaddr.GetPublicIPv6
advertiseAddrs, err := detect()
if err != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("Error detecting %s address: %s", addrtyp, err)
if len(advertiseAddrs) == 0 {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("No %s address found", addrtyp)
if len(advertiseAddrs) > 1 {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("Multiple %s addresses found. Please configure one with 'bind' and/or 'advertise'.", addrtyp)
advertiseAddr = advertiseAddrs[0]
// derive other bind addresses from the bindAddr
rpcBindAddr := b.makeTCPAddr(bindAddr, nil, serverPort)
serfBindAddrLAN := b.makeTCPAddr(b.expandFirstIP("serf_lan", c.SerfBindAddrLAN), bindAddr, serfPortLAN)
// Only initialize serf WAN bind address when its enabled
var serfBindAddrWAN *net.TCPAddr
if serfPortWAN >= 0 {
serfBindAddrWAN = b.makeTCPAddr(b.expandFirstIP("serf_wan", c.SerfBindAddrWAN), bindAddr, serfPortWAN)
// derive other advertise addresses from the advertise address
advertiseAddrLAN := b.makeIPAddr(b.expandFirstIP("advertise_addr", c.AdvertiseAddrLAN), advertiseAddr)
advertiseAddrIsV6 := advertiseAddr.IP.To4() == nil
var advertiseAddrV4, advertiseAddrV6 *net.IPAddr
if !advertiseAddrIsV6 {
advertiseAddrV4 = advertiseAddr
} else {
advertiseAddrV6 = advertiseAddr
advertiseAddrLANIPv4 := b.makeIPAddr(b.expandFirstIP("advertise_addr_ipv4", c.AdvertiseAddrLANIPv4), advertiseAddrV4)
if advertiseAddrLANIPv4 != nil && advertiseAddrLANIPv4.IP.To4() == nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("advertise_addr_ipv4 must be an ipv4 address")
advertiseAddrLANIPv6 := b.makeIPAddr(b.expandFirstIP("advertise_addr_ipv6", c.AdvertiseAddrLANIPv6), advertiseAddrV6)
if advertiseAddrLANIPv6 != nil && advertiseAddrLANIPv6.IP.To4() != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("advertise_addr_ipv6 must be an ipv6 address")
advertiseAddrWAN := b.makeIPAddr(b.expandFirstIP("advertise_addr_wan", c.AdvertiseAddrWAN), advertiseAddrLAN)
advertiseAddrWANIsV6 := advertiseAddrWAN.IP.To4() == nil
var advertiseAddrWANv4, advertiseAddrWANv6 *net.IPAddr
if !advertiseAddrWANIsV6 {
advertiseAddrWANv4 = advertiseAddrWAN
} else {
advertiseAddrWANv6 = advertiseAddrWAN
advertiseAddrWANIPv4 := b.makeIPAddr(b.expandFirstIP("advertise_addr_wan_ipv4", c.AdvertiseAddrWANIPv4), advertiseAddrWANv4)
if advertiseAddrWANIPv4 != nil && advertiseAddrWANIPv4.IP.To4() == nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("advertise_addr_wan_ipv4 must be an ipv4 address")
advertiseAddrWANIPv6 := b.makeIPAddr(b.expandFirstIP("advertise_addr_wan_ipv6", c.AdvertiseAddrWANIPv6), advertiseAddrWANv6)
if advertiseAddrWANIPv6 != nil && advertiseAddrWANIPv6.IP.To4() != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("advertise_addr_wan_ipv6 must be an ipv6 address")
rpcAdvertiseAddr := &net.TCPAddr{IP: advertiseAddrLAN.IP, Port: serverPort}
serfAdvertiseAddrLAN := &net.TCPAddr{IP: advertiseAddrLAN.IP, Port: serfPortLAN}
// Only initialize serf WAN advertise address when its enabled
var serfAdvertiseAddrWAN *net.TCPAddr
if serfPortWAN >= 0 {
serfAdvertiseAddrWAN = &net.TCPAddr{IP: advertiseAddrWAN.IP, Port: serfPortWAN}
// determine client addresses
clientAddrs := b.expandIPs("client_addr", c.ClientAddr)
dnsAddrs := b.makeAddrs(b.expandAddrs("addresses.dns", c.Addresses.DNS), clientAddrs, dnsPort)
httpAddrs := b.makeAddrs(b.expandAddrs("addresses.http", c.Addresses.HTTP), clientAddrs, httpPort)
httpsAddrs := b.makeAddrs(b.expandAddrs("addresses.https", c.Addresses.HTTPS), clientAddrs, httpsPort)
grpcAddrs := b.makeAddrs(b.expandAddrs("addresses.grpc", c.Addresses.GRPC), clientAddrs, grpcPort)
for _, a := range dnsAddrs {
if x, ok := a.(*net.TCPAddr); ok {
dnsAddrs = append(dnsAddrs, &net.UDPAddr{IP: x.IP, Port: x.Port})
// expand dns recursors
uniq := map[string]bool{}
dnsRecursors := []string{}
for _, r := range c.DNSRecursors {
x, err := template.Parse(r)
if err != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("Invalid DNS recursor template %q: %s", r, err)
for _, addr := range strings.Fields(x) {
if strings.HasPrefix(addr, "unix://") {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("DNS Recursors cannot be unix sockets: %s", addr)
if uniq[addr] {
uniq[addr] = true
dnsRecursors = append(dnsRecursors, addr)
datacenter := strings.ToLower(b.stringVal(c.Datacenter))
altDomain := b.stringVal(c.DNSAltDomain)
// Create the default set of tagged addresses.
if c.TaggedAddresses == nil {
c.TaggedAddresses = make(map[string]string)
c.TaggedAddresses[structs.TaggedAddressLAN] = advertiseAddrLAN.IP.String()
if advertiseAddrLANIPv4 != nil {
c.TaggedAddresses[structs.TaggedAddressLANIPv4] = advertiseAddrLANIPv4.IP.String()
if advertiseAddrLANIPv6 != nil {
c.TaggedAddresses[structs.TaggedAddressLANIPv6] = advertiseAddrLANIPv6.IP.String()
c.TaggedAddresses[structs.TaggedAddressWAN] = advertiseAddrWAN.IP.String()
if advertiseAddrWANIPv4 != nil {
c.TaggedAddresses[structs.TaggedAddressWANIPv4] = advertiseAddrWANIPv4.IP.String()
if advertiseAddrWANIPv6 != nil {
c.TaggedAddresses[structs.TaggedAddressWANIPv6] = advertiseAddrWANIPv6.IP.String()
// segments
var segments []structs.NetworkSegment
for _, s := range c.Segments {
name := b.stringVal(s.Name)
port := b.portVal(fmt.Sprintf("segments[%s].port", name), s.Port)
if port <= 0 {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("Port for segment %q cannot be <= 0", name)
bind := b.makeTCPAddr(
b.expandFirstIP(fmt.Sprintf("segments[%s].bind", name), s.Bind),
advertise := b.makeTCPAddr(
b.expandFirstIP(fmt.Sprintf("segments[%s].advertise", name), s.Advertise),
segments = append(segments, structs.NetworkSegment{
Name: name,
Bind: bind,
Advertise: advertise,
RPCListener: b.boolVal(s.RPCListener),
// Parse the metric filters
var telemetryAllowedPrefixes, telemetryBlockedPrefixes []string
for _, rule := range c.Telemetry.PrefixFilter {
if rule == "" {
b.warn("Cannot have empty filter rule in prefix_filter")
switch rule[0] {
case '+':
telemetryAllowedPrefixes = append(telemetryAllowedPrefixes, rule[1:])
case '-':
telemetryBlockedPrefixes = append(telemetryBlockedPrefixes, rule[1:])
b.warn("Filter rule must begin with either '+' or '-': %q", rule)
// raft performance scaling
performanceRaftMultiplier := b.intVal(c.Performance.RaftMultiplier)
if performanceRaftMultiplier < 1 || uint(performanceRaftMultiplier) > consul.MaxRaftMultiplier {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("performance.raft_multiplier cannot be %d. Must be between 1 and %d", performanceRaftMultiplier, consul.MaxRaftMultiplier)
consulRaftElectionTimeout := b.durationVal("consul.raft.election_timeout", c.Consul.Raft.ElectionTimeout) * time.Duration(performanceRaftMultiplier)
consulRaftHeartbeatTimeout := b.durationVal("consul.raft.heartbeat_timeout", c.Consul.Raft.HeartbeatTimeout) * time.Duration(performanceRaftMultiplier)
consulRaftLeaderLeaseTimeout := b.durationVal("consul.raft.leader_lease_timeout", c.Consul.Raft.LeaderLeaseTimeout) * time.Duration(performanceRaftMultiplier)
// Connect proxy defaults.
