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synced 2025-03-02 06:10:44 +00:00
I'd mistakenly changed the checkbox event to listen to oninput, which works in Chrome and Firefox. Changed this back to onchange as it should be.
49 lines
2.3 KiB
49 lines
2.3 KiB
{{#if create }}
<label class="type-text{{if item.error.Key ' has-error'}}">
<span>Key or folder</span>
<input autofocus="autofocus" type="text" value={{left-trim item.Key parent.Key}} name="additional" oninput={{action 'change'}} placeholder="Key or folder" />
<em>To create a folder, end a key with <code>/</code></em>
{{#if (or (eq (left-trim item.Key parent.Key) '') (not-eq (last item.Key) '/')) }}
<label class="type-toggle">
<input type="checkbox" name="json" checked={{if json 'checked' }} onchange={{action 'change'}} />
<label class="type-text{{if item.error.Value ' has-error'}}">
{{#if json}}
{{ code-editor value=(atob item.Value) onkeyup=(action 'change') }}
<textarea autofocus={{not create}} name="value" oninput={{action 'change'}}>{{atob item.Value}}</textarea>
{{!TODO This has a <div> around it in acls, remove or add for consistency }}
{{#if create }}
{{! we only need to check for an empty keyname here as ember munges autofocus, once we have autofocus back revisit this}}
<button type="submit" {{ action "create" item parent}} disabled={{if (or item.isPristine item.isInvalid (eq (left-trim item.Key parent.Key) '')) 'disabled'}}>Save</button>
{{ else }}
<button type="submit" {{ action "update" item parent}} disabled={{if item.isInvalid 'disabled'}}>Save</button>
<button type="reset" {{ action "cancel" item parent}}>Cancel changes</button>
{{#confirmation-dialog message='Are you sure you want to delete this key?'}}
{{#block-slot 'action' as |confirm|}}
<button data-test-delete type="button" class="type-delete" {{action confirm 'delete' item parent}}>Delete</button>
{{#block-slot 'dialog' as |execute cancel message|}}
<button type="button" class="type-delete" {{action execute}}>Confirm Delete</button>
<button type="button" class="type-cancel" {{action cancel}}>Cancel</button>