mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 03:18:26 +00:00
See https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/3977 While trying to improve furthermore #3948 (This pull request is still valid since we are not using Compression to compute the result anyway). I saw a strange behaviour of dns library. Basically, msg.Len() and len(msg.Pack()) disagree on Message len. Thus, calculation of DNS response is false consul relies on msg.Len() instead of the result of Pack() This is linked to miekg/dns#453 and a fix has been provided with miekg/dns#454 Would it be possible to upgrade miekg/dns to a more recent function ? Consul might for instance upgrade to a post 1.0 release such as https://github.com/miekg/dns/releases/tag/v1.0.4
1155 lines
30 KiB
1155 lines
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// DNS packet assembly, see RFC 1035. Converting from - Unpack() -
// and to - Pack() - wire format.
// All the packers and unpackers take a (msg []byte, off int)
// and return (off1 int, ok bool). If they return ok==false, they
// also return off1==len(msg), so that the next unpacker will
// also fail. This lets us avoid checks of ok until the end of a
// packing sequence.
package dns
//go:generate go run msg_generate.go
//go:generate go run compress_generate.go
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
const (
maxCompressionOffset = 2 << 13 // We have 14 bits for the compression pointer
maxDomainNameWireOctets = 255 // See RFC 1035 section 2.3.4
// Errors defined in this package.
var (
ErrAlg error = &Error{err: "bad algorithm"} // ErrAlg indicates an error with the (DNSSEC) algorithm.
ErrAuth error = &Error{err: "bad authentication"} // ErrAuth indicates an error in the TSIG authentication.
ErrBuf error = &Error{err: "buffer size too small"} // ErrBuf indicates that the buffer used is too small for the message.
ErrConnEmpty error = &Error{err: "conn has no connection"} // ErrConnEmpty indicates a connection is being used before it is initialized.
ErrExtendedRcode error = &Error{err: "bad extended rcode"} // ErrExtendedRcode ...
ErrFqdn error = &Error{err: "domain must be fully qualified"} // ErrFqdn indicates that a domain name does not have a closing dot.
ErrId error = &Error{err: "id mismatch"} // ErrId indicates there is a mismatch with the message's ID.
ErrKeyAlg error = &Error{err: "bad key algorithm"} // ErrKeyAlg indicates that the algorithm in the key is not valid.
ErrKey error = &Error{err: "bad key"}
ErrKeySize error = &Error{err: "bad key size"}
ErrLongDomain error = &Error{err: fmt.Sprintf("domain name exceeded %d wire-format octets", maxDomainNameWireOctets)}
ErrNoSig error = &Error{err: "no signature found"}
ErrPrivKey error = &Error{err: "bad private key"}
ErrRcode error = &Error{err: "bad rcode"}
ErrRdata error = &Error{err: "bad rdata"}
ErrRRset error = &Error{err: "bad rrset"}
ErrSecret error = &Error{err: "no secrets defined"}
ErrShortRead error = &Error{err: "short read"}
ErrSig error = &Error{err: "bad signature"} // ErrSig indicates that a signature can not be cryptographically validated.
ErrSoa error = &Error{err: "no SOA"} // ErrSOA indicates that no SOA RR was seen when doing zone transfers.
ErrTime error = &Error{err: "bad time"} // ErrTime indicates a timing error in TSIG authentication.
ErrTruncated error = &Error{err: "failed to unpack truncated message"} // ErrTruncated indicates that we failed to unpack a truncated message. We unpacked as much as we had so Msg can still be used, if desired.
// Id by default, returns a 16 bits random number to be used as a
// message id. The random provided should be good enough. This being a
// variable the function can be reassigned to a custom function.
