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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package extensioncommon
import (
envoy_cluster_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/cluster/v3"
envoy_listener_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/listener/v3"
envoy_route_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/route/v3"
type ClusterMap map[string]*envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster
type ListenerMap map[string]*envoy_listener_v3.Listener
type RouteMap map[string]*envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration
// ListExtension is the interface that each user of ListEnvoyExtender must implement. It
// is responsible for modifying the xDS structures based on only the state of the extension.
type ListExtension interface {
// CanApply determines if the extension can mutate resources for the given runtime configuration.
CanApply(*RuntimeConfig) bool
// PatchRoutes patches routes to include the custom Envoy configuration
// required to integrate with the built in extension template.
PatchRoutes(*RuntimeConfig, RouteMap) (RouteMap, error)
// PatchClusters patches clusters to include the custom Envoy configuration
// required to integrate with the built in extension template.
PatchClusters(*RuntimeConfig, ClusterMap) (ClusterMap, error)
// PatchFilters patches Envoy filters to include the custom Envoy
// configuration required to integrate with the built in extension template.
PatchFilters(*RuntimeConfig, []*envoy_listener_v3.Filter) ([]*envoy_listener_v3.Filter, error)
var _ EnvoyExtender = (*ListEnvoyExtender)(nil)
// ListEnvoyExtender provides convenience functions for iterating and applying modifications
// to lists of Envoy resources.
type ListEnvoyExtender struct {
Extension ListExtension
func (*ListEnvoyExtender) Validate(config *RuntimeConfig) error {
return nil
func (e *ListEnvoyExtender) Extend(resources *xdscommon.IndexedResources, config *RuntimeConfig) (*xdscommon.IndexedResources, error) {
var resultErr error
switch config.Kind {
case api.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway, api.ServiceKindConnectProxy:
return resources, nil
if !e.Extension.CanApply(config) {
return resources, nil
clusters := make(ClusterMap)
routes := make(RouteMap)
listeners := make(ListenerMap)
isUpstream := config.IsUpstream()
for _, indexType := range []string{
} {
for nameOrSNI, msg := range resources.Index[indexType] {
switch resource := msg.(type) {
case *envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster:
// If the Envoy extension configuration is for an upstream service, the Cluster's
// name must match the upstream service's SNI.
if isUpstream && !config.MatchesUpstreamServiceSNI(nameOrSNI) {
// If the extension's config is for an an inbound listener, the Cluster's name
// must be xdscommon.LocalAppClusterName.
if !isUpstream && nameOrSNI == xdscommon.LocalAppClusterName {
clusters[nameOrSNI] = resource
case *envoy_listener_v3.Listener:
listeners[nameOrSNI] = resource
case *envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration:
// If the Envoy extension configuration is for an upstream service, the route's
// name must match the upstream service's Envoy ID.
matchesEnvoyID := config.EnvoyID() == nameOrSNI
if isUpstream && !config.MatchesUpstreamServiceSNI(nameOrSNI) && !matchesEnvoyID {
// There aren't routes for inbound services.
if !isUpstream {
routes[nameOrSNI] = resource
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type was skipped: %T", resource))
patchedClusters, err := e.Extension.PatchClusters(config, clusters)
if err == nil {
for nameOrSNI, cluster := range patchedClusters {
resources.Index[xdscommon.ClusterType][nameOrSNI] = cluster
} else {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("error patching clusters: %w", err))
patchedListeners, err := e.patchListeners(config, listeners)
if err == nil {
for nameOrSNI, listener := range patchedListeners {
resources.Index[xdscommon.ListenerType][nameOrSNI] = listener
} else {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("error patching listeners: %w", err))
patchedRoutes, err := e.Extension.PatchRoutes(config, routes)
if err == nil {
for nameOrSNI, route := range patchedRoutes {
resources.Index[xdscommon.RouteType][nameOrSNI] = route
} else {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("error patching routes: %w", err))
return resources, resultErr
func (e ListEnvoyExtender) patchListeners(config *RuntimeConfig, m ListenerMap) (ListenerMap, error) {
switch config.Kind {
case api.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway:
return e.patchTerminatingGatewayListeners(config, m)
case api.ServiceKindConnectProxy:
return e.patchConnectProxyListeners(config, m)
return m, nil
func (e ListEnvoyExtender) patchTerminatingGatewayListeners(config *RuntimeConfig, l ListenerMap) (ListenerMap, error) {
// We don't support directly targeting terminating gateways with extensions.
if !config.IsUpstream() {
return l, nil
var resultErr error
for _, listener := range l {
for _, filterChain := range listener.FilterChains {
sni := getSNI(filterChain)
if sni == "" {
// The filter chain's SNI must match the upstream service's SNI.
if !config.MatchesUpstreamServiceSNI(sni) {
patchedFilters, err := e.Extension.PatchFilters(config, filterChain.Filters)
if err == nil {
filterChain.Filters = patchedFilters
} else {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("error patching listener filters for %q: %w", sni, err))
return l, resultErr
func (e ListEnvoyExtender) patchConnectProxyListeners(config *RuntimeConfig, l ListenerMap) (ListenerMap, error) {
var resultErr error
isUpstream := config.IsUpstream()
for nameOrSNI, listener := range l {
envoyID := ""
if id, _, found := strings.Cut(listener.Name, ":"); found {
envoyID = id
if isUpstream && envoyID == xdscommon.OutboundListenerName {
patchedListener, err := e.patchTProxyListener(config, listener)
if err == nil {
l[nameOrSNI] = patchedListener
} else {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("error patching TProxy listener %q: %w", nameOrSNI, err))
// If the Envoy extension configuration is for an upstream service, the listener's
// name must match the upstream service's EnvoyID or be the outbound listener.
if isUpstream && envoyID != config.EnvoyID() {
// If the Envoy extension configuration is for inbound resources, the
// listener must be named xdscommon.PublicListenerName.
if config.IsLocal() && envoyID != xdscommon.PublicListenerName {
patchedListener, err := e.patchConnectProxyListener(config, listener)
if err == nil {
l[nameOrSNI] = patchedListener
} else {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("error patching connect proxy listener %q: %w", nameOrSNI, err))
return l, resultErr
func (e ListEnvoyExtender) patchConnectProxyListener(config *RuntimeConfig, l *envoy_listener_v3.Listener) (*envoy_listener_v3.Listener, error) {
var resultErr error
for _, filterChain := range l.FilterChains {
patchedFilters, err := e.Extension.PatchFilters(config, filterChain.Filters)
if err == nil {
filterChain.Filters = patchedFilters
} else {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("error patching filters: %w", err))
return l, resultErr
func (e ListEnvoyExtender) patchTProxyListener(config *RuntimeConfig, l *envoy_listener_v3.Listener) (*envoy_listener_v3.Listener, error) {
var resultErr error
vip := config.Upstreams[config.ServiceName].VIP
for _, filterChain := range l.FilterChains {
match := filterChainTProxyMatch(vip, filterChain)
if !match {
patchedFilters, err := e.Extension.PatchFilters(config, filterChain.Filters)
if err == nil {
filterChain.Filters = patchedFilters
} else {
resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf("error patching filters: %w", err))
return l, resultErr