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package xds
import (
envoy_core_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/core/v3"
envoy_listener_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/listener/v3"
envoy_route_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/route/v3"
envoy_grpc_stats_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/extensions/filters/http/grpc_stats/v3"
envoy_http_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/extensions/filters/network/http_connection_manager/v3"
envoy_tcp_proxy_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/extensions/filters/network/tcp_proxy/v3"
envoy_tls_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/v3"
envoy_type_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/type/v3"
const virtualIPTag = "virtual"
// listenersFromSnapshot returns the xDS API representation of the "listeners" in the snapshot.
func (s *ResourceGenerator) listenersFromSnapshot(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) ([]proto.Message, error) {
if cfgSnap == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil config given")
switch cfgSnap.Kind {
case structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy:
return s.listenersFromSnapshotConnectProxy(cfgSnap)
case structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway:
return s.listenersFromSnapshotGateway(cfgSnap)
case structs.ServiceKindMeshGateway:
return s.listenersFromSnapshotGateway(cfgSnap)
case structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway:
return s.listenersFromSnapshotGateway(cfgSnap)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid service kind: %v", cfgSnap.Kind)
// listenersFromSnapshotConnectProxy returns the "listeners" for a connect proxy service
func (s *ResourceGenerator) listenersFromSnapshotConnectProxy(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) ([]proto.Message, error) {
resources := make([]proto.Message, 1)
var err error
// Configure inbound listener.
resources[0], err = s.makeInboundListener(cfgSnap, PublicListenerName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// This outboundListener is exclusively used when transparent proxy mode is active.
// In that situation there is a single listener where we are redirecting outbound traffic,
// and each upstream gets a filter chain attached to that listener.
var outboundListener *envoy_listener_v3.Listener
if cfgSnap.Proxy.Mode == structs.ProxyModeTransparent {
port := iptables.DefaultTProxyOutboundPort
if cfgSnap.Proxy.TransparentProxy.OutboundListenerPort != 0 {
port = cfgSnap.Proxy.TransparentProxy.OutboundListenerPort
outboundListener = makePortListener(OutboundListenerName, "", port, envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND)
outboundListener.FilterChains = make([]*envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain, 0)
outboundListener.ListenerFilters = []*envoy_listener_v3.ListenerFilter{
// The original_dst filter is a listener filter that recovers the original destination
// address before the iptables redirection. This filter is needed for transparent
// proxies because they route to upstreams using filter chains that match on the
// destination IP address. If the filter is not present, no chain will match.
// TODO(tproxy): Hard-coded until we upgrade the go-control-plane library
Name: "envoy.filters.listener.original_dst",
for uid, chain := range cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.DiscoveryChain {
upstreamCfg := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid]
explicit := upstreamCfg.HasLocalPortOrSocket()
if _, implicit := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.IntentionUpstreams[uid]; !implicit && !explicit {
// Discovery chain is not associated with a known explicit or implicit upstream so it is skipped.
cfg := s.getAndModifyUpstreamConfigForListener(uid, upstreamCfg, chain)
// If escape hatch is present, create a listener from it and move on to the next
if cfg.EnvoyListenerJSON != "" {
upstreamListener, err := makeListenerFromUserConfig(cfg.EnvoyListenerJSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources = append(resources, upstreamListener)
// RDS, Envoy's Route Discovery Service, is only used for HTTP services with a customized discovery chain.
useRDS := chain.Protocol != "tcp" && !chain.IsDefault()
var clusterName string
if !useRDS {
// When not using RDS we must generate a cluster name to attach to the filter chain.
// With RDS, cluster names get attached to the dynamic routes instead.
target, err := simpleChainTarget(chain)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clusterName = CustomizeClusterName(target.Name, chain)
filterName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", chain.ServiceName, chain.Namespace, chain.Partition, chain.Datacenter)
// Generate the upstream listeners for when they are explicitly set with a local bind port or socket path
if upstreamCfg != nil && upstreamCfg.HasLocalPortOrSocket() {
filterChain, err := s.makeUpstreamFilterChain(filterChainOpts{
routeName: uid.EnvoyID(),
clusterName: clusterName,
filterName: filterName,
protocol: cfg.Protocol,
useRDS: useRDS,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
upstreamListener := makeListener(uid.EnvoyID(), upstreamCfg, envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND)
upstreamListener.FilterChains = []*envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
resources = append(resources, upstreamListener)
// Avoid creating filter chains below for upstreams that have dedicated listeners
// The rest of this loop is used exclusively for transparent proxies.
