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synced 2025-03-03 14:50:50 +00:00
1692 lines
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package agent
import (
cachetype "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/cache-types"
token_store "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/token"
type Self struct {
Config interface{}
DebugConfig map[string]interface{}
Coord *coordinate.Coordinate
Member serf.Member
Stats map[string]map[string]string
Meta map[string]string
XDS *XDSSelf `json:"xDS,omitempty"`
type XDSSelf struct {
SupportedProxies map[string][]string
Port int
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentSelf(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any, and enforce agent policy.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Authorize using the agent's own enterprise meta, not the token.
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
if authz.AgentRead(s.agent.config.NodeName, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
var cs lib.CoordinateSet
if !s.agent.config.DisableCoordinates {
var err error
if cs, err = s.agent.GetLANCoordinate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var xds *XDSSelf
if s.agent.grpcServer != nil {
xds = &XDSSelf{
SupportedProxies: map[string][]string{
"envoy": proxysupport.EnvoyVersions,
Port: s.agent.config.GRPCPort,
config := struct {
Datacenter string
PrimaryDatacenter string
NodeName string
NodeID string
Partition string `json:",omitempty"`
Revision string
Server bool
Version string
Datacenter: s.agent.config.Datacenter,
PrimaryDatacenter: s.agent.config.PrimaryDatacenter,
NodeName: s.agent.config.NodeName,
NodeID: string(s.agent.config.NodeID),
Partition: s.agent.config.PartitionOrEmpty(),
Revision: s.agent.config.Revision,
Server: s.agent.config.ServerMode,
Version: s.agent.config.Version,
return Self{
Config: config,
DebugConfig: s.agent.config.Sanitized(),
Coord: cs[s.agent.config.SegmentName],
Member: s.agent.AgentLocalMember(),
Stats: s.agent.Stats(),
Meta: s.agent.State.Metadata(),
XDS: xds,
}, nil
// acceptsOpenMetricsMimeType returns true if mime type is Prometheus-compatible
func acceptsOpenMetricsMimeType(acceptHeader string) bool {
mimeTypes := strings.Split(acceptHeader, ",")
for _, v := range mimeTypes {
mimeInfo := strings.Split(v, ";")
if len(mimeInfo) > 0 {
rawMime := strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(mimeInfo[0], " "))
if rawMime == "application/openmetrics-text" {
return true
if rawMime == "text/plain" && (len(mimeInfo) > 1 && strings.Trim(mimeInfo[1], " ") == "version=0.4.0") {
return true
return false
// enablePrometheusOutput will look for Prometheus mime-type or format Query parameter the same way as Nomad
func enablePrometheusOutput(req *http.Request) bool {
if format := req.URL.Query().Get("format"); format == "prometheus" {
return true
return acceptsOpenMetricsMimeType(req.Header.Get("Accept"))
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentMetrics(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any, and enforce agent policy.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Authorize using the agent's own enterprise meta, not the token.
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
if authz.AgentRead(s.agent.config.NodeName, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
if enablePrometheusOutput(req) {
if s.agent.config.Telemetry.PrometheusOpts.Expiration < 1 {
return nil, CodeWithPayloadError{
StatusCode: http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType,
Reason: "Prometheus is not enabled since its retention time is not positive",
ContentType: "text/plain",
handlerOptions := promhttp.HandlerOpts{
ErrorLog: s.agent.logger.StandardLogger(&hclog.StandardLoggerOptions{
InferLevels: true,
ErrorHandling: promhttp.ContinueOnError,
handler := promhttp.HandlerFor(prometheus.DefaultGatherer, handlerOptions)
handler.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
return nil, nil
return s.agent.baseDeps.MetricsHandler.DisplayMetrics(resp, req)
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentMetricsStream(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any, and enforce agent policy.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Authorize using the agent's own enterprise meta, not the token.
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
if authz.AgentRead(s.agent.config.NodeName, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
flusher, ok := resp.(http.Flusher)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("streaming not supported")
// 0 byte write is needed before the Flush call so that if we are using
// a gzip stream it will go ahead and write out the HTTP response header
enc := metricsEncoder{
logger: s.agent.logger,
encoder: json.NewEncoder(resp),
flusher: flusher,
enc.encoder.SetIndent("", " ")
s.agent.baseDeps.MetricsHandler.Stream(req.Context(), enc)
return nil, nil
type metricsEncoder struct {
logger hclog.Logger
encoder *json.Encoder
flusher http.Flusher
func (m metricsEncoder) Encode(summary interface{}) error {
if err := m.encoder.Encode(summary); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to encode metrics summary", "error", err)
return err
return nil
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentReload(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any, and enforce agent policy.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Authorize using the agent's own enterprise meta, not the token.
