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synced 2025-02-21 09:58:26 +00:00
Protobuf Refactoring for Multi-Module Cleanliness This commit includes the following: Moves all packages that were within proto/ to proto/private Rewrites imports to account for the packages being moved Adds in buf.work.yaml to enable buf workspaces Names the proto-public buf module so that we can override the Go package imports within proto/buf.yaml Bumps the buf version dependency to 1.14.0 (I was trying out the version to see if it would get around an issue - it didn't but it also doesn't break things and it seemed best to keep up with the toolchain changes) Why: In the future we will need to consume other protobuf dependencies such as the Google HTTP annotations for openapi generation or grpc-gateway usage. There were some recent changes to have our own ratelimiting annotations. The two combined were not working when I was trying to use them together (attempting to rebase another branch) Buf workspaces should be the solution to the problem Buf workspaces means that each module will have generated Go code that embeds proto file names relative to the proto dir and not the top level repo root. This resulted in proto file name conflicts in the Go global protobuf type registry. The solution to that was to add in a private/ directory into the path within the proto/ directory. That then required rewriting all the imports. Is this safe? AFAICT yes The gRPC wire protocol doesn't seem to care about the proto file names (although the Go grpc code does tack on the proto file name as Metadata in the ServiceDesc) Other than imports, there were no changes to any generated code as a result of this.
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944 lines
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package health
import (
func TestSortCheckServiceNodes_OrderIsConsistentWithRPCResponse(t *testing.T) {
index := uint64(42)
buildTestNode := func(nodeName string, serviceID string) structs.CheckServiceNode {
newID, err := uuid.GenerateUUID()
require.NoError(t, err)
return structs.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &structs.Node{
ID: types.NodeID(strings.ToUpper(newID)),
Node: nodeName,
Address: nodeName,
Datacenter: "dc1",
RaftIndex: structs.RaftIndex{
CreateIndex: index,
ModifyIndex: index,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
ID: serviceID,
Service: "testService",
Port: 8080,
Weights: &structs.Weights{
Passing: 1,
Warning: 1,
RaftIndex: structs.RaftIndex{
CreateIndex: index,
ModifyIndex: index,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(),
Checks: []*structs.HealthCheck{},
zero := buildTestNode("a-zero-node", "testService:1")
one := buildTestNode("node1", "testService:1")
two := buildTestNode("node1", "testService:2")
three := buildTestNode("node2", "testService")
result := structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes{
Nodes: structs.CheckServiceNodes{three, two, zero, one},
QueryMeta: structs.QueryMeta{Index: index},
expected := structs.CheckServiceNodes{zero, one, two, three}
require.Equal(t, expected, result.Nodes)
func TestHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_WithEmptySnapshot(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
t.Run("local data", func(t *testing.T) {
testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_WithEmptySnapshot(t, structs.DefaultPeerKeyword)
t.Run("peered data", func(t *testing.T) {
testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_WithEmptySnapshot(t, "my-peer")
func testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_WithEmptySnapshot(t *testing.T, peerName string) {
namespace := getNamespace(pbcommon.DefaultEnterpriseMeta.Namespace)
streamClient := newStreamClient(validateNamespace(namespace))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
store := submatview.NewStore(hclog.New(nil))
go store.Run(ctx)
// Initially there are no services registered. Server should send an
// EndOfSnapshot message immediately with index of 1.
