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* Make proto-public license MPL * Add proto-public dir to exclusion list in .copywrite.hcl
490 lines
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Protocol Buffer
490 lines
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Protocol Buffer
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
// For more information, see: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/tree/main/docs/resources
package hashicorp.consul.resource;
import "annotations/ratelimit/ratelimit.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// Type describes a resource's type. It follows the GVK (Group Version Kind)
// [pattern](https://book.kubebuilder.io/cronjob-tutorial/gvks.html) established
// by Kubernetes.
message Type {
// Group describes the area of functionality to which this resource type
// relates (e.g. "catalog", "authorization").
string group = 1;
// GroupVersion is incremented when sweeping or backward-incompatible changes
// are made to the group's resource types.
string group_version = 2;
// Kind identifies the specific resource type within the group.
string kind = 3;
// Tenancy describes the tenancy units in which the resource resides.
message Tenancy {
// Partition is the topmost administrative boundary within a cluster.
// https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/enterprise/admin-partitions
// When using the List and WatchList endpoints, provide the wildcard value "*"
// to list resources across all partitions.
string partition = 1;
// Namespace further isolates resources within a partition.
// https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/enterprise/namespaces
// When using the List and WatchList endpoints, provide the wildcard value "*"
// to list resources across all namespaces.
string namespace = 2;
// PeerName identifies which peer the resource is imported from.
// https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/connect/cluster-peering
// When using the List and WatchList endpoints, provide the wildcard value "*"
// to list resources across all peers.
string peer_name = 3;
// ID uniquely identifies a resource.
message ID {
// Uid is the unique internal identifier we gave to the resource.
// It is primarily used to tell the difference between the current resource
// and previous deleted resources with the same user-given name.
// Concretely, Uid is a [ULID](https://github.com/ulid/spec) and you can treat
// its timestamp component as the resource's creation time.
string uid = 1;
// Name is the user-given name of the resource (e.g. the "billing" service).
string name = 2;
// Type identifies the resource's type.
Type type = 3;
// Tenancy identifies the tenancy units (i.e. partition, namespace) in which
// the resource resides.
Tenancy tenancy = 4;
// Resource describes a resource of a known type managed by Consul.
message Resource {
// ID uniquely identifies the resource.
ID id = 1;
// Owner (optionally) describes which resource "owns" this resource, it is
// immutable and can only be set on resource creation. Owned resources will
// be automatically deleted when their owner is deleted.
ID owner = 2;
// Version is the low-level version identifier used by the storage backend
// in CAS (Compare-And-Swap) operations. It will change when the resource is
// modified in any way, including status updates.
// When calling the Write endpoint, providing a non-blank version will perform
// a CAS (Compare-And-Swap) write, which will result in an Aborted error code
// if the given version doesn't match what is stored.
string version = 3;
// Generation is incremented whenever the resource's content (i.e. not its
// status) is modified. You can think of it as being the "user version".
// Concretely, Generation is a [ULID](https://github.com/ulid/spec) and you
// can treat its timestamp component as the resource's modification time.
string generation = 4;
// Metadata contains key/value pairs of arbitrary metadata about the resource.
map<string, string> metadata = 5;
// Status is used by controllers to communicate the result of attempting to
// reconcile and apply the resource (e.g. surface semantic validation errors)
// with users and other controllers. Each status is identified by a unique key
// and should only ever be updated by one controller.
// Status can only be updated via the WriteStatus endpoint. Attempting to do
// so via the Write endpoint will result in an InvalidArgument error code.
map<string, Status> status = 6;
// Data contains the resource's type-specific content.
google.protobuf.Any data = 7;
// Status is used by controllers to communicate the result of attempting to
// reconcile and apply a resource (e.g. surface semantic validation errors)
// with users and other controllers.
message Status {
// ObservedGeneration identifies which generation of a resource this status
// related to. It can be used to determine whether the current generation of
// a resource has been reconciled.
string observed_generation = 1;
// Conditions contains a set of discreet observations about the resource in
// relation to the current state of the system (e.g. it is semantically valid).
repeated Condition conditions = 2;
// UpdatedAt is the time at which the status was last written.
google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 3;
// Condition represents a discreet observation about a resource in relation to
// the current state of the system.
// It is heavily inspired by Kubernetes' [conditions](https://bit.ly/3H9Y6IK)
// and the Gateway API [types and reasons](https://bit.ly/3n2PPiP).
message Condition {
// State represents the state of the condition (i.e. true/false/unknown).
enum State {
// STATE_UNKNOWN means that the state of the condition is unknown.
// buf:lint:ignore ENUM_ZERO_VALUE_SUFFIX
// STATE_TRUE means that the state of the condition is true.