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
if authz.AgentWrite(s.agent.config.NodeName, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
return nil, s.agent.ReloadConfig()
func buildAgentService(s *structs.NodeService, dc string) api.AgentService {
weights := api.AgentWeights{Passing: 1, Warning: 1}
if s.Weights != nil {
if s.Weights.Passing > 0 {
weights.Passing = s.Weights.Passing
weights.Warning = s.Weights.Warning
var taggedAddrs map[string]api.ServiceAddress
if len(s.TaggedAddresses) > 0 {
taggedAddrs = make(map[string]api.ServiceAddress)
for k, v := range s.TaggedAddresses {
taggedAddrs[k] = v.ToAPIServiceAddress()
as := api.AgentService{
Kind: api.ServiceKind(s.Kind),
ID: s.ID,
Service: s.Service,
Tags: s.Tags,
Meta: s.Meta,
Port: s.Port,
Address: s.Address,
SocketPath: s.SocketPath,
TaggedAddresses: taggedAddrs,
EnableTagOverride: s.EnableTagOverride,
CreateIndex: s.CreateIndex,
ModifyIndex: s.ModifyIndex,
Weights: weights,
Datacenter: dc,
if as.Tags == nil {
as.Tags = []string{}
if as.Meta == nil {
as.Meta = map[string]string{}
// Attach Proxy config if exists
if s.Kind == structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy || s.IsGateway() {
as.Proxy = s.Proxy.ToAPI()
// Attach Connect configs if they exist.
if s.Connect.Native {
as.Connect = &api.AgentServiceConnect{
Native: true,
fillAgentServiceEnterpriseMeta(&as, &s.EnterpriseMeta)
return as
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentServices(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
var entMeta structs.EnterpriseMeta
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &entMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
var filterExpression string
s.parseFilter(req, &filterExpression)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &entMeta, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &entMeta) {
return nil, nil
// NOTE: we're explicitly fetching things in the requested partition and
// namespace here.
services := s.agent.State.Services(&entMeta)
// Convert into api.AgentService since that includes Connect config but so far
// NodeService doesn't need to internally. They are otherwise identical since
// that is the struct used in client for reading the one we output here
// anyway.
agentSvcs := make(map[string]*api.AgentService)
for id, svc := range services {
agentService := buildAgentService(svc, s.agent.config.Datacenter)
agentSvcs[id.ID] = &agentService
filter, err := bexpr.CreateFilter(filterExpression, nil, agentSvcs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
raw, err := filter.Execute(agentSvcs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
agentSvcs = raw.(map[string]*api.AgentService)
// Note: we filter the results with ACLs *after* applying the user-supplied
// bexpr filter, to ensure total (and the filter-by-acls header we set below)
// do not include results that would be filtered out even if the user did have
// permission.
total := len(agentSvcs)
if err := s.agent.filterServicesWithAuthorizer(authz, agentSvcs); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set the X-Consul-Results-Filtered-By-ACLs header, but only if the user is
// authenticated (to prevent information leaking).
// This is done automatically for HTTP endpoints that proxy to an RPC endpoint
// that sets QueryMeta.ResultsFilteredByACLs, but must be done manually for
// agent-local endpoints.
// For more information see the comment on: Server.maskResultsFilteredByACLs.
if token != "" {
setResultsFilteredByACLs(resp, total != len(agentSvcs))
return agentSvcs, nil
// GET /v1/agent/service/:service_id
// Returns the service definition for a single local services and allows
// blocking watch using hash-based blocking.
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentService(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Get the proxy ID. Note that this is the ID of a proxy's service instance.
id, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/service/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Maybe block
var queryOpts structs.QueryOptions
if parseWait(resp, req, &queryOpts) {
// parseWait returns an error itself
return nil, nil
// Parse the token
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
var entMeta structs.EnterpriseMeta
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &entMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
// need to resolve to default the meta
_, err = s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &entMeta, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Parse hash specially. Eventually this should happen in parseWait and end up
// in QueryOptions but I didn't want to make very general changes right away.
hash := req.URL.Query().Get("hash")
sid := structs.NewServiceID(id, &entMeta)
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &entMeta) {
return nil, nil
dc := s.agent.config.Datacenter
resultHash, service, err := s.agent.LocalBlockingQuery(false, hash, queryOpts.MaxQueryTime,
func(ws memdb.WatchSet) (string, interface{}, error) {
svcState := s.agent.State.ServiceState(sid)
if svcState == nil {
return "", nil, NotFoundError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("unknown service ID: %s", sid.String())}
svc := svcState.Service
// Setup watch on the service
// Check ACLs.
