mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
* ui: Use new icon-size and icon-color for popover-menus * Remove the default currentColor plus add some more defaults * Undo transparency overwrites now we don't need them * Fixup discochain icons * Undo a default icon rule for vert align * Fixup expanded icon for meatball popovers * Fixup intention permission labels/badges/icons * Remove different res icon * Remove icon resolutions
# MenuPanel ```hbs preview-template {{#each (array 'light' 'dark') as |theme|}} <figure> <figcaption>Without a header</figcaption> <div class={{class-map 'menu-panel' (array (concat 'theme-' theme)) }} > <ul role="menu"> <li aria-current="true" role="none"> <Action role="menuitem">Item 1<span>Label</span><span>Label 2</span></Action> </li> <li role="separator"> Item some title text </li> <li role="none"> <Action role="menuitem">Item 2</Action> </li> <li role="separator"></li> <li role="none"> <Action role="menuitem">Item 3</Action> </li> </ul> </div> </figure> <figure> <figcaption>With a header</figcaption> <div class={{class-map 'menu-panel' (array (concat 'theme-' theme)) }} > <div> <p>Some content explaining what the menu is about</p> </div> <ul role="menu"> <li aria-current="true" role="none"> <Action role="menuitem">Item 1<span>Label</span><span>Label 2</span></Action> </li> <li role="separator"> Item some title text </li> <li role="none"> <Action role="menuitem">Item 2</Action> </li> <li role="separator"></li> <li role="none"> <Action role="menuitem">Item 3</Action> </li> </ul> </div> </figure> <figure> <StateChart @src={{state-chart 'boolean'}} as |State Guard StateAction dispatch state|> <Action>Focus Left</Action> <DisclosureMenu as |disclosure|> <disclosure.Action {{on 'click' disclosure.toggle}} > {{if disclosure.expanded 'Close' 'Open'}} </disclosure.Action> <disclosure.Menu style={{style-map (array 'max-height' (if (state-matches state 'true') (add 0 this.rect.height)) 'px') }} class={{class-map (array 'menu-panel') (array 'menu-panel-confirming' (state-matches state 'true')) (array (concat 'theme-' theme)) }} as |panel|> <div {{on-resize (dom-position (set this 'header')) }} > <p>Some text in here</p> </div> <panel.Menu as |menu|> <menu.Item aria-current="true" > <menu.Action> Item 1 <span>Label</span> <span>Label 2</span> </menu.Action> </menu.Item> <menu.Separator> Item some title text </menu.Separator> <menu.Item> <menu.Action> Item 2 </menu.Action> </menu.Item> <menu.Separator /> <menu.Item class="dangerous" > <menu.Action {{on "click" (fn dispatch 'TOGGLE')}} > Item 3 </menu.Action> <div {{on-resize (dom-position (set this 'rect')) }} style={{style-map (array 'top' (if (state-matches state 'true') (sub 0 this.header.height)) 'px') }} class={{class-map 'menu-panel-confirmation' 'informed-action' 'confirmation-alert' 'warning' }} > <div> <header>Hi</header> <p>Body</p> </div> <ul> <li> <Action @tabindex="-1" {{on "click" (queue disclosure.close (fn dispatch 'TOGGLE'))}} > Confirm </Action> </li> <li> <Action @tabindex="-1" {{on "click" (fn dispatch 'TOGGLE')}} > Cancel </Action> </li> </ul> </div> </menu.Item> </panel.Menu> </disclosure.Menu> </DisclosureMenu> <Action>Focus Right</Action> </StateChart> </figure> {{/each}} ```