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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package extauthz
import (
envoy_cluster_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/cluster/v3"
envoy_core_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/core/v3"
envoy_endpoint_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/endpoint/v3"
envoy_listener_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/listener/v3"
envoy_http_ext_authz_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/extensions/filters/http/ext_authz/v3"
envoy_ext_authz_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/extensions/filters/network/ext_authz/v3"
envoy_http_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/extensions/filters/network/http_connection_manager/v3"
envoy_upstreams_http_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/extensions/upstreams/http/v3"
envoy_type_matcher_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/type/matcher/v3"
envoy_type_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/type/v3"
cmn "github.com/hashicorp/consul/envoyextensions/extensioncommon"
const (
LocalExtAuthzClusterName = "local_ext_authz"
defaultMetadataNS = "consul"
defaultStatPrefix = "response"
defaultStatusOnError = 403
localhost = "localhost"
localhostIPv4 = ""
localhostIPv6 = "::1"
type extAuthzConfig struct {
BootstrapMetadataLabelsKey string
ClearRouteCache *bool
GrpcService *GrpcService
HttpService *HttpService
IncludePeerCertificate *bool
MetadataContextNamespaces []string
StatusOnError *int
StatPrefix string
WithRequestBody *BufferSettings
failureModeAllow bool
func (c *extAuthzConfig) normalize() {
if c.StatPrefix == "" {
c.StatPrefix = defaultStatPrefix
if c.isGRPC() {
if c.isHTTP() {
func (c *extAuthzConfig) validate() error {
var resultErr error
if c.isGRPC() == c.isHTTP() {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("exactly one of GrpcService or HttpService must be set"))
var field string
var validate func() error
if c.isHTTP() {
field = "HttpService"
validate = c.HttpService.validate
} else {
field = "GrpcService"
validate = c.GrpcService.validate
if err := validate(); err != nil {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("failed to validate Config.%s: %w", field, err))
if c.StatusOnError != nil {
if _, ok := envoy_type_v3.StatusCode_name[int32(*c.StatusOnError)]; !ok {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("failed to validate Config.StatusOnError:"+
"status code %d is not supported by Envoy, please refer to the Envoy documentation for supported status codes",
return resultErr
func (c extAuthzConfig) envoyGrpcService(cfg *cmn.RuntimeConfig) (*envoy_core_v3.GrpcService, error) {
target := c.GrpcService.Target
clusterName, err := c.getClusterName(cfg, target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var initialMetadata []*envoy_core_v3.HeaderValue
for _, meta := range c.GrpcService.InitialMetadata {
initialMetadata = append(initialMetadata, meta.toEnvoy())
return &envoy_core_v3.GrpcService{
TargetSpecifier: &envoy_core_v3.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc_{
EnvoyGrpc: &envoy_core_v3.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc{
ClusterName: clusterName,
Authority: c.GrpcService.Authority,
Timeout: target.timeoutDurationPB(),
InitialMetadata: initialMetadata,
}, nil
func (c extAuthzConfig) envoyHttpService(cfg *cmn.RuntimeConfig) (*envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.HttpService, error) {
clusterName, err := c.getClusterName(cfg, c.HttpService.Target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.HttpService{
ServerUri: &envoy_core_v3.HttpUri{
Uri: clusterName, // not used by Envoy, set to cluster
HttpUpstreamType: &envoy_core_v3.HttpUri_Cluster{Cluster: clusterName},
Timeout: c.HttpService.Target.timeoutDurationPB(),
PathPrefix: c.HttpService.PathPrefix,
AuthorizationRequest: c.HttpService.AuthorizationRequest.toEnvoy(),
AuthorizationResponse: c.HttpService.AuthorizationResponse.toEnvoy(),
}, nil
// getClusterName returns the name of the cluster for the external authorization service.
// If the extension is configured with an upstream ext-authz service then the name of the cluster for
// that upstream is returned. If the extension is configured with a URI, the only allowed host is `localhost`
// and the extension will insert a new cluster with the name "local_ext_authz", so we use that name.
func (c extAuthzConfig) getClusterName(cfg *cmn.RuntimeConfig, target *Target) (string, error) {
var err error
clusterName := LocalExtAuthzClusterName
if target.isService() {
if clusterName, err = target.clusterName(cfg); err != nil {
return "", err
return clusterName, nil
func (c extAuthzConfig) isGRPC() bool {
return c.GrpcService != nil
func (c extAuthzConfig) isHTTP() bool {
return c.HttpService != nil
// toEnvoyCluster returns an Envoy cluster for connecting to the ext_authz service.
// If the extension is configured with the ext_authz service locally via the URI set to localhost,
// this func will return a new cluster definition that will allow the proxy to connect to the ext_authz
// service running on localhost on the configured port.
