mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 06:40:45 +00:00
When the v2 catalog experiment is enabled the old v1 catalog apis will be forcibly disabled at both the API (json) layer and the RPC (msgpack) layer. This will also disable anti-entropy as it uses the v1 api. This includes all of /v1/catalog/*, /v1/health/*, most of /v1/agent/*, /v1/config/*, and most of /v1/internal/*.
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673 lines
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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package agent
import (
// TestAgent encapsulates an Agent with a default configuration and
// startup procedure suitable for testing. It panics if there are errors
// during creation or startup instead of returning errors. It manages a
// temporary data directory which is removed after shutdown.
type TestAgent struct {
// Name is an optional name of the agent.
Name string
configFiles []string
HCL string
// Config is the agent configuration. If Config is nil then
// TestConfig() is used. If Config.DataDir is set then it is
// the callers responsibility to clean up the data directory.
// Otherwise, a temporary data directory is created and removed
// when Shutdown() is called.
Config *config.RuntimeConfig
// LogOutput is the sink for the logs. If nil, logs are written to os.Stderr.
// The io.Writer must allow concurrent reads and writes. Note that
// bytes.Buffer is not safe for concurrent reads and writes.
LogOutput io.Writer
LogLevel hclog.Level
// DataDir may be set to a directory which exists. If is it not set,
// TestAgent.Start will create one and set DataDir to the directory path.
// In all cases the agent will be configured to use this path as the data directory,
// and the directory will be removed once the test ends.
DataDir string
// UseHTTPS, if true, will disable the HTTP port and enable the HTTPS
// one.
UseHTTPS bool
// UseGRPCTLS, if true, will disable the GRPC port and enable the GRPC+TLS
// one.
// dns is a reference to the first started DNS endpoint.
// It is valid after Start().
dns *DNSServer
// srv is an HTTPHandlers that may be used to test http endpoints.
srv *HTTPHandlers
// overrides is an hcl config source to use to override otherwise
// non-user settable configurations
Overrides string
// allows the BaseDeps to be modified before starting the embedded agent
OverrideDeps func(deps *BaseDeps)
// Agent is the embedded consul agent.
// It is valid after Start().
// NewTestAgent returns a started agent with the given configuration. It fails
// the test if the Agent could not be started.
func NewTestAgent(t *testing.T, hcl string) *TestAgent {
a := StartTestAgent(t, TestAgent{HCL: hcl})
t.Cleanup(func() { a.Shutdown() })
return a
// NewTestAgent returns a started agent with the given configuration. It fails
// the test if the Agent could not be started.
// The caller is responsible for calling Shutdown() to stop the agent and remove
// temporary directories.
func NewTestAgentWithConfigFile(t *testing.T, hcl string, configFiles []string) *TestAgent {
a := StartTestAgent(t, TestAgent{configFiles: configFiles, HCL: hcl})
t.Cleanup(func() { a.Shutdown() })
return a
// StartTestAgent and wait for it to become available. If the agent fails to
// start the test will be marked failed and execution will stop.
// The caller is responsible for calling Shutdown() to stop the agent and remove
// temporary directories.
func StartTestAgent(t *testing.T, a TestAgent) *TestAgent {
retry.RunWith(retry.ThreeTimes(), t, func(r *retry.R) {
if err := a.Start(t); err != nil {
return &a
func TestConfigHCL(nodeID string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
bind_addr = ""
advertise_addr = ""
datacenter = "dc1"
bootstrap = true
server = true
node_id = "%[1]s"
node_name = "Node-%[1]s"
connect {
enabled = true
ca_config {
cluster_id = "%[2]s"
performance {
raft_multiplier = 1
peering {
enabled = true
}`, nodeID, connect.TestClusterID,
// Start starts a test agent. It returns an error if the agent could not be started.
