mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 22:00:42 +00:00
This change consolidates loading services and checks from both config and persisted state into methods on the agent. As part of this, we introduce optional persistence when calling RemoveCheck/RemoveService. Fixes a bug where config reloads would kill persisted services/checks. Also fixes an edge case: 1. A service or check is registered via the HTTP API 2. A new service or check definition with the same ID is added to config 3. Config is reloaded The desired behavior (which this implements) is: 1. All services and checks deregistered in memory 2. All services and checks in config are registered first 3. All persisted checks are restored using the same logic as the agent start sequence, which prioritizes config over persisted, and removes any persistence files if new config counterparts are present.
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package agent
import (
// gracefulTimeout controls how long we wait before forcefully terminating
var gracefulTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// validDatacenter is used to validate a datacenter
var validDatacenter = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$")
// Command is a Command implementation that runs a Consul agent.
// The command will not end unless a shutdown message is sent on the
// ShutdownCh. If two messages are sent on the ShutdownCh it will forcibly
// exit.
type Command struct {
Revision string
Version string
VersionPrerelease string
Ui cli.Ui
ShutdownCh <-chan struct{}
args []string
logFilter *logutils.LevelFilter
logOutput io.Writer
agent *Agent
rpcServer *AgentRPC
httpServers []*HTTPServer
dnsServer *DNSServer
// readConfig is responsible for setup of our configuration using
// the command line and any file configs
func (c *Command) readConfig() *Config {
var cmdConfig Config
var configFiles []string
var retryInterval string
var retryIntervalWan string
cmdFlags := flag.NewFlagSet("agent", flag.ContinueOnError)
cmdFlags.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Output(c.Help()) }
cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-file", "json file to read config from")
cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-dir", "directory of json files to read")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.LogLevel, "log-level", "", "log level")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.NodeName, "node", "", "node name")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.Datacenter, "dc", "", "node datacenter")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.DataDir, "data-dir", "", "path to the data directory")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.UiDir, "ui-dir", "", "path to the web UI directory")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.PidFile, "pid-file", "", "path to file to store PID")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.EncryptKey, "encrypt", "", "gossip encryption key")
cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.Server, "server", false, "run agent as server")
cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.Bootstrap, "bootstrap", false, "enable server bootstrap mode")
cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.BootstrapExpect, "bootstrap-expect", 0, "enable automatic bootstrap via expect mode")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.ClientAddr, "client", "", "address to bind client listeners to (DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, RPC)")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.BindAddr, "bind", "", "address to bind server listeners to")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AdvertiseAddr, "advertise", "", "address to advertise instead of bind addr")
cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.Protocol, "protocol", -1, "protocol version")
cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.EnableSyslog, "syslog", false,
"enable logging to syslog facility")
cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.RejoinAfterLeave, "rejoin", false,
"enable re-joining after a previous leave")
cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.StartJoin), "join",
"address of agent to join on startup")
cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.StartJoinWan), "join-wan",
"address of agent to join -wan on startup")
cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.RetryJoin), "retry-join",
"address of agent to join on startup with retry")
cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.RetryMaxAttempts, "retry-max", 0,
"number of retries for joining")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&retryInterval, "retry-interval", "",
"interval between join attempts")
cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.RetryJoinWan), "retry-join-wan",
"address of agent to join -wan on startup with retry")
cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.RetryMaxAttemptsWan, "retry-max-wan", 0,
"number of retries for joining -wan")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&retryIntervalWan, "retry-interval-wan", "",
"interval between join -wan attempts")
if err := cmdFlags.Parse(c.args); err != nil {
return nil
if retryInterval != "" {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(retryInterval)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", err))
return nil
cmdConfig.RetryInterval = dur