// If the extension is configured with the ext_authz service as an upstream there is no need to insert
// a new cluster so this method returns nil.
func (c *extAuthzConfig) toEnvoyCluster(_ *cmn.RuntimeConfig) (*envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster, error) {
var target *Target
if c.isHTTP() {
target = c.HttpService.Target
} else {
target = c.GrpcService.Target
// If the target is an upstream we do not need to create a cluster. We will use the cluster of the upstream.
if target.isService() {
return nil, nil
host, port, err := target.addr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clusterType := &envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster_Type{Type: envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster_STATIC}
if host == localhost {
// If the host is "localhost" use a STRICT_DNS cluster type to perform DNS lookup.
clusterType = &envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster_Type{Type: envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster_STRICT_DNS}
var typedExtProtoOpts map[string]*anypb.Any
if c.isGRPC() {
// By default HTTP/1.1 is used for the transport protocol. gRPC requires that we explicitly configure HTTP/2
httpProtoOpts := &envoy_upstreams_http_v3.HttpProtocolOptions{
UpstreamProtocolOptions: &envoy_upstreams_http_v3.HttpProtocolOptions_ExplicitHttpConfig_{
ExplicitHttpConfig: &envoy_upstreams_http_v3.HttpProtocolOptions_ExplicitHttpConfig{
ProtocolConfig: &envoy_upstreams_http_v3.HttpProtocolOptions_ExplicitHttpConfig_Http2ProtocolOptions{},
httpProtoOptsAny, err := anypb.New(httpProtoOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
typedExtProtoOpts = make(map[string]*anypb.Any)
typedExtProtoOpts["envoy.extensions.upstreams.http.v3.HttpProtocolOptions"] = httpProtoOptsAny
return &envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster{
Name: LocalExtAuthzClusterName,
ClusterDiscoveryType: clusterType,
ConnectTimeout: target.timeoutDurationPB(),
LoadAssignment: &envoy_endpoint_v3.ClusterLoadAssignment{
ClusterName: LocalExtAuthzClusterName,
Endpoints: []*envoy_endpoint_v3.LocalityLbEndpoints{
LbEndpoints: []*envoy_endpoint_v3.LbEndpoint{{
HostIdentifier: &envoy_endpoint_v3.LbEndpoint_Endpoint{
Endpoint: &envoy_endpoint_v3.Endpoint{
Address: &envoy_core_v3.Address{
Address: &envoy_core_v3.Address_SocketAddress{
SocketAddress: &envoy_core_v3.SocketAddress{
Address: host,
PortSpecifier: &envoy_core_v3.SocketAddress_PortValue{
PortValue: uint32(port),
TypedExtensionProtocolOptions: typedExtProtoOpts,
}, nil
func (c extAuthzConfig) toEnvoyHttpFilter(cfg *cmn.RuntimeConfig) (*envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter, error) {
extAuthzFilter := &envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.ExtAuthz{
StatPrefix: c.StatPrefix,
WithRequestBody: c.WithRequestBody.toEnvoy(),
TransportApiVersion: envoy_core_v3.ApiVersion_V3,
MetadataContextNamespaces: append(c.MetadataContextNamespaces, defaultMetadataNS),
FailureModeAllow: c.failureModeAllow,
BootstrapMetadataLabelsKey: c.BootstrapMetadataLabelsKey,
if c.isHTTP() {
httpSvc, err := c.envoyHttpService(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
extAuthzFilter.Services = &envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.ExtAuthz_HttpService{HttpService: httpSvc}
} else {
grpcSvc, err := c.envoyGrpcService(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
extAuthzFilter.Services = &envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.ExtAuthz_GrpcService{GrpcService: grpcSvc}
if c.ClearRouteCache != nil {
extAuthzFilter.ClearRouteCache = *c.ClearRouteCache
if c.IncludePeerCertificate != nil {
extAuthzFilter.IncludePeerCertificate = *c.IncludePeerCertificate
if c.StatusOnError != nil {
extAuthzFilter.StatusOnError = &envoy_type_v3.HttpStatus{
Code: envoy_type_v3.StatusCode(*c.StatusOnError),
return cmn.MakeEnvoyHTTPFilter("envoy.filters.http.ext_authz", extAuthzFilter)
func (c extAuthzConfig) toEnvoyNetworkFilter(cfg *cmn.RuntimeConfig) (*envoy_listener_v3.Filter, error) {
grpcSvc, err := c.envoyGrpcService(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
extAuthzFilter := &envoy_ext_authz_v3.ExtAuthz{
GrpcService: grpcSvc,
StatPrefix: c.StatPrefix,
TransportApiVersion: envoy_core_v3.ApiVersion_V3,
FailureModeAllow: c.failureModeAllow,
if c.IncludePeerCertificate != nil {
extAuthzFilter.IncludePeerCertificate = *c.IncludePeerCertificate
return cmn.MakeFilter("envoy.filters.network.ext_authz", extAuthzFilter)
type validator interface {
validate() error
type AuthorizationRequest struct {
AllowedHeaders ListStringMatcher
HeadersToAdd []*HeaderValue
func (r *AuthorizationRequest) toEnvoy() *envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.AuthorizationRequest {