// If no error is returned, the caller must call Shutdown() when finished.
func (a *TestAgent) Start(t *testing.T) error {
if a.Agent != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TestAgent already started")
name := a.Name
if name == "" {
name = "TestAgent"
if a.DataDir == "" {
dirname := name + "-agent"
a.DataDir = testutil.TempDir(t, dirname)
// Convert windows style path to posix style path to avoid illegal char escape
// error when hcl parsing.
d := filepath.ToSlash(a.DataDir)
hclDataDir := fmt.Sprintf(`data_dir = "%s"`, d)
logOutput := a.LogOutput
if logOutput == nil {
logOutput = testutil.NewLogBuffer(t)
if a.LogLevel == 0 {
a.LogLevel = testutil.TestLogLevel
logger := hclog.NewInterceptLogger(&hclog.LoggerOptions{
Level: a.LogLevel,
Output: logOutput,
TimeFormat: "04:05.000",
Name: name,
portsConfig := randomPortsSource(t, a.UseHTTPS)
// Create NodeID outside the closure, so that it does not change
testHCLConfig := TestConfigHCL(NodeID())
loader := func(source config.Source) (config.LoadResult, error) {
opts := config.LoadOpts{
DefaultConfig: source,
HCL: []string{testHCLConfig, portsConfig, a.HCL, hclDataDir},
Overrides: []config.Source{
Name: "test-overrides",
Format: "hcl",
Data: a.Overrides},
ConfigFiles: a.configFiles,
result, err := config.Load(opts)
if result.RuntimeConfig != nil {
// If prom metrics need to be enabled, do not disable telemetry
if result.RuntimeConfig.Telemetry.PrometheusOpts.Expiration > 0 {
result.RuntimeConfig.Telemetry.Disable = false
} else {
result.RuntimeConfig.Telemetry.Disable = true
// Lower the resync interval for tests.
result.RuntimeConfig.LocalProxyConfigResyncInterval = 250 * time.Millisecond
return result, err
bd, err := NewBaseDeps(loader, logOutput, logger)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create base deps: %w", err)
bd.Logger = logger
// if we are not testing telemetry things, let's use a "mock" sink for metrics
if bd.RuntimeConfig.Telemetry.Disable {
bd.MetricsConfig = &lib.MetricsConfig{
Handler: metrics.NewInmemSink(1*time.Second, time.Minute),
if a.Config != nil && bd.RuntimeConfig.AutoReloadConfigCoalesceInterval == 0 {
bd.RuntimeConfig.AutoReloadConfigCoalesceInterval = a.Config.AutoReloadConfigCoalesceInterval
a.Config = bd.RuntimeConfig
if a.OverrideDeps != nil {
agent, err := New(bd)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating agent: %s", err)
id := string(a.Config.NodeID)
if err := agent.Start(context.Background()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s %s Error starting agent: %s", id, name, err)
a.Agent = agent
// Start the anti-entropy syncer
a.srv = a.Agent.httpHandlers
if err := a.waitForUp(); err != nil {
a.Agent = nil
return fmt.Errorf("error waiting for test agent to start: %w", err)
a.dns = a.dnsServers[0]
return nil
// waitForUp waits for leader election, or waits for the agent HTTP
// endpoint to start responding, depending on the agent config.
func (a *TestAgent) waitForUp() error {
timer := retry.TwoSeconds()
deadline := time.Now().Add(timer.Timeout)
var retErr error
var out structs.IndexedNodes
for ; !time.Now().After(deadline); time.Sleep(timer.Wait) {
if len(a.apiServers.servers) == 0 {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("waiting for server")
continue // fail, try again
if a.Config.Bootstrap && a.Config.ServerMode {
if a.baseDeps.UseV2Resources() {
args := structs.DCSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
var leader string
if err := a.RPC(context.Background(), "Status.Leader", args, &leader); err != nil {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("Status.Leader failed: %v", err)
continue // fail, try again
if leader == "" {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("No leader")
continue // fail, try again
return nil // success
// Ensure we have a leader and a node registration.
args := &structs.DCSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: a.Config.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
MinQueryIndex: out.Index,
MaxQueryTime: 25 * time.Millisecond,
if err := a.RPC(context.Background(), "Catalog.ListNodes", args, &out); err != nil {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("Catalog.ListNodes failed: %v", err)
continue // fail, try again
if !out.QueryMeta.KnownLeader {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("No leader")
continue // fail, try again
if out.Index == 0 {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("Consul index is 0")
continue // fail, try again
return nil // success
} else {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/agent/self", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
_, err := a.srv.AgentSelf(resp, req)
if acl.IsErrPermissionDenied(err) || resp.Code == 403 {
// permission denied is enough to show that the client is
// connected to the servers as it would get a 503 if
// it couldn't connect to them.