// Below we create a filter chain per upstream, rather than a listener per upstream
// as we do for explicit upstreams above.
filterChain, err := s.makeUpstreamFilterChain(filterChainOpts{
routeName: uid.EnvoyID(),
clusterName: clusterName,
filterName: filterName,
protocol: cfg.Protocol,
useRDS: useRDS,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
endpoints := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.WatchedUpstreamEndpoints[uid][chain.ID()]
uniqueAddrs := make(map[string]struct{})
// Match on the virtual IP for the upstream service (identified by the chain's ID).
// We do not match on all endpoints here since it would lead to load balancing across
// all instances when any instance address is dialed.
for _, e := range endpoints {
if e.Service.Kind == structs.ServiceKind(structs.TerminatingGateway) {
key := structs.ServiceGatewayVirtualIPTag(chain.CompoundServiceName())
if vip := e.Service.TaggedAddresses[key]; vip.Address != "" {
uniqueAddrs[vip.Address] = struct{}{}
if vip := e.Service.TaggedAddresses[structs.TaggedAddressVirtualIP]; vip.Address != "" {
uniqueAddrs[vip.Address] = struct{}{}
// The virtualIPTag is used by consul-k8s to store the ClusterIP for a service.
// We only match on this virtual IP if the upstream is in the proxy's partition.
// This is because the IP is not guaranteed to be unique across k8s clusters.
if structs.EqualPartitions(e.Node.PartitionOrDefault(), cfgSnap.ProxyID.PartitionOrDefault()) {
if vip := e.Service.TaggedAddresses[virtualIPTag]; vip.Address != "" {
uniqueAddrs[vip.Address] = struct{}{}
if len(uniqueAddrs) > 2 {
s.Logger.Debug("detected multiple virtual IPs for an upstream, all will be used to match traffic",
"upstream", uid, "ip_count", len(uniqueAddrs))
// For every potential address we collected, create the appropriate address prefix to match on.
// In this case we are matching on exact addresses, so the prefix is the address itself,
// and the prefix length is based on whether it's IPv4 or IPv6.
filterChain.FilterChainMatch = makeFilterChainMatchFromAddrs(uniqueAddrs)
// Only attach the filter chain if there are addresses to match on
if filterChain.FilterChainMatch != nil && len(filterChain.FilterChainMatch.PrefixRanges) > 0 {
outboundListener.FilterChains = append(outboundListener.FilterChains, filterChain)
if outboundListener != nil {
// Add a passthrough for every mesh endpoint that can be dialed directly,
// as opposed to via a virtual IP.
var passthroughChains []*envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain
for _, targets := range cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.PassthroughUpstreams {
for tid, addrs := range targets {
uid := proxycfg.NewUpstreamIDFromTargetID(tid)
sni := connect.ServiceSNI(
uid.Name, "", uid.NamespaceOrDefault(), uid.PartitionOrDefault(), cfgSnap.Datacenter, cfgSnap.Roots.TrustDomain)
filterName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", uid.Name, uid.NamespaceOrDefault(), uid.PartitionOrDefault(), cfgSnap.Datacenter)
filterChain, err := s.makeUpstreamFilterChain(filterChainOpts{
clusterName: "passthrough~" + sni,
filterName: filterName,
protocol: "tcp",
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filterChain.FilterChainMatch = makeFilterChainMatchFromAddrs(addrs)
passthroughChains = append(passthroughChains, filterChain)
outboundListener.FilterChains = append(outboundListener.FilterChains, passthroughChains...)