if r == nil {
return nil
if len(r.AllowedHeaders) == 0 && len(r.HeadersToAdd) == 0 {
return nil
req := &envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.AuthorizationRequest{
AllowedHeaders: r.AllowedHeaders.toEnvoy(),
for _, header := range r.HeadersToAdd {
req.HeadersToAdd = append(req.HeadersToAdd, header.toEnvoy())
return req
func (r *AuthorizationRequest) validate() error {
var resultErr error
if r == nil {
return resultErr
if err := r.AllowedHeaders.validate(); err != nil {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("validation failed for AuthorizationRequest.AllowedHeaders: %w", err))
return resultErr
type AuthorizationResponse struct {
AllowedUpstreamHeaders ListStringMatcher
AllowedUpstreamHeadersToAppend ListStringMatcher
AllowedClientHeaders ListStringMatcher
AllowedClientHeadersOnSuccess ListStringMatcher
DynamicMetadataFromHeaders ListStringMatcher
func (r *AuthorizationResponse) toEnvoy() *envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.AuthorizationResponse {
if r == nil {
return nil
return &envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.AuthorizationResponse{
AllowedUpstreamHeaders: r.AllowedUpstreamHeaders.toEnvoy(),
AllowedUpstreamHeadersToAppend: r.AllowedUpstreamHeadersToAppend.toEnvoy(),
AllowedClientHeaders: r.AllowedClientHeaders.toEnvoy(),
AllowedClientHeadersOnSuccess: r.AllowedClientHeadersOnSuccess.toEnvoy(),
DynamicMetadataFromHeaders: r.DynamicMetadataFromHeaders.toEnvoy(),
func (r *AuthorizationResponse) validate() error {
var resultErr error
if r == nil {
return resultErr
for field, matchers := range r.fieldMap() {
if err := matchers.validate(); err != nil {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("validation failed for AuthorizationResponse.%s: %w", field, err))
return resultErr
func (r *AuthorizationResponse) fieldMap() map[string]ListStringMatcher {
if r == nil {
return nil
return map[string]ListStringMatcher{
"AllowedUpstreamHeaders": r.AllowedUpstreamHeaders,
"AllowedUpstreamHeadersToAppend": r.AllowedUpstreamHeadersToAppend,
"AllowedClientHeaders": r.AllowedClientHeaders,
"AllowedClientHeadersOnSuccess": r.AllowedClientHeadersOnSuccess,
"DynamicMetadataFromHeaders": r.DynamicMetadataFromHeaders,
type BufferSettings struct {
MaxRequestBytes *int64
AllowPartialMessage *bool
PackAsBytes *bool
func (b *BufferSettings) toEnvoy() *envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.BufferSettings {
if b == nil {
return nil
if b.AllowPartialMessage == nil &&
b.MaxRequestBytes == nil &&
b.PackAsBytes == nil {
return nil
bufSet := &envoy_http_ext_authz_v3.BufferSettings{}
if b.AllowPartialMessage != nil {
bufSet.AllowPartialMessage = *b.AllowPartialMessage
if b.MaxRequestBytes != nil {
bufSet.MaxRequestBytes = uint32(*b.MaxRequestBytes)
if b.PackAsBytes != nil {
bufSet.PackAsBytes = *b.PackAsBytes
return bufSet
type GrpcService struct {
Target *Target
Authority string
InitialMetadata []*HeaderValue
func (v *GrpcService) normalize() {
if v == nil {
func (v *GrpcService) validate() error {
var resultErr error
if v == nil {
return resultErr
if v.Target == nil {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("GrpcService.Target must be set"))
if err := v.Target.validate(); err != nil {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, err)
return resultErr
type HeaderValue struct {
Key string
Value string
func (h *HeaderValue) toEnvoy() *envoy_core_v3.HeaderValue {
if h == nil {
return nil
return &envoy_core_v3.HeaderValue{Key: h.Key, Value: h.Value}
type HttpService struct {
Target *Target
PathPrefix string
AuthorizationRequest *AuthorizationRequest
AuthorizationResponse *AuthorizationResponse
func (v *HttpService) normalize() {
if v == nil {
func (v *HttpService) validate() error {
var resultErr error
if v == nil {
return resultErr
if v.Target == nil {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("HttpService.Target must be set"))
for _, val := range []validator{v.Target, v.AuthorizationRequest, v.AuthorizationResponse} {
if err := val.validate(); err != nil {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, err)
return resultErr
type ListStringMatcher []*StringMatcher
func (l ListStringMatcher) toEnvoy() *envoy_type_matcher_v3.ListStringMatcher {
if len(l) < 1 {
return nil
matchers := &envoy_type_matcher_v3.ListStringMatcher{}
for _, matcher := range l {
matchers.Patterns = append(matchers.Patterns, matcher.toEnvoy())
return matchers
func (l ListStringMatcher) validate() error {
var resultErr error
if len(l) < 1 {
return nil
for idx, matcher := range l {
if err := matcher.validate(); err != nil {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("validation failed for matcher at index %d: %w", idx, err))