connectEnabled := b.boolVal(c.Connect.Enabled)
connectCAProvider := b.stringVal(c.Connect.CAProvider)
connectCAConfig := c.Connect.CAConfig
connectMeshGatewayWANFederationEnabled := b.boolVal(c.Connect.MeshGatewayWANFederationEnabled)
if connectMeshGatewayWANFederationEnabled && !connectEnabled {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("'connect.enable_mesh_gateway_wan_federation=true' requires 'connect.enabled=true'")
if connectCAConfig != nil {
// nolint: staticcheck // CA config should be changed to use HookTranslateKeys
lib.TranslateKeys(connectCAConfig, map[string]string{
// Consul CA config
"private_key": "PrivateKey",
"root_cert": "RootCert",
"rotation_period": "RotationPeriod",
"intermediate_cert_ttl": "IntermediateCertTTL",
// Vault CA config
"address": "Address",
"token": "Token",
"root_pki_path": "RootPKIPath",
"intermediate_pki_path": "IntermediatePKIPath",
"ca_file": "CAFile",
"ca_path": "CAPath",
"cert_file": "CertFile",
"key_file": "KeyFile",
"tls_server_name": "TLSServerName",
"tls_skip_verify": "TLSSkipVerify",
// AWS CA config
"existing_arn": "ExistingARN",
"delete_on_exit": "DeleteOnExit",
// Common CA config
"leaf_cert_ttl": "LeafCertTTL",
"csr_max_per_second": "CSRMaxPerSecond",
"csr_max_concurrent": "CSRMaxConcurrent",
"private_key_type": "PrivateKeyType",
"private_key_bits": "PrivateKeyBits",
autoEncryptTLS := b.boolVal(c.AutoEncrypt.TLS)
autoEncryptDNSSAN := []string{}
for _, d := range c.AutoEncrypt.DNSSAN {
autoEncryptDNSSAN = append(autoEncryptDNSSAN, d)
autoEncryptIPSAN := []net.IP{}
for _, i := range c.AutoEncrypt.IPSAN {
ip := net.ParseIP(i)
if ip == nil {
b.warn(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot parse ip %q from AutoEncrypt.IPSAN", i))
autoEncryptIPSAN = append(autoEncryptIPSAN, ip)
autoEncryptAllowTLS := b.boolVal(c.AutoEncrypt.AllowTLS)
if autoEncryptAllowTLS {
connectEnabled = true
aclsEnabled := false
primaryDatacenter := strings.ToLower(b.stringVal(c.PrimaryDatacenter))
if c.ACLDatacenter != nil {
b.warn("The 'acl_datacenter' field is deprecated. Use the 'primary_datacenter' field instead.")
if primaryDatacenter == "" {
primaryDatacenter = strings.ToLower(b.stringVal(c.ACLDatacenter))
// when the acl_datacenter config is used it implicitly enables acls
aclsEnabled = true
if c.ACL.Enabled != nil {
aclsEnabled = b.boolVal(c.ACL.Enabled)
// Set the primary DC if it wasn't set.
if primaryDatacenter == "" {
primaryDatacenter = datacenter
enableTokenReplication := false
if c.ACLReplicationToken != nil {
enableTokenReplication = true
b.boolValWithDefault(c.ACL.TokenReplication, b.boolValWithDefault(c.EnableACLReplication, enableTokenReplication))
enableRemoteScriptChecks := b.boolVal(c.EnableScriptChecks)
enableLocalScriptChecks := b.boolValWithDefault(c.EnableLocalScriptChecks, enableRemoteScriptChecks)
// VerifyServerHostname implies VerifyOutgoing
verifyServerName := b.boolVal(c.VerifyServerHostname)
verifyOutgoing := b.boolVal(c.VerifyOutgoing)
if verifyServerName {
// Setting only verify_server_hostname is documented to imply
// verify_outgoing. If it doesn't then we risk sending communication over TCP
// when we documented it as forcing TLS for RPCs. Enforce this here rather
// than in several different places through the code that need to reason
// about it. (See CVE-2018-19653)
verifyOutgoing = true
var configEntries []structs.ConfigEntry
if len(c.ConfigEntries.Bootstrap) > 0 {
for i, rawEntry := range c.ConfigEntries.Bootstrap {
entry, err := structs.DecodeConfigEntry(rawEntry)
if err != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("config_entries.bootstrap[%d]: %s", i, err)
if err := entry.Validate(); err != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("config_entries.bootstrap[%d]: %s", i, err)
configEntries = append(configEntries, entry)
serfAllowedCIDRSLAN, err := memberlist.ParseCIDRs(c.SerfAllowedCIDRsLAN)
if err != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("serf_lan_allowed_cidrs: %s", err)
serfAllowedCIDRSWAN, err := memberlist.ParseCIDRs(c.SerfAllowedCIDRsWAN)
if err != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("serf_wan_allowed_cidrs: %s", err)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// build runtime config
rt = RuntimeConfig{
// non-user configurable values
ACLDisabledTTL: b.durationVal("acl.disabled_ttl", c.ACL.DisabledTTL),
AEInterval: b.durationVal("ae_interval", c.AEInterval),
CheckDeregisterIntervalMin: b.durationVal("check_deregister_interval_min", c.CheckDeregisterIntervalMin),
CheckReapInterval: b.durationVal("check_reap_interval", c.CheckReapInterval),
Revision: b.stringVal(c.Revision),
SegmentLimit: b.intVal(c.SegmentLimit),
SegmentNameLimit: b.intVal(c.SegmentNameLimit),
SyncCoordinateIntervalMin: b.durationVal("sync_coordinate_interval_min", c.SyncCoordinateIntervalMin),
SyncCoordinateRateTarget: b.float64Val(c.SyncCoordinateRateTarget),
Version: b.stringVal(c.Version),
VersionPrerelease: b.stringVal(c.VersionPrerelease),
// consul configuration
ConsulCoordinateUpdateBatchSize: b.intVal(c.Consul.Coordinate.UpdateBatchSize),
ConsulCoordinateUpdateMaxBatches: b.intVal(c.Consul.Coordinate.UpdateMaxBatches),
ConsulCoordinateUpdatePeriod: b.durationVal("consul.coordinate.update_period", c.Consul.Coordinate.UpdatePeriod),
ConsulRaftElectionTimeout: consulRaftElectionTimeout,
ConsulRaftHeartbeatTimeout: consulRaftHeartbeatTimeout,
ConsulRaftLeaderLeaseTimeout: consulRaftLeaderLeaseTimeout,
ConsulServerHealthInterval: b.durationVal("consul.server.health_interval", c.Consul.Server.HealthInterval),
// gossip configuration
GossipLANGossipInterval: b.durationVal("gossip_lan..gossip_interval", c.GossipLAN.GossipInterval),
GossipLANGossipNodes: b.intVal(c.GossipLAN.GossipNodes),
GossipLANProbeInterval: b.durationVal("gossip_lan..probe_interval", c.GossipLAN.ProbeInterval),
GossipLANProbeTimeout: b.durationVal("gossip_lan..probe_timeout", c.GossipLAN.ProbeTimeout),
GossipLANSuspicionMult: b.intVal(c.GossipLAN.SuspicionMult),
GossipLANRetransmitMult: b.intVal(c.GossipLAN.RetransmitMult),
GossipWANGossipInterval: b.durationVal("gossip_wan..gossip_interval", c.GossipWAN.GossipInterval),
GossipWANGossipNodes: b.intVal(c.GossipWAN.GossipNodes),