// STATE_FALSE means that the state of the condition is false.
// Type identifies the type of condition (e.g. "Invalid", "ResolvedRefs").
string type = 1;
// State represents the state of the condition (i.e. true/false/unknown).
State state = 2;
// Reason provides more machine-readable details about the condition (e.g.
// "InvalidProtocol").
string reason = 3;
// Message contains a human-friendly description of the status.
string message = 4;
// Resource identifies which resource this condition relates to, when it is
// not the core resource itself.
Reference resource = 5;
// Reference identifies which resource a condition relates to, when it is not
// the core resource itself.
message Reference {
// Type identifies the resource's type.
Type type = 1;
// Tenancy identifies the tenancy units (i.e. partition, namespace) in which
// the resource resides.
Tenancy tenancy = 2;
// Name is the user-given name of the resource (e.g. the "billing" service).
string name = 3;
// Section identifies which part of the resource the condition relates to.
string section = 4;
// Tombstone represents a promise to delete all of a resource's immediately
// owned (child) resources, if any.
message Tombstone {
// Owner resource identifier.
ID owner = 1;
// ResourceService provides the shared primitives for storing, querying, and
// watching resources of different types.
// It is exposed on our external gRPC port and used internally by controllers.
// # Consistency Guarentees
// All reads are eventually consistent by default. Concretely, we guarantee
// [monotonic reads](https://jepsen.io/consistency/models/monotonic-reads).
// That is, a read will always return results that are as up-to-date as an
// earlier read, provided both happen on the same Consul server. But we do
// not make any such guarantee about writes. In other words, reads won't
// necessarily reflect earlier writes, even when made against the same server.
// This guarantee also holds between the Read and WatchList endpoints such that
// you'll never receive an event about a resource that you cannot immediately
// read, provided both the Read and WatchList happen on the same server.
// The Read endpoint also supports a strong consistency mode that guarantees
// [linearizability](https://jepsen.io/consistency/models/linearizable), such
// that a read will always return the most up-to-date version of a resource,
// without caveat.
// This is much more expensive than eventual consistency and when using the Raft
// storage backend, will increase load on the cluster leader, so should be used
// sparingly.
// To opt-in to strongly consistent reads set the `x-consul-consistency-mode`
// gRPC metadata field to "consistent".
service ResourceService {
// Read a resource by ID.
// By default, reads are eventually consistent, but you can opt-in to strong
// consistency via the x-consul-consistency-mode metadata (see ResourceService
// docs for more info).
// Errors with NotFound if the resource is not found.
// Errors with InvalidArgument if the request fails validation or the resource
// is stored as a type with a different GroupVersion than was requested.
// Errors with PermissionDenied if the caller is not authorized to read
// the resource.
rpc Read(ReadRequest) returns (ReadResponse) {
option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_READ,
// Write a resource.
// To perform a CAS (Compare-And-Swap) write, provide the current resource
// version in the Resource.Version field. If the given version doesn't match
// what is currently stored, an Aborted error code will be returned.
// To perform a blanket write (update regardless of the stored version),
// provide an empty Version in the Resource.Version field. Note that the
// write may still fail due to not being able to internally do a CAS write
// and return an Aborted error code.
// Resource.Id.Uid can (and by controllers, should) be provided to avoid
// accidentally modifying a resource if it has been deleted and recreated.
// If the given Uid doesn't match what is stored, a FailedPrecondition error
// code will be returned.
// It is not possible to modify the resource's status using Write. You must
// use WriteStatus instead.
rpc Write(WriteRequest) returns (WriteResponse) {
option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_WRITE,
// WriteStatus updates one of the resource's statuses. It should only be used
// by controllers.
// To perform a CAS (Compare-And-Swap) write, provide the current resource
// version in the Version field. If the given version doesn't match what is
// currently stored, an Aborted error code will be returned.
// Note: in most cases, CAS status updates are not necessary because updates
// are scoped to a specific status key and controllers are leader-elected so
// there is no chance of a conflict.
// Id.Uid must be provided to avoid accidentally modifying a resource if it has
// been deleted and recreated. If the given Uid doesn't match what is stored,
// a FailedPrecondition error code will be returned.
rpc WriteStatus(WriteStatusRequest) returns (WriteStatusResponse) {
option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_WRITE,
// List resources of a given type, tenancy, and optionally name prefix.
// To list resources across all tenancy units, provide the wildcard "*" value.
// Results are eventually consistent (see ResourceService docs for more info).
rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse) {
option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_READ,
// List resources of a given owner.
