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* Adding explicit MPL license for sub-package This directory and its subdirectories (packages) contain files licensed with the MPLv2 `LICENSE` file in this directory and are intentionally licensed separately from the BSL `LICENSE` file at the root of this repository. * Adding explicit MPL license for sub-package This directory and its subdirectories (packages) contain files licensed with the MPLv2 `LICENSE` file in this directory and are intentionally licensed separately from the BSL `LICENSE` file at the root of this repository. * Updating the license from MPL to Business Source License Going forward, this project will be licensed under the Business Source License v1.1. Please see our blog post for more details at <Blog URL>, FAQ at www.hashicorp.com/licensing-faq, and details of the license at www.hashicorp.com/bsl. * add missing license headers * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 --------- Co-authored-by: hashicorp-copywrite[bot] <110428419+hashicorp-copywrite[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
701 lines
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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package exec
import (
func New(ui cli.Ui, shutdownCh <-chan struct{}) *cmd {
c := &cmd{UI: ui, shutdownCh: shutdownCh}
return c
type cmd struct {
UI cli.Ui
flags *flag.FlagSet
http *flags.HTTPFlags
help string
shutdownCh <-chan struct{}
conf rExecConf
apiclient *api.Client
sessionID string
stopCh chan struct{}
func (c *cmd) init() {
c.flags = flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
c.flags.StringVar(&c.conf.node, "node", "",
"Regular expression to filter on node names.")
c.flags.StringVar(&c.conf.service, "service", "",
"Regular expression to filter on service instances.")
c.flags.StringVar(&c.conf.tag, "tag", "",
"Regular expression to filter on service tags. Must be used with -service.")
c.flags.StringVar(&c.conf.prefix, "prefix", rExecPrefix,
"Prefix in the KV store to use for request data.")
c.flags.BoolVar(&c.conf.shell, "shell", true,
"Use a shell to run the command.")
c.flags.DurationVar(&c.conf.wait, "wait", rExecQuietWait,
"Period to wait with no responses before terminating execution.")
c.flags.DurationVar(&c.conf.replWait, "wait-repl", rExecReplicationWait,
"Period to wait for replication before firing event. This is an optimization to allow stale reads to be performed.")
c.flags.BoolVar(&c.conf.verbose, "verbose", false,
"Enables verbose output.")
c.http = &flags.HTTPFlags{}
flags.Merge(c.flags, c.http.ClientFlags())
flags.Merge(c.flags, c.http.ServerFlags())
c.help = flags.Usage(help, c.flags)
func (c *cmd) Run(args []string) int {
if err := c.flags.Parse(args); err != nil {
return 1
// Join the commands to execute
c.conf.cmd = strings.Join(c.flags.Args(), " ")
// If there is no command, read stdin for a script input
if c.conf.cmd == "-" {
if !c.conf.shell {
c.UI.Error("Cannot configure -shell=false when reading from stdin")
return 1
c.conf.cmd = ""
var buf bytes.Buffer
_, err := io.Copy(&buf, os.Stdin)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to read stdin: %v", err))
return 1
c.conf.script = buf.Bytes()
} else if !c.conf.shell {
c.conf.cmd = ""
c.conf.args = c.flags.Args()
// Ensure we have a command or script
if c.conf.cmd == "" && len(c.conf.script) == 0 && len(c.conf.args) == 0 {
c.UI.Error("Must specify a command to execute")
return 1
// Validate the configuration
if err := c.conf.validate(); err != nil {
return 1
// Create and test the HTTP client
client, err := c.http.APIClient()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error connecting to Consul agent: %s", err))
return 1
info, err := client.Agent().Self()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error querying Consul agent: %s", err))
return 1
c.apiclient = client
// Check if this is a foreign datacenter
if c.http.Datacenter() != "" && c.http.Datacenter() != info["Config"]["Datacenter"] {
if c.conf.verbose {
c.UI.Info("Remote exec in foreign datacenter, using Session TTL")
c.conf.foreignDC = true
c.conf.localDC = info["Config"]["Datacenter"].(string)
c.conf.localNode = info["Config"]["NodeName"].(string)
// Create the job spec
spec, err := c.makeRExecSpec()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create job spec: %s", err))
return 1
// Create a session for this
c.sessionID, err = c.createSession()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create session: %s", err))
return 1
defer c.destroySession()
if c.conf.verbose {
c.UI.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Created remote execution session: %s", c.sessionID))
// Upload the payload
if err := c.uploadPayload(spec); err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create job file: %s", err))
return 1
defer c.destroyData()
if c.conf.verbose {
c.UI.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Uploaded remote execution spec"))
// Wait for replication. This is done so that when the event is
// received, the job file can be read using a stale read. If the
// stale read fails, we expect a consistent read to be done, so
// largely this is a heuristic.