if retryIntervalWan != "" {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(retryIntervalWan)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", err))
return nil
cmdConfig.RetryIntervalWan = dur
config := DefaultConfig()
if len(configFiles) > 0 {
fileConfig, err := ReadConfigPaths(configFiles)
if err != nil {
return nil
config = MergeConfig(config, fileConfig)
config = MergeConfig(config, &cmdConfig)
if config.NodeName == "" {
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error determining hostname: %s", err))
return nil
config.NodeName = hostname
// Ensure we have a data directory
if config.DataDir == "" {
c.Ui.Error("Must specify data directory using -data-dir")
return nil
if config.EncryptKey != "" {
if _, err := config.EncryptBytes(); err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid encryption key: %s", err))
return nil
keyfileLAN := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, serfLANKeyring)
if _, err := os.Stat(keyfileLAN); err == nil {
c.Ui.Error("WARNING: LAN keyring exists but -encrypt given, ignoring")
if config.Server {
keyfileWAN := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, serfWANKeyring)
if _, err := os.Stat(keyfileWAN); err == nil {
c.Ui.Error("WARNING: WAN keyring exists but -encrypt given, ignoring")
// Verify data center is valid
if !validDatacenter.MatchString(config.Datacenter) {
c.Ui.Error("Datacenter must be alpha-numeric with underscores and hypens only")
return nil
// Only allow bootstrap mode when acting as a server
if config.Bootstrap && !config.Server {
c.Ui.Error("Bootstrap mode cannot be enabled when server mode is not enabled")
return nil
// Expect can only work when acting as a server
if config.BootstrapExpect != 0 && !config.Server {
c.Ui.Error("Expect mode cannot be enabled when server mode is not enabled")
return nil
// Expect & Bootstrap are mutually exclusive
if config.BootstrapExpect != 0 && config.Bootstrap {
c.Ui.Error("Bootstrap cannot be provided with an expected server count")
return nil
// Compile all the watches
for _, params := range config.Watches {
// Parse the watches, excluding the handler
wp, err := watch.ParseExempt(params, []string{"handler"})
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse watch (%#v): %v", params, err))
return nil
// Get the handler
if err := verifyWatchHandler(wp.Exempt["handler"]); err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to setup watch handler (%#v): %v", params, err))
return nil
// Store the watch plan
config.WatchPlans = append(config.WatchPlans, wp)
// Warn if we are in expect mode
if config.BootstrapExpect == 1 {
c.Ui.Error("WARNING: BootstrapExpect Mode is specified as 1; this is the same as Bootstrap mode.")
config.BootstrapExpect = 0
config.Bootstrap = true
} else if config.BootstrapExpect > 0 {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: Expect Mode enabled, expecting %d servers", config.BootstrapExpect))
// Warn if we are in bootstrap mode
if config.Bootstrap {
c.Ui.Error("WARNING: Bootstrap mode enabled! Do not enable unless necessary")
// Warn if using windows as a server
if config.Server && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
c.Ui.Error("WARNING: Windows is not recommended as a Consul server. Do not use in production.")
// Set the version info
config.Revision = c.Revision
config.Version = c.Version
config.VersionPrerelease = c.VersionPrerelease
return config
// setupLoggers is used to setup the logGate, logWriter, and our logOutput
func (c *Command) setupLoggers(config *Config) (*GatedWriter, *logWriter, io.Writer) {
// Setup logging. First create the gated log writer, which will
// store logs until we're ready to show them. Then create the level
// filter, filtering logs of the specified level.
logGate := &GatedWriter{
Writer: &cli.UiWriter{Ui: c.Ui},
c.logFilter = LevelFilter()
c.logFilter.MinLevel = logutils.LogLevel(strings.ToUpper(config.LogLevel))
c.logFilter.Writer = logGate
if !ValidateLevelFilter(c.logFilter.MinLevel, c.logFilter) {
"Invalid log level: %s. Valid log levels are: %v",
c.logFilter.MinLevel, c.logFilter.Levels))
return nil, nil, nil
// Check if syslog is enabled
var syslog io.Writer
if config.EnableSyslog {
l, err := gsyslog.NewLogger(gsyslog.LOG_NOTICE, config.SyslogFacility, "consul")
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Syslog setup failed: %v", err))
return nil, nil, nil
syslog = &SyslogWrapper{l, c.logFilter}
// Create a log writer, and wrap a logOutput around it
logWriter := NewLogWriter(512)
var logOutput io.Writer
if syslog != nil {
logOutput = io.MultiWriter(c.logFilter, logWriter, syslog)
} else {
logOutput = io.MultiWriter(c.logFilter, logWriter)
c.logOutput = logOutput
return logGate, logWriter, logOutput
// setupAgent is used to start the agent and various interfaces
func (c *Command) setupAgent(config *Config, logOutput io.Writer, logWriter *logWriter) error {
c.Ui.Output("Starting Consul agent...")
agent, err := Create(config, logOutput)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error starting agent: %s", err))
return err
c.agent = agent
// Setup the RPC listener
rpcAddr, err := config.ClientListener(config.Addresses.RPC, config.Ports.RPC)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid RPC bind address: %s", err))
return err
rpcListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", rpcAddr.String())
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error starting RPC listener: %s", err))
return err
// Start the IPC layer
c.Ui.Output("Starting Consul agent RPC...")