GossipWANProbeInterval: b.durationVal("gossip_wan..probe_interval", c.GossipWAN.ProbeInterval),
GossipWANProbeTimeout: b.durationVal("gossip_wan..probe_timeout", c.GossipWAN.ProbeTimeout),
GossipWANSuspicionMult: b.intVal(c.GossipWAN.SuspicionMult),
GossipWANRetransmitMult: b.intVal(c.GossipWAN.RetransmitMult),
// ACL
ACLsEnabled: aclsEnabled,
ACLAgentMasterToken: b.stringValWithDefault(c.ACL.Tokens.AgentMaster, b.stringVal(c.ACLAgentMasterToken)),
ACLAgentToken: b.stringValWithDefault(c.ACL.Tokens.Agent, b.stringVal(c.ACLAgentToken)),
ACLDatacenter: primaryDatacenter,
ACLDefaultPolicy: b.stringValWithDefault(c.ACL.DefaultPolicy, b.stringVal(c.ACLDefaultPolicy)),
ACLDownPolicy: b.stringValWithDefault(c.ACL.DownPolicy, b.stringVal(c.ACLDownPolicy)),
ACLEnableKeyListPolicy: b.boolValWithDefault(c.ACL.EnableKeyListPolicy, b.boolVal(c.ACLEnableKeyListPolicy)),
ACLMasterToken: b.stringValWithDefault(c.ACL.Tokens.Master, b.stringVal(c.ACLMasterToken)),
ACLReplicationToken: b.stringValWithDefault(c.ACL.Tokens.Replication, b.stringVal(c.ACLReplicationToken)),
ACLTokenTTL: b.durationValWithDefault("acl.token_ttl", c.ACL.TokenTTL, b.durationVal("acl_ttl", c.ACLTTL)),
ACLPolicyTTL: b.durationVal("acl.policy_ttl", c.ACL.PolicyTTL),
ACLRoleTTL: b.durationVal("acl.role_ttl", c.ACL.RoleTTL),
ACLToken: b.stringValWithDefault(c.ACL.Tokens.Default, b.stringVal(c.ACLToken)),
ACLTokenReplication: b.boolValWithDefault(c.ACL.TokenReplication, b.boolValWithDefault(c.EnableACLReplication, enableTokenReplication)),
ACLEnableTokenPersistence: b.boolValWithDefault(c.ACL.EnableTokenPersistence, false),
// Autopilot
AutopilotCleanupDeadServers: b.boolVal(c.Autopilot.CleanupDeadServers),
AutopilotDisableUpgradeMigration: b.boolVal(c.Autopilot.DisableUpgradeMigration),
AutopilotLastContactThreshold: b.durationVal("autopilot.last_contact_threshold", c.Autopilot.LastContactThreshold),
AutopilotMaxTrailingLogs: b.intVal(c.Autopilot.MaxTrailingLogs),
AutopilotMinQuorum: b.uintVal(c.Autopilot.MinQuorum),
AutopilotRedundancyZoneTag: b.stringVal(c.Autopilot.RedundancyZoneTag),
AutopilotServerStabilizationTime: b.durationVal("autopilot.server_stabilization_time", c.Autopilot.ServerStabilizationTime),
AutopilotUpgradeVersionTag: b.stringVal(c.Autopilot.UpgradeVersionTag),
// DNS
DNSAddrs: dnsAddrs,
DNSAllowStale: b.boolVal(c.DNS.AllowStale),
DNSARecordLimit: b.intVal(c.DNS.ARecordLimit),
DNSDisableCompression: b.boolVal(c.DNS.DisableCompression),
DNSDomain: b.stringVal(c.DNSDomain),
DNSAltDomain: altDomain,
DNSEnableTruncate: b.boolVal(c.DNS.EnableTruncate),
DNSMaxStale: b.durationVal("dns_config.max_stale", c.DNS.MaxStale),
DNSNodeTTL: b.durationVal("dns_config.node_ttl", c.DNS.NodeTTL),
DNSOnlyPassing: b.boolVal(c.DNS.OnlyPassing),
DNSPort: dnsPort,
DNSRecursorTimeout: b.durationVal("recursor_timeout", c.DNS.RecursorTimeout),
DNSRecursors: dnsRecursors,
DNSServiceTTL: dnsServiceTTL,
DNSSOA: soa,
DNSUDPAnswerLimit: b.intVal(c.DNS.UDPAnswerLimit),
DNSNodeMetaTXT: b.boolValWithDefault(c.DNS.NodeMetaTXT, true),
DNSUseCache: b.boolVal(c.DNS.UseCache),
DNSCacheMaxAge: b.durationVal("dns_config.cache_max_age", c.DNS.CacheMaxAge),
HTTPPort: httpPort,
HTTPSPort: httpsPort,
HTTPAddrs: httpAddrs,
HTTPSAddrs: httpsAddrs,
HTTPBlockEndpoints: c.HTTPConfig.BlockEndpoints,
HTTPResponseHeaders: c.HTTPConfig.ResponseHeaders,
AllowWriteHTTPFrom: b.cidrsVal("allow_write_http_from", c.HTTPConfig.AllowWriteHTTPFrom),
HTTPUseCache: b.boolValWithDefault(c.HTTPConfig.UseCache, true),
// Telemetry
Telemetry: lib.TelemetryConfig{
CirconusAPIApp: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusAPIApp),
CirconusAPIToken: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusAPIToken),
CirconusAPIURL: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusAPIURL),
CirconusBrokerID: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusBrokerID),
CirconusBrokerSelectTag: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusBrokerSelectTag),
CirconusCheckDisplayName: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusCheckDisplayName),
CirconusCheckForceMetricActivation: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusCheckForceMetricActivation),
CirconusCheckID: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusCheckID),
CirconusCheckInstanceID: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusCheckInstanceID),
CirconusCheckSearchTag: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusCheckSearchTag),
CirconusCheckTags: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusCheckTags),
CirconusSubmissionInterval: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusSubmissionInterval),
CirconusSubmissionURL: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.CirconusSubmissionURL),
DisableHostname: b.boolVal(c.Telemetry.DisableHostname),
DogstatsdAddr: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.DogstatsdAddr),
DogstatsdTags: c.Telemetry.DogstatsdTags,
PrometheusRetentionTime: b.durationVal("prometheus_retention_time", c.Telemetry.PrometheusRetentionTime),
FilterDefault: b.boolVal(c.Telemetry.FilterDefault),
AllowedPrefixes: telemetryAllowedPrefixes,
BlockedPrefixes: telemetryBlockedPrefixes,
MetricsPrefix: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.MetricsPrefix),
StatsdAddr: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.StatsdAddr),
StatsiteAddr: b.stringVal(c.Telemetry.StatsiteAddr),
// Agent
AdvertiseAddrLAN: advertiseAddrLAN,
AdvertiseAddrWAN: advertiseAddrWAN,
BindAddr: bindAddr,
Bootstrap: b.boolVal(c.Bootstrap),
BootstrapExpect: b.intVal(c.BootstrapExpect),
CAFile: b.stringVal(c.CAFile),
CAPath: b.stringVal(c.CAPath),
CertFile: b.stringVal(c.CertFile),
CheckUpdateInterval: b.durationVal("check_update_interval", c.CheckUpdateInterval),
CheckOutputMaxSize: b.intValWithDefault(c.CheckOutputMaxSize, 4096),
Checks: checks,
ClientAddrs: clientAddrs,
ConfigEntryBootstrap: configEntries,
AutoEncryptTLS: autoEncryptTLS,
AutoEncryptDNSSAN: autoEncryptDNSSAN,
AutoEncryptIPSAN: autoEncryptIPSAN,
AutoEncryptAllowTLS: autoEncryptAllowTLS,
AutoConfig: b.autoConfigVal(c.AutoConfig),
ConnectEnabled: connectEnabled,
ConnectCAProvider: connectCAProvider,
ConnectCAConfig: connectCAConfig,
ConnectMeshGatewayWANFederationEnabled: connectMeshGatewayWANFederationEnabled,