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
if authz.ServiceRead(svc.Service, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return "", nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
// Calculate the content hash over the response, minus the hash field
aSvc := buildAgentService(svc, dc)
reply := &aSvc
// TODO(partitions): do we need to do anything here?
rawHash, err := hashstructure.Hash(reply, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
// Include the ContentHash in the response body
reply.ContentHash = fmt.Sprintf("%x", rawHash)
return reply.ContentHash, reply, nil
if resultHash != "" {
resp.Header().Set("X-Consul-ContentHash", resultHash)
return service, err
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentChecks(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
var entMeta structs.EnterpriseMeta
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &entMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &entMeta, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &entMeta) {
return nil, nil
var filterExpression string
s.parseFilter(req, &filterExpression)
filter, err := bexpr.CreateFilter(filterExpression, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// NOTE(partitions): this works because nodes exist in ONE partition
checks := s.agent.State.Checks(&entMeta)
agentChecks := make(map[types.CheckID]*structs.HealthCheck)
for id, c := range checks {
if c.ServiceTags == nil {
clone := *c
clone.ServiceTags = make([]string, 0)
agentChecks[id.ID] = &clone
} else {
agentChecks[id.ID] = c
raw, err := filter.Execute(agentChecks)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
agentChecks = raw.(map[types.CheckID]*structs.HealthCheck)
// Note: we filter the results with ACLs *after* applying the user-supplied
// bexpr filter, to ensure total (and the filter-by-acls header we set below)
// do not include results that would be filtered out even if the user did have
// permission.
total := len(agentChecks)
if err := s.agent.filterChecksWithAuthorizer(authz, agentChecks); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set the X-Consul-Results-Filtered-By-ACLs header, but only if the user is
// authenticated (to prevent information leaking).
// This is done automatically for HTTP endpoints that proxy to an RPC endpoint
// that sets QueryMeta.ResultsFilteredByACLs, but must be done manually for
// agent-local endpoints.
// For more information see the comment on: Server.maskResultsFilteredByACLs.
if token != "" {
setResultsFilteredByACLs(resp, total != len(agentChecks))
return agentChecks, nil
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentMembers(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
// Check if the WAN is being queried
wan := false
if other := req.URL.Query().Get("wan"); other != "" {
wan = true
segment := req.URL.Query().Get("segment")
if wan {
switch segment {
case "", api.AllSegments:
// The zero value and the special "give me all members"
// key are ok, otherwise the argument doesn't apply to
// the WAN.
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: "Cannot provide a segment with wan=true"}
// Get the request partition and default to that of the agent.
entMeta := s.agent.AgentEnterpriseMeta()
if err := s.parseEntMetaPartition(req, entMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
var members []serf.Member
if wan {
members = s.agent.WANMembers()
} else {
filter := consul.LANMemberFilter{
Partition: entMeta.PartitionOrDefault(),
if segment == api.AllSegments {
// Older 'consul members' calls will default to adding segment=_all
// so we only choose to use that request argument in the case where
// the partition is also the default and ignore it the rest of the time.
if structs.IsDefaultPartition(filter.Partition) {
filter.AllSegments = true
} else {
filter.Segment = segment
var err error
members, err = s.agent.delegate.LANMembers(filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
total := len(members)
if err := s.agent.filterMembers(token, &members); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set the X-Consul-Results-Filtered-By-ACLs header, but only if the user is
// authenticated (to prevent information leaking).
// This is done automatically for HTTP endpoints that proxy to an RPC endpoint
// that sets QueryMeta.ResultsFilteredByACLs, but must be done manually for
// agent-local endpoints.
// For more information see the comment on: Server.maskResultsFilteredByACLs.
if token != "" {
setResultsFilteredByACLs(resp, total != len(members))
return members, nil
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentJoin(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any, and enforce agent policy.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Authorize using the agent's own enterprise meta, not the token.
