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synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
Builds on attach-shadow, adopt-styles and ShadowTemplate, this commit adds ShadowHost and finally CustomElement. CustomElement is a renderless component to help with the creation of native HTML Custom Elements along with runtime type checking and self-documentation for attributes, slots, cssprops and cssparts. As you will probably see there is a little more work to come here. But in the same breath, everything would be fine to go in as is.
194 lines
4.8 KiB
194 lines
4.8 KiB
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
const ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE = 'custom-element.attributeChange';
const elements = new Map();
const proxies = new WeakMap();
const typeCast = (attributeInfo, value) => {
let type = attributeInfo.type;
const d = attributeInfo.default;
value = value == null ? attributeInfo.default : value;
if(type.indexOf('|') !== -1) {
assert(`"${value} is not of type '${type}'"`, type.split('|').map(item => item.replaceAll('"', '').trim()).includes(value));
type = 'string';
switch(type) {
case '<length>':
case '<percentage>':
case '<dimension>':
case 'number': {
const num = parseFloat(value);
if(isNaN(num)) {
return typeof d === 'undefined' ? 0 : d;
} else {
return num;
case '<integer>':
return parseInt(value);
case '<string>':
case 'string':
return (value || '').toString();
const attributeChangingElement = (name, Cls = HTMLElement, attributes = {}, cssprops = {}) => {
const attrs = Object.keys(attributes);
const customClass = class extends Cls {
static get observedAttributes() {
return attrs;
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
const prev = typeCast(attributes[name], oldValue);
const value = typeCast(attributes[name], newValue);
const cssProp = cssprops[`--${name}`];
if(typeof cssProp !== 'undefined' && cssProp.track === `[${name}]`) {
if(typeof super.attributeChangedCallback === 'function') {
super.attributeChangedCallback(name, prev, value);
new CustomEvent(
detail: {
name: name,
previousValue: prev,
value: value
customElements.define(name, customClass);
return () => {};
const infoFromArray = (arr, keys) => {
return (arr || []).reduce((prev, info) => {
let key;
const obj = {};
keys.forEach((item, i) => {
if(item === '_') {
key = i;
obj[item] = info[i]
prev[info[key]] = obj;
return prev;
}, {});
const debounceRAF = (cb, prev) => {
if(typeof prev !== 'undefined') {
return requestAnimationFrame(cb);
const createElementProxy = ($element, component) => {
return new Proxy($element, {
get: (target, prop, receiver) => {
switch(prop) {
case 'attrs':
return component.attributes;
if(typeof target[prop] === 'function') {
// need to ensure we use a MultiWeakMap here
// if(this.methods.has(prop)) {
// return this.methods.get(prop);
// }
const method = target[prop].bind(target);
// this.methods.set(prop, method);
return method;
export default class CustomElementComponent extends Component {
@tracked $element;
@tracked _attributes = {};
constructor(owner, args) {
if(!elements.has(args.element)) {
const cb = attributeChangingElement(
infoFromArray(args.attrs, ['_', 'type', 'default', 'description']),
infoFromArray(args.cssprops, ['_', 'type', 'track', 'description'])
elements.set(args.element, cb);
get attributes() {
return this._attributes;
get element() {
if(this.$element) {
if(proxies.has(this.$element)) {
return proxies.get(this.$element);
const proxy = createElementProxy(this.$element, this);
proxies.set(this.$element, proxy);
return proxy;
return undefined;
setHost(attachShadow, $element) {
this.$element = $element;
this.$element.addEventListener(ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE, this.attributeChange);
(this.args.attrs || []).forEach(entry => {
const value = $element.getAttribute(entry[0]);
$element.attributeChangedCallback(entry[0], value, value)
disconnect() {
this.$element.removeEventListener(ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE, this.attributeChange);
attributeChange(e) {
// currently if one single attribute changes
// they all change
this.__attributes = {
[e.detail.name]: e.detail.value
this._attchange = debounceRAF(() => {
// tell glimmer we changed the attrs
this._attributes = this.__attributes;
}, this._attchange);