select {
case <-time.After(c.conf.replWait):
case <-c.shutdownCh:
return 1
// Fire the event
id, err := c.fireEvent()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to fire event: %s", err))
return 1
if c.conf.verbose {
c.UI.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Fired remote execution event: %s", id))
// Wait for the job to finish now
return c.waitForJob()
func (c *cmd) Synopsis() string {
return synopsis
func (c *cmd) Help() string {
return c.help
const synopsis = "Executes a command on Consul nodes"
const help = `
Usage: consul exec [options] [-|command...]
Evaluates a command on remote Consul nodes. The nodes responding can
be filtered using regular expressions on node name, service, and tag
definitions. If a command is '-', stdin will be read until EOF
and used as a script input.
// waitForJob is used to poll for results and wait until the job is terminated
func (c *cmd) waitForJob() int {
// Although the session destroy is already deferred, we do it again here,
// because invalidation of the session before destroyData() ensures there is
// no race condition allowing an agent to upload data (the acquire will fail).
defer c.destroySession()
start := time.Now()
ackCh := make(chan rExecAck, 128)
heartCh := make(chan rExecHeart, 128)
outputCh := make(chan rExecOutput, 128)
exitCh := make(chan rExecExit, 128)
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
errCh := make(chan struct{}, 1)
defer close(doneCh)
go c.streamResults(doneCh, ackCh, heartCh, outputCh, exitCh, errCh)
target := &TargetedUI{UI: c.UI}
var ackCount, exitCount, badExit int
for {
// Determine wait time. We provide a larger window if we know about
// nodes which are still working.
waitIntv := c.conf.wait
if ackCount > exitCount {
waitIntv *= 2
select {
case e := <-ackCh:
if c.conf.verbose {
target.Target = e.Node
case h := <-heartCh:
if c.conf.verbose {
target.Target = h.Node
target.Info("heartbeat received")
case e := <-outputCh:
target.Target = e.Node
case e := <-exitCh:
target.Target = e.Node
target.Info(fmt.Sprintf("finished with exit code %d", e.Code))
if e.Code != 0 {
case <-time.After(waitIntv):
c.UI.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%d / %d node(s) completed / acknowledged", exitCount, ackCount))
if c.conf.verbose {
c.UI.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Completed in %0.2f seconds",
if exitCount < ackCount {
break OUTER
case <-errCh:
return 1
case <-c.shutdownCh:
return 1
if badExit > 0 {
return 2
return 0
// streamResults is used to perform blocking queries against the KV endpoint and stream in
// notice of various events into waitForJob
func (c *cmd) streamResults(doneCh chan struct{}, ackCh chan rExecAck, heartCh chan rExecHeart,
outputCh chan rExecOutput, exitCh chan rExecExit, errCh chan struct{}) {
kv := c.apiclient.KV()
opts := api.QueryOptions{WaitTime: c.conf.wait}
dir := path.Join(c.conf.prefix, c.sessionID) + "/"
seen := make(map[string]struct{})
for {
// Check if we've been signaled to exit
select {
case <-doneCh:
// Block on waiting for new keys
keys, qm, err := kv.Keys(dir, "", &opts)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to read results: %s", err))
// Fast-path the no-change case
if qm.LastIndex == opts.WaitIndex {
opts.WaitIndex = qm.LastIndex
// Handle each key
for _, key := range keys {
// Ignore if we've seen it
if _, ok := seen[key]; ok {
seen[key] = struct{}{}
// Trim the directory
full := key
key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, dir)
// Handle the key type
switch {
case key == rExecFileName:
case strings.HasSuffix(key, rExecAckSuffix):
ackCh <- rExecAck{Node: strings.TrimSuffix(key, rExecAckSuffix)}
case strings.HasSuffix(key, rExecExitSuffix):
pair, _, err := kv.Get(full, nil)
if err != nil || pair == nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to read key '%s': %v", full, err))
code, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(pair.Value), 10, 32)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse exit code '%s': %v", pair.Value, err))
exitCh <- rExecExit{
Node: strings.TrimSuffix(key, rExecExitSuffix),
Code: int(code),
case strings.LastIndex(key, rExecOutputDivider) != -1:
pair, _, err := kv.Get(full, nil)
if err != nil || pair == nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to read key '%s': %v", full, err))
idx := strings.LastIndex(key, rExecOutputDivider)