ConnectSidecarMinPort: sidecarMinPort,
ConnectSidecarMaxPort: sidecarMaxPort,
ConnectTestCALeafRootChangeSpread: b.durationVal("connect.test_ca_leaf_root_change_spread", c.Connect.TestCALeafRootChangeSpread),
ExposeMinPort: exposeMinPort,
ExposeMaxPort: exposeMaxPort,
DataDir: b.stringVal(c.DataDir),
Datacenter: datacenter,
DefaultQueryTime: b.durationVal("default_query_time", c.DefaultQueryTime),
DevMode: b.boolVal(b.options.DevMode),
DisableAnonymousSignature: b.boolVal(c.DisableAnonymousSignature),
DisableCoordinates: b.boolVal(c.DisableCoordinates),
DisableHostNodeID: b.boolVal(c.DisableHostNodeID),
DisableHTTPUnprintableCharFilter: b.boolVal(c.DisableHTTPUnprintableCharFilter),
DisableKeyringFile: b.boolVal(c.DisableKeyringFile),
DisableRemoteExec: b.boolVal(c.DisableRemoteExec),
DisableUpdateCheck: b.boolVal(c.DisableUpdateCheck),
DiscardCheckOutput: b.boolVal(c.DiscardCheckOutput),
DiscoveryMaxStale: b.durationVal("discovery_max_stale", c.DiscoveryMaxStale),
EnableAgentTLSForChecks: b.boolVal(c.EnableAgentTLSForChecks),
EnableCentralServiceConfig: b.boolVal(c.EnableCentralServiceConfig),
EnableDebug: b.boolVal(c.EnableDebug),
EnableRemoteScriptChecks: enableRemoteScriptChecks,
EnableLocalScriptChecks: enableLocalScriptChecks,
EnableSyslog: b.boolVal(c.EnableSyslog),
EnableUI: b.boolVal(c.UI),
EncryptKey: b.stringVal(c.EncryptKey),
EncryptVerifyIncoming: b.boolVal(c.EncryptVerifyIncoming),
EncryptVerifyOutgoing: b.boolVal(c.EncryptVerifyOutgoing),
GRPCPort: grpcPort,
GRPCAddrs: grpcAddrs,
HTTPMaxConnsPerClient: b.intVal(c.Limits.HTTPMaxConnsPerClient),
HTTPSHandshakeTimeout: b.durationVal("limits.https_handshake_timeout", c.Limits.HTTPSHandshakeTimeout),
KeyFile: b.stringVal(c.KeyFile),
KVMaxValueSize: b.uint64Val(c.Limits.KVMaxValueSize),
LeaveDrainTime: b.durationVal("performance.leave_drain_time", c.Performance.LeaveDrainTime),
LeaveOnTerm: leaveOnTerm,
LogLevel: b.stringVal(c.LogLevel),
LogJSON: b.boolVal(c.LogJSON),
LogFile: b.stringVal(c.LogFile),
LogRotateBytes: b.intVal(c.LogRotateBytes),
LogRotateDuration: b.durationVal("log_rotate_duration", c.LogRotateDuration),
LogRotateMaxFiles: b.intVal(c.LogRotateMaxFiles),
MaxQueryTime: b.durationVal("max_query_time", c.MaxQueryTime),
NodeID: types.NodeID(b.stringVal(c.NodeID)),
NodeMeta: c.NodeMeta,
NodeName: b.nodeName(c.NodeName),
NonVotingServer: b.boolVal(c.NonVotingServer),
PidFile: b.stringVal(c.PidFile),
PrimaryDatacenter: primaryDatacenter,
PrimaryGateways: b.expandAllOptionalAddrs("primary_gateways", c.PrimaryGateways),
PrimaryGatewaysInterval: b.durationVal("primary_gateways_interval", c.PrimaryGatewaysInterval),
RPCAdvertiseAddr: rpcAdvertiseAddr,
RPCBindAddr: rpcBindAddr,
RPCHandshakeTimeout: b.durationVal("limits.rpc_handshake_timeout", c.Limits.RPCHandshakeTimeout),
RPCHoldTimeout: b.durationVal("performance.rpc_hold_timeout", c.Performance.RPCHoldTimeout),
RPCMaxBurst: b.intVal(c.Limits.RPCMaxBurst),
RPCMaxConnsPerClient: b.intVal(c.Limits.RPCMaxConnsPerClient),
RPCProtocol: b.intVal(c.RPCProtocol),
RPCRateLimit: rate.Limit(b.float64Val(c.Limits.RPCRate)),
RaftProtocol: b.intVal(c.RaftProtocol),
RaftSnapshotThreshold: b.intVal(c.RaftSnapshotThreshold),
RaftSnapshotInterval: b.durationVal("raft_snapshot_interval", c.RaftSnapshotInterval),
RaftTrailingLogs: b.intVal(c.RaftTrailingLogs),
ReconnectTimeoutLAN: b.durationVal("reconnect_timeout", c.ReconnectTimeoutLAN),
ReconnectTimeoutWAN: b.durationVal("reconnect_timeout_wan", c.ReconnectTimeoutWAN),
RejoinAfterLeave: b.boolVal(c.RejoinAfterLeave),
RetryJoinIntervalLAN: b.durationVal("retry_interval", c.RetryJoinIntervalLAN),
RetryJoinIntervalWAN: b.durationVal("retry_interval_wan", c.RetryJoinIntervalWAN),
RetryJoinLAN: b.expandAllOptionalAddrs("retry_join", c.RetryJoinLAN),
RetryJoinMaxAttemptsLAN: b.intVal(c.RetryJoinMaxAttemptsLAN),
RetryJoinMaxAttemptsWAN: b.intVal(c.RetryJoinMaxAttemptsWAN),
RetryJoinWAN: b.expandAllOptionalAddrs("retry_join_wan", c.RetryJoinWAN),
SegmentName: b.stringVal(c.SegmentName),
Segments: segments,
SerfAdvertiseAddrLAN: serfAdvertiseAddrLAN,
SerfAdvertiseAddrWAN: serfAdvertiseAddrWAN,
SerfAllowedCIDRsLAN: serfAllowedCIDRSLAN,
SerfAllowedCIDRsWAN: serfAllowedCIDRSWAN,
SerfBindAddrLAN: serfBindAddrLAN,
SerfBindAddrWAN: serfBindAddrWAN,
SerfPortLAN: serfPortLAN,
SerfPortWAN: serfPortWAN,
ServerMode: b.boolVal(c.ServerMode),
ServerName: b.stringVal(c.ServerName),
ServerPort: serverPort,
Services: services,
SessionTTLMin: b.durationVal("session_ttl_min", c.SessionTTLMin),
SkipLeaveOnInt: skipLeaveOnInt,
StartJoinAddrsLAN: b.expandAllOptionalAddrs("start_join", c.StartJoinAddrsLAN),
StartJoinAddrsWAN: b.expandAllOptionalAddrs("start_join_wan", c.StartJoinAddrsWAN),
SyslogFacility: b.stringVal(c.SyslogFacility),
TLSCipherSuites: b.tlsCipherSuites("tls_cipher_suites", c.TLSCipherSuites),
TLSMinVersion: b.stringVal(c.TLSMinVersion),
TLSPreferServerCipherSuites: b.boolVal(c.TLSPreferServerCipherSuites),
TaggedAddresses: c.TaggedAddresses,
TranslateWANAddrs: b.boolVal(c.TranslateWANAddrs),
TxnMaxReqLen: b.uint64Val(c.Limits.TxnMaxReqLen),
UIDir: b.stringVal(c.UIDir),
UIContentPath: UIPathBuilder(b.stringVal(c.UIContentPath)),
UnixSocketGroup: b.stringVal(c.UnixSocket.Group),
UnixSocketMode: b.stringVal(c.UnixSocket.Mode),
UnixSocketUser: b.stringVal(c.UnixSocket.User),
VerifyIncoming: b.boolVal(c.VerifyIncoming),
VerifyIncomingHTTPS: b.boolVal(c.VerifyIncomingHTTPS),
VerifyIncomingRPC: b.boolVal(c.VerifyIncomingRPC),
VerifyOutgoing: verifyOutgoing,
VerifyServerHostname: verifyServerName,
Watches: c.Watches,
if entCfg, err := b.BuildEnterpriseRuntimeConfig(&c); err != nil {
return RuntimeConfig{}, err
} else {
rt.EnterpriseRuntimeConfig = entCfg
if rt.BootstrapExpect == 1 {
rt.Bootstrap = true
rt.BootstrapExpect = 0
b.warn(`BootstrapExpect is set to 1; this is the same as Bootstrap mode.`)
return rt, nil
// Validate performs semantic validation of the runtime configuration.
func (b *Builder) Validate(rt RuntimeConfig) error {
// reDatacenter defines a regexp for a valid datacenter name
var reDatacenter = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-z0-9_-]+$")
// validContentPath defines a regexp for a valid content path name.
