# ShadowHost

`ShadowHost` is a small renderless mainly utility component for easily attaching
ShadowDOM to any applicable DOM node. It mainly exists to provide a context for
passing around a reference to the element to be used for the shadow template,
but named appropriately for recognition.

If you are looking to write a custom element, please use the `CustomElement`
component. If you are simply attaching ShadowDOM to a native HTML element then
this is the component for you.

```hbs preview-template
<ShadowHost as |shadow|>
    {{did-insert shadow.host}}

## Exports

| Attribute | Type                    | Description                                                                      |
| :-------- | :---------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| host      | function                | A did-insert-able callback for tagging an element to be used for the shadow root |
| Template  | ShadowTemplateComponent | ShadowTemplate component pre-configured with the shadow host                     |