return resultErr
type StringMatcher struct {
Contains string
Exact string
IgnoreCase bool
Prefix string
SafeRegex string
Suffix string
func (s *StringMatcher) toEnvoy() *envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher {
if s == nil {
return nil
switch {
case s.Contains != "":
return &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Contains{Contains: s.Contains},
IgnoreCase: s.IgnoreCase,
case s.Exact != "":
return &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Exact{Exact: s.Exact},
IgnoreCase: s.IgnoreCase,
case s.Prefix != "":
return &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Prefix{Prefix: s.Prefix},
IgnoreCase: s.IgnoreCase,
case s.SafeRegex != "":
return &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_SafeRegex{
SafeRegex: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.RegexMatcher{
EngineType: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.RegexMatcher_GoogleRe2{},
Regex: s.SafeRegex,
case s.Suffix != "":
return &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Suffix{Suffix: s.Suffix},
IgnoreCase: s.IgnoreCase,
return nil
func (s *StringMatcher) validate() error {
if s == nil {
return nil
set := 0
for _, s := range []string{s.Contains, s.Exact, s.Prefix, s.SafeRegex, s.Suffix} {
if s != "" {
if set != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("exactly one of Contains, Exact, Prefix, SafeRegex or Suffix must be set")
return nil
type Target struct {
Service api.CompoundServiceName
URI string
Timeout string
timeout *time.Duration
host string
port int
// addr returns the host and port for the target when the target is a URI.
// It returns a non-nil error if the target is not a URI.
func (t Target) addr() (string, int, error) {
if !t.isURI() {
return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("target is not configured with a URI, set Target.URI")
return t.host, t.port, nil
// clusterName returns the cluster name for the target when the target is an upstream service.
// It searches through the upstreams in the provided runtime configuration and returns the name
// of the cluster for the first upstream service that matches the target service.
// It returns a non-nil error if a matching cluster is not found or if the target is not an
// upstream service.
func (t Target) clusterName(cfg *cmn.RuntimeConfig) (string, error) {
if !t.isService() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("target is not configured with an upstream service, set Target.Service")
for service, upstream := range cfg.Upstreams {
if service == t.Service {
for sni := range upstream.SNIs {
return sni, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("no upstream definition found for service %q", t.Service.Name)
func (t Target) isService() bool {
return t.Service.Name != ""
func (t Target) isURI() bool {
return t.URI != ""
func (t *Target) normalize() {
if t == nil {
t.Service.Namespace = acl.NamespaceOrDefault(t.Service.Namespace)
t.Service.Partition = acl.PartitionOrDefault(t.Service.Partition)
// timeoutDurationPB returns the target's timeout as a *durationpb.Duration.
// It returns nil if the timeout has not been explicitly set.
func (t *Target) timeoutDurationPB() *durationpb.Duration {
if t == nil || t.timeout == nil {
return nil
return durationpb.New(*t.timeout)
func (t *Target) validate() error {
var err, resultErr error
if t == nil {
return resultErr
if t.isURI() == t.isService() {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("exactly one of Target.Service or Target.URI must be set"))
if t.isURI() {
t.host, t.port, err = parseAddr(t.URI)
if err == nil {
switch t.host {
case localhost, localhostIPv4, localhostIPv6:
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr,
fmt.Errorf("invalid host for Target.URI %q: expected %q, %q, or %q", t.URI, localhost, localhostIPv4, localhostIPv6))
} else {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("invalid format for Target.URI %q: expected host:port", t.URI))
if t.Timeout != "" {
if d, err := time.ParseDuration(t.Timeout); err == nil {
t.timeout = &d
} else {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse Target.Timeout %q as a duration: %w", t.Timeout, err))
return resultErr
func parseAddr(s string) (host string, port int, err error) {
// Strip the protocol if one was provided
if _, addr, hasProto := strings.Cut(s, "://"); hasProto {
s = addr
idx := strings.LastIndex(s, ":")
switch idx {
case -1, len(s) - 1:
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid input format %q: expected host:port", s)
case 0:
host = localhost
port, err = strconv.Atoi(s[idx+1:])
host = s[:idx]
port, err = strconv.Atoi(s[idx+1:])