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
if authz.AgentWrite(s.agent.config.NodeName, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
// Get the request partition and default to that of the agent.
entMeta := s.agent.AgentEnterpriseMeta()
if err := s.parseEntMetaPartition(req, entMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check if the WAN is being queried
wan := false
if other := req.URL.Query().Get("wan"); other != "" {
wan = true
// Get the address
addr, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/join/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if wan {
if s.agent.config.ConnectMeshGatewayWANFederationEnabled {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("WAN join is disabled when wan federation via mesh gateways is enabled")
_, err = s.agent.JoinWAN([]string{addr})
} else {
_, err = s.agent.JoinLAN([]string{addr}, entMeta)
return nil, err
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentLeave(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any, and enforce agent policy.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Authorize using the agent's own enterprise meta, not the token.
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
if authz.AgentWrite(s.agent.config.NodeName, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
if err := s.agent.Leave(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, s.agent.ShutdownAgent()
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentForceLeave(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any, and enforce agent policy.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(partitions): should this be possible in a partition?
if authz.OperatorWrite(nil) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
// Get the request partition and default to that of the agent.
entMeta := s.agent.AgentEnterpriseMeta()
if err := s.parseEntMetaPartition(req, entMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check the value of the prune query
_, prune := req.URL.Query()["prune"]
// Check if the WAN is being queried
_, wan := req.URL.Query()["wan"]
addr, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/force-leave/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if wan {
return nil, s.agent.ForceLeaveWAN(addr, prune, entMeta)
} else {
return nil, s.agent.ForceLeave(addr, prune, entMeta)
// syncChanges is a helper function which wraps a blocking call to sync
// services and checks to the server. If the operation fails, we only
// only warn because the write did succeed and anti-entropy will sync later.
func (s *HTTPHandlers) syncChanges() {
if err := s.agent.State.SyncChanges(); err != nil {
s.agent.logger.Error("failed to sync changes", "error", err)
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentRegisterCheck(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
var args structs.CheckDefinition
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &args.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := decodeBody(req.Body, &args); err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Request decode failed: %v", err)}
// Verify the check has a name.
if args.Name == "" {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: "Missing check name"}
if args.Status != "" && !structs.ValidStatus(args.Status) {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: "Bad check status"}
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &args.EnterpriseMeta, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &args.EnterpriseMeta) {
return nil, nil
// Construct the health check.
health := args.HealthCheck(s.agent.config.NodeName)
// Verify the check type.
chkType := args.CheckType()
err = chkType.Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid check: %v", err)}
// Store the type of check based on the definition
health.Type = chkType.Type()
if health.ServiceID != "" {
// fixup the service name so that vetCheckRegister requires the right ACLs
cid := health.CompoundServiceID()
service := s.agent.State.Service(cid)
if service != nil {
health.ServiceName = service.Service
} else {
return nil, NotFoundError{fmt.Sprintf("ServiceID %q does not exist", cid.String())}
// Get the provided token, if any, and vet against any ACL policies.
if err := s.agent.vetCheckRegisterWithAuthorizer(authz, health); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add the check.
if err := s.agent.AddCheck(health, chkType, true, token, ConfigSourceRemote); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentDeregisterCheck(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
ID, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/check/deregister/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
checkID := structs.NewCheckID(types.CheckID(ID), nil)
// Get the provided token, if any, and vet against any ACL policies.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &checkID.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &checkID.EnterpriseMeta, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &checkID.EnterpriseMeta) {
return nil, nil
if err := s.agent.vetCheckUpdateWithAuthorizer(authz, checkID); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.agent.RemoveCheck(checkID, true); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentCheckPass(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
ID, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/check/pass/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
checkID := types.CheckID(ID)
note := req.URL.Query().Get("note")
return s.agentCheckUpdate(resp, req, checkID, api.HealthPassing, note)
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentCheckWarn(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
ID, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/check/warn/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
checkID := types.CheckID(ID)
note := req.URL.Query().Get("note")
return s.agentCheckUpdate(resp, req, checkID, api.HealthWarning, note)
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentCheckFail(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
ID, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/check/fail/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
checkID := types.CheckID(ID)
note := req.URL.Query().Get("note")
return s.agentCheckUpdate(resp, req, checkID, api.HealthCritical, note)
// checkUpdate is the payload for a PUT to AgentCheckUpdate.
type checkUpdate struct {
// Status us one of the api.Health* states, "passing", "warning", or
// "critical".
Status string
// Output is the information to post to the UI for operators as the
// output of the process that decided to hit the TTL check. This is
// different from the note field that's associated with the check
// itself.
Output string
// AgentCheckUpdate is a PUT-based alternative to the GET-based Pass/Warn/Fail
// APIs.