// For instance, to make it return a static value:
// dns.Id = func() uint16 { return 3 }
var Id = id
var (
idLock sync.Mutex
idRand *rand.Rand
// id returns a 16 bits random number to be used as a
// message id. The random provided should be good enough.
func id() uint16 {
if idRand == nil {
// This (partially) works around
// https://github.com/golang/go/issues/11833 by only
// seeding idRand upon the first call to id.
var seed int64
var buf [8]byte
if _, err := crand.Read(buf[:]); err == nil {
seed = int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf[:]))
} else {
seed = rand.Int63()
idRand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
// The call to idRand.Uint32 must be within the
// mutex lock because *rand.Rand is not safe for
// concurrent use.
// There is no added performance overhead to calling
// idRand.Uint32 inside a mutex lock over just
// calling rand.Uint32 as the global math/rand rng
// is internally protected by a sync.Mutex.
id := uint16(idRand.Uint32())
return id
// MsgHdr is a a manually-unpacked version of (id, bits).
type MsgHdr struct {
Id uint16
Response bool
Opcode int
Authoritative bool
Truncated bool
RecursionDesired bool
RecursionAvailable bool
Zero bool
AuthenticatedData bool
CheckingDisabled bool
Rcode int
// Msg contains the layout of a DNS message.
type Msg struct {
Compress bool `json:"-"` // If true, the message will be compressed when converted to wire format.
Question []Question // Holds the RR(s) of the question section.
Answer []RR // Holds the RR(s) of the answer section.
Ns []RR // Holds the RR(s) of the authority section.
Extra []RR // Holds the RR(s) of the additional section.
// ClassToString is a maps Classes to strings for each CLASS wire type.
var ClassToString = map[uint16]string{
ClassINET: "IN",
ClassCSNET: "CS",
ClassCHAOS: "CH",
ClassHESIOD: "HS",
ClassNONE: "NONE",
ClassANY: "ANY",
// OpcodeToString maps Opcodes to strings.
var OpcodeToString = map[int]string{
OpcodeQuery: "QUERY",
OpcodeIQuery: "IQUERY",
OpcodeStatus: "STATUS",
OpcodeNotify: "NOTIFY",
OpcodeUpdate: "UPDATE",
// RcodeToString maps Rcodes to strings.
var RcodeToString = map[int]string{
RcodeSuccess: "NOERROR",
RcodeFormatError: "FORMERR",
RcodeServerFailure: "SERVFAIL",
RcodeNameError: "NXDOMAIN",
RcodeNotImplemented: "NOTIMPL",
RcodeRefused: "REFUSED",
RcodeYXDomain: "YXDOMAIN", // See RFC 2136
RcodeYXRrset: "YXRRSET",
RcodeNXRrset: "NXRRSET",
RcodeNotAuth: "NOTAUTH",
RcodeNotZone: "NOTZONE",
RcodeBadSig: "BADSIG", // Also known as RcodeBadVers, see RFC 6891
// RcodeBadVers: "BADVERS",
RcodeBadKey: "BADKEY",
RcodeBadTime: "BADTIME",
RcodeBadMode: "BADMODE",
RcodeBadName: "BADNAME",
RcodeBadAlg: "BADALG",
RcodeBadTrunc: "BADTRUNC",
RcodeBadCookie: "BADCOOKIE",
// Domain names are a sequence of counted strings
// split at the dots. They end with a zero-length string.
// PackDomainName packs a domain name s into msg[off:].
// If compression is wanted compress must be true and the compression
// map needs to hold a mapping between domain names and offsets
// pointing into msg.
func PackDomainName(s string, msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (off1 int, err error) {
off1, _, err = packDomainName(s, msg, off, compression, compress)
func packDomainName(s string, msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (off1 int, labels int, err error) {
// special case if msg == nil
lenmsg := 256
if msg != nil {
lenmsg = len(msg)
ls := len(s)
if ls == 0 { // Ok, for instance when dealing with update RR without any rdata.
return off, 0, nil
// If not fully qualified, error out, but only if msg == nil #ugly
switch {
case msg == nil:
if s[ls-1] != '.' {
s += "."
case msg != nil:
if s[ls-1] != '.' {
return lenmsg, 0, ErrFqdn
// Each dot ends a segment of the name.
