mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
Prior to this PR for the envoy xDS golden tests in the agent/xds package we were hand-creating a proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot structure in the proper format for input to the xDS generator. Over time this intermediate structure has gotten trickier to build correctly for the various tests. This PR proposes to switch to using the existing mechanism for turning a structs.NodeService and a sequence of cache.UpdateEvent copies into a proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, as that is less error prone to construct and aligns more with how the data arrives. NOTE: almost all of this is in test-related code. I tried super hard to craft correct event inputs to get the golden files to be the same, or similar enough after construction to feel ok that i recreated the spirit of the original test cases.
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package xds
import (
envoy_core_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/core/v3"
envoy_route_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/route/v3"
envoy_matcher_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/type/matcher/v3"
// routesFromSnapshot returns the xDS API representation of the "routes" in the
// snapshot.
func (s *ResourceGenerator) routesFromSnapshot(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) ([]proto.Message, error) {
if cfgSnap == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil config given")
switch cfgSnap.Kind {
case structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy:
return s.routesForConnectProxy(cfgSnap)
case structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway:
return s.routesForIngressGateway(cfgSnap)
case structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway:
return s.routesFromSnapshotTerminatingGateway(cfgSnap)
case structs.ServiceKindMeshGateway:
return nil, nil // mesh gateways will never have routes
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid service kind: %v", cfgSnap.Kind)
// routesFromSnapshotConnectProxy returns the xDS API representation of the
// "routes" in the snapshot.
func (s *ResourceGenerator) routesForConnectProxy(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) ([]proto.Message, error) {
var resources []proto.Message
for uid, chain := range cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.DiscoveryChain {
if chain.IsDefault() {
explicit := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid].HasLocalPortOrSocket()
if _, implicit := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.IntentionUpstreams[uid]; !implicit && !explicit {
// Discovery chain is not associated with a known explicit or implicit upstream so it is skipped.
virtualHost, err := makeUpstreamRouteForDiscoveryChain(uid.EnvoyID(), chain, []string{"*"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
route := &envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration{
Name: uid.EnvoyID(),
VirtualHosts: []*envoy_route_v3.VirtualHost{virtualHost},
// ValidateClusters defaults to true when defined statically and false
// when done via RDS. Re-set the reasonable value of true to prevent
// null-routing traffic.
ValidateClusters: makeBoolValue(true),
resources = append(resources, route)
// TODO(rb): make sure we don't generate an empty result
return resources, nil
// routesFromSnapshotTerminatingGateway returns the xDS API representation of the "routes" in the snapshot.
// For any HTTP service we will return a default route.
func (s *ResourceGenerator) routesFromSnapshotTerminatingGateway(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) ([]proto.Message, error) {
if cfgSnap == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil config given")
var resources []proto.Message
for _, svc := range cfgSnap.TerminatingGateway.ValidServices() {
clusterName := connect.ServiceSNI(svc.Name, "", svc.NamespaceOrDefault(), svc.PartitionOrDefault(), cfgSnap.Datacenter, cfgSnap.Roots.TrustDomain)
resolver, hasResolver := cfgSnap.TerminatingGateway.ServiceResolvers[svc]
svcConfig := cfgSnap.TerminatingGateway.ServiceConfigs[svc]
cfg, err := ParseProxyConfig(svcConfig.ProxyConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse upstream config: %v", err)
if !structs.IsProtocolHTTPLike(cfg.Protocol) {
// Routes can only be defined for HTTP services
if !hasResolver {
// Use a zero value resolver with no timeout and no subsets
resolver = &structs.ServiceResolverConfigEntry{}
var lb *structs.LoadBalancer
if resolver.LoadBalancer != nil {
lb = resolver.LoadBalancer
route, err := makeNamedDefaultRouteWithLB(clusterName, lb, true)
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Error("failed to make route", "cluster", clusterName, "error", err)
resources = append(resources, route)