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentCheckUpdate(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
var update checkUpdate
if err := decodeBody(req.Body, &update); err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Request decode failed: %v", err)}
switch update.Status {
case api.HealthPassing:
case api.HealthWarning:
case api.HealthCritical:
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid check status: '%s'", update.Status)}
ID, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/check/update/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
checkID := types.CheckID(ID)
return s.agentCheckUpdate(resp, req, checkID, update.Status, update.Output)
func (s *HTTPHandlers) agentCheckUpdate(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, checkID types.CheckID, status string, output string) (interface{}, error) {
cid := structs.NewCheckID(checkID, nil)
// Get the provided token, if any, and vet against any ACL policies.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &cid.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &cid.EnterpriseMeta, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.agent.vetCheckUpdateWithAuthorizer(authz, cid); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &cid.EnterpriseMeta) {
return nil, nil
if err := s.agent.updateTTLCheck(cid, status, output); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
// agentHealthService Returns Health for a given service ID
func agentHealthService(serviceID structs.ServiceID, s *HTTPHandlers) (int, string, api.HealthChecks) {
checks := s.agent.State.ChecksForService(serviceID, true)
serviceChecks := make(api.HealthChecks, 0)
for _, c := range checks {
// TODO: harmonize struct.HealthCheck and api.HealthCheck (or at least extract conversion function)
healthCheck := &api.HealthCheck{
Node: c.Node,
CheckID: string(c.CheckID),
Name: c.Name,
Status: c.Status,
Notes: c.Notes,
Output: c.Output,
ServiceID: c.ServiceID,
ServiceName: c.ServiceName,
ServiceTags: c.ServiceTags,
fillHealthCheckEnterpriseMeta(healthCheck, &c.EnterpriseMeta)
serviceChecks = append(serviceChecks, healthCheck)
status := serviceChecks.AggregatedStatus()
switch status {
case api.HealthWarning:
return http.StatusTooManyRequests, status, serviceChecks
case api.HealthPassing:
return http.StatusOK, status, serviceChecks
return http.StatusServiceUnavailable, status, serviceChecks
func returnTextPlain(req *http.Request) bool {
if contentType := req.Header.Get("Accept"); strings.HasPrefix(contentType, "text/plain") {
return true
if format := req.URL.Query().Get("format"); format != "" {
return format == "text"
return false
// AgentHealthServiceByID return the local Service Health given its ID
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentHealthServiceByID(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Pull out the service id (service id since there may be several instance of the same service on this host)
serviceID, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/health/service/id/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if serviceID == "" {
return nil, &BadRequestError{Reason: "Missing serviceID"}
var entMeta structs.EnterpriseMeta
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &entMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
// need to resolve to default the meta
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &entMeta, &authzContext)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &entMeta) {
return nil, nil
sid := structs.NewServiceID(serviceID, &entMeta)
dc := s.agent.config.Datacenter
if service := s.agent.State.Service(sid); service != nil {
if authz.ServiceRead(service.Service, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
code, status, healthChecks := agentHealthService(sid, s)
if returnTextPlain(req) {
return status, CodeWithPayloadError{StatusCode: code, Reason: status, ContentType: "text/plain"}
serviceInfo := buildAgentService(service, dc)
result := &api.AgentServiceChecksInfo{
AggregatedStatus: status,
Checks: healthChecks,
Service: &serviceInfo,
return result, CodeWithPayloadError{StatusCode: code, Reason: status, ContentType: "application/json"}
notFoundReason := fmt.Sprintf("ServiceId %s not found", sid.String())
if returnTextPlain(req) {
return notFoundReason, CodeWithPayloadError{StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, Reason: notFoundReason, ContentType: "text/plain"}
return &api.AgentServiceChecksInfo{
AggregatedStatus: api.HealthCritical,
Checks: nil,
Service: nil,
}, CodeWithPayloadError{StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, Reason: notFoundReason, ContentType: "application/json"}
// AgentHealthServiceByName return the worse status of all the services with given name on an agent
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentHealthServiceByName(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Pull out the service name
serviceName, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/health/service/name/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if serviceName == "" {
return nil, &BadRequestError{Reason: "Missing service Name"}
var entMeta structs.EnterpriseMeta
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &entMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
// need to resolve to default the meta
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &entMeta, &authzContext)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if authz.ServiceRead(serviceName, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &entMeta) {
return nil, nil
dc := s.agent.config.Datacenter
code := http.StatusNotFound
status := fmt.Sprintf("ServiceName %s Not Found", serviceName)
services := s.agent.State.ServicesByName(structs.NewServiceName(serviceName, &entMeta))
result := make([]api.AgentServiceChecksInfo, 0, 16)
for _, service := range services {
sid := structs.NewServiceID(service.ID, &entMeta)
scode, sstatus, healthChecks := agentHealthService(sid, s)
serviceInfo := buildAgentService(service, dc)
res := api.AgentServiceChecksInfo{
AggregatedStatus: sstatus,
Checks: healthChecks,
Service: &serviceInfo,
result = append(result, res)
// When service is not found, we ignore it and keep existing HTTP status
if code == http.StatusNotFound {
code = scode
status = sstatus
// We take the worst of all statuses, so we keep iterating
// passing: 200 < warning: 429 < critical: 503
if code < scode {
code = scode
status = sstatus
if returnTextPlain(req) {
return status, CodeWithPayloadError{StatusCode: code, Reason: status, ContentType: "text/plain"}
return result, CodeWithPayloadError{StatusCode: code, Reason: status, ContentType: "application/json"}
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentRegisterService(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
var args structs.ServiceDefinition
// Fixup the type decode of TTL or Interval if a check if provided.