// We trade each dot byte for a length byte.
// Except for escaped dots (\.), which are normal dots.
// There is also a trailing zero.
// Compression
nameoffset := -1
pointer := -1
// Emit sequence of counted strings, chopping at dots.
begin := 0
bs := []byte(s)
roBs, bsFresh, escapedDot := s, true, false
for i := 0; i < ls; i++ {
if bs[i] == '\\' {
for j := i; j < ls-1; j++ {
bs[j] = bs[j+1]
if off+1 > lenmsg {
return lenmsg, labels, ErrBuf
// check for \DDD
if i+2 < ls && isDigit(bs[i]) && isDigit(bs[i+1]) && isDigit(bs[i+2]) {
bs[i] = dddToByte(bs[i:])
for j := i + 1; j < ls-2; j++ {
bs[j] = bs[j+2]
ls -= 2
escapedDot = bs[i] == '.'
bsFresh = false
if bs[i] == '.' {
if i > 0 && bs[i-1] == '.' && !escapedDot {
// two dots back to back is not legal
return lenmsg, labels, ErrRdata
if i-begin >= 1<<6 { // top two bits of length must be clear
return lenmsg, labels, ErrRdata
// off can already (we're in a loop) be bigger than len(msg)
// this happens when a name isn't fully qualified
if off+1 > lenmsg {
return lenmsg, labels, ErrBuf
if msg != nil {
msg[off] = byte(i - begin)
offset := off
for j := begin; j < i; j++ {
if off+1 > lenmsg {
return lenmsg, labels, ErrBuf
if msg != nil {
msg[off] = bs[j]
if compress && !bsFresh {
roBs = string(bs)
bsFresh = true
// Don't try to compress '.'
// We should only compress when compress it true, but we should also still pick
// up names that can be used for *future* compression(s).
if compression != nil && roBs[begin:] != "." {
if p, ok := compression[roBs[begin:]]; !ok {
// Only offsets smaller than this can be used.
if offset < maxCompressionOffset {
compression[roBs[begin:]] = offset
} else {
// The first hit is the longest matching dname
// keep the pointer offset we get back and store
// the offset of the current name, because that's
// where we need to insert the pointer later
// If compress is true, we're allowed to compress this dname
if pointer == -1 && compress {
pointer = p // Where to point to
nameoffset = offset // Where to point from
begin = i + 1
escapedDot = false
// Root label is special
if len(bs) == 1 && bs[0] == '.' {
return off, labels, nil
// If we did compression and we find something add the pointer here
if pointer != -1 {
// We have two bytes (14 bits) to put the pointer in
// if msg == nil, we will never do compression
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg[nameoffset:], uint16(pointer^0xC000))
off = nameoffset + 1
goto End
if msg != nil && off < len(msg) {
msg[off] = 0
return off, labels, nil
// Unpack a domain name.
// In addition to the simple sequences of counted strings above,
// domain names are allowed to refer to strings elsewhere in the
// packet, to avoid repeating common suffixes when returning
// many entries in a single domain. The pointers are marked
// by a length byte with the top two bits set. Ignoring those
// two bits, that byte and the next give a 14 bit offset from msg[0]
// where we should pick up the trail.
// Note that if we jump elsewhere in the packet,
// we return off1 == the offset after the first pointer we found,
// which is where the next record will start.
// In theory, the pointers are only allowed to jump backward.
// We let them jump anywhere and stop jumping after a while.