var validContentPath = regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z0-9/_-]+$`)
var hasVersion = regexp.MustCompile(`^/v\d+/$`)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// check required params we cannot recover from first
if rt.Datacenter == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("datacenter cannot be empty")
if !reDatacenter.MatchString(rt.Datacenter) {
return fmt.Errorf("datacenter cannot be %q. Please use only [a-z0-9-_]", rt.Datacenter)
if rt.DataDir == "" && !rt.DevMode {
return fmt.Errorf("data_dir cannot be empty")
if !validContentPath.MatchString(rt.UIContentPath) {
return fmt.Errorf("ui-content-path can only contain alphanumeric, -, _, or /. received: %s", rt.UIContentPath)
if hasVersion.MatchString(rt.UIContentPath) {
return fmt.Errorf("ui-content-path cannot have 'v[0-9]'. received: %s", rt.UIContentPath)
if !rt.DevMode {
fi, err := os.Stat(rt.DataDir)
switch {
case err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err):
return fmt.Errorf("Error getting info on data_dir: %s", err)
case err == nil && !fi.IsDir():
return fmt.Errorf("data_dir %q is not a directory", rt.DataDir)
if rt.NodeName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("node_name cannot be empty")
if ipaddr.IsAny(rt.AdvertiseAddrLAN.IP) {
return fmt.Errorf("Advertise address cannot be, :: or [::]")
if ipaddr.IsAny(rt.AdvertiseAddrWAN.IP) {
return fmt.Errorf("Advertise WAN address cannot be, :: or [::]")
if err := b.validateSegments(rt); err != nil {
return err
for _, a := range rt.DNSAddrs {
if _, ok := a.(*net.UnixAddr); ok {
return fmt.Errorf("DNS address cannot be a unix socket")
for _, a := range rt.DNSRecursors {
if ipaddr.IsAny(a) {
return fmt.Errorf("DNS recursor address cannot be, :: or [::]")
if !isValidAltDomain(rt.DNSAltDomain, rt.Datacenter) {
return fmt.Errorf("alt_domain cannot start with {service,connect,node,query,addr,%s}", rt.Datacenter)
if rt.Bootstrap && !rt.ServerMode {
return fmt.Errorf("'bootstrap = true' requires 'server = true'")
if rt.BootstrapExpect < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("bootstrap_expect cannot be %d. Must be greater than or equal to zero", rt.BootstrapExpect)
if rt.BootstrapExpect > 0 && !rt.ServerMode {
return fmt.Errorf("'bootstrap_expect > 0' requires 'server = true'")
if rt.BootstrapExpect > 0 && rt.DevMode {
return fmt.Errorf("'bootstrap_expect > 0' not allowed in dev mode")
if rt.BootstrapExpect > 0 && rt.Bootstrap {
return fmt.Errorf("'bootstrap_expect > 0' and 'bootstrap = true' are mutually exclusive")
if rt.CheckOutputMaxSize < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("check_output_max_size must be positive, to discard check output use the discard_check_output flag")
if rt.AEInterval <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("ae_interval cannot be %s. Must be positive", rt.AEInterval)
if rt.AutopilotMaxTrailingLogs < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("autopilot.max_trailing_logs cannot be %d. Must be greater than or equal to zero", rt.AutopilotMaxTrailingLogs)
if rt.ACLDatacenter != "" && !reDatacenter.MatchString(rt.ACLDatacenter) {
return fmt.Errorf("acl_datacenter cannot be %q. Please use only [a-z0-9-_]", rt.ACLDatacenter)
// In DevMode, UI is enabled by default, so to enable rt.UIDir, don't perform this check
if !rt.DevMode && rt.EnableUI && rt.UIDir != "" {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Both the ui and ui-dir flags were specified, please provide only one.\n" +
"If trying to use your own web UI resources, use the ui-dir flag.\n" +
"The web UI is included in the binary so use ui to enable it")
if rt.DNSUDPAnswerLimit < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("dns_config.udp_answer_limit cannot be %d. Must be greater than or equal to zero", rt.DNSUDPAnswerLimit)
if rt.DNSARecordLimit < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("dns_config.a_record_limit cannot be %d. Must be greater than or equal to zero", rt.DNSARecordLimit)
if err := structs.ValidateNodeMetadata(rt.NodeMeta, false); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("node_meta invalid: %v", err)
if rt.EncryptKey != "" {
if _, err := decodeBytes(rt.EncryptKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encrypt has invalid key: %s", err)
if rt.ConnectMeshGatewayWANFederationEnabled && !rt.ServerMode {
return fmt.Errorf("'connect.enable_mesh_gateway_wan_federation = true' requires 'server = true'")
if rt.ConnectMeshGatewayWANFederationEnabled && strings.ContainsAny(rt.NodeName, "/") {
return fmt.Errorf("'connect.enable_mesh_gateway_wan_federation = true' requires that 'node_name' not contain '/' characters")
if rt.ConnectMeshGatewayWANFederationEnabled {
if len(rt.StartJoinAddrsWAN) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("'start_join_wan' is incompatible with 'connect.enable_mesh_gateway_wan_federation = true'")
if len(rt.RetryJoinWAN) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("'retry_join_wan' is incompatible with 'connect.enable_mesh_gateway_wan_federation = true'")
if len(rt.PrimaryGateways) > 0 {
if !rt.ServerMode {
return fmt.Errorf("'primary_gateways' requires 'server = true'")
if rt.PrimaryDatacenter == rt.Datacenter {
return fmt.Errorf("'primary_gateways' should only be configured in a secondary datacenter")
// Check the data dir for signs of an un-migrated Consul 0.5.x or older
// server. Consul refuses to start if this is present to protect a server
// with existing data from starting on a fresh data set.
if rt.ServerMode {
mdbPath := filepath.Join(rt.DataDir, "mdb")
if _, err := os.Stat(mdbPath); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if os.IsPermission(err) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"CRITICAL: Permission denied for data folder at %q!\n"+
"Consul will refuse to boot without access to this directory.\n"+
"Please correct permissions and try starting again.", mdbPath)
return fmt.Errorf("CRITICAL: Deprecated data folder found at %q!\n"+
"Consul will refuse to boot with this directory present.\n"+
"See https://www.consul.io/docs/upgrade-specific.html for more information.", mdbPath)
inuse := map[string]string{}
if err := addrsUnique(inuse, "DNS", rt.DNSAddrs); err != nil {
// cannot happen since this is the first address
// we leave this for consistency
return err
if err := addrsUnique(inuse, "HTTP", rt.HTTPAddrs); err != nil {
return err
if err := addrsUnique(inuse, "HTTPS", rt.HTTPSAddrs); err != nil {
return err
if err := addrUnique(inuse, "RPC Advertise", rt.RPCAdvertiseAddr); err != nil {
return err
if err := addrUnique(inuse, "Serf Advertise LAN", rt.SerfAdvertiseAddrLAN); err != nil {
return err
// Validate serf WAN advertise address only when its set
if rt.SerfAdvertiseAddrWAN != nil {
if err := addrUnique(inuse, "Serf Advertise WAN", rt.SerfAdvertiseAddrWAN); err != nil {
return err
if b.err != nil {
return b.err
// Check for errors in the service definitions
for _, s := range rt.Services {
if err := s.Validate(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("service %q: %s", s.Name, err)
// Validate the given Connect CA provider config
validCAProviders := map[string]bool{
"": true,
structs.ConsulCAProvider: true,
structs.VaultCAProvider: true,
structs.AWSCAProvider: true,
if _, ok := validCAProviders[rt.ConnectCAProvider]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CA provider", rt.ConnectCAProvider)
} else {
switch rt.ConnectCAProvider {
case structs.ConsulCAProvider:
if _, err := ca.ParseConsulCAConfig(rt.ConnectCAConfig); err != nil {
return err
case structs.VaultCAProvider:
if _, err := ca.ParseVaultCAConfig(rt.ConnectCAConfig); err != nil {
return err
case structs.AWSCAProvider:
if _, err := ca.ParseAWSCAConfig(rt.ConnectCAConfig); err != nil {
return err
if rt.ServerMode && rt.AutoEncryptTLS {
return fmt.Errorf("auto_encrypt.tls can only be used on a client.")