// If there is a service-resolver for this service then also setup routes for each subset
for name := range resolver.Subsets {
clusterName = connect.ServiceSNI(svc.Name, name, svc.NamespaceOrDefault(), svc.PartitionOrDefault(), cfgSnap.Datacenter, cfgSnap.Roots.TrustDomain)
route, err := makeNamedDefaultRouteWithLB(clusterName, lb, true)
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Error("failed to make route", "cluster", clusterName, "error", err)
resources = append(resources, route)
return resources, nil
func makeNamedDefaultRouteWithLB(clusterName string, lb *structs.LoadBalancer, autoHostRewrite bool) (*envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration, error) {
action := makeRouteActionFromName(clusterName)
if err := injectLBToRouteAction(lb, action.Route); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply load balancer configuration to route action: %v", err)
// Configure Envoy to rewrite Host header
if autoHostRewrite {
action.Route.HostRewriteSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_AutoHostRewrite{
AutoHostRewrite: makeBoolValue(true),
return &envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration{
Name: clusterName,
VirtualHosts: []*envoy_route_v3.VirtualHost{
Name: clusterName,
Domains: []string{"*"},
Routes: []*envoy_route_v3.Route{
Match: makeDefaultRouteMatch(),
Action: action,
// ValidateClusters defaults to true when defined statically and false
// when done via RDS. Re-set the reasonable value of true to prevent
// null-routing traffic.
ValidateClusters: makeBoolValue(true),
}, nil
// routesForIngressGateway returns the xDS API representation of the
// "routes" in the snapshot.
func (s *ResourceGenerator) routesForIngressGateway(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) ([]proto.Message, error) {
var result []proto.Message
for listenerKey, upstreams := range cfgSnap.IngressGateway.Upstreams {
// Do not create any route configuration for TCP listeners
if listenerKey.Protocol == "tcp" {
// Depending on their TLS config, upstreams are either attached to the
// default route or have their own routes. We'll add any upstreams that
// don't have custom filter chains and routes to this.
defaultRoute := &envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration{
Name: listenerKey.RouteName(),
// ValidateClusters defaults to true when defined statically and false
// when done via RDS. Re-set the reasonable value of true to prevent
// null-routing traffic.
ValidateClusters: makeBoolValue(true),
for _, u := range upstreams {
uid := proxycfg.NewUpstreamID(&u)
chain := cfgSnap.IngressGateway.DiscoveryChain[uid]
if chain == nil {
domains := generateUpstreamIngressDomains(listenerKey, u)
virtualHost, err := makeUpstreamRouteForDiscoveryChain(uid.EnvoyID(), chain, domains)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Lookup listener and service config details from ingress gateway
// definition.
lCfg, ok := cfgSnap.IngressGateway.Listeners[listenerKey]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing ingress listener config (service %q listener on proto/port %s/%d)",
u.DestinationID(), listenerKey.Protocol, listenerKey.Port)
svc := findIngressServiceMatchingUpstream(lCfg, u)
if svc == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing service in listener config (service %q listener on proto/port %s/%d)",
u.DestinationID(), listenerKey.Protocol, listenerKey.Port)
if err := injectHeaderManipToVirtualHost(svc, virtualHost); err != nil {
return nil, err
// See if this upstream has its own route/filter chain
svcRouteName := routeNameForUpstream(lCfg, *svc)
// If the routeName is the same as the default one, merge the virtual host
// to the default route
if svcRouteName == defaultRoute.Name {
defaultRoute.VirtualHosts = append(defaultRoute.VirtualHosts, virtualHost)
} else {
svcRoute := &envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration{
Name: svcRouteName,
ValidateClusters: makeBoolValue(true),
VirtualHosts: []*envoy_route_v3.VirtualHost{virtualHost},
result = append(result, svcRoute)
if len(defaultRoute.VirtualHosts) > 0 {
result = append(result, defaultRoute)
return result, nil
func makeHeadersValueOptions(vals map[string]string, add bool) []*envoy_core_v3.HeaderValueOption {
opts := make([]*envoy_core_v3.HeaderValueOption, 0, len(vals))
for k, v := range vals {
o := &envoy_core_v3.HeaderValueOption{
Header: &envoy_core_v3.HeaderValue{
Key: k,
Value: v,
Append: makeBoolValue(add),
opts = append(opts, o)
return opts
func findIngressServiceMatchingUpstream(l structs.IngressListener, u structs.Upstream) *structs.IngressService {
// Hunt through for the matching service. We validate now that there is
// only one IngressService for each unique name although originally that
// wasn't checked as it didn't matter. Assume there is only one now
// though!