// UnpackDomainName unpacks a domain name into a string.
func UnpackDomainName(msg []byte, off int) (string, int, error) {
s := make([]byte, 0, 64)
off1 := 0
lenmsg := len(msg)
maxLen := maxDomainNameWireOctets
ptr := 0 // number of pointers followed
for {
if off >= lenmsg {
return "", lenmsg, ErrBuf
c := int(msg[off])
switch c & 0xC0 {
case 0x00:
if c == 0x00 {
// end of name
break Loop
// literal string
if off+c > lenmsg {
return "", lenmsg, ErrBuf
for j := off; j < off+c; j++ {
switch b := msg[j]; b {
case '.', '(', ')', ';', ' ', '@':
case '"', '\\':
s = append(s, '\\', b)
// presentation-format \X escapes add an extra byte
if b < 32 || b >= 127 { // unprintable, use \DDD
var buf [3]byte
bufs := strconv.AppendInt(buf[:0], int64(b), 10)
s = append(s, '\\')
for i := 0; i < 3-len(bufs); i++ {
s = append(s, '0')
for _, r := range bufs {
s = append(s, r)
// presentation-format \DDD escapes add 3 extra bytes
maxLen += 3
} else {
s = append(s, b)
s = append(s, '.')
off += c
case 0xC0:
// pointer to somewhere else in msg.
// remember location after first ptr,
// since that's how many bytes we consumed.
// also, don't follow too many pointers --
// maybe there's a loop.
if off >= lenmsg {
return "", lenmsg, ErrBuf
c1 := msg[off]
if ptr == 0 {
off1 = off
if ptr++; ptr > 10 {
return "", lenmsg, &Error{err: "too many compression pointers"}
// pointer should guarantee that it advances and points forwards at least
// but the condition on previous three lines guarantees that it's
// at least loop-free
off = (c^0xC0)<<8 | int(c1)
// 0x80 and 0x40 are reserved
return "", lenmsg, ErrRdata
if ptr == 0 {
off1 = off
if len(s) == 0 {
s = []byte(".")
} else if len(s) >= maxLen {
// error if the name is too long, but don't throw it away
return string(s), lenmsg, ErrLongDomain
return string(s), off1, nil
func packTxt(txt []string, msg []byte, offset int, tmp []byte) (int, error) {
if len(txt) == 0 {
if offset >= len(msg) {
return offset, ErrBuf
msg[offset] = 0
return offset, nil
var err error
for i := range txt {
if len(txt[i]) > len(tmp) {
return offset, ErrBuf
offset, err = packTxtString(txt[i], msg, offset, tmp)
if err != nil {
return offset, err
return offset, nil
func packTxtString(s string, msg []byte, offset int, tmp []byte) (int, error) {
lenByteOffset := offset
if offset >= len(msg) || len(s) > len(tmp) {
return offset, ErrBuf
bs := tmp[:len(s)]
copy(bs, s)
for i := 0; i < len(bs); i++ {
if len(msg) <= offset {
return offset, ErrBuf
if bs[i] == '\\' {
if i == len(bs) {
// check for \DDD
if i+2 < len(bs) && isDigit(bs[i]) && isDigit(bs[i+1]) && isDigit(bs[i+2]) {
msg[offset] = dddToByte(bs[i:])
i += 2
} else {
msg[offset] = bs[i]
} else {
msg[offset] = bs[i]
l := offset - lenByteOffset - 1
if l > 255 {
return offset, &Error{err: "string exceeded 255 bytes in txt"}
msg[lenByteOffset] = byte(l)
return offset, nil
func packOctetString(s string, msg []byte, offset int, tmp []byte) (int, error) {
if offset >= len(msg) || len(s) > len(tmp) {
return offset, ErrBuf
bs := tmp[:len(s)]
copy(bs, s)
for i := 0; i < len(bs); i++ {
if len(msg) <= offset {
return offset, ErrBuf
if bs[i] == '\\' {
if i == len(bs) {
// check for \DDD
if i+2 < len(bs) && isDigit(bs[i]) && isDigit(bs[i+1]) && isDigit(bs[i+2]) {
msg[offset] = dddToByte(bs[i:])
i += 2
} else {
msg[offset] = bs[i]
} else {
msg[offset] = bs[i]
return offset, nil
func unpackTxt(msg []byte, off0 int) (ss []string, off int, err error) {
