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* Adding explicit MPL license for sub-package This directory and its subdirectories (packages) contain files licensed with the MPLv2 `LICENSE` file in this directory and are intentionally licensed separately from the BSL `LICENSE` file at the root of this repository. * Adding explicit MPL license for sub-package This directory and its subdirectories (packages) contain files licensed with the MPLv2 `LICENSE` file in this directory and are intentionally licensed separately from the BSL `LICENSE` file at the root of this repository. * Updating the license from MPL to Business Source License Going forward, this project will be licensed under the Business Source License v1.1. Please see our blog post for more details at <Blog URL>, FAQ at www.hashicorp.com/licensing-faq, and details of the license at www.hashicorp.com/bsl. * add missing license headers * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 --------- Co-authored-by: hashicorp-copywrite[bot] <110428419+hashicorp-copywrite[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package command
import (
aclagent "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/agenttokens"
aclam "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/authmethod"
aclamcreate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/authmethod/create"
aclamdelete "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/authmethod/delete"
aclamlist "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/authmethod/list"
aclamread "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/authmethod/read"
aclamupdate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/authmethod/update"
aclbr "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/bindingrule"
aclbrcreate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/bindingrule/create"
aclbrdelete "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/bindingrule/delete"
aclbrlist "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/bindingrule/list"
aclbrread "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/bindingrule/read"
aclbrupdate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/bindingrule/update"
aclbootstrap "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/bootstrap"
aclpolicy "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/policy"
aclpcreate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/policy/create"
aclpdelete "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/policy/delete"
aclplist "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/policy/list"
aclpread "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/policy/read"
aclpupdate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/policy/update"
aclrole "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/role"
aclrcreate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/role/create"
aclrdelete "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/role/delete"
aclrlist "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/role/list"
aclrread "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/role/read"
aclrupdate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/role/update"
acltoken "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/token"
acltclone "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/token/clone"
acltcreate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/token/create"
acltdelete "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/token/delete"
acltlist "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/token/list"
acltread "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/token/read"
acltupdate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/acl/token/update"
catlistdc "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/catalog/list/dc"
catlistnodes "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/catalog/list/nodes"
catlistsvc "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/catalog/list/services"
configdelete "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/config/delete"
configlist "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/config/list"
configread "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/config/read"
configwrite "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/config/write"
caget "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/connect/ca/get"
caset "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/connect/ca/set"
pipebootstrap "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/connect/envoy/pipe-bootstrap"
ixncheck "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/intention/check"
ixncreate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/intention/create"
ixndelete "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/intention/delete"
ixnget "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/intention/get"
ixnlist "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/intention/list"
ixnmatch "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/intention/match"
kvdel "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/kv/del"
kvexp "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/kv/exp"
kvget "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/kv/get"
kvimp "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/kv/imp"
kvput "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/kv/put"
operauto "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/operator/autopilot"
operautoget "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/operator/autopilot/get"
operautoset "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/operator/autopilot/set"
operautostate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/operator/autopilot/state"
operraft "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/operator/raft"
operraftlist "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/operator/raft/listpeers"
operraftremove "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/operator/raft/removepeer"
peerdelete "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/peering/delete"
peerestablish "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/peering/establish"
peergenerate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/peering/generate"
peerlist "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/peering/list"
peerread "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/peering/read"
svcsderegister "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/services/deregister"
svcsexport "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/services/export"
svcsregister "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/services/register"
snapinspect "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/snapshot/inspect"
snaprestore "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/snapshot/restore"
snapsave "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/snapshot/save"
tlsca "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/tls/ca"
tlscacreate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/tls/ca/create"
tlscert "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/tls/cert"
tlscertcreate "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/tls/cert/create"
troubleshootproxy "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/troubleshoot/proxy"
troubleshootupstreams "github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/troubleshoot/upstreams"
mcli "github.com/mitchellh/cli"
// RegisteredCommands returns a realized mapping of available CLI commands in a format that
// the CLI class can consume.