wantSID := u.DestinationID()
var foundSameNSWildcard *structs.IngressService
for _, s := range l.Services {
sid := structs.NewServiceID(s.Name, &s.EnterpriseMeta)
if wantSID.Matches(sid) {
return &s
if s.Name == structs.WildcardSpecifier &&
s.NamespaceOrDefault() == wantSID.NamespaceOrDefault() &&
s.PartitionOrDefault() == wantSID.PartitionOrDefault() {
// Make a copy so we don't take a reference to the loop variable
found := s
foundSameNSWildcard = &found
// Didn't find an exact match. Return the wildcard from same service if we
// found one.
return foundSameNSWildcard
func generateUpstreamIngressDomains(listenerKey proxycfg.IngressListenerKey, u structs.Upstream) []string {
var domains []string
domainsSet := make(map[string]bool)
namespace := u.GetEnterpriseMeta().NamespaceOrDefault()
switch {
case len(u.IngressHosts) > 0:
// If a user has specified hosts, do not add the default
// "<service-name>.ingress.*" prefixes
domains = u.IngressHosts
case namespace != structs.IntentionDefaultNamespace:
domains = []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s.ingress.%s.*", u.DestinationName, namespace)}
domains = []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s.ingress.*", u.DestinationName)}
for _, h := range domains {
domainsSet[h] = true
// Host headers may contain port numbers in them, so we need to make sure
// we match on the host with and without the port number. Well-known
// ports like HTTP/HTTPS are stripped from Host headers, but other ports
// will be in the header.
for _, h := range domains {
_, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(h)
// Error message from Go's net/ipsock.go
// We check to see if a port is not missing, and ignore the
// error from SplitHostPort otherwise, since we have previously
// validated the Host values and should trust the user's input.
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "missing port in address") {
domainWithPort := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", h, listenerKey.Port)
// Do not add a duplicate domain if a hostname with port is already in the
// set
if !domainsSet[domainWithPort] {
domains = append(domains, domainWithPort)
return domains
func makeUpstreamRouteForDiscoveryChain(
routeName string,
chain *structs.CompiledDiscoveryChain,
serviceDomains []string,
) (*envoy_route_v3.VirtualHost, error) {
var routes []*envoy_route_v3.Route
startNode := chain.Nodes[chain.StartNode]
if startNode == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing first node in compiled discovery chain for: %s", chain.ServiceName)
switch startNode.Type {
case structs.DiscoveryGraphNodeTypeRouter:
routes = make([]*envoy_route_v3.Route, 0, len(startNode.Routes))
for _, discoveryRoute := range startNode.Routes {
routeMatch := makeRouteMatchForDiscoveryRoute(discoveryRoute)
var (
routeAction *envoy_route_v3.Route_Route
err error
nextNode := chain.Nodes[discoveryRoute.NextNode]
var lb *structs.LoadBalancer
if nextNode.LoadBalancer != nil {
lb = nextNode.LoadBalancer
switch nextNode.Type {
case structs.DiscoveryGraphNodeTypeSplitter:
routeAction, err = makeRouteActionForSplitter(nextNode.Splits, chain)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case structs.DiscoveryGraphNodeTypeResolver:
routeAction = makeRouteActionForChainCluster(nextNode.Resolver.Target, chain)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected graph node after route %q", nextNode.Type)
if err := injectLBToRouteAction(lb, routeAction.Route); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply load balancer configuration to route action: %v", err)
// TODO(rb): Better help handle the envoy case where you need (prefix=/foo/,rewrite=/) and (exact=/foo,rewrite=/) to do a full rewrite
destination := discoveryRoute.Definition.Destination