req := serviceRequestStub{
serviceRequest: serviceRequest{
ServiceSpecificRequest: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
PeerName: peerName,
Datacenter: "dc1",
ServiceName: "web",
EnterpriseMeta: structs.NewEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(namespace),
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{MaxQueryTime: time.Second},
streamClient: streamClient,
empty := &structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes{
Nodes: structs.CheckServiceNodes{},
QueryMeta: structs.QueryMeta{
Index: 1,
Backend: structs.QueryBackendStreaming,
testutil.RunStep(t, "empty snapshot returned", func(t *testing.T) {
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(1), result.Index)
require.Equal(t, empty, result.Value)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
testutil.RunStep(t, "blocks for timeout", func(t *testing.T) {
// Subsequent fetch should block for the timeout
start := time.Now()
req.QueryOptions.MaxQueryTime = 200 * time.Millisecond
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
require.True(t, elapsed >= 200*time.Millisecond,
"Fetch should have blocked until timeout")
require.Equal(t, req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex, result.Index, "result index should not have changed")
require.Equal(t, empty, result.Value, "result value should not have changed")
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
var lastResultValue structs.CheckServiceNodes
testutil.RunStep(t, "blocks until update", func(t *testing.T) {
// Make another blocking query with a longer timeout and trigger an update
// event part way through.
start := time.Now()
go func() {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
streamClient.QueueEvents(newEventServiceHealthRegister(4, 1, "web", peerName))
req.QueryOptions.MaxQueryTime = time.Second
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
require.True(t, elapsed >= 200*time.Millisecond,
"Fetch should have blocked until the event was delivered")
require.True(t, elapsed < time.Second,
"Fetch should have returned before the timeout")
require.Equal(t, uint64(4), result.Index, "result index should not have changed")
lastResultValue = result.Value.(*structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes).Nodes
require.Len(t, lastResultValue, 1,
"result value should contain the new registration")
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[0].Node.PeerName)
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[0].Service.PeerName)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
testutil.RunStep(t, "reconnects and resumes after temporary error", func(t *testing.T) {
streamClient.QueueErr(tempError("broken pipe"))
// Next fetch will continue to block until timeout and receive the same
// result.
start := time.Now()
req.QueryOptions.MaxQueryTime = 200 * time.Millisecond
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
require.True(t, elapsed >= 200*time.Millisecond,
"Fetch should have blocked until timeout")
require.Equal(t, req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex, result.Index,
"result index should not have changed")
require.Equal(t, lastResultValue, result.Value.(*structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes).Nodes,
"result value should not have changed")
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
// But an update should still be noticed due to reconnection
streamClient.QueueEvents(newEventServiceHealthRegister(10, 2, "web", peerName))
start = time.Now()
req.QueryOptions.MaxQueryTime = time.Second
result, err = store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
elapsed = time.Since(start)
require.True(t, elapsed < time.Second,
"Fetch should have returned before the timeout")
require.Equal(t, uint64(10), result.Index, "result index should not have changed")
lastResultValue = result.Value.(*structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes).Nodes
require.Len(t, lastResultValue, 2,
"result value should contain the new registration")
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[0].Node.PeerName)
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[0].Service.PeerName)
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[1].Node.PeerName)
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[1].Service.PeerName)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
testutil.RunStep(t, "returns non-temporary error to watchers", func(t *testing.T) {
// Wait and send the error while fetcher is waiting
go func() {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
streamClient.QueueErr(errors.New("invalid request"))
// Next fetch should return the error
start := time.Now()
req.QueryOptions.MaxQueryTime = time.Second
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.Error(t, err)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
require.True(t, elapsed >= 200*time.Millisecond,
"Fetch should have blocked until error was sent")
require.True(t, elapsed < time.Second,
"Fetch should have returned before the timeout")
require.Equal(t, req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex, result.Index, "result index should not have changed")
require.Equal(t, lastResultValue, result.Value.(*structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes).Nodes)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
// But an update should still be noticed due to reconnection
streamClient.QueueEvents(newEventServiceHealthRegister(req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex+5, 3, "web", peerName))
req.QueryOptions.MaxQueryTime = time.Second
result, err = store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
elapsed = time.Since(start)
require.True(t, elapsed < time.Second, "Fetch should have returned before the timeout")
require.Equal(t, req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex+5, result.Index, "result index should not have changed")