func RegisteredCommands(ui cli.Ui) map[string]mcli.CommandFactory {
registry := map[string]mcli.CommandFactory{}
registerCommands(ui, registry,
entry{"acl", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return acl.New(), nil }},
entry{"acl bootstrap", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclbootstrap.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl policy", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclpolicy.New(), nil }},
entry{"acl policy create", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclpcreate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl policy list", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclplist.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl policy read", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclpread.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl policy update", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclpupdate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl policy delete", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclpdelete.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl set-agent-token", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclagent.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl token", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return acltoken.New(), nil }},
entry{"acl token create", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return acltcreate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl token clone", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return acltclone.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl token list", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return acltlist.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl token read", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return acltread.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl token update", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return acltupdate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl token delete", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return acltdelete.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl role", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclrole.New(), nil }},
entry{"acl role create", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclrcreate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl role list", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclrlist.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl role read", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclrread.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl role update", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclrupdate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl role delete", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclrdelete.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl auth-method", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclam.New(), nil }},
entry{"acl auth-method create", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclamcreate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl auth-method list", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclamlist.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl auth-method read", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclamread.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl auth-method update", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclamupdate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl auth-method delete", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclamdelete.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl binding-rule", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclbr.New(), nil }},
entry{"acl binding-rule create", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclbrcreate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl binding-rule list", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclbrlist.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl binding-rule read", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclbrread.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl binding-rule update", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclbrupdate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"acl binding-rule delete", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return aclbrdelete.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"agent", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return agent.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"catalog", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return catalog.New(), nil }},
entry{"catalog datacenters", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return catlistdc.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"catalog nodes", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return catlistnodes.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"catalog services", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return catlistsvc.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"config", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return config.New(), nil }},
entry{"config delete", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return configdelete.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"config list", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return configlist.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"config read", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return configread.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"config write", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return configwrite.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"connect", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return connect.New(), nil }},
entry{"connect ca", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return ca.New(), nil }},
entry{"connect ca get-config", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return caget.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"connect ca set-config", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return caset.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"connect proxy", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return proxy.New(ui, MakeShutdownCh()), nil }},
entry{"connect envoy", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return envoy.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"connect envoy pipe-bootstrap", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return pipebootstrap.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"connect expose", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return expose.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"connect redirect-traffic", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return redirecttraffic.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"debug", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return debug.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"event", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return event.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"exec", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return exec.New(ui, MakeShutdownCh()), nil }},
entry{"force-leave", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return forceleave.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"info", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return info.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"intention", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return intention.New(), nil }},
entry{"intention check", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return ixncheck.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"intention create", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return ixncreate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"intention delete", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return ixndelete.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"intention get", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return ixnget.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"intention list", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return ixnlist.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"intention match", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return ixnmatch.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"join", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return join.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"keygen", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return keygen.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"keyring", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return keyring.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"kv", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return kv.New(), nil }},
entry{"kv delete", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return kvdel.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"kv export", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return kvexp.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"kv get", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return kvget.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"kv import", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return kvimp.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"kv put", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return kvput.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"leave", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return leave.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"lock", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return lock.New(ui, MakeShutdownCh()), nil }},
entry{"login", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return login.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"logout", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return logout.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"maint", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return maint.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"members", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return members.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"monitor", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return monitor.New(ui, MakeShutdownCh()), nil }},
entry{"operator", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return operator.New(), nil }},
entry{"operator autopilot", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return operauto.New(), nil }},
entry{"operator autopilot get-config", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return operautoget.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"operator autopilot set-config", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return operautoset.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"operator autopilot state", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return operautostate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"operator raft", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return operraft.New(), nil }},
entry{"operator raft list-peers", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return operraftlist.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"operator raft remove-peer", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return operraftremove.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"operator raft transfer-leader", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return transferleader.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"operator usage", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return usage.New(), nil }},
entry{"operator usage instances", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return instances.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"peering", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return peering.New(), nil }},
entry{"peering delete", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return peerdelete.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"peering generate-token", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return peergenerate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"peering establish", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return peerestablish.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"peering list", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return peerlist.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"peering read", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return peerread.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"reload", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return reload.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"rtt", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return rtt.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"services", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return services.New(), nil }},
entry{"services register", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return svcsregister.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"services deregister", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return svcsderegister.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"services export", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return svcsexport.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"snapshot", func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return snapshot.New(), nil }},
entry{"snapshot inspect", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return snapinspect.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"snapshot restore", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return snaprestore.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"snapshot save", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return snapsave.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"tls", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return tls.New(), nil }},
entry{"tls ca", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return tlsca.New(), nil }},
entry{"tls ca create", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return tlscacreate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"tls cert", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return tlscert.New(), nil }},
entry{"tls cert create", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return tlscertcreate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"troubleshoot", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return troubleshoot.New(), nil }},
entry{"troubleshoot proxy", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return troubleshootproxy.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"troubleshoot upstreams", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return troubleshootupstreams.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"validate", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return validate.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"version", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return version.New(ui), nil }},
entry{"watch", func(ui cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error) { return watch.New(ui, MakeShutdownCh()), nil }},
registerEnterpriseCommands(ui, registry)
return registry
// factory is a function that returns a new instance of a CLI-sub command.
type factory func(cli.Ui) (cli.Command, error)
// entry is a struct that contains a command's name and a factory for that command.
type entry struct {
name string
fn factory
func registerCommands(ui cli.Ui, m map[string]mcli.CommandFactory, cmdEntries ...entry) {
for _, ent := range cmdEntries {
thisFn := ent.fn
if _, ok := m[ent.name]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("duplicate command: %q", ent.name))
m[ent.name] = func() (mcli.Command, error) {
return thisFn(ui)
// MakeShutdownCh returns a channel that can be used for shutdown notifications
// for commands. This channel will send a message for every interrupt or SIGTERM
// received.
// Deprecated: use signal.NotifyContext
func MakeShutdownCh() <-chan struct{} {
resultCh := make(chan struct{})
signalCh := make(chan os.Signal, 4)
signal.Notify(signalCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
for {
resultCh <- struct{}{}
return resultCh