} else if err != nil && resp.Code != 200 {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("failed OK response: %v", err)
return nil // success
return fmt.Errorf("unavailable. last error: %v", retErr)
// Shutdown stops the agent and removes the data directory if it is
// managed by the test agent.
func (a *TestAgent) Shutdown() error {
if a.Agent == nil {
return nil
// shutdown agent before endpoints
defer a.Agent.ShutdownEndpoints()
if err := a.Agent.ShutdownAgent(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (a *TestAgent) DNSAddr() string {
if a.dns == nil {
return ""
return a.dns.Addr
func (a *TestAgent) HTTPAddr() string {
addr, err := firstAddr(a.Agent.apiServers, "http")
if err != nil {
// TODO: t.Fatal instead of panic
panic("no http server registered")
return addr.String()
// firstAddr is used by tests to look up the address for the first server which
// matches the protocol
func firstAddr(s *apiServers, protocol string) (net.Addr, error) {
for _, srv := range s.servers {
if srv.Protocol == protocol {
return srv.Addr, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no server registered with protocol %v", protocol)
func (a *TestAgent) SegmentAddr(name string) string {
if server, ok := a.Agent.delegate.(*consul.Server); ok {
return server.LANSegmentAddr(name)
return ""
func (a *TestAgent) Client() *api.Client {
conf := api.DefaultConfig()
conf.Address = a.HTTPAddr()
c, err := api.NewClient(conf)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating consul API client: %s", err))
return c
// DNSDisableCompression disables compression for all started DNS servers.
func (a *TestAgent) DNSDisableCompression(b bool) {
for _, srv := range a.dnsServers {
a.config.DNSDisableCompression = b
// FIXME: this should t.Fatal on error, not panic.
// TODO: rename to newConsulConfig
// TODO: remove TestAgent receiver, accept a.Agent.config as an arg
func (a *TestAgent) consulConfig() *consul.Config {
c, err := newConsulConfig(a.Agent.config, a.Agent.logger)
if err != nil {
return c
// Using sdk/freeport with *retry.R is not possible without changing
// function signatures. We use this shim instead to save the headache
// of syncing sdk submodule updates.
type retryShim struct {
name string
func (r *retryShim) Name() string {
return r.name
// pickRandomPorts selects random ports from fixed size random blocks of
// ports. This does not eliminate the chance for port conflict but
// reduces it significantly with little overhead. Furthermore, asking
// the kernel for a random port by binding to port 0 prolongs the test
// execution (in our case +20sec) while also not fully eliminating the
// chance of port conflicts for concurrently executed test binaries.
// Instead of relying on one set of ports to be sufficient we retry
// starting the agent with different ports on port conflict.
func randomPortsSource(t *testing.T, useHTTPS bool) string {
var ports []int
retry.RunWith(retry.TwoSeconds(), t, func(r *retry.R) {
ports = freeport.GetN(&retryShim{r, t.Name()}, 7)
var http, https int
if useHTTPS {
http = -1
https = ports[1]
} else {
http = ports[1]
https = -1
return `
ports = {
dns = ` + strconv.Itoa(ports[0]) + `
http = ` + strconv.Itoa(http) + `
https = ` + strconv.Itoa(https) + `
serf_lan = ` + strconv.Itoa(ports[2]) + `
serf_wan = ` + strconv.Itoa(ports[3]) + `
server = ` + strconv.Itoa(ports[4]) + `
grpc = ` + strconv.Itoa(ports[5]) + `
grpc_tls = ` + strconv.Itoa(ports[6]) + `
func NodeID() string {
id, err := uuid.GenerateUUID()
if err != nil {
return id
// TestConfig returns a unique default configuration for testing an agent.
func TestConfig(logger hclog.Logger, sources ...config.Source) *config.RuntimeConfig {
nodeID := NodeID()
testsrc := config.FileSource{
Name: "test",
Format: "hcl",
Data: `
bind_addr = ""
advertise_addr = ""
datacenter = "dc1"
bootstrap = true
server = true
node_id = "` + nodeID + `"
node_name = "Node-` + nodeID + `"
connect {
enabled = true
ca_config {
cluster_id = "` + connect.TestClusterID + `"
performance {
raft_multiplier = 1
opts := config.LoadOpts{
DefaultConfig: testsrc,
Overrides: sources,
r, err := config.Load(opts)
if err != nil {
panic("config.Load failed: " + err.Error())
for _, w := range r.Warnings {
cfg := r.RuntimeConfig
// Effectively disables the delay after root rotation before requesting CSRs
// to make test deterministic. 0 results in default jitter being applied but a
// tiny delay is effectively thre same.