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &args.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := decodeBody(req.Body, &args); err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Request decode failed: %v", err)}
// Verify the service has a name.
if args.Name == "" {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: "Missing service name"}
// Check the service address here and in the catalog RPC endpoint
// since service registration isn't synchronous.
if ipaddr.IsAny(args.Address) {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: "Invalid service address"}
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &args.EnterpriseMeta, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &args.EnterpriseMeta) {
return nil, nil
// Get the node service.
ns := args.NodeService()
if ns.Weights != nil {
if err := structs.ValidateWeights(ns.Weights); err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Weights: %v", err)}
if err := structs.ValidateServiceMetadata(ns.Kind, ns.Meta, false); err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Service Meta: %v", err)}
// Run validation. This is the same validation that would happen on
// the catalog endpoint so it helps ensure the sync will work properly.
if err := ns.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Validation failed: %v", err.Error())}
// Verify the check type.
chkTypes, err := args.CheckTypes()
if err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid check: %v", err)}
for _, check := range chkTypes {
if check.Status != "" && !structs.ValidStatus(check.Status) {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: "Status for checks must 'passing', 'warning', 'critical'"}
// Verify the sidecar check types
if args.Connect != nil && args.Connect.SidecarService != nil {
chkTypes, err := args.Connect.SidecarService.CheckTypes()
if err != nil {
return nil, &BadRequestError{
Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid check in sidecar_service: %v", err),
for _, check := range chkTypes {
if check.Status != "" && !structs.ValidStatus(check.Status) {
return nil, &BadRequestError{
Reason: "Status for checks must 'passing', 'warning', 'critical'",
// Get the provided token, if any, and vet against any ACL policies.
if err := s.agent.vetServiceRegisterWithAuthorizer(authz, ns); err != nil {
return nil, err
// See if we have a sidecar to register too
sidecar, sidecarChecks, sidecarToken, err := s.agent.sidecarServiceFromNodeService(ns, token)
if err != nil {
return nil, &BadRequestError{
Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid SidecarService: %s", err)}
if sidecar != nil {
if err := sidecar.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Failed Validation: %v", err.Error())}
// Make sure we are allowed to register the sidecar using the token
// specified (might be specific to sidecar or the same one as the overall
// request).
if err := s.agent.vetServiceRegister(sidecarToken, sidecar); err != nil {
return nil, err
// We parsed the sidecar registration, now remove it from the NodeService
// for the actual service since it's done it's job and we don't want to
// persist it in the actual state/catalog. SidecarService is meant to be a
// registration syntax sugar so don't propagate it any further.
ns.Connect.SidecarService = nil
// Add the service.
