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synced 2025-03-03 06:40:45 +00:00
* Add templating to inject JSON into an application/json script tag Plus an external script in order to pick it out and inject the values we need injecting into ember's environment meta tag. The UI still uses env style naming (CONSUL_*) but we uses the new style JSON/golang props behind the scenes. Co-authored-by: Paul Banks <banks@banksco.de>
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61 lines
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// rootURL in production equals `{{.ContentPath}}` and therefore is replaced
// with the value of -ui-content-path. During development rootURL uses the
// value as set in environment.js
module.exports = ({ appName, environment, rootURL, config }) => `
<div style="margin: 0 auto;">
<h2>JavaScript Required</h2>
<p>Please enable JavaScript in your web browser to use Consul UI.</p>
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config.CONSUL_BINARY_TYPE !== 'oss' && config.CONSUL_BINARY_TYPE !== ''
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: ``
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<script type="application/json" data-consul-ui-config>
${environment === 'production' ? `{{jsonEncode .}}` : JSON.stringify(config.operatorConfig)}
<script src="${rootURL}assets/init.js"></script>
<script src="${rootURL}assets/vendor.js"></script>
${environment === 'test' ? `<script src="${rootURL}assets/test-support.js"></script>` : ``}
var appendScript = function(src) {
var $script = document.createElement('script');
$script.src = src;
if(!('TextDecoder' in window)) {
if(!(window.CSS && window.CSS.escape)) {
<script src="${rootURL}assets/metrics-providers/consul.js"></script>
<script src="${rootURL}assets/metrics-providers/prometheus.js"></script>
environment === 'production'
? `{{ range .ExtraScripts }} <script src="{{.}}"></script> {{ end }}`
: ``
<script src="${rootURL}assets/${appName}.js"></script>
CodeMirror.modeURL = {
replace: function(n, mode) {
switch(mode) {
case 'javascript':
return '${rootURL}assets/codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js';
case 'ruby':
return '${rootURL}assets/codemirror/mode/ruby/ruby.js';
case 'yaml':
return '${rootURL}assets/codemirror/mode/yaml/yaml.js';
${environment === 'test' ? `<script src="${rootURL}assets/tests.js"></script>` : ``}