lastResultValue = result.Value.(*structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes).Nodes
require.Len(t, lastResultValue, 3,
"result value should contain the new registration")
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[0].Node.PeerName)
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[0].Service.PeerName)
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[1].Node.PeerName)
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[1].Service.PeerName)
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[2].Node.PeerName)
require.Equal(t, peerName, lastResultValue[2].Service.PeerName)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
type tempError string
func (e tempError) Error() string {
return string(e)
func (e tempError) Temporary() bool {
return true
func TestHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_WithFullSnapshot(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
t.Run("local data", func(t *testing.T) {
testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_WithFullSnapshot(t, structs.DefaultPeerKeyword)
t.Run("peered data", func(t *testing.T) {
testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_WithFullSnapshot(t, "my-peer")
func testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_WithFullSnapshot(t *testing.T, peerName string) {
namespace := getNamespace("ns2")
client := newStreamClient(validateNamespace(namespace))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
store := submatview.NewStore(hclog.New(nil))
// Create an initial snapshot of 3 instances on different nodes
registerServiceWeb := func(index uint64, nodeNum int) *pbsubscribe.Event {
return newEventServiceHealthRegister(index, nodeNum, "web", peerName)
registerServiceWeb(5, 1),
registerServiceWeb(5, 2),
registerServiceWeb(5, 3),
req := serviceRequestStub{
serviceRequest: serviceRequest{
ServiceSpecificRequest: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
PeerName: peerName,
Datacenter: "dc1",
ServiceName: "web",
EnterpriseMeta: structs.NewEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(namespace),
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{MaxQueryTime: time.Second},
streamClient: client,
testutil.RunStep(t, "full snapshot returned", func(t *testing.T) {
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(5), result.Index)
expected := newExpectedNodesInPeer(peerName, "node1", "node2", "node3")
expected.Index = 5
prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, expected, result.Value, cmpCheckServiceNodeNames)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
testutil.RunStep(t, "blocks until deregistration", func(t *testing.T) {
// Make another blocking query with a longer timeout and trigger an update
// event part way through.
start := time.Now()
go func() {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
// Deregister instance on node1
client.QueueEvents(newEventServiceHealthDeregister(20, 1, "web", peerName))
req.QueryOptions.MaxQueryTime = time.Second
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
require.True(t, elapsed >= 200*time.Millisecond,
"Fetch should have blocked until the event was delivered")
require.True(t, elapsed < time.Second,
"Fetch should have returned before the timeout")
require.Equal(t, uint64(20), result.Index)
expected := newExpectedNodesInPeer(peerName, "node2", "node3")
expected.Index = 20
prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, expected, result.Value, cmpCheckServiceNodeNames)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
testutil.RunStep(t, "server reload is respected", func(t *testing.T) {
// Simulates the server noticing the request's ACL token privs changing. To
// detect this we'll queue up the new snapshot as a different set of nodes
// to the first.
client.QueueErr(status.Error(codes.Aborted, "reset by server"))
registerServiceWeb(50, 3), // overlap existing node
registerServiceWeb(50, 4),
registerServiceWeb(50, 5),
// Make another blocking query with THE SAME index. It should immediately
// return the new snapshot.
start := time.Now()
req.QueryOptions.MaxQueryTime = time.Second
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
require.True(t, elapsed < time.Second,
"Fetch should have returned before the timeout")
require.Equal(t, uint64(50), result.Index)
expected := newExpectedNodesInPeer(peerName, "node3", "node4", "node5")
expected.Index = 50
prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, expected, result.Value, cmpCheckServiceNodeNames)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
testutil.RunStep(t, "reconnects and receives new snapshot when server state has changed", func(t *testing.T) {
client.QueueErr(tempError("temporary connection error"))
registerServiceWeb(50, 3), // overlap existing node
registerServiceWeb(50, 4),
registerServiceWeb(50, 5),
start := time.Now()
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = 49
req.QueryOptions.MaxQueryTime = time.Second
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
require.True(t, elapsed < time.Second,
"Fetch should have returned before the timeout")
require.Equal(t, uint64(50), result.Index)
expected := newExpectedNodesInPeer(peerName, "node3", "node4", "node5")
expected.Index = 50
prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, expected, result.Value, cmpCheckServiceNodeNames)
func newExpectedNodesInPeer(peerName string, nodes ...string) *structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes {
result := &structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes{}
result.QueryMeta.Backend = structs.QueryBackendStreaming
for _, node := range nodes {
result.Nodes = append(result.Nodes, structs.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &structs.Node{
Node: node,
PeerName: peerName,
return result
// cmpCheckServiceNodeNames does a shallow comparison of structs.CheckServiceNode
// by Node name.