// Results are eventually consistent (see ResourceService docs for more info).
rpc ListByOwner(ListByOwnerRequest) returns (ListByOwnerResponse) {
option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_READ,
// Delete a resource by ID.
// Deleting a non-existent resource will return a successful response for
// idempotency.
// To perform a CAS (Compare-And-Swap) deletion, provide the current resource
// version in the Version field. If the given version doesn't match what is
// currently stored, an Aborted error code will be returned.
// Resource.Id.Uid can (and by controllers, should) be provided to avoid
// accidentally modifying a resource if it has been deleted and recreated.
// If the given Uid doesn't match what is stored, a FailedPrecondition error
// code will be returned.
rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse) {
option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_WRITE,
// WatchList watches resources of the given type, tenancy, and optionally name
// prefix. It returns results for the current state-of-the-world at the start
// of the stream, and delta events whenever resources are written or deleted.
// To watch resources across all tenancy units, provide the wildcard "*" value.
// WatchList makes no guarantees about event timeliness (e.g. an event for a
// write may not be received immediately), but it does guarantee that events
// will be emitted in the correct order. See ResourceService docs for more
// info about consistency guarentees.
rpc WatchList(WatchListRequest) returns (stream WatchEvent) {
option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_READ,
// ReadRequest contains the parameters to the Read endpoint.
message ReadRequest {
// ID of the resource.
ID id = 1;
// ReadResponse contains the results of calling the Read endpoint.
message ReadResponse {
// Resource that was read.
Resource resource = 1;
// ListRequest contains the parameters to the List endpoint.
message ListRequest {
// Type of resource to list.
Type type = 1;
// Tenancy units in which to list resources. To list resources in all units,
// provide the wildcard "*" value.
Tenancy tenancy = 2;
// NamePrefix filters the results to those with a name beginning with the
// given prefix.
string name_prefix = 3;
// ListResponse contains the results of calling the List endpoint.
message ListResponse {
// Resources that were listed.
repeated Resource resources = 1;
// ListByOwnerRequest contains the parameters to the ListByOwner endpoint.
message ListByOwnerRequest {
ID owner = 1;
// ListByOwnerResponse contains the results of calling the ListByOwner endpoint.
message ListByOwnerResponse {
// Resources that were listed.
repeated Resource resources = 1;
// WriteRequest contains the parameters to the Write endpoint.
message WriteRequest {
// Resource to write.
Resource resource = 1;
// WriteResponse contains the results of calling the Write endpoint.
message WriteResponse {
// Resource that was written.
Resource resource = 1;
// WriteStatusRequest contains the parameters to the WriteStatus endpoint.
message WriteStatusRequest {
// ID of the resource to which the status will be written. Must contain a Uid.
ID id = 1;
// Version may be provided to perform a CAS (Compare-And-Swap) update of the
// status. If the given version doesn't match what is currently stored, an
// Aborted error code will be returned.
// Note: in most cases, CAS status updates are not necessary because updates
// are scoped to a specific status key and controllers are leader-elected so
// there is no chance of a conflict.
string version = 2;
// Key identifies which status will be written. Generally, each controller
// should write 1 status which it owns exclusively (i.e. no other controller
// updates it).
string key = 3;
// Status that will be written to the resource.
Status status = 4;
// WriteStatusResponse contains the results of calling the WriteStatus endpoint.
message WriteStatusResponse {
// Resource to which the status was written.
Resource resource = 1;
// DeleteRequest contains the parameters to the Delete endpoint.
message DeleteRequest {
// ID of the resource that will be deleted.
ID id = 1;
// Version may be provided to perform a CAS (Compare-And-Swap) deletion of the
// resource. If the given version doesn't match what is currently stored, an
// Aborted error code will be returned.
string version = 2;
// DeleteResponse contains the results of calling the Delete endpoint.
message DeleteResponse {}
// WatchListRequest contains the parameters to the WatchList endpoint.
message WatchListRequest {
// Type of resource to watch.
Type type = 1;
// Tenancy units in which to watch resources. To list resources in all units,
// provide the wildcard "*" value.
Tenancy tenancy = 2;
// NamePrefix filters the results to those with a name beginning with the
// given prefix.
string name_prefix = 3;
// WatchEvent is emitted on the WatchList stream when a resource changes.
message WatchEvent {
// Operation describes the type of event.
enum Operation {
// OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED is the default/zero value. You should not see it
// in practice.
// OPERATION_UPSERT indicates that the resource was written (i.e. created or
// updated). All events from the initial state-of-the-world will be upsert
// events.
// OPERATION_DELETED indicates that the resource was deleted.
// Operation describes the type of event.
Operation operation = 1;
// Resource the event relates to.
Resource resource = 2;