c.rpcServer = NewAgentRPC(agent, rpcListener, logOutput, logWriter)
if config.Ports.HTTP > 0 || config.Ports.HTTPS > 0 {
servers, err := NewHTTPServers(agent, config, logOutput)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error starting http servers: %s", err))
return err
c.httpServers = servers
if config.Ports.DNS > 0 {
dnsAddr, err := config.ClientListener(config.Addresses.DNS, config.Ports.DNS)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid DNS bind address: %s", err))
return err
server, err := NewDNSServer(agent, &config.DNSConfig, logOutput,
config.Domain, dnsAddr.String(), config.DNSRecursors)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error starting dns server: %s", err))
return err
c.dnsServer = server
// Setup update checking
if !config.DisableUpdateCheck {
updateParams := &checkpoint.CheckParams{
Product: "consul",
Version: fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", config.Version, config.VersionPrerelease),
if !config.DisableAnonymousSignature {
updateParams.SignatureFile = filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "checkpoint-signature")
// Schedule a periodic check with expected interval of 24 hours
checkpoint.CheckInterval(updateParams, 24*time.Hour, c.checkpointResults)
// Do an immediate check within the next 30 seconds
go func() {
time.Sleep(randomStagger(30 * time.Second))
return nil
// checkpointResults is used to handler periodic results from our update checker
func (c *Command) checkpointResults(results *checkpoint.CheckResponse, err error) {
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to check for updates: %v", err))
if results.Outdated {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Newer Consul version available: %s", results.CurrentVersion))
for _, alert := range results.Alerts {
switch alert.Level {
case "info":
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Bulletin [%s]: %s (%s)", alert.Level, alert.Message, alert.URL))
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Bulletin [%s]: %s (%s)", alert.Level, alert.Message, alert.URL))
// startupJoin is invoked to handle any joins specified to take place at start time
func (c *Command) startupJoin(config *Config) error {
if len(config.StartJoin) == 0 {
return nil
c.Ui.Output("Joining cluster...")
n, err := c.agent.JoinLAN(config.StartJoin)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Join completed. Synced with %d initial agents", n))
return nil
// startupJoinWan is invoked to handle any joins -wan specified to take place at start time
func (c *Command) startupJoinWan(config *Config) error {
if len(config.StartJoinWan) == 0 {
return nil
c.Ui.Output("Joining -wan cluster...")
n, err := c.agent.JoinWAN(config.StartJoinWan)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Join -wan completed. Synced with %d initial agents", n))
return nil
// retryJoin is used to handle retrying a join until it succeeds or all
// retries are exhausted.
func (c *Command) retryJoin(config *Config, errCh chan<- struct{}) {
if len(config.RetryJoin) == 0 {
logger := c.agent.logger
logger.Printf("[INFO] agent: Joining cluster...")
attempt := 0
for {
n, err := c.agent.JoinLAN(config.RetryJoin)
if err == nil {
logger.Printf("[INFO] agent: Join completed. Synced with %d initial agents", n)
if config.RetryMaxAttempts > 0 && attempt > config.RetryMaxAttempts {
logger.Printf("[ERROR] agent: max join retry exhausted, exiting")
logger.Printf("[WARN] agent: Join failed: %v, retrying in %v", err,
// retryJoinWan is used to handle retrying a join -wan until it succeeds or all
// retries are exhausted.
func (c *Command) retryJoinWan(config *Config, errCh chan<- struct{}) {
if len(config.RetryJoinWan) == 0 {
logger := c.agent.logger
logger.Printf("[INFO] agent: Joining WAN cluster...")
attempt := 0
for {
n, err := c.agent.JoinWAN(config.RetryJoinWan)
if err == nil {
logger.Printf("[INFO] agent: Join -wan completed. Synced with %d initial agents", n)
if config.RetryMaxAttemptsWan > 0 && attempt > config.RetryMaxAttemptsWan {
logger.Printf("[ERROR] agent: max join -wan retry exhausted, exiting")
logger.Printf("[WARN] agent: Join -wan failed: %v, retrying in %v", err,
// gossipEncrypted determines if the consul instance is using symmetric
// encryption keys to protect gossip protocol messages.