// Filter chains are stable sorted to avoid draining if the list is provided out of order
sort.SliceStable(outboundListener.FilterChains, func(i, j int) bool {
return outboundListener.FilterChains[i].FilterChainMatch.PrefixRanges[0].AddressPrefix <
// Add a catch-all filter chain that acts as a TCP proxy to destinations outside the mesh
if cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.MeshConfig == nil ||
!cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.MeshConfig.TransparentProxy.MeshDestinationsOnly {
filterChain, err := s.makeUpstreamFilterChain(filterChainOpts{
clusterName: OriginalDestinationClusterName,
filterName: OriginalDestinationClusterName,
protocol: "tcp",
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outboundListener.FilterChains = append(outboundListener.FilterChains, filterChain)
// Only add the outbound listener if configured.
if len(outboundListener.FilterChains) > 0 {
resources = append(resources, outboundListener)
// Looping over explicit upstreams is only needed for prepared queries because they do not have discovery chains
for uid, u := range cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig {
if u.DestinationType != structs.UpstreamDestTypePreparedQuery {
cfg, err := structs.ParseUpstreamConfig(u.Config)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. The parse func returns
// default config if there is an error so it's safe to continue.
s.Logger.Warn("failed to parse", "upstream", uid, "error", err)
// If escape hatch is present, create a listener from it and move on to the next
if cfg.EnvoyListenerJSON != "" {
upstreamListener, err := makeListenerFromUserConfig(cfg.EnvoyListenerJSON)
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Error("failed to parse envoy_listener_json",
"upstream", uid,
"error", err)
resources = append(resources, upstreamListener)
upstreamListener := makeListener(uid.EnvoyID(), u, envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND)
filterChain, err := s.makeUpstreamFilterChain(filterChainOpts{
// TODO (SNI partition) add partition for upstream SNI
clusterName: connect.UpstreamSNI(u, "", cfgSnap.Datacenter, cfgSnap.Roots.TrustDomain),
filterName: uid.EnvoyID(),
routeName: uid.EnvoyID(),
protocol: cfg.Protocol,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
upstreamListener.FilterChains = []*envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
resources = append(resources, upstreamListener)
paths := cfgSnap.Proxy.Expose.Paths
// Add service health checks to the list of paths to create listeners for if needed
if cfgSnap.Proxy.Expose.Checks {
psid := structs.NewServiceID(cfgSnap.Proxy.DestinationServiceID, &cfgSnap.ProxyID.EnterpriseMeta)
for _, check := range s.CheckFetcher.ServiceHTTPBasedChecks(psid) {
p, err := parseCheckPath(check)
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Warn("failed to create listener for", "check", check.CheckID, "error", err)
paths = append(paths, p)
// Configure additional listener for exposed check paths
for _, path := range paths {
clusterName := LocalAppClusterName
if path.LocalPathPort != cfgSnap.Proxy.LocalServicePort {
clusterName = makeExposeClusterName(path.LocalPathPort)
l, err := s.makeExposedCheckListener(cfgSnap, clusterName, path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources = append(resources, l)
return resources, nil
func makeFilterChainMatchFromAddrs(addrs map[string]struct{}) *envoy_listener_v3.FilterChainMatch {
ranges := make([]*envoy_core_v3.CidrRange, 0)
for addr := range addrs {
ip := net.ParseIP(addr)
if ip == nil {
pfxLen := uint32(32)
if ip.To4() == nil {
pfxLen = 128
ranges = append(ranges, &envoy_core_v3.CidrRange{
AddressPrefix: addr,
PrefixLen: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: pfxLen},
// The match rules are stable sorted to avoid draining if the list is provided out of order
sort.SliceStable(ranges, func(i, j int) bool {
return ranges[i].AddressPrefix < ranges[j].AddressPrefix
return &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChainMatch{
PrefixRanges: ranges,
func parseCheckPath(check structs.CheckType) (structs.ExposePath, error) {
var path structs.ExposePath
if check.HTTP != "" {
path.Protocol = "http"
// Get path and local port from original HTTP target
u, err := url.Parse(check.HTTP)
if err != nil {
return path, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse url '%s': %v", check.HTTP, err)
path.Path = u.Path
_, portStr, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host)
if err != nil {