node := key[:idx]
if len(pair.Value) == 0 {
heartCh <- rExecHeart{Node: node}
} else {
outputCh <- rExecOutput{Node: node, Output: pair.Value}
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown key '%s', ignoring.", key))
select {
case errCh <- struct{}{}:
// validate checks that the configuration is reasonable
func (conf *rExecConf) validate() error {
// Validate the filters
if conf.node != "" {
if _, err := regexp.Compile(conf.node); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to compile node filter regexp: %v", err)
if conf.service != "" {
if _, err := regexp.Compile(conf.service); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to compile service filter regexp: %v", err)
if conf.tag != "" {
if _, err := regexp.Compile(conf.tag); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to compile tag filter regexp: %v", err)
if conf.tag != "" && conf.service == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot provide tag filter without service filter.")
return nil
// createSession is used to create a new session for this command
func (c *cmd) createSession() (string, error) {
var id string
var err error
if c.conf.foreignDC {
id, err = c.createSessionForeign()
} else {
id, err = c.createSessionLocal()
if err == nil {
c.stopCh = make(chan struct{})
go c.renewSession(id, c.stopCh)
return id, err
// createSessionLocal is used to create a new session in a local datacenter
// This is simpler since we can use the local agent to create the session.
func (c *cmd) createSessionLocal() (string, error) {
session := c.apiclient.Session()
se := api.SessionEntry{
Name: "Remote Exec",
Behavior: api.SessionBehaviorDelete,
TTL: rExecTTL,
id, _, err := session.Create(&se, nil)
return id, err
// createSessionLocal is used to create a new session in a foreign datacenter
// This is more complex since the local agent cannot be used to create
// a session, and we must associate with a node in the remote datacenter.
func (c *cmd) createSessionForeign() (string, error) {
// Look for a remote node to bind to
health := c.apiclient.Health()
services, _, err := health.Service("consul", "", true, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to find Consul server in remote datacenter: %v", err)
if len(services) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to find Consul server in remote datacenter")
node := services[0].Node.Node
if c.conf.verbose {
c.UI.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Binding session to remote node %s@%s", node, c.http.Datacenter()))
session := c.apiclient.Session()
se := api.SessionEntry{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("Remote Exec via %s@%s", c.conf.localNode, c.conf.localDC),
Node: node,
Checks: []string{},
Behavior: api.SessionBehaviorDelete,
TTL: rExecTTL,
id, _, err := session.CreateNoChecks(&se, nil)
return id, err
// renewSession is a long running routine that periodically renews
// the session TTL. This is used for foreign sessions where we depend
// on TTLs.
func (c *cmd) renewSession(id string, stopCh chan struct{}) {
session := c.apiclient.Session()
for {
select {
case <-time.After(rExecRenewInterval):
_, _, err := session.Renew(id, nil)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Session renew failed: %v", err))
case <-stopCh:
// destroySession is used to destroy the associated session
func (c *cmd) destroySession() error {
// Stop the session renew if any
if c.stopCh != nil {
c.stopCh = nil
// Destroy the session explicitly
session := c.apiclient.Session()
_, err := session.Destroy(c.sessionID, nil)
return err
// makeRExecSpec creates a serialized job specification
// that can be uploaded which will be parsed by agents to
// determine what to do.
func (c *cmd) makeRExecSpec() ([]byte, error) {
spec := &rExecSpec{
Command: c.conf.cmd,
Args: c.conf.args,
Script: c.conf.script,
Wait: c.conf.wait,
return json.Marshal(spec)
// uploadPayload is used to upload the request payload
func (c *cmd) uploadPayload(payload []byte) error {
kv := c.apiclient.KV()
pair := api.KVPair{
Key: path.Join(c.conf.prefix, c.sessionID, rExecFileName),
Value: payload,
Session: c.sessionID,
ok, _, err := kv.Acquire(&pair, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to acquire key %s", pair.Key)
return nil
// destroyData is used to nuke all the data associated with
// this remote exec. We just do a recursive delete of our
// data directory.