route := &envoy_route_v3.Route{}
if destination != nil {
if destination.PrefixRewrite != "" {
routeAction.Route.PrefixRewrite = destination.PrefixRewrite
if destination.RequestTimeout > 0 {
routeAction.Route.Timeout = ptypes.DurationProto(destination.RequestTimeout)
if destination.HasRetryFeatures() {
retryPolicy := &envoy_route_v3.RetryPolicy{}
if destination.NumRetries > 0 {
retryPolicy.NumRetries = makeUint32Value(int(destination.NumRetries))
// The RetryOn magic values come from: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/v1.10.0/configuration/http_filters/router_filter#config-http-filters-router-x-envoy-retry-on
if destination.RetryOnConnectFailure {
retryPolicy.RetryOn = "connect-failure"
if len(destination.RetryOnStatusCodes) > 0 {
if retryPolicy.RetryOn != "" {
retryPolicy.RetryOn = retryPolicy.RetryOn + ",retriable-status-codes"
} else {
retryPolicy.RetryOn = "retriable-status-codes"
retryPolicy.RetriableStatusCodes = destination.RetryOnStatusCodes
routeAction.Route.RetryPolicy = retryPolicy
if err := injectHeaderManipToRoute(destination, route); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply header manipulation configuration to route: %v", err)
route.Match = routeMatch
route.Action = routeAction
routes = append(routes, route)
case structs.DiscoveryGraphNodeTypeSplitter:
routeAction, err := makeRouteActionForSplitter(startNode.Splits, chain)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var lb *structs.LoadBalancer
if startNode.LoadBalancer != nil {
lb = startNode.LoadBalancer
if err := injectLBToRouteAction(lb, routeAction.Route); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply load balancer configuration to route action: %v", err)
defaultRoute := &envoy_route_v3.Route{
Match: makeDefaultRouteMatch(),
Action: routeAction,
routes = []*envoy_route_v3.Route{defaultRoute}
case structs.DiscoveryGraphNodeTypeResolver:
routeAction := makeRouteActionForChainCluster(startNode.Resolver.Target, chain)
var lb *structs.LoadBalancer
if startNode.LoadBalancer != nil {
lb = startNode.LoadBalancer
if err := injectLBToRouteAction(lb, routeAction.Route); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply load balancer configuration to route action: %v", err)
defaultRoute := &envoy_route_v3.Route{
Match: makeDefaultRouteMatch(),
Action: routeAction,
routes = []*envoy_route_v3.Route{defaultRoute}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown first node in discovery chain of type: %s", startNode.Type)
host := &envoy_route_v3.VirtualHost{
Name: routeName,
Domains: serviceDomains,
Routes: routes,
return host, nil
func makeRouteMatchForDiscoveryRoute(discoveryRoute *structs.DiscoveryRoute) *envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch {
match := discoveryRoute.Definition.Match
if match == nil || match.IsEmpty() {
return makeDefaultRouteMatch()
em := &envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch{}
switch {
case match.HTTP.PathExact != "":
em.PathSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch_Path{
Path: match.HTTP.PathExact,
case match.HTTP.PathPrefix != "":
em.PathSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch_Prefix{
Prefix: match.HTTP.PathPrefix,
case match.HTTP.PathRegex != "":
em.PathSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch_SafeRegex{
SafeRegex: makeEnvoyRegexMatch(match.HTTP.PathRegex),
em.PathSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch_Prefix{
Prefix: "/",
if len(match.HTTP.Header) > 0 {
em.Headers = make([]*envoy_route_v3.HeaderMatcher, 0, len(match.HTTP.Header))
for _, hdr := range match.HTTP.Header {
eh := &envoy_route_v3.HeaderMatcher{
Name: hdr.Name,
switch {
case hdr.Exact != "":
eh.HeaderMatchSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.HeaderMatcher_ExactMatch{
ExactMatch: hdr.Exact,