off = off0
var s string
for off < len(msg) && err == nil {
s, off, err = unpackTxtString(msg, off)
if err == nil {
ss = append(ss, s)
func unpackTxtString(msg []byte, offset int) (string, int, error) {
if offset+1 > len(msg) {
return "", offset, &Error{err: "overflow unpacking txt"}
l := int(msg[offset])
if offset+l+1 > len(msg) {
return "", offset, &Error{err: "overflow unpacking txt"}
s := make([]byte, 0, l)
for _, b := range msg[offset+1 : offset+1+l] {
switch b {
case '"', '\\':
s = append(s, '\\', b)
if b < 32 || b > 127 { // unprintable
var buf [3]byte
bufs := strconv.AppendInt(buf[:0], int64(b), 10)
s = append(s, '\\')
for i := 0; i < 3-len(bufs); i++ {
s = append(s, '0')
for _, r := range bufs {
s = append(s, r)
} else {
s = append(s, b)
offset += 1 + l
return string(s), offset, nil
// Helpers for dealing with escaped bytes
func isDigit(b byte) bool { return b >= '0' && b <= '9' }
func dddToByte(s []byte) byte {
return byte((s[0]-'0')*100 + (s[1]-'0')*10 + (s[2] - '0'))
// Helper function for packing and unpacking
func intToBytes(i *big.Int, length int) []byte {
buf := i.Bytes()
if len(buf) < length {
b := make([]byte, length)
copy(b[length-len(buf):], buf)
return b
return buf
// PackRR packs a resource record rr into msg[off:].
// See PackDomainName for documentation about the compression.
func PackRR(rr RR, msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (off1 int, err error) {
if rr == nil {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "nil rr"}
off1, err = rr.pack(msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
// TODO(miek): Not sure if this is needed? If removed we can remove rawmsg.go as well.
if rawSetRdlength(msg, off, off1) {
return off1, nil
return off, ErrRdata
// UnpackRR unpacks msg[off:] into an RR.
func UnpackRR(msg []byte, off int) (rr RR, off1 int, err error) {
h, off, msg, err := unpackHeader(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
end := off + int(h.Rdlength)
if fn, known := typeToUnpack[h.Rrtype]; !known {
rr, off, err = unpackRFC3597(h, msg, off)
} else {
rr, off, err = fn(h, msg, off)
if off != end {
return &h, end, &Error{err: "bad rdlength"}
return rr, off, err
// unpackRRslice unpacks msg[off:] into an []RR.
// If we cannot unpack the whole array, then it will return nil
func unpackRRslice(l int, msg []byte, off int) (dst1 []RR, off1 int, err error) {
var r RR
// Don't pre-allocate, l may be under attacker control
var dst []RR
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
off1 := off
r, off, err = UnpackRR(msg, off)
if err != nil {
off = len(msg)
// If offset does not increase anymore, l is a lie
if off1 == off {
l = i
dst = append(dst, r)
if err != nil && off == len(msg) {
dst = nil
return dst, off, err
// Convert a MsgHdr to a string, with dig-like headers:
//;; opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48404
//;; flags: qr aa rd ra;
func (h *MsgHdr) String() string {
if h == nil {
return "<nil> MsgHdr"
s := ";; opcode: " + OpcodeToString[h.Opcode]
s += ", status: " + RcodeToString[h.Rcode]
s += ", id: " + strconv.Itoa(int(h.Id)) + "\n"
s += ";; flags:"
if h.Response {
s += " qr"
if h.Authoritative {
s += " aa"
if h.Truncated {
s += " tc"
if h.RecursionDesired {
s += " rd"
if h.RecursionAvailable {
s += " ra"
if h.Zero { // Hmm
s += " z"
if h.AuthenticatedData {
s += " ad"
if h.CheckingDisabled {
s += " cd"
s += ";"
return s
// Pack packs a Msg: it is converted to to wire format.