var cmpCheckServiceNodeNames = cmp.Options{
cmp.Comparer(func(x, y structs.CheckServiceNode) bool {
return x.Node.Node == y.Node.Node
func TestHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_EventBatches(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("local data", func(t *testing.T) {
testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_EventBatches(t, structs.DefaultPeerKeyword)
t.Run("peered data", func(t *testing.T) {
testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_EventBatches(t, "my-peer")
func testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_EventBatches(t *testing.T, peerName string) {
namespace := getNamespace("ns3")
client := newStreamClient(validateNamespace(namespace))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
store := submatview.NewStore(hclog.New(nil))
// Create an initial snapshot of 3 instances but in a single event batch
batchEv := newEventBatchWithEvents(
newEventServiceHealthRegister(5, 1, "web", peerName),
newEventServiceHealthRegister(5, 2, "web", peerName),
newEventServiceHealthRegister(5, 3, "web", peerName))
req := serviceRequestStub{
serviceRequest: serviceRequest{
ServiceSpecificRequest: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
PeerName: peerName,
Datacenter: "dc1",
ServiceName: "web",
EnterpriseMeta: structs.NewEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(namespace),
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{MaxQueryTime: time.Second},
streamClient: client,
testutil.RunStep(t, "full snapshot returned", func(t *testing.T) {
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(5), result.Index)
expected := newExpectedNodesInPeer(peerName, "node1", "node2", "node3")
expected.Index = 5
prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, expected, result.Value, cmpCheckServiceNodeNames)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
testutil.RunStep(t, "batched updates work too", func(t *testing.T) {
// Simulate multiple registrations happening in one Txn (so all have same
// index)
batchEv := newEventBatchWithEvents(
// Deregister an existing node
newEventServiceHealthDeregister(20, 1, "web", peerName),
// Register another
newEventServiceHealthRegister(20, 4, "web", peerName),
req.QueryOptions.MaxQueryTime = time.Second
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(20), result.Index)
expected := newExpectedNodesInPeer(peerName, "node2", "node3", "node4")
expected.Index = 20
prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, expected, result.Value, cmpCheckServiceNodeNames)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
func TestHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_Filtering(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("local data", func(t *testing.T) {
testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_Filtering(t, structs.DefaultPeerKeyword)
t.Run("peered data", func(t *testing.T) {
testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_Filtering(t, "my-peer")
func testHealthView_IntegrationWithStore_Filtering(t *testing.T, peerName string) {
namespace := getNamespace("ns3")
streamClient := newStreamClient(validateNamespace(namespace))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
store := submatview.NewStore(hclog.New(nil))
go store.Run(ctx)
req := serviceRequestStub{
serviceRequest: serviceRequest{
ServiceSpecificRequest: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
PeerName: peerName,
Datacenter: "dc1",
ServiceName: "web",
EnterpriseMeta: structs.NewEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(namespace),
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
Filter: `Node.Node == "node2"`,
MaxQueryTime: time.Second,
streamClient: streamClient,
// Create an initial snapshot of 3 instances but in a single event batch
batchEv := newEventBatchWithEvents(
newEventServiceHealthRegister(5, 1, "web", peerName),
newEventServiceHealthRegister(5, 2, "web", peerName),
newEventServiceHealthRegister(5, 3, "web", peerName))
testutil.RunStep(t, "filtered snapshot returned", func(t *testing.T) {
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(5), result.Index)
expected := newExpectedNodesInPeer(peerName, "node2")
expected.Index = 5
prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, expected, result.Value, cmpCheckServiceNodeNames)
req.QueryOptions.MinQueryIndex = result.Index
testutil.RunStep(t, "filtered updates work too", func(t *testing.T) {
// Simulate multiple registrations happening in one Txn (all have same index)
batchEv := newEventBatchWithEvents(
// Deregister an existing node
newEventServiceHealthDeregister(20, 1, "web", peerName),
// Register another
newEventServiceHealthRegister(20, 4, "web", peerName),
result, err := store.Get(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(20), result.Index)
expected := newExpectedNodesInPeer(peerName, "node2")
expected.Index = 20
prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, expected, result.Value, cmpCheckServiceNodeNames)
// serviceRequestStub overrides NewMaterializer so that test can use a fake
// StreamClient.