case hdr.Regex != "":
eh.HeaderMatchSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.HeaderMatcher_SafeRegexMatch{
SafeRegexMatch: makeEnvoyRegexMatch(hdr.Regex),
case hdr.Prefix != "":
eh.HeaderMatchSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.HeaderMatcher_PrefixMatch{
PrefixMatch: hdr.Prefix,
case hdr.Suffix != "":
eh.HeaderMatchSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.HeaderMatcher_SuffixMatch{
SuffixMatch: hdr.Suffix,
case hdr.Present:
eh.HeaderMatchSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.HeaderMatcher_PresentMatch{
PresentMatch: true,
continue // skip this impossible situation
if hdr.Invert {
eh.InvertMatch = true
em.Headers = append(em.Headers, eh)
if len(match.HTTP.Methods) > 0 {
methodHeaderRegex := strings.Join(match.HTTP.Methods, "|")
eh := &envoy_route_v3.HeaderMatcher{
Name: ":method",
HeaderMatchSpecifier: &envoy_route_v3.HeaderMatcher_SafeRegexMatch{
SafeRegexMatch: makeEnvoyRegexMatch(methodHeaderRegex),
em.Headers = append(em.Headers, eh)
if len(match.HTTP.QueryParam) > 0 {
em.QueryParameters = make([]*envoy_route_v3.QueryParameterMatcher, 0, len(match.HTTP.QueryParam))
for _, qm := range match.HTTP.QueryParam {
eq := &envoy_route_v3.QueryParameterMatcher{
Name: qm.Name,
switch {
case qm.Exact != "":
eq.QueryParameterMatchSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.QueryParameterMatcher_StringMatch{
StringMatch: &envoy_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Exact{
Exact: qm.Exact,
case qm.Regex != "":
eq.QueryParameterMatchSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.QueryParameterMatcher_StringMatch{
StringMatch: &envoy_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_SafeRegex{
SafeRegex: makeEnvoyRegexMatch(qm.Regex),
case qm.Present:
eq.QueryParameterMatchSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.QueryParameterMatcher_PresentMatch{
PresentMatch: true,
continue // skip this impossible situation
em.QueryParameters = append(em.QueryParameters, eq)
return em
func makeDefaultRouteMatch() *envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch {
return &envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch{
PathSpecifier: &envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch_Prefix{
Prefix: "/",
// TODO(banks) Envoy supports matching only valid GRPC
// requests which might be nice to add here for gRPC services
// but it's not supported in our current envoy SDK version
// although docs say it was supported by 1.8.0. Going to defer
// that until we've updated the deps.
func makeRouteActionForChainCluster(targetID string, chain *structs.CompiledDiscoveryChain) *envoy_route_v3.Route_Route {
target := chain.Targets[targetID]
return makeRouteActionFromName(CustomizeClusterName(target.Name, chain))
func makeRouteActionFromName(clusterName string) *envoy_route_v3.Route_Route {
return &envoy_route_v3.Route_Route{
Route: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction{
ClusterSpecifier: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_Cluster{
Cluster: clusterName,
func makeRouteActionForSplitter(splits []*structs.DiscoverySplit, chain *structs.CompiledDiscoveryChain) (*envoy_route_v3.Route_Route, error) {
clusters := make([]*envoy_route_v3.WeightedCluster_ClusterWeight, 0, len(splits))
for _, split := range splits {
nextNode := chain.Nodes[split.NextNode]
if nextNode.Type != structs.DiscoveryGraphNodeTypeResolver {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected splitter destination node type: %s", nextNode.Type)
targetID := nextNode.Resolver.Target
target := chain.Targets[targetID]
clusterName := CustomizeClusterName(target.Name, chain)
// The smallest representable weight is 1/10000 or .01% but envoy
// deals with integers so scale everything up by 100x.