func (c *Command) gossipEncrypted() bool {
if c.agent.config.EncryptKey != "" {
return true
server := c.agent.server
if server != nil {
return server.KeyManagerLAN() != nil || server.KeyManagerWAN() != nil
client := c.agent.client
return client != nil && client.KeyManagerLAN() != nil
func (c *Command) Run(args []string) int {
c.Ui = &cli.PrefixedUi{
OutputPrefix: "==> ",
InfoPrefix: " ",
ErrorPrefix: "==> ",
Ui: c.Ui,
// Parse our configs
c.args = args
config := c.readConfig()
if config == nil {
return 1
if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) == 1 {
c.Ui.Error("WARNING: It is highly recommended to set GOMAXPROCS higher than 1")
// Setup the log outputs
logGate, logWriter, logOutput := c.setupLoggers(config)
if logWriter == nil {
return 1
/* Setup telemetry
Aggregate on 10 second intervals for 1 minute. Expose the
metrics over stderr when there is a SIGUSR1 received.
inm := metrics.NewInmemSink(10*time.Second, time.Minute)
metricsConf := metrics.DefaultConfig("consul")
// Configure the statsite sink
var fanout metrics.FanoutSink
if config.StatsiteAddr != "" {
sink, err := metrics.NewStatsiteSink(config.StatsiteAddr)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to start statsite sink. Got: %s", err))
return 1
fanout = append(fanout, sink)
// Configure the statsd sink
if config.StatsdAddr != "" {
sink, err := metrics.NewStatsdSink(config.StatsdAddr)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to start statsd sink. Got: %s", err))
return 1
fanout = append(fanout, sink)
// Initialize the global sink
if len(fanout) > 0 {
fanout = append(fanout, inm)
metrics.NewGlobal(metricsConf, fanout)
} else {
metricsConf.EnableHostname = false
metrics.NewGlobal(metricsConf, inm)
// Create the agent
if err := c.setupAgent(config, logOutput, logWriter); err != nil {
return 1
defer c.agent.Shutdown()
if c.rpcServer != nil {
defer c.rpcServer.Shutdown()
for _, server := range c.httpServers {
defer server.Shutdown()
// Join startup nodes if specified
if err := c.startupJoin(config); err != nil {
return 1
// Join startup nodes if specified
if err := c.startupJoinWan(config); err != nil {
return 1
// Get the new client http listener addr
httpAddr, err := config.ClientListenerAddr(config.Addresses.HTTP, config.Ports.HTTP)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to determine HTTP address: %v", err))
// Register the watches
for _, wp := range config.WatchPlans {
go func(wp *watch.WatchPlan) {
wp.Handler = makeWatchHandler(logOutput, wp.Exempt["handler"])
wp.LogOutput = c.logOutput
if err := wp.Run(httpAddr); err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error running watch: %v", err))
// Figure out if gossip is encrypted
var gossipEncrypted bool
if config.Server {
gossipEncrypted = c.agent.server.Encrypted()
} else {
gossipEncrypted = c.agent.client.Encrypted()
// Let the agent know we've finished registration
c.Ui.Output("Consul agent running!")
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" Node name: '%s'", config.NodeName))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" Datacenter: '%s'", config.Datacenter))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" Server: %v (bootstrap: %v)", config.Server, config.Bootstrap))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" Client Addr: %v (HTTP: %d, HTTPS: %d, DNS: %d, RPC: %d)", config.ClientAddr,
config.Ports.HTTP, config.Ports.HTTPS, config.Ports.DNS, config.Ports.RPC))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" Cluster Addr: %v (LAN: %d, WAN: %d)", config.AdvertiseAddr,
config.Ports.SerfLan, config.Ports.SerfWan))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Gossip encrypt: %v, RPC-TLS: %v, TLS-Incoming: %v",
gossipEncrypted, config.VerifyOutgoing, config.VerifyIncoming))
// Enable log streaming
c.Ui.Output("Log data will now stream in as it occurs:\n")
// Start retry join process
errCh := make(chan struct{})
go c.retryJoin(config, errCh)
// Start retry -wan join process
errWanCh := make(chan struct{})
go c.retryJoinWan(config, errWanCh)
// Wait for exit
return c.handleSignals(config, errCh, errWanCh)
// handleSignals blocks until we get an exit-causing signal
func (c *Command) handleSignals(config *Config, retryJoin <-chan struct{}, retryJoinWan <-chan struct{}) int {
signalCh := make(chan os.Signal, 4)
signal.Notify(signalCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP)
// Wait for a signal
var sig os.Signal
select {
case s := <-signalCh:
sig = s
case <-c.rpcServer.ReloadCh():
sig = syscall.SIGHUP
case <-c.ShutdownCh:
sig = os.Interrupt
case <-retryJoin:
return 1
case <-retryJoinWan:
return 1
case <-c.agent.ShutdownCh():
// Agent is already shutdown!