cfg.ConnectTestCALeafRootChangeSpread = 1 * time.Nanosecond
// allows registering objects with the PeerName
cfg.PeeringTestAllowPeerRegistrations = true
return cfg
// TestACLConfig returns a default configuration for testing an agent
// with ACLs.
func TestACLConfig() string {
return `
primary_datacenter = "dc1"
acl {
enabled = true
default_policy = "deny"
tokens {
initial_management = "root"
agent = "root"
agent_recovery = "towel"
const (
TestDefaultInitialManagementToken = "d9f05e83-a7ae-47ce-839e-c0d53a68c00a"
TestDefaultAgentRecoveryToken = "bca580d4-db07-4074-b766-48acc9676955'"
type TestACLConfigParams struct {
PrimaryDatacenter string
DefaultPolicy string
InitialManagementToken string
AgentToken string
DefaultToken string
AgentRecoveryToken string
ReplicationToken string
DNSToken string
EnableTokenReplication bool
func DefaultTestACLConfigParams() *TestACLConfigParams {
return &TestACLConfigParams{
PrimaryDatacenter: "dc1",
DefaultPolicy: "deny",
InitialManagementToken: TestDefaultInitialManagementToken,
AgentToken: TestDefaultInitialManagementToken,
AgentRecoveryToken: TestDefaultAgentRecoveryToken,
func (p *TestACLConfigParams) HasConfiguredTokens() bool {
return p.InitialManagementToken != "" ||
p.AgentToken != "" ||
p.DefaultToken != "" ||
p.AgentRecoveryToken != "" ||
p.ReplicationToken != "" ||
p.DNSToken != ""
func TestACLConfigNew() string {
return TestACLConfigWithParams(&TestACLConfigParams{
PrimaryDatacenter: "dc1",
DefaultPolicy: "deny",
InitialManagementToken: "root",
AgentToken: "root",
AgentRecoveryToken: "towel",
DNSToken: "dns",
var aclConfigTpl = template.Must(template.New("ACL Config").Parse(`
{{- if ne .PrimaryDatacenter "" -}}
primary_datacenter = "{{ .PrimaryDatacenter }}"
{{end -}}
acl {
enabled = true
{{- if ne .DefaultPolicy ""}}
default_policy = "{{ .DefaultPolicy }}"
{{- end}}
enable_token_replication = {{printf "%t" .EnableTokenReplication }}
{{- if .HasConfiguredTokens}}
tokens {
{{- if ne .InitialManagementToken ""}}
initial_management = "{{ .InitialManagementToken }}"
{{- end}}
{{- if ne .AgentToken ""}}
agent = "{{ .AgentToken }}"
{{- end}}
{{- if ne .AgentRecoveryToken "" }}
agent_recovery = "{{ .AgentRecoveryToken }}"
{{- end}}
{{- if ne .DefaultToken "" }}
default = "{{ .DefaultToken }}"
{{- end}}
{{- if ne .ReplicationToken "" }}
replication = "{{ .ReplicationToken }}"
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
func TestACLConfigWithParams(params *TestACLConfigParams) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
cfg := params
if params == nil {
cfg = DefaultTestACLConfigParams()
err := aclConfigTpl.Execute(&buf, &cfg)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate test ACL config: %v", err))
return buf.String()
// testTLSCertificates Generates a TLS CA and server key/cert and returns them
// in PEM encoded form.
func testTLSCertificates(serverName string) (cert string, key string, cacert string, err error) {
signer, _, err := tlsutil.GeneratePrivateKey()
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", err
ca, _, err := tlsutil.GenerateCA(tlsutil.CAOpts{Signer: signer})
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", err
cert, privateKey, err := tlsutil.GenerateCert(tlsutil.CertOpts{
Signer: signer,
CA: ca,
Name: "Test Cert Name",
Days: 365,
DNSNames: []string{serverName},
ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth, x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth},
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", err
return cert, privateKey, ca, nil