return path, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse port from '%s': %v", check.HTTP, err)
path.LocalPathPort, err = strconv.Atoi(portStr)
if err != nil {
return path, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse port from '%s': %v", check.HTTP, err)
// Get listener port from proxied HTTP target
u, err = url.Parse(check.ProxyHTTP)
if err != nil {
return path, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse url '%s': %v", check.ProxyHTTP, err)
_, portStr, err = net.SplitHostPort(u.Host)
if err != nil {
return path, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse port from '%s': %v", check.ProxyHTTP, err)
path.ListenerPort, err = strconv.Atoi(portStr)
if err != nil {
return path, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse port from '%s': %v", check.ProxyHTTP, err)
if check.GRPC != "" {
path.Path = "/grpc.health.v1.Health/Check"
path.Protocol = "http2"
// Get local port from original GRPC target of the form: host/service
proxyServerAndService := strings.SplitN(check.GRPC, "/", 2)
_, portStr, err := net.SplitHostPort(proxyServerAndService[0])
if err != nil {
return path, fmt.Errorf("failed to split host/port from '%s': %v", check.GRPC, err)
path.LocalPathPort, err = strconv.Atoi(portStr)
if err != nil {
return path, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse port from '%s': %v", check.GRPC, err)
// Get listener port from proxied GRPC target of the form: host/service
proxyServerAndService = strings.SplitN(check.ProxyGRPC, "/", 2)
_, portStr, err = net.SplitHostPort(proxyServerAndService[0])
if err != nil {
return path, fmt.Errorf("failed to split host/port from '%s': %v", check.ProxyGRPC, err)
path.ListenerPort, err = strconv.Atoi(portStr)
if err != nil {
return path, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse port from '%s': %v", check.ProxyGRPC, err)
path.ParsedFromCheck = true
return path, nil
// listenersFromSnapshotGateway returns the "listener" for a terminating-gateway or mesh-gateway service
func (s *ResourceGenerator) listenersFromSnapshotGateway(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) ([]proto.Message, error) {
cfg, err := ParseGatewayConfig(cfgSnap.Proxy.Config)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. The parse func returns
// default config if there is an error so it's safe to continue.
s.Logger.Warn("failed to parse Connect.Proxy.Config", "error", err)
// We'll collect all of the desired listeners first, and deduplicate them later.
type namedAddress struct {
name string
addrs := make([]namedAddress, 0)
var resources []proto.Message
if !cfg.NoDefaultBind {
addr := cfgSnap.Address
if addr == "" {
addr = ""
a := structs.ServiceAddress{
Address: addr,
Port: cfgSnap.Port,
addrs = append(addrs, namedAddress{name: "default", ServiceAddress: a})
if cfg.BindTaggedAddresses {
for name, addrCfg := range cfgSnap.TaggedAddresses {
a := structs.ServiceAddress{
Address: addrCfg.Address,
Port: addrCfg.Port,
addrs = append(addrs, namedAddress{name: name, ServiceAddress: a})
for name, addrCfg := range cfg.BindAddresses {
a := structs.ServiceAddress{
Address: addrCfg.Address,
Port: addrCfg.Port,
addrs = append(addrs, namedAddress{name: name, ServiceAddress: a})
// Prevent invalid configurations of binding to the same port/addr twice
// including with the any addresses
// Sort the list and then if two items share a service address, take the
// first one to ensure we generate one listener per address and it's
// stable.
sort.Slice(addrs, func(i, j int) bool {
return addrs[i].name < addrs[j].name
// Make listeners and deduplicate on the fly.
seen := make(map[structs.ServiceAddress]bool)
for _, a := range addrs {
if seen[a.ServiceAddress] {
seen[a.ServiceAddress] = true
var l *envoy_listener_v3.Listener
switch cfgSnap.Kind {
case structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway:
l, err = s.makeTerminatingGatewayListener(cfgSnap, a.name, a.Address, a.Port)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway:
listeners, err := s.makeIngressGatewayListeners(a.Address, cfgSnap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources = append(resources, listeners...)
case structs.ServiceKindMeshGateway:
l, err = s.makeMeshGatewayListener(a.name, a.Address, a.Port, cfgSnap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if l != nil {
resources = append(resources, l)
return resources, err
// makeListener returns a listener with name and bind details set. Filters must
// be added before it's useful.