if !rt.ServerMode && rt.AutoEncryptAllowTLS {
return fmt.Errorf("auto_encrypt.allow_tls can only be used on a server.")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// warnings
if rt.ServerMode && !rt.DevMode && !rt.Bootstrap && rt.BootstrapExpect == 2 {
b.warn(`bootstrap_expect = 2: A cluster with 2 servers will provide no failure tolerance. See https://www.consul.io/docs/internals/consensus.html#deployment-table`)
if rt.ServerMode && !rt.Bootstrap && rt.BootstrapExpect > 2 && rt.BootstrapExpect%2 == 0 {
b.warn(`bootstrap_expect is even number: A cluster with an even number of servers does not achieve optimum fault tolerance. See https://www.consul.io/docs/internals/consensus.html#deployment-table`)
if rt.ServerMode && rt.Bootstrap && rt.BootstrapExpect == 0 {
b.warn(`bootstrap = true: do not enable unless necessary`)
if rt.ServerMode && !rt.DevMode && !rt.Bootstrap && rt.BootstrapExpect > 1 {
b.warn("bootstrap_expect > 0: expecting %d servers", rt.BootstrapExpect)
if rt.AutoEncryptAllowTLS {
if !rt.VerifyIncoming && !rt.VerifyIncomingRPC {
b.warn("if auto_encrypt.allow_tls is turned on, either verify_incoming or verify_incoming_rpc should be enabled. It is necessary to turn it off during a migration to TLS, but it should definitely be turned on afterwards.")
if err := checkLimitsFromMaxConnsPerClient(rt.HTTPMaxConnsPerClient); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.validateAutoConfig(rt); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// addrUnique checks if the given address is already in use for another
// protocol.
func addrUnique(inuse map[string]string, name string, addr net.Addr) error {
key := addr.Network() + ":" + addr.String()
if other, ok := inuse[key]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%s address %s already configured for %s", name, addr.String(), other)
inuse[key] = name
return nil
// addrsUnique checks if any of the give addresses is already in use for
// another protocol.
func addrsUnique(inuse map[string]string, name string, addrs []net.Addr) error {
for _, a := range addrs {
if err := addrUnique(inuse, name, a); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// splitSlicesAndValues moves all slice values defined in c to 'slices'
// and all other values to 'values'.
func (b *Builder) splitSlicesAndValues(c Config) (slices, values Config) {
v, t := reflect.ValueOf(c), reflect.TypeOf(c)
rs, rv := reflect.New(t), reflect.New(t)
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
f := t.Field(i)
if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
} else {
return rs.Elem().Interface().(Config), rv.Elem().Interface().(Config)
func (b *Builder) warn(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
b.Warnings = append(b.Warnings, fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
func (b *Builder) checkVal(v *CheckDefinition) *structs.CheckDefinition {
if v == nil {
return nil
id := types.CheckID(b.stringVal(v.ID))
return &structs.CheckDefinition{
ID: id,
Name: b.stringVal(v.Name),
Notes: b.stringVal(v.Notes),
ServiceID: b.stringVal(v.ServiceID),
Token: b.stringVal(v.Token),
Status: b.stringVal(v.Status),
ScriptArgs: v.ScriptArgs,
HTTP: b.stringVal(v.HTTP),
Header: v.Header,
Method: b.stringVal(v.Method),
Body: b.stringVal(v.Body),
TCP: b.stringVal(v.TCP),
Interval: b.durationVal(fmt.Sprintf("check[%s].interval", id), v.Interval),
DockerContainerID: b.stringVal(v.DockerContainerID),
Shell: b.stringVal(v.Shell),
GRPC: b.stringVal(v.GRPC),
GRPCUseTLS: b.boolVal(v.GRPCUseTLS),
TLSSkipVerify: b.boolVal(v.TLSSkipVerify),
AliasNode: b.stringVal(v.AliasNode),
AliasService: b.stringVal(v.AliasService),
Timeout: b.durationVal(fmt.Sprintf("check[%s].timeout", id), v.Timeout),
TTL: b.durationVal(fmt.Sprintf("check[%s].ttl", id), v.TTL),
SuccessBeforePassing: b.intVal(v.SuccessBeforePassing),
FailuresBeforeCritical: b.intVal(v.FailuresBeforeCritical),
DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter: b.durationVal(fmt.Sprintf("check[%s].deregister_critical_service_after", id), v.DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter),
OutputMaxSize: b.intValWithDefault(v.OutputMaxSize, checks.DefaultBufSize),
EnterpriseMeta: v.EnterpriseMeta.ToStructs(),
func (b *Builder) svcTaggedAddresses(v map[string]ServiceAddress) map[string]structs.ServiceAddress {
if len(v) <= 0 {
return nil
svcAddrs := make(map[string]structs.ServiceAddress)
for addrName, addrConf := range v {
addr := structs.ServiceAddress{}
if addrConf.Address != nil {
addr.Address = *addrConf.Address
if addrConf.Port != nil {
addr.Port = *addrConf.Port
svcAddrs[addrName] = addr
return svcAddrs
func (b *Builder) serviceVal(v *ServiceDefinition) *structs.ServiceDefinition {
if v == nil {
return nil
var checks structs.CheckTypes
for _, check := range v.Checks {
checks = append(checks, b.checkVal(&check).CheckType())
if v.Check != nil {
checks = append(checks, b.checkVal(v.Check).CheckType())
kind := b.serviceKindVal(v.Kind)
meta := make(map[string]string)
if err := structs.ValidateServiceMetadata(kind, v.Meta, false); err != nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("invalid meta for service %s: %v", b.stringVal(v.Name), err))
} else {
meta = v.Meta
serviceWeights := &structs.Weights{Passing: 1, Warning: 1}
if v.Weights != nil {
if v.Weights.Passing != nil {
serviceWeights.Passing = *v.Weights.Passing
if v.Weights.Warning != nil {
serviceWeights.Warning = *v.Weights.Warning
if err := structs.ValidateWeights(serviceWeights); err != nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("Invalid weight definition for service %s: %s", b.stringVal(v.Name), err))
return &structs.ServiceDefinition{
Kind: kind,
ID: b.stringVal(v.ID),
Name: b.stringVal(v.Name),
Tags: v.Tags,
Address: b.stringVal(v.Address),
TaggedAddresses: b.svcTaggedAddresses(v.TaggedAddresses),
Meta: meta,
Port: b.intVal(v.Port),
Token: b.stringVal(v.Token),
EnableTagOverride: b.boolVal(v.EnableTagOverride),
Weights: serviceWeights,
Checks: checks,
Proxy: b.serviceProxyVal(v.Proxy),
Connect: b.serviceConnectVal(v.Connect),
EnterpriseMeta: v.EnterpriseMeta.ToStructs(),
func (b *Builder) serviceKindVal(v *string) structs.ServiceKind {
if v == nil {
return structs.ServiceKindTypical
switch *v {
case string(structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy):
return structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy
case string(structs.ServiceKindMeshGateway):
return structs.ServiceKindMeshGateway
case string(structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway):
return structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway
case string(structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway):
return structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway
return structs.ServiceKindTypical
func (b *Builder) serviceProxyVal(v *ServiceProxy) *structs.ConnectProxyConfig {
if v == nil {
return nil
return &structs.ConnectProxyConfig{
DestinationServiceName: b.stringVal(v.DestinationServiceName),
DestinationServiceID: b.stringVal(v.DestinationServiceID),
LocalServiceAddress: b.stringVal(v.LocalServiceAddress),
LocalServicePort: b.intVal(v.LocalServicePort),
Config: v.Config,
Upstreams: b.upstreamsVal(v.Upstreams),
MeshGateway: b.meshGatewayConfVal(v.MeshGateway),
Expose: b.exposeConfVal(v.Expose),
func (b *Builder) upstreamsVal(v []Upstream) structs.Upstreams {
ups := make(structs.Upstreams, len(v))
for i, u := range v {
ups[i] = structs.Upstream{
DestinationType: b.stringVal(u.DestinationType),
DestinationNamespace: b.stringVal(u.DestinationNamespace),
DestinationName: b.stringVal(u.DestinationName),
Datacenter: b.stringVal(u.Datacenter),
LocalBindAddress: b.stringVal(u.LocalBindAddress),
LocalBindPort: b.intVal(u.LocalBindPort),
Config: u.Config,
MeshGateway: b.meshGatewayConfVal(u.MeshGateway),
if ups[i].DestinationType == "" {
ups[i].DestinationType = structs.UpstreamDestTypeService
return ups
func (b *Builder) meshGatewayConfVal(mgConf *MeshGatewayConfig) structs.MeshGatewayConfig {
cfg := structs.MeshGatewayConfig{Mode: structs.MeshGatewayModeDefault}
if mgConf == nil || mgConf.Mode == nil {
// return defaults
return cfg
mode, err := structs.ValidateMeshGatewayMode(*mgConf.Mode)
if err != nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, err)
return cfg
cfg.Mode = mode
return cfg
func (b *Builder) exposeConfVal(v *ExposeConfig) structs.ExposeConfig {
var out structs.ExposeConfig
if v == nil {
return out
out.Checks = b.boolVal(v.Checks)
out.Paths = b.pathsVal(v.Paths)
return out
func (b *Builder) pathsVal(v []ExposePath) []structs.ExposePath {
paths := make([]structs.ExposePath, len(v))
