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synced 2025-03-02 14:20:39 +00:00
The fallback method would still work but it would get into a state where it would let the certificate expire for 10s before getting a new one. And the new one used the less secure RPC endpoint. This is also a pretty large refactoring of the auto encrypt code. I was going to write some tests around the certificate monitoring but it was going to be impossible to get a TestAgent configured in such a way that I could write a test that ran in less than an hour or two to exercise the functionality. Moving the certificate monitoring into its own package will allow for dependency injection and in particular mocking the cache types to control how it hands back certificates and how long those certificates should live. This will allow for exercising the main loop more than would be possible with it coupled so tightly with the Agent. # Conflicts: # agent/agent.go
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package certmon
import (
cachetype "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/cache-types"
type mockFallback struct {
func (m *mockFallback) fallback(ctx context.Context) (*structs.SignedResponse, error) {
ret := m.Called()
resp, _ := ret.Get(0).(*structs.SignedResponse)
return resp, ret.Error(1)
type mockWatcher struct {
ch chan<- cache.UpdateEvent
done <-chan struct{}
type mockCache struct {
lock sync.Mutex
watchers map[string][]mockWatcher
func (m *mockCache) Notify(ctx context.Context, t string, r cache.Request, correlationID string, ch chan<- cache.UpdateEvent) error {
key := r.CacheInfo().Key
m.watchers[key] = append(m.watchers[key], mockWatcher{ch: ch, done: ctx.Done()})
ret := m.Called(t, r, correlationID)
return ret.Error(0)
func (m *mockCache) Prepopulate(t string, result cache.FetchResult, dc string, token string, key string) error {
ret := m.Called(t, result, dc, token, key)
return ret.Error(0)
func (m *mockCache) sendNotification(ctx context.Context, key string, u cache.UpdateEvent) bool {
defer m.lock.Unlock()
watchers, ok := m.watchers[key]
if !ok || len(m.watchers) < 1 {
return false
var newWatchers []mockWatcher
for _, watcher := range watchers {
select {
case watcher.ch <- u:
newWatchers = append(newWatchers, watcher)
case <-watcher.done:
// do nothing, this watcher will be removed from the list
case <-ctx.Done():
// return doesn't matter here really, the test is being cancelled
return true
// this removes any already cancelled watches from being sent to
m.watchers[key] = newWatchers
return true
func newMockCache(t *testing.T) *mockCache {
mcache := mockCache{watchers: make(map[string][]mockWatcher)}
return &mcache
func waitForChan(timer *time.Timer, ch <-chan struct{}) bool {
select {
case <-timer.C:
return false
case <-ch:
return true
func waitForChans(timeout time.Duration, chans ...<-chan struct{}) bool {
timer := time.NewTimer(timeout)
defer timer.Stop()
for _, ch := range chans {
if !waitForChan(timer, ch) {
return false
return true
func testTLSConfigurator(t *testing.T) *tlsutil.Configurator {
logger := testutil.Logger(t)
cfg, err := tlsutil.NewConfigurator(tlsutil.Config{AutoEncryptTLS: true}, logger)
require.NoError(t, err)
return cfg
func newLeaf(t *testing.T, ca *structs.CARoot, idx uint64, expiration time.Duration) *structs.IssuedCert {
pub, priv, err := connect.TestAgentLeaf(t, "node", "foo", ca, expiration)
require.NoError(t, err)
cert, err := connect.ParseCert(pub)
require.NoError(t, err)
spiffeID, err := connect.ParseCertURI(cert.URIs[0])
require.NoError(t, err)
agentID, ok := spiffeID.(*connect.SpiffeIDAgent)
require.True(t, ok, "certificate doesn't have an agent leaf cert URI")
return &structs.IssuedCert{
SerialNumber: cert.SerialNumber.String(),
CertPEM: pub,
PrivateKeyPEM: priv,
ValidAfter: cert.NotBefore,
ValidBefore: cert.NotAfter,
Agent: agentID.Agent,
AgentURI: agentID.URI().String(),
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
RaftIndex: structs.RaftIndex{
CreateIndex: idx,
ModifyIndex: idx,
type testCertMonitor struct {
monitor *CertMonitor
mcache *mockCache
tls *tlsutil.Configurator
tokens *token.Store
fallback *mockFallback
extraCACerts []string
initialCert *structs.IssuedCert
initialRoots *structs.IndexedCARoots
// these are some variables that the CertMonitor was created with
datacenter string
nodeName string
dns []string
ips []net.IP
verifyServerHostname bool
func newTestCertMonitor(t *testing.T) testCertMonitor {
tlsConfigurator := testTLSConfigurator(t)
tokens := new(token.Store)
id, err := uuid.GenerateUUID()
require.NoError(t, err)
tokens.UpdateAgentToken(id, token.TokenSourceConfig)
ca := connect.TestCA(t, nil)
manualCA := connect.TestCA(t, nil)
// this cert is setup to not expire quickly. this will prevent
// the test from accidentally running the fallback routine
// before we want to force that to happen.
