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synced 2025-02-04 18:03:39 +00:00
* add config watcher to the config package * add logging to watcher * add test and refactor to add WatcherEvent. * add all API calls and fix a bug with recreated files * add tests for watcher * remove the unnecessary use of context * Add debug log and a test for file rename * use inode to detect if the file is recreated/replaced and only listen to create events. * tidy ups (#1535) * tidy ups * Add tests for inode reconcile * fix linux vs windows syscall * fix linux vs windows syscall * fix windows compile error * increase timeout * use ctime ID * remove remove/creation test as it's a use case that fail in linux * fix linux/windows to use Ino/CreationTime * fix the watcher to only overwrite current file id * fix linter error * fix remove/create test * set reconcile loop to 200 Milliseconds * fix watcher to not trigger event on remove, add more tests * on a remove event try to add the file back to the watcher and trigger the handler if success * fix race condition * fix flaky test * fix race conditions * set level to info * fix when file is removed and get an event for it after * fix to trigger handler when we get a remove but re-add fail * fix error message * add tests for directory watch and fixes * detect if a file is a symlink and return an error on Add * rename Watcher to FileWatcher and remove symlink deref * add fsnotify@v1.5.1 * fix go mod * fix flaky test * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Ashwin Venkatesh <ashwin@hashicorp.com> * fix a possible stack overflow * do not reset timer on errors, rename OS specific files * start the watcher when creating it * fix data race in tests * rename New func * do not call handler when a remove event happen * events trigger on write and rename * fix watcher tests * make handler async * remove recursive call * do not produce events for sub directories * trim "/" at the end of a directory when adding * add missing test * fix logging * add todo * fix failing test * fix flaking tests * fix flaky test * add logs * fix log text * increase timeout * reconcile when remove * check reconcile when removed * fix reconcile move test * fix logging * delete invalid file * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: R.B. Boyer <4903+rboyer@users.noreply.github.com> * fix review comments * fix is watched to properly catch a remove * change test timeout * fix test and rename id * fix test to create files with different mod time. * fix deadlock when stopping watcher * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: R.B. Boyer <4903+rboyer@users.noreply.github.com> * fix a deadlock when calling stop while emitting event is blocked * make sure to close the event channel after the event loop is done * add go doc * back date file instead of sleeping * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: R.B. Boyer <4903+rboyer@users.noreply.github.com> * check error Co-authored-by: Ashwin Venkatesh <ashwin@hashicorp.com> Co-authored-by: R.B. Boyer <4903+rboyer@users.noreply.github.com>
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