mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
Blocking queries issues will still be uncancellable (that cannot be helped until we get rid of net/rpc). However this makes it so that if calling getWithIndex (like during a cache Notify go routine) we can cancell the outer routine. Previously it would keep issuing more blocking queries until the result state actually changed.
459 lines
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459 lines
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package agent
import (
metrics "github.com/armon/go-metrics"
cachetype "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/cache-types"
func (s *HTTPServer) CatalogRegister(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "catalog_register"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
var args structs.RegisterRequest
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &args.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.rewordUnknownEnterpriseFieldError(decodeBody(req.Body, &args)); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "Request decode failed: %v", err)
return nil, nil
// Setup the default DC if not provided
if args.Datacenter == "" {
args.Datacenter = s.agent.config.Datacenter
s.parseToken(req, &args.Token)
// Forward to the servers
var out struct{}
if err := s.agent.RPC("Catalog.Register", &args, &out); err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_register"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "success", "catalog_register"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return true, nil
func (s *HTTPServer) CatalogDeregister(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "catalog_deregister"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
var args structs.DeregisterRequest
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &args.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.rewordUnknownEnterpriseFieldError(decodeBody(req.Body, &args)); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "Request decode failed: %v", err)
return nil, nil
// Setup the default DC if not provided
if args.Datacenter == "" {
args.Datacenter = s.agent.config.Datacenter
s.parseToken(req, &args.Token)
// Forward to the servers
var out struct{}
if err := s.agent.RPC("Catalog.Deregister", &args, &out); err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_deregister"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "success", "catalog_deregister"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return true, nil
func (s *HTTPServer) CatalogDatacenters(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "catalog_datacenters"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
args := structs.DatacentersRequest{}
s.parseConsistency(resp, req, &args.QueryOptions)
parseCacheControl(resp, req, &args.QueryOptions)
var out []string
if s.agent.config.HTTPUseCache && args.QueryOptions.UseCache {
raw, m, err := s.agent.cache.Get(req.Context(), cachetype.CatalogDatacentersName, &args)
if err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_datacenters"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
reply, ok := raw.(*[]string)
if !ok {
// This should never happen, but we want to protect against panics
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: response type not correct")
defer setCacheMeta(resp, &m)
out = *reply
} else {
if err := s.agent.RPC("Catalog.ListDatacenters", &args, &out); err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_datacenters"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "success", "catalog_datacenters"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return out, nil
func (s *HTTPServer) CatalogNodes(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "catalog_nodes"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
// Setup the request
args := structs.DCSpecificRequest{}
s.parseSource(req, &args.Source)
args.NodeMetaFilters = s.parseMetaFilter(req)
if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &args.QueryOptions); done {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_nodes"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, nil
var out structs.IndexedNodes
defer setMeta(resp, &out.QueryMeta)
if err := s.agent.RPC("Catalog.ListNodes", &args, &out); err != nil {
return nil, err
if args.QueryOptions.AllowStale && args.MaxStaleDuration > 0 && args.MaxStaleDuration < out.LastContact {
args.AllowStale = false
args.MaxStaleDuration = 0
out.ConsistencyLevel = args.QueryOptions.ConsistencyLevel()
s.agent.TranslateAddresses(args.Datacenter, out.Nodes, TranslateAddressAcceptAny)
// Use empty list instead of nil
if out.Nodes == nil {
out.Nodes = make(structs.Nodes, 0)
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "success", "catalog_nodes"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return out.Nodes, nil
func (s *HTTPServer) CatalogServices(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "catalog_services"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
// Set default DC
args := structs.DCSpecificRequest{}
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &args.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
args.NodeMetaFilters = s.parseMetaFilter(req)
if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &args.QueryOptions); done {
return nil, nil
var out structs.IndexedServices
defer setMeta(resp, &out.QueryMeta)
if s.agent.config.HTTPUseCache && args.QueryOptions.UseCache {
raw, m, err := s.agent.cache.Get(req.Context(), cachetype.CatalogListServicesName, &args)
if err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_services"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
reply, ok := raw.(*structs.IndexedServices)
if !ok {
// This should never happen, but we want to protect against panics
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: response type not correct")
defer setCacheMeta(resp, &m)
out = *reply
} else {
if err := s.agent.RPC("Catalog.ListServices", &args, &out); err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_services"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
if args.QueryOptions.AllowStale && args.MaxStaleDuration > 0 && args.MaxStaleDuration < out.LastContact {
args.AllowStale = false
args.MaxStaleDuration = 0
out.ConsistencyLevel = args.QueryOptions.ConsistencyLevel()
// Use empty map instead of nil
if out.Services == nil {
out.Services = make(structs.Services)
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "success", "catalog_services"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return out.Services, nil
func (s *HTTPServer) CatalogConnectServiceNodes(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
return s.catalogServiceNodes(resp, req, true)
func (s *HTTPServer) CatalogServiceNodes(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
return s.catalogServiceNodes(resp, req, false)
func (s *HTTPServer) catalogServiceNodes(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, connect bool) (interface{}, error) {
metricsKey := "catalog_service_nodes"
pathPrefix := "/v1/catalog/service/"
if connect {
metricsKey = "catalog_connect_service_nodes"
pathPrefix = "/v1/catalog/connect/"
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", metricsKey}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