// If the dns.Compress is true the message will be in compressed wire format.
func (dns *Msg) Pack() (msg []byte, err error) {
return dns.PackBuffer(nil)
// PackBuffer packs a Msg, using the given buffer buf. If buf is too small
// a new buffer is allocated.
func (dns *Msg) PackBuffer(buf []byte) (msg []byte, err error) {
// We use a similar function in tsig.go's stripTsig.
var (
dh Header
compression map[string]int
if dns.Compress {
compression = make(map[string]int) // Compression pointer mappings
if dns.Rcode < 0 || dns.Rcode > 0xFFF {
return nil, ErrRcode
if dns.Rcode > 0xF {
// Regular RCODE field is 4 bits
opt := dns.IsEdns0()
if opt == nil {
return nil, ErrExtendedRcode
opt.SetExtendedRcode(uint8(dns.Rcode >> 4))
dns.Rcode &= 0xF
// Convert convenient Msg into wire-like Header.
dh.Id = dns.Id
dh.Bits = uint16(dns.Opcode)<<11 | uint16(dns.Rcode)
if dns.Response {
dh.Bits |= _QR
if dns.Authoritative {
dh.Bits |= _AA
if dns.Truncated {
dh.Bits |= _TC
if dns.RecursionDesired {
dh.Bits |= _RD
if dns.RecursionAvailable {
dh.Bits |= _RA
if dns.Zero {
dh.Bits |= _Z
if dns.AuthenticatedData {
dh.Bits |= _AD
if dns.CheckingDisabled {
dh.Bits |= _CD
// Prepare variable sized arrays.
question := dns.Question
answer := dns.Answer
ns := dns.Ns
extra := dns.Extra
dh.Qdcount = uint16(len(question))
dh.Ancount = uint16(len(answer))
dh.Nscount = uint16(len(ns))
dh.Arcount = uint16(len(extra))
// We need the uncompressed length here, because we first pack it and then compress it.
msg = buf
uncompressedLen := compressedLen(dns, false)
if packLen := uncompressedLen + 1; len(msg) < packLen {
msg = make([]byte, packLen)
// Pack it in: header and then the pieces.
off := 0
off, err = dh.pack(msg, off, compression, dns.Compress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(question); i++ {
off, err = question[i].pack(msg, off, compression, dns.Compress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(answer); i++ {
off, err = PackRR(answer[i], msg, off, compression, dns.Compress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(ns); i++ {
off, err = PackRR(ns[i], msg, off, compression, dns.Compress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(extra); i++ {
off, err = PackRR(extra[i], msg, off, compression, dns.Compress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return msg[:off], nil
// Unpack unpacks a binary message to a Msg structure.
func (dns *Msg) Unpack(msg []byte) (err error) {
var (
dh Header
off int
if dh, off, err = unpackMsgHdr(msg, off); err != nil {
return err
dns.Id = dh.Id
dns.Response = (dh.Bits & _QR) != 0
dns.Opcode = int(dh.Bits>>11) & 0xF
dns.Authoritative = (dh.Bits & _AA) != 0
dns.Truncated = (dh.Bits & _TC) != 0
dns.RecursionDesired = (dh.Bits & _RD) != 0
dns.RecursionAvailable = (dh.Bits & _RA) != 0
dns.Zero = (dh.Bits & _Z) != 0
dns.AuthenticatedData = (dh.Bits & _AD) != 0
dns.CheckingDisabled = (dh.Bits & _CD) != 0
dns.Rcode = int(dh.Bits & 0xF)
// If we are at the end of the message we should return *just* the
// header. This can still be useful to the caller. sends these
// when responding with REFUSED for instance.
if off == len(msg) {
// reset sections before returning
dns.Question, dns.Answer, dns.Ns, dns.Extra = nil, nil, nil, nil
return nil
// Qdcount, Ancount, Nscount, Arcount can't be trusted, as they are
// attacker controlled. This means we can't use them to pre-allocate
// slices.