// Note on names: Envoy listeners attempt graceful transitions of connections
// when their config changes but that means they can't have their bind address
// or port changed in a running instance. Since our users might choose to change
// a bind address or port for the public or upstream listeners, we need to
// encode those into the unique name for the listener such that if the user
// changes them, we actually create a whole new listener on the new address and
// port. Envoy should take care of closing the old one once it sees it's no
// longer in the config.
func makeListener(name string, upstream *structs.Upstream, trafficDirection envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection) *envoy_listener_v3.Listener {
if upstream.LocalBindPort == 0 && upstream.LocalBindSocketPath != "" {
return makePipeListener(name, upstream.LocalBindSocketPath, upstream.LocalBindSocketMode, trafficDirection)
return makePortListenerWithDefault(name, upstream.LocalBindAddress, upstream.LocalBindPort, trafficDirection)
func makePortListener(name, addr string, port int, trafficDirection envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection) *envoy_listener_v3.Listener {
return &envoy_listener_v3.Listener{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%d", name, addr, port),
Address: makeAddress(addr, port),
TrafficDirection: trafficDirection,
func makePortListenerWithDefault(name, addr string, port int, trafficDirection envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection) *envoy_listener_v3.Listener {
if addr == "" {
addr = ""
return makePortListener(name, addr, port, trafficDirection)
func makePipeListener(name, path string, mode_str string, trafficDirection envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection) *envoy_listener_v3.Listener {
// We've already validated this, so it should not fail.
mode, err := strconv.ParseUint(mode_str, 0, 32)
if err != nil {
mode = 0
return &envoy_listener_v3.Listener{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", name, path),
Address: makePipeAddress(path, uint32(mode)),
TrafficDirection: trafficDirection,
// makeListenerFromUserConfig returns the listener config decoded from an
// arbitrary proto3 json format string or an error if it's invalid.
// For now we only support embedding in JSON strings because of the hcl parsing
// pain (see Background section in the comment for decode.HookWeakDecodeFromSlice).
// This may be fixed in decode.HookWeakDecodeFromSlice in the future.
// When we do that we can support just nesting the config directly into the
// JSON/hcl naturally but this is a stop-gap that gets us an escape hatch
// immediately. It's also probably not a bad thing to support long-term since
// any config generated by other systems will likely be in canonical protobuf
// from rather than our slight variant in JSON/hcl.
func makeListenerFromUserConfig(configJSON string) (*envoy_listener_v3.Listener, error) {
// Type field is present so decode it as a any.Any
var any any.Any
if err := jsonpb.UnmarshalString(configJSON, &any); err != nil {
return nil, err
var l envoy_listener_v3.Listener
if err := proto.Unmarshal(any.Value, &l); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &l, nil
// Ensure that the first filter in each filter chain of a public listener is
// the authz filter to prevent unauthorized access.
func (s *ResourceGenerator) injectConnectFilters(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, listener *envoy_listener_v3.Listener) error {
authzFilter, err := makeRBACNetworkFilter(
if err != nil {
return err
for idx := range listener.FilterChains {
// Insert our authz filter before any others
listener.FilterChains[idx].Filters =
}, listener.FilterChains[idx].Filters...)
return nil
const (
httpConnectionManagerOldName = "envoy.http_connection_manager"
httpConnectionManagerNewName = "envoy.filters.network.http_connection_manager"
func extractRdsResourceNames(listener *envoy_listener_v3.Listener) ([]string, error) {
var found []string
for chainIdx, chain := range listener.FilterChains {
for filterIdx, filter := range chain.Filters {
if filter.Name != httpConnectionManagerNewName {
tc, ok := filter.ConfigType.(*envoy_listener_v3.Filter_TypedConfig)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"filter chain %d has a %q filter %d with an unsupported config type: %T",
var hcm envoy_http_v3.HttpConnectionManager
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(tc.TypedConfig, &hcm); err != nil {
return nil, err
if hcm.RouteSpecifier == nil {
rds, ok := hcm.RouteSpecifier.(*envoy_http_v3.HttpConnectionManager_Rds)
if !ok {
if rds.Rds == nil {
found = append(found, rds.Rds.RouteConfigName)
return found, nil
// Locate the existing http connect manager L4 filter and inject our RBAC filter at the top.
func injectHTTPFilterOnFilterChains(
listener *envoy_listener_v3.Listener,
authzFilter *envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter,
) error {
for chainIdx, chain := range listener.FilterChains {
var (
hcmFilter *envoy_listener_v3.Filter
hcmFilterIdx int
for filterIdx, filter := range chain.Filters {
if filter.Name == httpConnectionManagerOldName ||
filter.Name == httpConnectionManagerNewName {
hcmFilter = filter
hcmFilterIdx = filterIdx
if hcmFilter == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"filter chain %d lacks either a %q or %q filter",
var hcm envoy_http_v3.HttpConnectionManager
tc, ok := hcmFilter.ConfigType.(*envoy_listener_v3.Filter_TypedConfig)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf(
"filter chain %d has a %q filter with an unsupported config type: %T",
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(tc.TypedConfig, &hcm); err != nil {
return err
// Insert our authz filter before any others
hcm.HttpFilters = append([]*envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter{
}, hcm.HttpFilters...)