func (c *cmd) destroyData() error {
kv := c.apiclient.KV()
dir := path.Join(c.conf.prefix, c.sessionID)
_, err := kv.DeleteTree(dir, nil)
return err
// fireEvent is used to fire the event that will notify nodes
// about the remote execution. Returns the event ID or error
func (c *cmd) fireEvent() (string, error) {
// Create the user event payload
msg := &rExecEvent{
Prefix: c.conf.prefix,
Session: c.sessionID,
buf, err := json.Marshal(msg)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Format the user event
event := c.apiclient.Event()
params := &api.UserEvent{
Name: "_rexec",
Payload: buf,
NodeFilter: c.conf.node,
ServiceFilter: c.conf.service,
TagFilter: c.conf.tag,
// Fire the event
id, _, err := event.Fire(params, nil)
return id, err
const (
// rExecPrefix is the prefix in the KV store used to
// store the remote exec data
rExecPrefix = "_rexec"
// rExecFileName is the name of the file we append to
// the path, e.g. _rexec/session_id/job
rExecFileName = "job"
// rExecAck is the suffix added to an ack path
rExecAckSuffix = "/ack"
// rExecAck is the suffix added to an exit code
rExecExitSuffix = "/exit"
// rExecOutputDivider is used to namespace the output
rExecOutputDivider = "/out/"
// rExecReplicationWait is how long we wait for replication
rExecReplicationWait = 200 * time.Millisecond
// rExecQuietWait is how long we wait for no responses
// before assuming the job is done.
rExecQuietWait = 2 * time.Second
// rExecTTL is how long we default the session TTL to
rExecTTL = "15s"
// rExecRenewInterval is how often we renew the session TTL
// when doing an exec in a foreign DC.
rExecRenewInterval = 5 * time.Second
// rExecConf is used to pass around configuration
type rExecConf struct {
prefix string
shell bool
foreignDC bool
localDC string
localNode string
node string
service string
tag string
wait time.Duration
replWait time.Duration
cmd string
args []string
script []byte
verbose bool
// rExecEvent is the event we broadcast using a user-event
type rExecEvent struct {
Prefix string
Session string
// rExecSpec is the file we upload to specify the parameters
// of the remote execution.
type rExecSpec struct {
// Command is a single command to run directly in the shell
Command string `json:",omitempty"`
// Args is the list of arguments to run the subprocess directly
Args []string `json:",omitempty"`
// Script should be spilled to a file and executed
Script []byte `json:",omitempty"`
// Wait is how long we are waiting on a quiet period to terminate
Wait time.Duration
// rExecAck is used to transmit an acknowledgement
type rExecAck struct {
Node string
// rExecHeart is used to transmit a heartbeat
type rExecHeart struct {
Node string
// rExecOutput is used to transmit a chunk of output
type rExecOutput struct {
Node string
Output []byte
// rExecExit is used to transmit an exit code
type rExecExit struct {
Node string
Code int
// TargetedUI is a UI that wraps another UI implementation and modifies
// the output to indicate a specific target. Specifically, all Say output
// is prefixed with the target name. Message output is not prefixed but
// is offset by the length of the target so that output is lined up properly
// with Say output. Machine-readable output has the proper target set.
type TargetedUI struct {
Target string
UI cli.Ui
func (u *TargetedUI) Ask(query string) (string, error) {
return u.UI.Ask(u.prefixLines(true, query))
func (u *TargetedUI) Info(message string) {
u.UI.Info(u.prefixLines(true, message))
func (u *TargetedUI) Output(message string) {
u.UI.Output(u.prefixLines(false, message))
func (u *TargetedUI) Error(message string) {
u.UI.Error(u.prefixLines(true, message))
func (u *TargetedUI) prefixLines(arrow bool, message string) string {
arrowText := "==>"
if !arrow {
arrowText = strings.Repeat(" ", len(arrowText))
var result bytes.Buffer
for _, line := range strings.Split(message, "\n") {
result.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: %s\n", arrowText, u.Target, line))
return strings.TrimRightFunc(result.String(), unicode.IsSpace)