dns.Question = nil
for i := 0; i < int(dh.Qdcount); i++ {
off1 := off
var q Question
q, off, err = unpackQuestion(msg, off)
if err != nil {
// Even if Truncated is set, we only will set ErrTruncated if we
// actually got the questions
return err
if off1 == off { // Offset does not increase anymore, dh.Qdcount is a lie!
dh.Qdcount = uint16(i)
dns.Question = append(dns.Question, q)
dns.Answer, off, err = unpackRRslice(int(dh.Ancount), msg, off)
// The header counts might have been wrong so we need to update it
dh.Ancount = uint16(len(dns.Answer))
if err == nil {
dns.Ns, off, err = unpackRRslice(int(dh.Nscount), msg, off)
// The header counts might have been wrong so we need to update it
dh.Nscount = uint16(len(dns.Ns))
if err == nil {
dns.Extra, off, err = unpackRRslice(int(dh.Arcount), msg, off)
// The header counts might have been wrong so we need to update it
dh.Arcount = uint16(len(dns.Extra))
if off != len(msg) {
// TODO(miek) make this an error?
// use PackOpt to let people tell how detailed the error reporting should be?
// println("dns: extra bytes in dns packet", off, "<", len(msg))
} else if dns.Truncated {
// Whether we ran into a an error or not, we want to return that it
// was truncated
err = ErrTruncated
return err
// Convert a complete message to a string with dig-like output.
func (dns *Msg) String() string {
if dns == nil {
return "<nil> MsgHdr"
s := dns.MsgHdr.String() + " "
s += "QUERY: " + strconv.Itoa(len(dns.Question)) + ", "
s += "ANSWER: " + strconv.Itoa(len(dns.Answer)) + ", "
s += "AUTHORITY: " + strconv.Itoa(len(dns.Ns)) + ", "
s += "ADDITIONAL: " + strconv.Itoa(len(dns.Extra)) + "\n"
if len(dns.Question) > 0 {
s += "\n;; QUESTION SECTION:\n"
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Question); i++ {
s += dns.Question[i].String() + "\n"
if len(dns.Answer) > 0 {
s += "\n;; ANSWER SECTION:\n"
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Answer); i++ {
if dns.Answer[i] != nil {
s += dns.Answer[i].String() + "\n"
if len(dns.Ns) > 0 {
s += "\n;; AUTHORITY SECTION:\n"
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Ns); i++ {
if dns.Ns[i] != nil {
s += dns.Ns[i].String() + "\n"
if len(dns.Extra) > 0 {
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Extra); i++ {
if dns.Extra[i] != nil {
s += dns.Extra[i].String() + "\n"
return s
// Len returns the message length when in (un)compressed wire format.
// If dns.Compress is true compression it is taken into account. Len()
// is provided to be a faster way to get the size of the resulting packet,
// than packing it, measuring the size and discarding the buffer.
func (dns *Msg) Len() int { return compressedLen(dns, dns.Compress) }
// compressedLen returns the message length when in compressed wire format
// when compress is true, otherwise the uncompressed length is returned.
func compressedLen(dns *Msg, compress bool) int {
// We always return one more than needed.
l := 12 // Message header is always 12 bytes
if compress {
compression := map[string]int{}
for _, r := range dns.Question {
l += r.len()
compressionLenHelper(compression, r.Name)
l += compressionLenSlice(compression, dns.Answer)
l += compressionLenSlice(compression, dns.Ns)
l += compressionLenSlice(compression, dns.Extra)
} else {
for _, r := range dns.Question {
l += r.len()
for _, r := range dns.Answer {
if r != nil {
l += r.len()
for _, r := range dns.Ns {
if r != nil {
l += r.len()
for _, r := range dns.Extra {
if r != nil {
l += r.len()
return l
func compressionLenSlice(c map[string]int, rs []RR) int {
var l int
for _, r := range rs {
if r == nil {
l += r.len()
k, ok := compressionLenSearch(c, r.Header().Name)
if ok {
l += 1 - k
compressionLenHelper(c, r.Header().Name)
k, ok = compressionLenSearchType(c, r)
if ok {
l += 1 - k
compressionLenHelperType(c, r)
return l
// Put the parts of the name in the compression map.