for i, p := range v {
paths[i] = structs.ExposePath{
ListenerPort: b.intVal(p.ListenerPort),
Path: b.stringVal(p.Path),
LocalPathPort: b.intVal(p.LocalPathPort),
Protocol: b.stringVal(p.Protocol),
return paths
func (b *Builder) serviceConnectVal(v *ServiceConnect) *structs.ServiceConnect {
if v == nil {
return nil
sidecar := b.serviceVal(v.SidecarService)
if sidecar != nil {
// Sanity checks
if sidecar.ID != "" {
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("sidecar_service can't specify an ID"))
sidecar.ID = ""
if sidecar.Connect != nil {
if sidecar.Connect.SidecarService != nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("sidecar_service can't have a nested sidecar_service"))
sidecar.Connect.SidecarService = nil
return &structs.ServiceConnect{
Native: b.boolVal(v.Native),
SidecarService: sidecar,
func (b *Builder) boolValWithDefault(v *bool, defaultVal bool) bool {
if v == nil {
return defaultVal
return *v
func (b *Builder) boolVal(v *bool) bool {
return b.boolValWithDefault(v, false)
func (b *Builder) durationValWithDefault(name string, v *string, defaultVal time.Duration) (d time.Duration) {
if v == nil {
return defaultVal
d, err := time.ParseDuration(*v)
if err != nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid duration: %q: %s", name, *v, err))
return d
func (b *Builder) durationVal(name string, v *string) (d time.Duration) {
return b.durationValWithDefault(name, v, 0)
func (b *Builder) intValWithDefault(v *int, defaultVal int) int {
if v == nil {
return defaultVal
return *v
func (b *Builder) intVal(v *int) int {
return b.intValWithDefault(v, 0)
func (b *Builder) uintVal(v *uint) uint {
return b.uintValWithDefault(v, 0)
func (b *Builder) uintValWithDefault(v *uint, defaultVal uint) uint {
if v == nil {
return defaultVal
return *v
func (b *Builder) uint64ValWithDefault(v *uint64, defaultVal uint64) uint64 {
if v == nil {
return defaultVal
return *v
func (b *Builder) uint64Val(v *uint64) uint64 {
return b.uint64ValWithDefault(v, 0)
func (b *Builder) portVal(name string, v *int) int {
if v == nil || *v <= 0 {
return -1
if *v > 65535 {
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid port: %d", name, *v))
return *v
func (b *Builder) stringValWithDefault(v *string, defaultVal string) string {
if v == nil {
return defaultVal
return *v
func (b *Builder) stringVal(v *string) string {
return b.stringValWithDefault(v, "")
func (b *Builder) float64Val(v *float64) float64 {
if v == nil {
return 0
return *v
func (b *Builder) cidrsVal(name string, v []string) (nets []*net.IPNet) {
if v == nil {
for _, p := range v {
_, net, err := net.ParseCIDR(strings.TrimSpace(p))
if err != nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid cidr: %s", name, p))
nets = append(nets, net)
func (b *Builder) tlsCipherSuites(name string, v *string) []uint16 {
if v == nil {
return nil
var a []uint16
a, err := tlsutil.ParseCiphers(*v)
if err != nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid tls cipher suites: %s", name, err))
return a
func (b *Builder) nodeName(v *string) string {
nodeName := b.stringVal(v)
if nodeName == "" {
fn := b.Hostname
if fn == nil {
fn = os.Hostname
name, err := fn()
if err != nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("node_name: %s", err))
return ""
nodeName = name
return strings.TrimSpace(nodeName)
// expandAddrs expands the go-sockaddr template in s and returns the
// result as a list of *net.IPAddr and *net.UnixAddr.
func (b *Builder) expandAddrs(name string, s *string) []net.Addr {
if s == nil || *s == "" {
return nil
x, err := template.Parse(*s)
if err != nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s: error parsing %q: %s", name, *s, err))
return nil
var addrs []net.Addr
for _, a := range strings.Fields(x) {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(a, "unix://"):
addrs = append(addrs, &net.UnixAddr{Name: a[len("unix://"):], Net: "unix"})
// net.ParseIP does not like '[::]'
ip := net.ParseIP(a)
if a == "[::]" {
ip = net.ParseIP("::")
if ip == nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid ip address: %s", name, a))
return nil
addrs = append(addrs, &net.IPAddr{IP: ip})
return addrs
// expandOptionalAddrs expands the go-sockaddr template in s and returns the
// result as a list of strings. If s does not contain a go-sockaddr template,
// the result list will contain the input string as a single element with no
// error set. In contrast to expandAddrs, expandOptionalAddrs does not validate
// if the result contains valid addresses and returns a list of strings.
// However, if the expansion of the go-sockaddr template fails an error is set.
func (b *Builder) expandOptionalAddrs(name string, s *string) []string {
if s == nil || *s == "" {
return nil
x, err := template.Parse(*s)
if err != nil {
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s: error parsing %q: %s", name, *s, err))
return nil
if x != *s {
// A template has been expanded, split the results from go-sockaddr
return strings.Fields(x)
} else {
// No template has been expanded, pass through the input
return []string{*s}
func (b *Builder) expandAllOptionalAddrs(name string, addrs []string) []string {
out := make([]string, 0, len(addrs))
for _, a := range addrs {
expanded := b.expandOptionalAddrs(name, &a)
if expanded != nil {
out = append(out, expanded...)
return out
// expandIPs expands the go-sockaddr template in s and returns a list of
// *net.IPAddr. If one of the expanded addresses is a unix socket
// address an error is set and nil is returned.
func (b *Builder) expandIPs(name string, s *string) []*net.IPAddr {
if s == nil || *s == "" {
return nil
addrs := b.expandAddrs(name, s)
var x []*net.IPAddr
for _, addr := range addrs {
switch a := addr.(type) {
case *net.IPAddr:
x = append(x, a)
case *net.UnixAddr:
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s cannot be a unix socket", name))
return nil
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s has invalid address type %T", name, a))
return nil
return x
// expandFirstAddr expands the go-sockaddr template in s and returns the
// first address which is either a *net.IPAddr or a *net.UnixAddr. If
// the template expands to multiple addresses an error is set and nil
// is returned.
func (b *Builder) expandFirstAddr(name string, s *string) net.Addr {
if s == nil || *s == "" {
return nil
addrs := b.expandAddrs(name, s)
if len(addrs) == 0 {
return nil
if len(addrs) > 1 {
var x []string
for _, a := range addrs {
x = append(x, a.String())
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s: multiple addresses found: %s", name, strings.Join(x, " ")))
return nil
return addrs[0]
// expandFirstIP expands the go-sockaddr template in s and returns the
// first address if it is not a unix socket address. If the template
// expands to multiple addresses an error is set and nil is returned.
func (b *Builder) expandFirstIP(name string, s *string) *net.IPAddr {
if s == nil || *s == "" {
return nil
addr := b.expandFirstAddr(name, s)
if addr == nil {
return nil
switch a := addr.(type) {
case *net.IPAddr:
return a
case *net.UnixAddr:
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s cannot be a unix socket", name))
return nil
b.err = multierror.Append(b.err, fmt.Errorf("%s has invalid address type %T", name, a))
return nil
func (b *Builder) makeIPAddr(pri *net.IPAddr, sec *net.IPAddr) *net.IPAddr {
if pri != nil {
return pri
return sec
func (b *Builder) makeTCPAddr(pri *net.IPAddr, sec net.Addr, port int) *net.TCPAddr {
if pri == nil && reflect.ValueOf(sec).IsNil() || port <= 0 {
return nil
addr := pri
if addr == nil {
switch a := sec.(type) {
case *net.IPAddr:
addr = a
case *net.TCPAddr:
addr = &net.IPAddr{IP: a.IP}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("makeTCPAddr requires a net.IPAddr or a net.TCPAddr. Got %T", a))
return &net.TCPAddr{IP: addr.IP, Port: port}
// makeAddr creates an *net.TCPAddr or a *net.UnixAddr from either the
// primary or secondary address and the given port. If the port is <= 0
// then the address is considered to be disabled and nil is returned.
func (b *Builder) makeAddr(pri, sec net.Addr, port int) net.Addr {
if reflect.ValueOf(pri).IsNil() && reflect.ValueOf(sec).IsNil() || port <= 0 {
return nil
addr := pri
if addr == nil {
addr = sec
switch a := addr.(type) {
case *net.IPAddr:
return &net.TCPAddr{IP: a.IP, Port: port}
case *net.UnixAddr:
return a
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid address type %T", a))
// makeAddrs creates a list of *net.TCPAddr or *net.UnixAddr entries
// from either the primary or secondary addresses and the given port.