cw := &envoy_route_v3.WeightedCluster_ClusterWeight{
Weight: makeUint32Value(int(split.Weight * 100)),
Name: clusterName,
if err := injectHeaderManipToWeightedCluster(split.Definition, cw); err != nil {
return nil, err
clusters = append(clusters, cw)
return &envoy_route_v3.Route_Route{
Route: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction{
ClusterSpecifier: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_WeightedClusters{
WeightedClusters: &envoy_route_v3.WeightedCluster{
Clusters: clusters,
TotalWeight: makeUint32Value(10000), // scaled up 100%
}, nil
func injectLBToRouteAction(lb *structs.LoadBalancer, action *envoy_route_v3.RouteAction) error {
if lb == nil || !lb.IsHashBased() {
return nil
result := make([]*envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy, 0, len(lb.HashPolicies))
for _, policy := range lb.HashPolicies {
if policy.SourceIP {
result = append(result, &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy{
PolicySpecifier: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy_ConnectionProperties_{
ConnectionProperties: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy_ConnectionProperties{
SourceIp: true,
Terminal: policy.Terminal,
switch policy.Field {
case structs.HashPolicyHeader:
result = append(result, &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy{
PolicySpecifier: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy_Header_{
Header: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy_Header{
HeaderName: policy.FieldValue,
Terminal: policy.Terminal,
case structs.HashPolicyCookie:
cookie := envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy_Cookie{
Name: policy.FieldValue,
if policy.CookieConfig != nil {
cookie.Path = policy.CookieConfig.Path
if policy.CookieConfig.TTL != 0*time.Second {
cookie.Ttl = ptypes.DurationProto(policy.CookieConfig.TTL)
// Envoy will generate a session cookie if the ttl is present and zero.
if policy.CookieConfig.Session {
cookie.Ttl = ptypes.DurationProto(0 * time.Second)
result = append(result, &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy{
PolicySpecifier: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy_Cookie_{
Cookie: &cookie,
Terminal: policy.Terminal,
case structs.HashPolicyQueryParam:
result = append(result, &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy{
PolicySpecifier: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy_QueryParameter_{
QueryParameter: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_HashPolicy_QueryParameter{
Name: policy.FieldValue,
Terminal: policy.Terminal,
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported load balancer hash policy field: %v", policy.Field)
action.HashPolicy = result
return nil
func injectHeaderManipToRoute(dest *structs.ServiceRouteDestination, r *envoy_route_v3.Route) error {
if !dest.RequestHeaders.IsZero() {
r.RequestHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(dest.RequestHeaders.Add, true)...,
r.RequestHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(dest.RequestHeaders.Set, false)...,
r.RequestHeadersToRemove = append(
if !dest.ResponseHeaders.IsZero() {
r.ResponseHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(dest.ResponseHeaders.Add, true)...,
r.ResponseHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(dest.ResponseHeaders.Set, false)...,
r.ResponseHeadersToRemove = append(
return nil
func injectHeaderManipToVirtualHost(dest *structs.IngressService, vh *envoy_route_v3.VirtualHost) error {
if !dest.RequestHeaders.IsZero() {
vh.RequestHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(dest.RequestHeaders.Add, true)...,
vh.RequestHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(dest.RequestHeaders.Set, false)...,
vh.RequestHeadersToRemove = append(
if !dest.ResponseHeaders.IsZero() {
vh.ResponseHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(dest.ResponseHeaders.Add, true)...,
vh.ResponseHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(dest.ResponseHeaders.Set, false)...,
vh.ResponseHeadersToRemove = append(
return nil
func injectHeaderManipToWeightedCluster(split *structs.ServiceSplit, c *envoy_route_v3.WeightedCluster_ClusterWeight) error {
if !split.RequestHeaders.IsZero() {
c.RequestHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(split.RequestHeaders.Add, true)...,
c.RequestHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(split.RequestHeaders.Set, false)...,
c.RequestHeadersToRemove = append(
if !split.ResponseHeaders.IsZero() {
c.ResponseHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(split.ResponseHeaders.Add, true)...,
c.ResponseHeadersToAdd = append(
makeHeadersValueOptions(split.ResponseHeaders.Set, false)...,
c.ResponseHeadersToRemove = append(
return nil