return 0
c.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("Caught signal: %v", sig))
// Check if this is a SIGHUP
if sig == syscall.SIGHUP {
config = c.handleReload(config)
goto WAIT
// Check if we should do a graceful leave
graceful := false
if sig == os.Interrupt && !config.SkipLeaveOnInt {
graceful = true
} else if sig == syscall.SIGTERM && config.LeaveOnTerm {
graceful = true
// Bail fast if not doing a graceful leave
if !graceful {
return 1
// Attempt a graceful leave
gracefulCh := make(chan struct{})
c.Ui.Output("Gracefully shutting down agent...")
go func() {
if err := c.agent.Leave(); err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", err))
// Wait for leave or another signal
select {
case <-signalCh:
return 1
case <-time.After(gracefulTimeout):
return 1
case <-gracefulCh:
return 0
// handleReload is invoked when we should reload our configs, e.g. SIGHUP
func (c *Command) handleReload(config *Config) *Config {
c.Ui.Output("Reloading configuration...")
newConf := c.readConfig()
if newConf == nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to reload configs"))
return config
// Change the log level
minLevel := logutils.LogLevel(strings.ToUpper(newConf.LogLevel))
if ValidateLevelFilter(minLevel, c.logFilter) {
} else {
"Invalid log level: %s. Valid log levels are: %v",
minLevel, c.logFilter.Levels))
// Keep the current log level
newConf.LogLevel = config.LogLevel
// Bulk update the services and checks
defer c.agent.ResumeSync()
// Reload services and check definitions
if err := c.agent.reloadServices(newConf); err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed reloading services: %s", err))
return nil
if err := c.agent.reloadChecks(newConf); err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed reloading checks: %s", err))
return nil
// Get the new client listener addr
httpAddr, err := newConf.ClientListenerAddr(config.Addresses.HTTP, config.Ports.HTTP)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to determine HTTP address: %v", err))
// Deregister the old watches
for _, wp := range config.WatchPlans {
// Register the new watches
for _, wp := range newConf.WatchPlans {
go func(wp *watch.WatchPlan) {
wp.Handler = makeWatchHandler(c.logOutput, wp.Exempt["handler"])
wp.LogOutput = c.logOutput
if err := wp.Run(httpAddr); err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error running watch: %v", err))
return newConf
func (c *Command) Synopsis() string {
return "Runs a Consul agent"
func (c *Command) Help() string {
helpText := `
Usage: consul agent [options]
Starts the Consul agent and runs until an interrupt is received. The
agent represents a single node in a cluster.
-advertise=addr Sets the advertise address to use
-bootstrap Sets server to bootstrap mode
-bind= Sets the bind address for cluster communication
-bootstrap-expect=0 Sets server to expect bootstrap mode.
-client= Sets the address to bind for client access.
This includes RPC, DNS, HTTP and HTTPS (if configured)
-config-file=foo Path to a JSON file to read configuration from.
This can be specified multiple times.
-config-dir=foo Path to a directory to read configuration files
from. This will read every file ending in ".json"
as configuration in this directory in alphabetical
-data-dir=path Path to a data directory to store agent state
-dc=east-aws Datacenter of the agent
-encrypt=key Provides the gossip encryption key
-join= Address of an agent to join at start time.
Can be specified multiple times.
-join-wan= Address of an agent to join -wan at start time.
Can be specified multiple times.
-retry-join= Address of an agent to join at start time with
retries enabled. Can be specified multiple times.
-retry-interval=30s Time to wait between join attempts.
-retry-max=0 Maximum number of join attempts. Defaults to 0, which
will retry indefinitely.
-retry-join-wan= Address of an agent to join -wan at start time with
retries enabled. Can be specified multiple times.
-retry-interval-wan=30s Time to wait between join -wan attempts.
-retry-max-wan=0 Maximum number of join -wan attempts. Defaults to 0, which
will retry indefinitely.
-log-level=info Log level of the agent.
-node=hostname Name of this node. Must be unique in the cluster
-protocol=N Sets the protocol version. Defaults to latest.
-rejoin Ignores a previous leave and attempts to rejoin the cluster.
-server Switches agent to server mode.
-syslog Enables logging to syslog
-ui-dir=path Path to directory containing the Web UI resources
-pid-file=path Path to file to store agent PID
return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)