replaceExistingChecks := false
query := req.URL.Query()
if len(query["replace-existing-checks"]) > 0 && (query.Get("replace-existing-checks") == "" || query.Get("replace-existing-checks") == "true") {
replaceExistingChecks = true
addReq := AddServiceRequest{
Service: ns,
chkTypes: chkTypes,
persist: true,
token: token,
Source: ConfigSourceRemote,
replaceExistingChecks: replaceExistingChecks,
if err := s.agent.AddService(addReq); err != nil {
return nil, err
if sidecar != nil {
addReq := AddServiceRequest{
Service: sidecar,
chkTypes: sidecarChecks,
persist: true,
token: sidecarToken,
Source: ConfigSourceRemote,
replaceExistingChecks: replaceExistingChecks,
if err := s.agent.AddService(addReq); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentDeregisterService(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
serviceID, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/service/deregister/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sid := structs.NewServiceID(serviceID, nil)
// Get the provided token, if any, and vet against any ACL policies.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &sid.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &sid.EnterpriseMeta, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &sid.EnterpriseMeta) {
return nil, nil
if err := s.agent.vetServiceUpdateWithAuthorizer(authz, sid); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.agent.RemoveService(sid); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentServiceMaintenance(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Ensure we have a service ID
serviceID, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/service/maintenance/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sid := structs.NewServiceID(serviceID, nil)
if sid.ID == "" {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: "Missing service ID"}
// Ensure we have some action
params := req.URL.Query()
if _, ok := params["enable"]; !ok {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: "Missing value for enable"}
raw := params.Get("enable")
enable, err := strconv.ParseBool(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid value for enable: %q", raw)}
// Get the provided token, if any, and vet against any ACL policies.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &sid.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, &sid.EnterpriseMeta, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &sid.EnterpriseMeta) {
return nil, nil
if err := s.agent.vetServiceUpdateWithAuthorizer(authz, sid); err != nil {
return nil, err
if enable {
reason := params.Get("reason")
if err = s.agent.EnableServiceMaintenance(sid, reason, token); err != nil {
return nil, NotFoundError{Reason: err.Error()}
} else {
if err = s.agent.DisableServiceMaintenance(sid); err != nil {
return nil, NotFoundError{Reason: err.Error()}
return nil, nil
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentNodeMaintenance(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Ensure we have some action
params := req.URL.Query()
if _, ok := params["enable"]; !ok {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: "Missing value for enable"}
raw := params.Get("enable")
enable, err := strconv.ParseBool(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid value for enable: %q", raw)}
// Get the provided token, if any, and vet against any ACL policies.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
if authz.NodeWrite(s.agent.config.NodeName, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
if enable {
s.agent.EnableNodeMaintenance(params.Get("reason"), token)
} else {
return nil, nil
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentMonitor(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any, and enforce agent policy.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Authorize using the agent's own enterprise meta, not the token.
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
if authz.AgentRead(s.agent.config.NodeName, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
// Get the provided loglevel.
logLevel := req.URL.Query().Get("loglevel")
if logLevel == "" {
logLevel = "INFO"
var logJSON bool
if _, ok := req.URL.Query()["logjson"]; ok {
logJSON = true
if !logging.ValidateLogLevel(logLevel) {
return nil, BadRequestError{
Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Unknown log level: %s", logLevel),
flusher, ok := resp.(http.Flusher)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Streaming not supported")
monitor := monitor.New(monitor.Config{
BufferSize: 512,
Logger: s.agent.logger,
LoggerOptions: &hclog.LoggerOptions{
Level: logging.LevelFromString(logLevel),
JSONFormat: logJSON,
logsCh := monitor.Start()
// Send header so client can start streaming body
// 0 byte write is needed before the Flush call so that if we are using
// a gzip stream it will go ahead and write out the HTTP response header
const flushDelay = 200 * time.Millisecond
flushTicker := time.NewTicker(flushDelay)
defer flushTicker.Stop()
// Stream logs until the connection is closed.
for {
select {
case <-req.Context().Done():
droppedCount := monitor.Stop()
if droppedCount > 0 {
s.agent.logger.Warn("Dropped logs during monitor request", "dropped_count", droppedCount)
return nil, nil
case log := <-logsCh:
fmt.Fprint(resp, string(log))
case <-flushTicker.C:
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentToken(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
if s.checkACLDisabled() {
return nil, UnauthorizedError{Reason: "ACL support disabled"}
// Fetch the ACL token, if any, and enforce agent policy.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Authorize using the agent's own enterprise meta, not the token.
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
if authz.AgentWrite(s.agent.config.NodeName, &authzContext) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
// The body is just the token, but it's in a JSON object so we can add
// fields to this later if needed.
var args api.AgentToken
if err := decodeBody(req.Body, &args); err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Request decode failed: %v", err)}
// Figure out the target token.
target, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/token/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = s.agent.tokens.WithPersistenceLock(func() error {
triggerAntiEntropySync := false
switch target {
case "acl_token", "default":
changed := s.agent.tokens.UpdateUserToken(args.Token, token_store.TokenSourceAPI)
if changed {
triggerAntiEntropySync = true
case "acl_agent_token", "agent":
changed := s.agent.tokens.UpdateAgentToken(args.Token, token_store.TokenSourceAPI)
if changed {
triggerAntiEntropySync = true
case "acl_agent_master_token", "agent_master", "agent_recovery":
s.agent.tokens.UpdateAgentRecoveryToken(args.Token, token_store.TokenSourceAPI)
case "acl_replication_token", "replication":
s.agent.tokens.UpdateReplicationToken(args.Token, token_store.TokenSourceAPI)
return NotFoundError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Token %q is unknown", target)}
// TODO: is it safe to move this out of WithPersistenceLock?
if triggerAntiEntropySync {
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.agent.logger.Info("Updated agent's ACL token", "token", target)
return nil, nil
// AgentConnectCARoots returns the trusted CA roots.