// And persist the modified filter.
newFilter, err := makeFilter(hcmFilter.Name, &hcm)
if err != nil {
return err
chain.Filters[hcmFilterIdx] = newFilter
return nil
// Ensure every filter chain uses our TLS certs. We might allow users to work
// around this later if there is a good use case but this is actually a feature
// for now as it allows them to specify custom listener params in config but
// still get our certs delivered dynamically and intentions enforced without
// coming up with some complicated templating/merging solution.
func (s *ResourceGenerator) injectConnectTLSOnFilterChains(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, listener *envoy_listener_v3.Listener) error {
for idx := range listener.FilterChains {
tlsContext := &envoy_tls_v3.DownstreamTlsContext{
CommonTlsContext: makeCommonTLSContextFromLeafWithoutParams(cfgSnap, cfgSnap.Leaf()),
RequireClientCertificate: &wrappers.BoolValue{Value: true},
transportSocket, err := makeDownstreamTLSTransportSocket(tlsContext)
if err != nil {
return err
listener.FilterChains[idx].TransportSocket = transportSocket
return nil
func (s *ResourceGenerator) makeInboundListener(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, name string) (proto.Message, error) {
var l *envoy_listener_v3.Listener
var err error
cfg, err := ParseProxyConfig(cfgSnap.Proxy.Config)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. The parse func returns
// default config if there is an error so it's safe to continue.
s.Logger.Warn("failed to parse Connect.Proxy.Config", "error", err)
// This controls if we do L4 or L7 intention checks.
useHTTPFilter := structs.IsProtocolHTTPLike(cfg.Protocol)
// Generate and return custom public listener from config if one was provided.
if cfg.PublicListenerJSON != "" {
l, err = makeListenerFromUserConfig(cfg.PublicListenerJSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// For HTTP-like services attach an RBAC http filter and do a best-effort insert
if useHTTPFilter {
httpAuthzFilter, err := makeRBACHTTPFilter(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Try our best to inject the HTTP RBAC filter.
if err := injectHTTPFilterOnFilterChains(l, httpAuthzFilter); err != nil {
"could not inject the HTTP RBAC filter to enforce intentions on user-provided "+
"'envoy_public_listener_json' config; falling back on the RBAC network filter instead",
"proxy", cfgSnap.ProxyID,
"error", err,
// If we get an error inject the RBAC network filter instead.
useHTTPFilter = false
err := s.finalizePublicListenerFromConfig(l, cfgSnap, useHTTPFilter)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to attach Consul filters and TLS context to custom public listener: %v", err)
return l, nil
// No JSON user config, use default listener address
// Default to listening on all addresses, but override with bind address if one is set.
addr := cfgSnap.Address
if addr == "" {
addr = ""
if cfg.BindAddress != "" {
addr = cfg.BindAddress
// Override with bind port if one is set, otherwise default to
// proxy service's address
port := cfgSnap.Port
if cfg.BindPort != 0 {
port = cfg.BindPort
l = makePortListener(name, addr, port, envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection_INBOUND)
filterOpts := listenerFilterOpts{
protocol: cfg.Protocol,
filterName: name,
routeName: name,
cluster: LocalAppClusterName,
requestTimeoutMs: cfg.LocalRequestTimeoutMs,
if useHTTPFilter {
filterOpts.httpAuthzFilter, err = makeRBACHTTPFilter(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filter, err := makeListenerFilter(filterOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.FilterChains = []*envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
Filters: []*envoy_listener_v3.Filter{
err = s.finalizePublicListenerFromConfig(l, cfgSnap, useHTTPFilter)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to attach Consul filters and TLS context to custom public listener: %v", err)
return l, err
// finalizePublicListenerFromConfig is used for best-effort injection of Consul filter-chains onto listeners.