issued := newLeaf(t, ca, 1, 10*time.Minute)
indexedRoots := structs.IndexedCARoots{
ActiveRootID: ca.ID,
TrustDomain: connect.TestClusterID,
Roots: []*structs.CARoot{
QueryMeta: structs.QueryMeta{
Index: 1,
initialCerts := &structs.SignedResponse{
ConnectCARoots: indexedRoots,
IssuedCert: *issued,
ManualCARoots: []string{manualCA.RootCert},
VerifyServerHostname: true,
dnsSANs := []string{"test.dev"}
ipSANs := []net.IP{net.IPv4(198, 18, 0, 1)}
// this chan should be unbuffered so we can detect when the fallback func has been called.
fallback := &mockFallback{}
mcache := newMockCache(t)
rootRes := cache.FetchResult{Value: &indexedRoots, Index: 1}
rootsReq := structs.DCSpecificRequest{Datacenter: "foo"}
mcache.On("Prepopulate", cachetype.ConnectCARootName, rootRes, "foo", "", rootsReq.CacheInfo().Key).Return(nil).Once()
leafReq := cachetype.ConnectCALeafRequest{
Token: tokens.AgentToken(),
Agent: "node",
Datacenter: "foo",
leafRes := cache.FetchResult{
Value: issued,
Index: 1,
State: cachetype.ConnectCALeafSuccess(ca.SigningKeyID),
mcache.On("Prepopulate", cachetype.ConnectCALeafName, leafRes, "foo", tokens.AgentToken(), leafReq.Key()).Return(nil).Once()
// we can assert more later but this should always be done.
defer mcache.AssertExpectations(t)
cfg := new(Config).
monitor, err := New(cfg)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, monitor)
require.NoError(t, monitor.Update(initialCerts))
return testCertMonitor{
monitor: monitor,
tls: tlsConfigurator,
tokens: tokens,
mcache: mcache,
fallback: fallback,
extraCACerts: []string{manualCA.RootCert},
initialCert: issued,
initialRoots: &indexedRoots,
datacenter: "foo",
nodeName: "node",
dns: dnsSANs,
ips: ipSANs,
verifyServerHostname: true,
func tlsCertificateFromIssued(t *testing.T, issued *structs.IssuedCert) *tls.Certificate {
cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair([]byte(issued.CertPEM), []byte(issued.PrivateKeyPEM))
require.NoError(t, err)
return &cert
// convenience method to get a TLS Certificate from the intial issued certificate and priv key
func (cm *testCertMonitor) initialTLSCertificate(t *testing.T) *tls.Certificate {
return tlsCertificateFromIssued(t, cm.initialCert)
// just a convenience method to get a list of all the CA pems that we set up regardless
// of manual vs connect.
func (cm *testCertMonitor) initialCACerts() []string {
pems := cm.extraCACerts
for _, root := range cm.initialRoots.Roots {
pems = append(pems, root.RootCert)
return pems
func (cm *testCertMonitor) assertExpectations(t *testing.T) {
func TestCertMonitor_InitialCerts(t *testing.T) {
// this also ensures that the cache was prepopulated properly
cm := newTestCertMonitor(t)
// verify that the certificate was injected into the TLS configurator correctly
require.Equal(t, cm.initialTLSCertificate(t), cm.tls.Cert())
// verify that the CA certs (both Connect and manual ones) were injected correctly
require.ElementsMatch(t, cm.initialCACerts(), cm.tls.CAPems())
// verify that the auto-tls verify server hostname setting was injected correctly
require.Equal(t, cm.verifyServerHostname, cm.tls.VerifyServerHostname())
func TestCertMonitor_GoRoutineManagement(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
cm := newTestCertMonitor(t)
// ensure that the monitor is not running
require.False(t, cm.monitor.IsRunning())
// ensure that nothing bad happens and that it reports as stopped
require.False(t, cm.monitor.Stop())
// we will never send notifications so these just ignore everything
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCARootName, &structs.DCSpecificRequest{Datacenter: cm.datacenter}, rootsWatchID).Return(nil).Times(2)
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCALeafName,
Token: cm.tokens.AgentToken(),
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
Agent: cm.nodeName,
DNSSAN: cm.dns,
IPSAN: cm.ips,
done, err := cm.monitor.Start(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, cm.monitor.IsRunning())
_, err = cm.monitor.Start(ctx)
testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, "the CertMonitor is already running")
require.True(t, cm.monitor.Stop())
require.True(t, waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, done), "monitor didn't shut down")
require.False(t, cm.monitor.IsRunning())
done, err = cm.monitor.Start(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// ensure that context cancellation causes us to stop as well
require.True(t, waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, done))
func startedCertMonitor(t *testing.T) (context.Context, testCertMonitor) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