// If the port is <= 0 then the address is considered to be disabled
// and nil is returned.
func (b *Builder) makeAddrs(pri []net.Addr, sec []*net.IPAddr, port int) []net.Addr {
if len(pri) == 0 && len(sec) == 0 || port <= 0 {
return nil
addrs := pri
if len(addrs) == 0 {
addrs = []net.Addr{}
for _, a := range sec {
addrs = append(addrs, a)
var x []net.Addr
for _, a := range addrs {
x = append(x, b.makeAddr(a, nil, port))
return x
// isUnixAddr returns true when the given address is a unix socket address type.
func (b *Builder) isUnixAddr(a net.Addr) bool {
_, ok := a.(*net.UnixAddr)
return a != nil && ok
func (b *Builder) autoConfigVal(raw AutoConfigRaw) AutoConfig {
var val AutoConfig
val.Enabled = b.boolValWithDefault(raw.Enabled, false)
val.IntroToken = b.stringVal(raw.IntroToken)
val.IntroTokenFile = b.stringVal(raw.IntroTokenFile)
// These can be go-discover values and so don't have to resolve fully yet
val.ServerAddresses = b.expandAllOptionalAddrs("auto_config.server_addresses", raw.ServerAddresses)
val.DNSSANs = raw.DNSSANs
for _, i := range raw.IPSANs {
ip := net.ParseIP(i)
if ip == nil {
b.warn(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot parse ip %q from auto_config.ip_sans", i))
val.IPSANs = append(val.IPSANs, ip)
val.Authorizer = b.autoConfigAuthorizerVal(raw.Authorization)
return val
func (b *Builder) autoConfigAuthorizerVal(raw AutoConfigAuthorizationRaw) AutoConfigAuthorizer {
// Our config file syntax wraps the static authorizer configuration in a "static" stanza. However
// internally we do not support multiple configured authorization types so the RuntimeConfig just
// inlines the static one. While we can and probably should extend the authorization types in the
// future to support dynamic authorizers (ACL Auth Methods configured via normal APIs) its not
// needed right now so the configuration types will remain simplistic until they need to be otherwise.
var val AutoConfigAuthorizer
val.Enabled = b.boolValWithDefault(raw.Enabled, false)
val.ClaimAssertions = raw.Static.ClaimAssertions
val.AllowReuse = b.boolValWithDefault(raw.Static.AllowReuse, false)
val.AuthMethod = structs.ACLAuthMethod{
Name: "Auto Config Authorizer",
Type: "jwt",
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"JWTSupportedAlgs": raw.Static.JWTSupportedAlgs,
"BoundAudiences": raw.Static.BoundAudiences,
"ClaimMappings": raw.Static.ClaimMappings,
"ListClaimMappings": raw.Static.ListClaimMappings,
"OIDCDiscoveryURL": b.stringVal(raw.Static.OIDCDiscoveryURL),
"OIDCDiscoveryCACert": b.stringVal(raw.Static.OIDCDiscoveryCACert),
"JWKSURL": b.stringVal(raw.Static.JWKSURL),
"JWKSCACert": b.stringVal(raw.Static.JWKSCACert),
"JWTValidationPubKeys": raw.Static.JWTValidationPubKeys,
"BoundIssuer": b.stringVal(raw.Static.BoundIssuer),
"ExpirationLeeway": b.durationVal("auto_config.authorization.static.expiration_leeway", raw.Static.ExpirationLeeway),
"NotBeforeLeeway": b.durationVal("auto_config.authorization.static.not_before_leeway", raw.Static.NotBeforeLeeway),
"ClockSkewLeeway": b.durationVal("auto_config.authorization.static.clock_skew_leeway", raw.Static.ClockSkewLeeway),
return val
func (b *Builder) validateAutoConfig(rt RuntimeConfig) error {
autoconf := rt.AutoConfig
if err := b.validateAutoConfigAuthorizer(rt); err != nil {
return err
if !autoconf.Enabled {
return nil
// Auto Config doesn't currently support configuring servers
if rt.ServerMode {
return fmt.Errorf("auto_config.enabled cannot be set to true for server agents.")
// When both are set we will prefer the given value over the file.
if autoconf.IntroToken != "" && autoconf.IntroTokenFile != "" {
b.warn("auto_config.intro_token and auto_config.intro_token_file are both set. Using the value of auto_config.intro_token")
} else if autoconf.IntroToken == "" && autoconf.IntroTokenFile == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("one of auto_config.intro_token or auto_config.intro_token_file must be set to enable auto_config")
if len(autoconf.ServerAddresses) == 0 {
// TODO (autoconf) can we/should we infer this from the join/retry join addresses. I think no, as we will potentially
// be overriding those retry join addresses with the autoconf process anyways.
return fmt.Errorf("auto_config.enabled is set without providing a list of addresses")
// TODO (autoconf) should we validate the DNS and IP SANs? The IP SANs have already been parsed into IPs
return nil
func (b *Builder) validateAutoConfigAuthorizer(rt RuntimeConfig) error {
authz := rt.AutoConfig.Authorizer
if !authz.Enabled {
return nil
// Auto Config Authorization is only supported on servers
if !rt.ServerMode {
return fmt.Errorf("auto_config.authorization.enabled cannot be set to true for client agents")
// build out the validator to ensure that the given configuration was valid
null := hclog.NewNullLogger()
validator, err := ssoauth.NewValidator(null, &authz.AuthMethod)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("auto_config.authorization.static has invalid configuration: %v", err)
// create a blank identity for use to validate the claim assertions.
blankID := validator.NewIdentity()
varMap := map[string]string{
"node": "fake",
"segment": "fake",
// validate all the claim assertions
for _, raw := range authz.ClaimAssertions {
// validate any HIL
filled, err := libtempl.InterpolateHIL(raw, varMap, true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("auto_config.authorization.static.claim_assertion %q is invalid: %v", raw, err)
// validate the bexpr syntax - note that for now all the keys mapped by the claim mappings
// are not validateable due to them being put inside a map. Some bexpr updates to setup keys
// from current map keys would probably be nice here.
if _, err := bexpr.CreateEvaluatorForType(filled, nil, blankID.SelectableFields); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("auto_config.authorization.static.claim_assertion %q is invalid: %v", raw, err)
return nil
// decodeBytes returns the encryption key decoded.
func decodeBytes(key string) ([]byte, error) {
return base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(key)
func isIPAddr(a net.Addr) bool {
_, ok := a.(*net.IPAddr)
return ok
func isUnixAddr(a net.Addr) bool {
_, ok := a.(*net.UnixAddr)
return ok
// isValidAltDomain returns true if the given domain is not prefixed
// by keywords used when dispatching DNS requests
func isValidAltDomain(domain, datacenter string) bool {
reAltDomain := regexp.MustCompile(
datacenter, datacenter,
return !reAltDomain.MatchString(domain)
// UIPathBuilder checks to see if there was a path set
// If so, adds beginning and trailing slashes to UI path
func UIPathBuilder(UIContentString string) string {
if UIContentString != "" {
var fmtedPath string
fmtedPath = strings.Trim(UIContentString, "/")
fmtedPath = "/" + fmtedPath + "/"
return fmtedPath
return "/ui/"