// Set default DC
args := structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{Connect: connect}
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &args.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
s.parseSource(req, &args.Source)
args.NodeMetaFilters = s.parseMetaFilter(req)
if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &args.QueryOptions); done {
return nil, nil
// Check for a tag
params := req.URL.Query()
if _, ok := params["tag"]; ok {
args.ServiceTags = params["tag"]
args.TagFilter = true
// Pull out the service name
args.ServiceName = strings.TrimPrefix(req.URL.Path, pathPrefix)
if args.ServiceName == "" {
fmt.Fprint(resp, "Missing service name")
return nil, nil
// Make the RPC request
var out structs.IndexedServiceNodes
defer setMeta(resp, &out.QueryMeta)
if s.agent.config.HTTPUseCache && args.QueryOptions.UseCache {
raw, m, err := s.agent.cache.Get(req.Context(), cachetype.CatalogServicesName, &args)
if err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_service_nodes"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
defer setCacheMeta(resp, &m)
reply, ok := raw.(*structs.IndexedServiceNodes)
if !ok {
// This should never happen, but we want to protect against panics
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: response type not correct")
out = *reply
} else {
if err := s.agent.RPC("Catalog.ServiceNodes", &args, &out); err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_service_nodes"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
if args.QueryOptions.AllowStale && args.MaxStaleDuration > 0 && args.MaxStaleDuration < out.LastContact {
args.AllowStale = false
args.MaxStaleDuration = 0
out.ConsistencyLevel = args.QueryOptions.ConsistencyLevel()
s.agent.TranslateAddresses(args.Datacenter, out.ServiceNodes, TranslateAddressAcceptAny)
// Use empty list instead of nil
if out.ServiceNodes == nil {
out.ServiceNodes = make(structs.ServiceNodes, 0)
for i, s := range out.ServiceNodes {
if s.ServiceTags == nil {
clone := *s
clone.ServiceTags = make([]string, 0)
out.ServiceNodes[i] = &clone
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "success", "catalog_service_nodes"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return out.ServiceNodes, nil
func (s *HTTPServer) CatalogNodeServices(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "catalog_node_services"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
// Set default Datacenter
args := structs.NodeSpecificRequest{}
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &args.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &args.QueryOptions); done {
return nil, nil
// Pull out the node name
args.Node = strings.TrimPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/v1/catalog/node/")
if args.Node == "" {
fmt.Fprint(resp, "Missing node name")
return nil, nil
// Make the RPC request
var out structs.IndexedNodeServices
defer setMeta(resp, &out.QueryMeta)
if err := s.agent.RPC("Catalog.NodeServices", &args, &out); err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_node_services"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
if args.QueryOptions.AllowStale && args.MaxStaleDuration > 0 && args.MaxStaleDuration < out.LastContact {
args.AllowStale = false
args.MaxStaleDuration = 0
out.ConsistencyLevel = args.QueryOptions.ConsistencyLevel()
if out.NodeServices != nil {
s.agent.TranslateAddresses(args.Datacenter, out.NodeServices, TranslateAddressAcceptAny)
// TODO: The NodeServices object in IndexedNodeServices is a pointer to
// something that's created for each request by the state store way down
// in https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/v1.0.4/agent/consul/state/catalog.go#L953-L963.
// Since this isn't a pointer to a real state store object, it's safe to
// modify out.NodeServices.Services in the loop below without making a
// copy here. Same for the Tags in each service entry, since that was
// created by .ToNodeService() which made a copy. This is safe as-is but
// this whole business is tricky and subtle. See #3867 for more context.
// Use empty list instead of nil
if out.NodeServices != nil {
for _, s := range out.NodeServices.Services {
if s.Tags == nil {
s.Tags = make([]string, 0)
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "success", "catalog_node_services"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return out.NodeServices, nil
func (s *HTTPServer) CatalogNodeServiceList(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "catalog_node_service_list"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
// Set default Datacenter
args := structs.NodeSpecificRequest{}
if err := s.parseEntMeta(req, &args.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &args.QueryOptions); done {
return nil, nil
// Pull out the node name
args.Node = strings.TrimPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/v1/catalog/node-services/")
if args.Node == "" {
fmt.Fprint(resp, "Missing node name")
return nil, nil
// Make the RPC request
var out structs.IndexedNodeServiceList
defer setMeta(resp, &out.QueryMeta)
if err := s.agent.RPC("Catalog.NodeServiceList", &args, &out); err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_node_service_list"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
if args.QueryOptions.AllowStale && args.MaxStaleDuration > 0 && args.MaxStaleDuration < out.LastContact {
args.AllowStale = false
args.MaxStaleDuration = 0
out.ConsistencyLevel = args.QueryOptions.ConsistencyLevel()
s.agent.TranslateAddresses(args.Datacenter, &out.NodeServices, TranslateAddressAcceptAny)
// Use empty list instead of nil
for _, s := range out.NodeServices.Services {
if s.Tags == nil {
s.Tags = make([]string, 0)
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "success", "catalog_node_service_list"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return &out.NodeServices, nil
func (s *HTTPServer) CatalogGatewayServices(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "catalog_gateway_services"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
var args structs.ServiceSpecificRequest
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &args.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &args.QueryOptions); done {
return nil, nil
// Pull out the gateway's service name
args.ServiceName = strings.TrimPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/v1/catalog/gateway-services/")
if args.ServiceName == "" {
fmt.Fprint(resp, "Missing gateway name")
return nil, nil
// Make the RPC request
var out structs.IndexedGatewayServices
defer setMeta(resp, &out.QueryMeta)
if err := s.agent.RPC("Catalog.GatewayServices", &args, &out); err != nil {
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "rpc", "error", "catalog_gateway_services"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return nil, err
if args.QueryOptions.AllowStale && args.MaxStaleDuration > 0 && args.MaxStaleDuration < out.LastContact {
args.AllowStale = false
args.MaxStaleDuration = 0
out.ConsistencyLevel = args.QueryOptions.ConsistencyLevel()
metrics.IncrCounterWithLabels([]string{"client", "api", "success", "catalog_gateway_services"}, 1,
[]metrics.Label{{Name: "node", Value: s.nodeName()}})
return out.Services, nil