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentConnectCARoots(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
var args structs.DCSpecificRequest
if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &args.QueryOptions); done {
return nil, nil
raw, m, err := s.agent.cache.Get(req.Context(), cachetype.ConnectCARootName, &args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer setCacheMeta(resp, &m)
// Add cache hit
reply, ok := raw.(*structs.IndexedCARoots)
if !ok {
// This should never happen, but we want to protect against panics
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: response type not correct")
defer setMeta(resp, &reply.QueryMeta)
return *reply, nil
// AgentConnectCALeafCert returns the certificate bundle for a service
// instance. This endpoint ignores all "Cache-Control" attributes.
// This supports blocking queries to update the returned bundle.
// Non-blocking queries will always verify that the cache entry is still valid.
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentConnectCALeafCert(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Get the service name. Note that this is the name of the service,
// not the ID of the service instance.
serviceName, err := getPathSuffixUnescaped(req.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/connect/ca/leaf/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args := cachetype.ConnectCALeafRequest{
Service: serviceName, // Need name not ID
var qOpts structs.QueryOptions
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &args.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Store DC in the ConnectCALeafRequest but query opts separately
if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &qOpts); done {
return nil, nil
args.MinQueryIndex = qOpts.MinQueryIndex
args.MaxQueryTime = qOpts.MaxQueryTime
args.Token = qOpts.Token
// TODO(ffmmmm): maybe set MustRevalidate in ConnectCALeafRequest (as part of CacheInfo())
// We don't want non-blocking queries to return expired leaf certs
// or leaf certs not valid under the current CA. So always revalidate
// the leaf cert on non-blocking queries (ie when MinQueryIndex == 0)
if args.MinQueryIndex == 0 {
args.MustRevalidate = true
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &args.EnterpriseMeta) {
return nil, nil
raw, m, err := s.agent.cache.Get(req.Context(), cachetype.ConnectCALeafName, &args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer setCacheMeta(resp, &m)
reply, ok := raw.(*structs.IssuedCert)
if !ok {
// This should never happen, but we want to protect against panics
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: response type not correct")
setIndex(resp, reply.ModifyIndex)
return reply, nil
// AgentConnectAuthorize
// POST /v1/agent/connect/authorize
// NOTE: This endpoint treats any L7 intentions as DENY.
// Note: when this logic changes, consider if the Intention.Check RPC method
// also needs to be updated.
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentConnectAuthorize(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the token
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
var authReq structs.ConnectAuthorizeRequest
if err := s.parseEntMetaNoWildcard(req, &authReq.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := decodeBody(req.Body, &authReq); err != nil {
return nil, BadRequestError{fmt.Sprintf("Request decode failed: %v", err)}
if !s.validateRequestPartition(resp, &authReq.EnterpriseMeta) {
return nil, nil
authz, reason, cacheMeta, err := s.agent.ConnectAuthorize(token, &authReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
setCacheMeta(resp, cacheMeta)
return &connectAuthorizeResp{
Authorized: authz,
Reason: reason,
}, nil
// connectAuthorizeResp is the response format/structure for the
// /v1/agent/connect/authorize endpoint.
type connectAuthorizeResp struct {
Authorized bool // True if authorized, false if not
Reason string // Reason for the Authorized value (whether true or false)
// AgentHost
// GET /v1/agent/host
// Retrieves information about resources available and in-use for the
// host the agent is running on such as CPU, memory, and disk usage. Requires
// a operator:read ACL token.
func (s *HTTPHandlers) AgentHost(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
// Fetch the ACL token, if any, and enforce agent policy.
var token string
s.parseToken(req, &token)
authz, err := s.agent.delegate.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(partitions): should this be possible in a partition?
if authz.OperatorRead(nil) != acl.Allow {
return nil, acl.ErrPermissionDenied
return debug.CollectHostInfo(), nil