cm := newTestCertMonitor(t)
rootsCtx, rootsCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer rootsCancel()
leafCtx, leafCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer leafCancel()
// initial roots watch
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCARootName,
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
Run(func(_ mock.Arguments) {
// the initial watch after starting the monitor
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCALeafName,
Token: cm.tokens.AgentToken(),
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
Agent: cm.nodeName,
DNSSAN: cm.dns,
IPSAN: cm.ips,
Run(func(_ mock.Arguments) {
done, err := cm.monitor.Start(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// this prevents logs after the test finishes
t.Cleanup(func() {
waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, rootsCtx.Done(), leafCtx.Done()),
"not all watches were started within the alotted time")
return ctx, cm
// This test ensures that the cache watches are restarted with the updated
// token after receiving a token update
func TestCertMonitor_TokenUpdate(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cm := startedCertMonitor(t)
rootsCtx, rootsCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer rootsCancel()
leafCtx, leafCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer leafCancel()
newToken := "8e4fe8db-162d-42d8-81ca-710fb2280ad0"
// we expect a new roots watch because when the leaf cert watch is restarted so is the root cert watch
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCARootName,
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
Run(func(_ mock.Arguments) {
secondWatch := &cachetype.ConnectCALeafRequest{
Token: newToken,
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
Agent: cm.nodeName,
DNSSAN: cm.dns,
IPSAN: cm.ips,
// the new watch after updating the token
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCALeafName, secondWatch, leafWatchID).
Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
cm.tokens.UpdateAgentToken(newToken, token.TokenSourceAPI)
waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, rootsCtx.Done(), leafCtx.Done()),
"not all watches were restarted within the alotted time")
func TestCertMonitor_RootsUpdate(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cm := startedCertMonitor(t)
secondCA := connect.TestCA(t, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0])
secondRoots := structs.IndexedCARoots{
ActiveRootID: secondCA.ID,
TrustDomain: connect.TestClusterID,
Roots: []*structs.CARoot{
QueryMeta: structs.QueryMeta{
Index: 99,
// assert value of the CA certs prior to updating
require.ElementsMatch(t, cm.initialCACerts(), cm.tls.CAPems())
req := structs.DCSpecificRequest{Datacenter: cm.datacenter}
require.True(t, cm.mcache.sendNotification(ctx, req.CacheInfo().Key, cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: rootsWatchID,
Result: &secondRoots,
Meta: cache.ResultMeta{
Index: secondRoots.Index,
expectedCAs := append(cm.extraCACerts, secondCA.RootCert, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0].RootCert)
// this will wait up to 200ms (8 x 25 ms waits between the 9 requests)
retry.RunWith(&retry.Counter{Count: 9, Wait: 25 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) {
require.ElementsMatch(r, expectedCAs, cm.tls.CAPems())
func TestCertMonitor_CertUpdate(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cm := startedCertMonitor(t)
secondCert := newLeaf(t, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0], 100, 10*time.Minute)
// assert value of cert prior to updating the leaf
require.Equal(t, cm.initialTLSCertificate(t), cm.tls.Cert())
key := cm.monitor.leafReq.CacheInfo().Key
// send the new certificate - this notifies only the watchers utilizing
// the new ACL token
require.True(t, cm.mcache.sendNotification(ctx, key, cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: leafWatchID,
Result: secondCert,
Meta: cache.ResultMeta{
Index: secondCert.ModifyIndex,
tlsCert := tlsCertificateFromIssued(t, secondCert)
// this will wait up to 200ms (8 x 25 ms waits between the 9 requests)
retry.RunWith(&retry.Counter{Count: 9, Wait: 25 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) {
require.Equal(r, tlsCert, cm.tls.Cert())
func TestCertMonitor_Fallback(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cm := startedCertMonitor(t)
// at this point everything is operating normally and the monitor is just
// waiting for events. We are going to send a new cert that is basically
// already expired and then allow the fallback routine to kick in.
