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// Copyright 2016 Circonus, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package checkmgr
import (
// UpdateCheck determines if the check needs to be updated (new metrics, tags, etc.)
func (cm *CheckManager) UpdateCheck(newMetrics map[string]*api.CheckBundleMetric) {
// only if check manager is enabled
if !cm.enabled {
// only if checkBundle has been populated
if cm.checkBundle == nil {
// only if there is *something* to update
if !cm.forceCheckUpdate && len(newMetrics) == 0 && len(cm.metricTags) == 0 {
// refresh check bundle (in case there were changes made by other apps or in UI)
cid := cm.checkBundle.CID
checkBundle, err := cm.apih.FetchCheckBundle(api.CIDType(&cid))
if err != nil {
cm.Log.Printf("[ERROR] unable to fetch up-to-date check bundle %v", err)
cm.checkBundle = checkBundle
// check metric_limit and see if its 0, if so, don't even bother to try to update the check.
if len(cm.metricTags) > 0 {
// note: if a tag has been added (queued) for a metric which never gets sent
// the tags will be discarded. (setting tags does not *create* metrics.)
for metricName, metricTags := range cm.metricTags {
for metricIdx, metric := range cm.checkBundle.Metrics {
if metric.Name == metricName {
cm.checkBundle.Metrics[metricIdx].Tags = metricTags
delete(cm.metricTags, metricName)
cm.forceCheckUpdate = true
if cm.forceCheckUpdate {
newCheckBundle, err := cm.apih.UpdateCheckBundle(cm.checkBundle)
if err != nil {
cm.Log.Printf("[ERROR] updating check bundle %v", err)
cm.forceCheckUpdate = false
cm.checkBundle = newCheckBundle
// Initialize CirconusMetrics instance. Attempt to find a check otherwise create one.
// use cases:
// check [bundle] by submission url
// check [bundle] by *check* id (note, not check_bundle id)
// check [bundle] by search
// create check [bundle]
func (cm *CheckManager) initializeTrapURL() error {
if cm.trapURL != "" {
return nil
defer cm.trapmu.Unlock()
// special case short-circuit: just send to a url, no check management
// up to user to ensure that if url is https that it will work (e.g. not self-signed)
if cm.checkSubmissionURL != "" {
if !cm.enabled {
cm.trapURL = cm.checkSubmissionURL
cm.trapLastUpdate = time.Now()
return nil
if !cm.enabled {
return errors.New("unable to initialize trap, check manager is disabled")
var err error
var check *api.Check
var checkBundle *api.CheckBundle
var broker *api.Broker
if cm.checkSubmissionURL != "" {
check, err = cm.fetchCheckBySubmissionURL(cm.checkSubmissionURL)
if err != nil {
return err
if !check.Active {
return fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] Check ID %v is not active", check.CID)
// extract check id from check object returned from looking up using submission url
// set m.CheckId to the id
// set m.SubmissionUrl to "" to prevent trying to search on it going forward
// use case: if the broker is changed in the UI metrics would stop flowing
// unless the new submission url can be fetched with the API (which is no
// longer possible using the original submission url)
var id int
id, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.Replace(check.CID, "/check/", "", -1))
if err == nil {
cm.checkID = api.IDType(id)
cm.checkSubmissionURL = ""
} else {
"[WARN] SubmissionUrl check to Check ID: unable to convert %s to int %q\n",
check.CID, err)
} else if cm.checkID > 0 {
cid := fmt.Sprintf("/check/%d", cm.checkID)
check, err = cm.apih.FetchCheck(api.CIDType(&cid))
if err != nil {
return err
if !check.Active {
return fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] Check ID %v is not active", check.CID)
} else {
if checkBundle == nil {
// old search (instanceid as check.target)
searchCriteria := fmt.Sprintf(
"(active:1)(type:\"%s\")(host:\"%s\")(tags:%s)", cm.checkType, cm.checkTarget, strings.Join(cm.checkSearchTag, ","))
checkBundle, err = cm.checkBundleSearch(searchCriteria, map[string][]string{})
if err != nil {
return err
if checkBundle == nil {
// new search (check.target != instanceid, instanceid encoded in notes field)
searchCriteria := fmt.Sprintf(
"(active:1)(type:\"%s\")(tags:%s)", cm.checkType, strings.Join(cm.checkSearchTag, ","))
filterCriteria := map[string][]string{"f_notes": {*cm.getNotes()}}
checkBundle, err = cm.checkBundleSearch(searchCriteria, filterCriteria)
if err != nil {
return err
if checkBundle == nil {
// err==nil && checkBundle==nil is "no check bundles matched"
// an error *should* be returned for any other invalid scenario
checkBundle, broker, err = cm.createNewCheck()
if err != nil {
return err
if checkBundle == nil {
if check != nil {
cid := check.CheckBundleCID
checkBundle, err = cm.apih.FetchCheckBundle(api.CIDType(&cid))
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] Unable to retrieve, find, or create check")
if broker == nil {
cid := checkBundle.Brokers[0]
broker, err = cm.apih.FetchBroker(api.CIDType(&cid))
if err != nil {
return err
// retain to facilitate metric management (adding new metrics specifically)
cm.checkBundle = checkBundle
// determine the trap url to which metrics should be PUT
if checkBundle.Type == "httptrap" {
if turl, found := checkBundle.Config[config.SubmissionURL]; found {
cm.trapURL = api.URLType(turl)
} else {
if cm.Debug {