func compressionLenHelper(c map[string]int, s string) {
pref := ""
lbs := Split(s)
for j := len(lbs) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
pref = s[lbs[j]:]
if _, ok := c[pref]; !ok {
c[pref] = len(pref)
// Look for each part in the compression map and returns its length,
// keep on searching so we get the longest match.
func compressionLenSearch(c map[string]int, s string) (int, bool) {
off := 0
end := false
if s == "" { // don't bork on bogus data
return 0, false
for {
if _, ok := c[s[off:]]; ok {
return len(s[off:]), true
if end {
off, end = NextLabel(s, off)
return 0, false
// Copy returns a new RR which is a deep-copy of r.
func Copy(r RR) RR { r1 := r.copy(); return r1 }
// Len returns the length (in octets) of the uncompressed RR in wire format.
func Len(r RR) int { return r.len() }
// Copy returns a new *Msg which is a deep-copy of dns.
func (dns *Msg) Copy() *Msg { return dns.CopyTo(new(Msg)) }
// CopyTo copies the contents to the provided message using a deep-copy and returns the copy.
func (dns *Msg) CopyTo(r1 *Msg) *Msg {
r1.MsgHdr = dns.MsgHdr
r1.Compress = dns.Compress
if len(dns.Question) > 0 {
r1.Question = make([]Question, len(dns.Question))
copy(r1.Question, dns.Question) // TODO(miek): Question is an immutable value, ok to do a shallow-copy
rrArr := make([]RR, len(dns.Answer)+len(dns.Ns)+len(dns.Extra))
var rri int
if len(dns.Answer) > 0 {
rrbegin := rri
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Answer); i++ {
rrArr[rri] = dns.Answer[i].copy()
r1.Answer = rrArr[rrbegin:rri:rri]
if len(dns.Ns) > 0 {
rrbegin := rri
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Ns); i++ {
rrArr[rri] = dns.Ns[i].copy()
r1.Ns = rrArr[rrbegin:rri:rri]
if len(dns.Extra) > 0 {
rrbegin := rri
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Extra); i++ {
rrArr[rri] = dns.Extra[i].copy()
r1.Extra = rrArr[rrbegin:rri:rri]
return r1
func (q *Question) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (int, error) {
off, err := PackDomainName(q.Name, msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return off, err
off, err = packUint16(q.Qtype, msg, off)
if err != nil {
return off, err
off, err = packUint16(q.Qclass, msg, off)
if err != nil {
return off, err
return off, nil
func unpackQuestion(msg []byte, off int) (Question, int, error) {
var (
q Question
err error
q.Name, off, err = UnpackDomainName(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return q, off, err
if off == len(msg) {
return q, off, nil
q.Qtype, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return q, off, err
if off == len(msg) {
return q, off, nil
q.Qclass, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
if off == len(msg) {
return q, off, nil
return q, off, err
func (dh *Header) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (int, error) {
off, err := packUint16(dh.Id, msg, off)
if err != nil {
return off, err
off, err = packUint16(dh.Bits, msg, off)
if err != nil {
return off, err
off, err = packUint16(dh.Qdcount, msg, off)
if err != nil {
return off, err
off, err = packUint16(dh.Ancount, msg, off)
if err != nil {
return off, err
off, err = packUint16(dh.Nscount, msg, off)
if err != nil {
return off, err
off, err = packUint16(dh.Arcount, msg, off)
return off, err
func unpackMsgHdr(msg []byte, off int) (Header, int, error) {
var (
dh Header
err error
dh.Id, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return dh, off, err
dh.Bits, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return dh, off, err
dh.Qdcount, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return dh, off, err
dh.Ancount, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return dh, off, err
dh.Nscount, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return dh, off, err
dh.Arcount, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
return dh, off, err