secondCert := newLeaf(t, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0], 100, time.Nanosecond)
secondCA := connect.TestCA(t, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0])
secondRoots := structs.IndexedCARoots{
ActiveRootID: secondCA.ID,
TrustDomain: connect.TestClusterID,
Roots: []*structs.CARoot{
QueryMeta: structs.QueryMeta{
Index: 101,
thirdCert := newLeaf(t, secondCA, 102, 10*time.Minute)
// inject a fallback routine error to check that we rerun it quickly
cm.fallback.On("fallback").Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("induced error")).Once()
// expect the fallback routine to be executed and setup the return
ConnectCARoots: secondRoots,
IssuedCert: *thirdCert,
ManualCARoots: cm.extraCACerts,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
}, nil).Once()
// Add another roots cache prepopulation expectation which should happen
// in response to executing the fallback mechanism
rootRes := cache.FetchResult{Value: &secondRoots, Index: 101}
rootsReq := structs.DCSpecificRequest{Datacenter: cm.datacenter}
cm.mcache.On("Prepopulate", cachetype.ConnectCARootName, rootRes, cm.datacenter, "", rootsReq.CacheInfo().Key).Return(nil).Once()
// add another leaf cert cache prepopulation expectation which should happen
// in response to executing the fallback mechanism
leafReq := cachetype.ConnectCALeafRequest{
Token: cm.tokens.AgentToken(),
Agent: cm.nodeName,
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
DNSSAN: cm.dns,
IPSAN: cm.ips,
leafRes := cache.FetchResult{
Value: thirdCert,
Index: 101,
State: cachetype.ConnectCALeafSuccess(secondCA.SigningKeyID),
cm.mcache.On("Prepopulate", cachetype.ConnectCALeafName, leafRes, leafReq.Datacenter, leafReq.Token, leafReq.Key()).Return(nil).Once()
// nothing in the monitor should be looking at this as its only done
// in response to sending token updates, no need to synchronize
key := cm.monitor.leafReq.CacheInfo().Key
// send the new certificate - this notifies only the watchers utilizing
// the new ACL token
require.True(t, cm.mcache.sendNotification(ctx, key, cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: leafWatchID,
Result: secondCert,
Meta: cache.ResultMeta{
Index: secondCert.ModifyIndex,
// if all went well we would have updated the first certificate which was pretty much expired
// causing the fallback handler to be invoked almost immediately. The fallback routine will
// return the response containing the third cert and second CA roots so now we should wait
// a little while and ensure they were applied to the TLS Configurator
tlsCert := tlsCertificateFromIssued(t, thirdCert)
expectedCAs := append(cm.extraCACerts, secondCA.RootCert, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0].RootCert)
// this will wait up to 200ms (8 x 25 ms waits between the 9 requests)
retry.RunWith(&retry.Counter{Count: 9, Wait: 25 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) {
require.Equal(r, tlsCert, cm.tls.Cert())
require.ElementsMatch(r, expectedCAs, cm.tls.CAPems())
func TestCertMonitor_New_Errors(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
cfg Config
err string
fallback := func(_ context.Context) (*structs.SignedResponse, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unimplemented")
tokens := new(token.Store)
cases := map[string]testCase{
"no-cache": {
cfg: Config{
TLSConfigurator: testTLSConfigurator(t),
Fallback: fallback,
Tokens: tokens,
Datacenter: "foo",
NodeName: "bar",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires a Cache",
"no-tls-configurator": {
cfg: Config{
Cache: cache.New(nil),
Fallback: fallback,
Tokens: tokens,
Datacenter: "foo",
NodeName: "bar",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires a TLS Configurator",
"no-fallback": {
cfg: Config{
Cache: cache.New(nil),
TLSConfigurator: testTLSConfigurator(t),
Tokens: tokens,
Datacenter: "foo",
NodeName: "bar",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires specifying a FallbackFunc",
"no-tokens": {
cfg: Config{
Cache: cache.New(nil),
TLSConfigurator: testTLSConfigurator(t),
Fallback: fallback,
Datacenter: "foo",
NodeName: "bar",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires specifying a token store",
"no-datacenter": {
cfg: Config{
Cache: cache.New(nil),
TLSConfigurator: testTLSConfigurator(t),
Fallback: fallback,
Tokens: tokens,
NodeName: "bar",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires specifying the datacenter",
"no-node-name": {
cfg: Config{
Cache: cache.New(nil),
TLSConfigurator: testTLSConfigurator(t),
Fallback: fallback,
Tokens: tokens,
Datacenter: "foo",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires specifying the agent's node name",
for name, tcase := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
monitor, err := New(&tcase.cfg)
testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tcase.err)
require.Nil(t, monitor)