type serviceRequestStub struct {
streamClient submatview.StreamClient
func (r serviceRequestStub) NewMaterializer() (submatview.Materializer, error) {
view, err := NewHealthView(r.ServiceSpecificRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
deps := submatview.Deps{
View: view,
Logger: hclog.New(nil),
Request: NewMaterializerRequest(r.ServiceSpecificRequest),
return submatview.NewRPCMaterializer(r.streamClient, deps), nil
func newEventServiceHealthRegister(index uint64, nodeNum int, svc string, peerName string) *pbsubscribe.Event {
node := fmt.Sprintf("node%d", nodeNum)
nodeID := types.NodeID(fmt.Sprintf("11111111-2222-3333-4444-%012d", nodeNum))
addr := fmt.Sprintf("10.10.%d.%d", nodeNum/256, nodeNum%256)
return &pbsubscribe.Event{
Index: index,
Payload: &pbsubscribe.Event_ServiceHealth{
ServiceHealth: &pbsubscribe.ServiceHealthUpdate{
Op: pbsubscribe.CatalogOp_Register,
CheckServiceNode: &pbservice.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &pbservice.Node{
ID: string(nodeID),
Node: node,
Address: addr,
Datacenter: "dc1",
PeerName: peerName,
RaftIndex: &pbcommon.RaftIndex{
CreateIndex: index,
ModifyIndex: index,
Service: &pbservice.NodeService{
ID: svc,
Service: svc,
PeerName: peerName,
Port: 8080,
RaftIndex: &pbcommon.RaftIndex{
CreateIndex: index,
ModifyIndex: index,
func newEventServiceHealthDeregister(index uint64, nodeNum int, svc string, peerName string) *pbsubscribe.Event {
node := fmt.Sprintf("node%d", nodeNum)
return &pbsubscribe.Event{
Index: index,
Payload: &pbsubscribe.Event_ServiceHealth{
ServiceHealth: &pbsubscribe.ServiceHealthUpdate{
Op: pbsubscribe.CatalogOp_Deregister,
CheckServiceNode: &pbservice.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &pbservice.Node{
Node: node,
PeerName: peerName,
Service: &pbservice.NodeService{
ID: svc,
Service: svc,
PeerName: peerName,
Port: 8080,
Weights: &pbservice.Weights{
Passing: 1,
Warning: 1,
RaftIndex: &pbcommon.RaftIndex{
// The original insertion index since a delete doesn't update
// this. This magic value came from state store tests where we
// setup at index 10 and then mutate at index 100. It can be
// modified by the caller later and makes it easier than having
// yet another argument in the common case.