cm.Log.Printf("Missing config.%s %+v", config.SubmissionURL, checkBundle)
return fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] Unable to use check, no %s in config", config.SubmissionURL)
} else {
// build a submission_url for non-httptrap checks out of mtev_reverse url
if len(checkBundle.ReverseConnectURLs) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not an HTTPTRAP check and no reverse connection urls found", checkBundle.Checks[0])
mtevURL := checkBundle.ReverseConnectURLs[0]
mtevURL = strings.Replace(mtevURL, "mtev_reverse", "https", 1)
mtevURL = strings.Replace(mtevURL, "check", "module/httptrap", 1)
if rs, found := checkBundle.Config[config.ReverseSecretKey]; found {
cm.trapURL = api.URLType(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", mtevURL, rs))
} else {
if cm.Debug {
cm.Log.Printf("Missing config.%s %+v", config.ReverseSecretKey, checkBundle)
return fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] Unable to use check, no %s in config", config.ReverseSecretKey)
// used when sending as "ServerName" get around certs not having IP SANS
// (cert created with server name as CN but IP used in trap url)
cn, err := cm.getBrokerCN(broker, cm.trapURL)
if err != nil {
return err
cm.trapCN = BrokerCNType(cn)
if cm.enabled {
u, err := url.Parse(string(cm.trapURL))
if err != nil {
return err
if u.Scheme == "https" {
if err := cm.loadCACert(); err != nil {
return err
cm.trapLastUpdate = time.Now()
return nil
// Search for a check bundle given a predetermined set of criteria
func (cm *CheckManager) checkBundleSearch(criteria string, filter map[string][]string) (*api.CheckBundle, error) {
search := api.SearchQueryType(criteria)
checkBundles, err := cm.apih.SearchCheckBundles(&search, &filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(*checkBundles) == 0 {
return nil, nil // trigger creation of a new check
numActive := 0
checkID := -1
for idx, check := range *checkBundles {
if check.Status == statusActive {
checkID = idx
if numActive > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] multiple check bundles match criteria %s", criteria)
bundle := (*checkBundles)[checkID]
return &bundle, nil
// Create a new check to receive metrics
func (cm *CheckManager) createNewCheck() (*api.CheckBundle, *api.Broker, error) {
checkSecret := string(cm.checkSecret)
if checkSecret == "" {
secret, err := cm.makeSecret()
if err != nil {
secret = "myS3cr3t"
checkSecret = secret
broker, err := cm.getBroker()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
chkcfg := &api.CheckBundle{
Brokers: []string{broker.CID},
Config: make(map[config.Key]string),
DisplayName: string(cm.checkDisplayName),
Metrics: []api.CheckBundleMetric{},
MetricLimit: config.DefaultCheckBundleMetricLimit,
Notes: cm.getNotes(),
Period: 60,
Status: statusActive,
Tags: append(cm.checkSearchTag, cm.checkTags...),
Target: string(cm.checkTarget),
Timeout: 10,
Type: string(cm.checkType),
if len(cm.customConfigFields) > 0 {
for fld, val := range cm.customConfigFields {
chkcfg.Config[config.Key(fld)] = val
// use the default config settings if these are NOT set by user configuration
if val, ok := chkcfg.Config[config.AsyncMetrics]; !ok || val == "" {
chkcfg.Config[config.AsyncMetrics] = "true"
if val, ok := chkcfg.Config[config.Secret]; !ok || val == "" {
chkcfg.Config[config.Secret] = checkSecret
checkBundle, err := cm.apih.CreateCheckBundle(chkcfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return checkBundle, broker, nil
// Create a dynamic secret to use with a new check
func (cm *CheckManager) makeSecret() (string, error) {
hash := sha256.New()
x := make([]byte, 2048)
if _, err := rand.Read(x); err != nil {
return "", err
return hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))[0:16], nil
func (cm *CheckManager) getNotes() *string {
notes := fmt.Sprintf("cgm_instanceid|%s", cm.checkInstanceID)
return &notes
// FetchCheckBySubmissionURL fetch a check configuration by submission_url
func (cm *CheckManager) fetchCheckBySubmissionURL(submissionURL api.URLType) (*api.Check, error) {
if string(submissionURL) == "" {
return nil, errors.New("[ERROR] Invalid submission URL (blank)")
u, err := url.Parse(string(submissionURL))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// valid trap url: scheme://host[:port]/module/httptrap/UUID/secret
// does it smell like a valid trap url path
if !strings.Contains(u.Path, "/module/httptrap/") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] Invalid submission URL '%s', unrecognized path", submissionURL)
// extract uuid
pathParts := strings.Split(strings.Replace(u.Path, "/module/httptrap/", "", 1), "/")
if len(pathParts) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] Invalid submission URL '%s', UUID not where expected", submissionURL)
uuid := pathParts[0]
filter := api.SearchFilterType{"f__check_uuid": []string{uuid}}
checks, err := cm.apih.SearchChecks(nil, &filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(*checks) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] No checks found with UUID %s", uuid)
numActive := 0
checkID := -1
for idx, check := range *checks {
if check.Active {
checkID = idx
if numActive > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] Multiple checks with same UUID %s", uuid)
check := (*checks)[checkID]
return &check, nil