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synced 2025-02-20 01:18:49 +00:00
* Configure ember-auto-import so we can use a stricter CSP * Create a fake filesystem using JSON to avoid inline scripts in index We used to have inline scripts in index.html in order to support embers filepath fingerprinting and our configurable rootURL. Instead of using inline scripts we use application/json plus a JSON blob to create a fake filesystem JSON blob/hash/map to hold all of the rootURL'ed fingerprinted file paths which we can then retrive later in non-inline scripts. We move our inlined polyfills script into the init.js external script, and we move the CodeMirror syntax highlighting configuration inline script into the main app itself - into the already existing CodeMirror initializer (this has been moved so we can lookup a service located document using ember's DI container) * Set a strict-ish CSP policy during development
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// rootURL in production equals `{{.ContentPath}}` and therefore is replaced
// with the value of -ui-content-path. During development rootURL uses the
// value as set in environment.js
module.exports = ({ appName, environment, rootURL, config }) => `
<div style="margin: 0 auto;">
<h2>JavaScript Required</h2>
<p>Please enable JavaScript in your web browser to use Consul UI.</p>
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environment === 'production'
? `{{ range .ExtraScripts }} <script src="{{.}}"></script> {{ end }}`
: ``
<script src="${rootURL}assets/${appName}.js"></script>
${environment === 'test' ? `<script src="${rootURL}assets/tests.js"></script>` : ``}