CreateIndex: 10,
ModifyIndex: 10,
func newEventBatchWithEvents(first *pbsubscribe.Event, evs ...*pbsubscribe.Event) *pbsubscribe.Event {
events := make([]*pbsubscribe.Event, len(evs)+1)
events[0] = first
for i := range evs {
events[i+1] = evs[i]
return &pbsubscribe.Event{
Index: first.Index,
Payload: &pbsubscribe.Event_EventBatch{
EventBatch: &pbsubscribe.EventBatch{Events: events},
func newEndOfSnapshotEvent(index uint64) *pbsubscribe.Event {
return &pbsubscribe.Event{
Index: index,
Payload: &pbsubscribe.Event_EndOfSnapshot{EndOfSnapshot: true},
func newNewSnapshotToFollowEvent() *pbsubscribe.Event {
return &pbsubscribe.Event{
Payload: &pbsubscribe.Event_NewSnapshotToFollow{NewSnapshotToFollow: true},
// getNamespace returns a namespace if namespace support exists, otherwise
// returns the empty string. It allows the same tests to work in both oss and ent
// without duplicating the tests.
func getNamespace(ns string) string {
meta := structs.NewEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(ns)
return meta.NamespaceOrEmpty()
func validateNamespace(ns string) func(request *pbsubscribe.SubscribeRequest) error {
return func(request *pbsubscribe.SubscribeRequest) error {
if got := request.GetNamedSubject().GetNamespace(); got != ns {
return fmt.Errorf("expected request.NamedSubject.Namespace %v, got %v", ns, got)
return nil
func TestNewFilterEvaluator(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
name string
req structs.ServiceSpecificRequest
data structs.CheckServiceNode
expected bool
fn := func(t *testing.T, tc testCase) {
e, err := newFilterEvaluator(tc.req)
require.NoError(t, err)
actual, err := e.Evaluate(tc.data)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tc.expected, actual)
var testCases = []testCase{
name: "single ServiceTags match",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
ServiceTags: []string{"match"},
TagFilter: true,
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Tags: []string{"extra", "match"},
expected: true,
name: "single deprecated ServiceTag match",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
ServiceTag: "match",
TagFilter: true,
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Tags: []string{"extra", "match"},
expected: true,
name: "single ServiceTags mismatch",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
ServiceTags: []string{"other"},
TagFilter: true,
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Tags: []string{"extra", "match"},
expected: false,
name: "multiple ServiceTags match",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
ServiceTags: []string{"match", "second"},
TagFilter: true,
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Tags: []string{"extra", "match", "second"},
expected: true,
name: "multiple ServiceTags mismatch",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
ServiceTags: []string{"match", "not"},
TagFilter: true,
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Tags: []string{"extra", "match"},
expected: false,
name: "single NodeMetaFilter match",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
NodeMetaFilters: map[string]string{"meta1": "match"},
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &structs.Node{
Meta: map[string]string{
"meta1": "match",
"extra": "some",
expected: true,
name: "single NodeMetaFilter mismatch",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
NodeMetaFilters: map[string]string{
"meta1": "match",
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &structs.Node{
Meta: map[string]string{
"meta1": "other",
"extra": "some",
expected: false,
name: "multiple NodeMetaFilter match",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
NodeMetaFilters: map[string]string{"meta1": "match", "meta2": "a"},
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &structs.Node{
Meta: map[string]string{
"meta1": "match",
"meta2": "a",
"extra": "some",
expected: true,
name: "multiple NodeMetaFilter mismatch",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
NodeMetaFilters: map[string]string{
"meta1": "match",
"meta2": "beta",
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &structs.Node{
Meta: map[string]string{
"meta1": "other",
"meta2": "gamma",
expected: false,
name: "QueryOptions.Filter match",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
Filter: `Node.Node == "node3"`,
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &structs.Node{Node: "node3"},
expected: true,
name: "QueryOptions.Filter mismatch",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
Filter: `Node.Node == "node2"`,
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &structs.Node{Node: "node3"},
expected: false,
name: "all match",
req: structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
Filter: `Node.Node == "node3"`,
ServiceTags: []string{"tag1", "tag2"},
NodeMetaFilters: map[string]string{
"meta1": "match1",
"meta2": "match2",
data: structs.CheckServiceNode{
Node: &structs.Node{
Node: "node3",
Meta: map[string]string{
"meta1": "match1",
"meta2": "match2",
"extra": "other",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Tags: []string{"tag1", "tag2", "extra"},
expected: true,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
fn(t, tc)