// This include L4 authorization filters and TLS context.
func (s *ResourceGenerator) finalizePublicListenerFromConfig(l *envoy_listener_v3.Listener, cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, useHTTPFilter bool) error {
if !useHTTPFilter {
// Best-effort injection of L4 intentions
if err := s.injectConnectFilters(cfgSnap, l); err != nil {
return nil
// Always apply TLS certificates
if err := s.injectConnectTLSOnFilterChains(cfgSnap, l); err != nil {
return nil
return nil
func (s *ResourceGenerator) makeExposedCheckListener(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, cluster string, path structs.ExposePath) (proto.Message, error) {
cfg, err := ParseProxyConfig(cfgSnap.Proxy.Config)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. The parse func returns
// default config if there is an error so it's safe to continue.
s.Logger.Warn("failed to parse Connect.Proxy.Config", "error", err)
// No user config, use default listener
addr := cfgSnap.Address
// Override with bind address if one is set, otherwise default to
if cfg.BindAddress != "" {
addr = cfg.BindAddress
} else if addr == "" {
addr = ""
// Strip any special characters from path to make a valid and hopefully unique name
r := regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9]+`)
strippedPath := r.ReplaceAllString(path.Path, "")
listenerName := fmt.Sprintf("exposed_path_%s", strippedPath)
l := makePortListener(listenerName, addr, path.ListenerPort, envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection_INBOUND)
filterName := fmt.Sprintf("exposed_path_filter_%s_%d", strippedPath, path.ListenerPort)
opts := listenerFilterOpts{
useRDS: false,
protocol: path.Protocol,
filterName: filterName,
routeName: filterName,
cluster: cluster,
statPrefix: "",
routePath: path.Path,
httpAuthzFilter: nil,
f, err := makeListenerFilter(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chain := &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
Filters: []*envoy_listener_v3.Filter{f},
// For registered checks restrict traffic sources to localhost and Consul's advertise addr
if path.ParsedFromCheck {
// For the advertise addr we use a CidrRange that only matches one address
advertise := s.CfgFetcher.AdvertiseAddrLAN()
// Get prefix length based on whether address is ipv4 (32 bits) or ipv6 (128 bits)
advertiseLen := 32
ip := net.ParseIP(advertise)
if ip != nil && strings.Contains(advertise, ":") {
advertiseLen = 128
ranges := make([]*envoy_core_v3.CidrRange, 0, 3)
ranges = append(ranges,
&envoy_core_v3.CidrRange{AddressPrefix: "", PrefixLen: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: 8}},
&envoy_core_v3.CidrRange{AddressPrefix: advertise, PrefixLen: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: uint32(advertiseLen)}},
if ok, err := kernelSupportsIPv6(); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
ranges = append(ranges,
&envoy_core_v3.CidrRange{AddressPrefix: "::1", PrefixLen: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: 128}},
chain.FilterChainMatch = &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChainMatch{
SourcePrefixRanges: ranges,
l.FilterChains = []*envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{chain}
return l, err
func (s *ResourceGenerator) makeTerminatingGatewayListener(
cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot,
name, addr string,
port int,
) (*envoy_listener_v3.Listener, error) {
l := makePortListener(name, addr, port, envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection_INBOUND)
tlsInspector, err := makeTLSInspectorListenerFilter()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.ListenerFilters = []*envoy_listener_v3.ListenerFilter{tlsInspector}
// Make a FilterChain for each linked service
// Match on the cluster name,
for _, svc := range cfgSnap.TerminatingGateway.ValidServices() {
clusterName := connect.ServiceSNI(svc.Name, "", svc.NamespaceOrDefault(), svc.PartitionOrDefault(), cfgSnap.Datacenter, cfgSnap.Roots.TrustDomain)
// Resolvers are optional.
resolver, hasResolver := cfgSnap.TerminatingGateway.ServiceResolvers[svc]
intentions := cfgSnap.TerminatingGateway.Intentions[svc]
svcConfig := cfgSnap.TerminatingGateway.ServiceConfigs[svc]
cfg, err := ParseProxyConfig(svcConfig.ProxyConfig)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. The parse func returns
// default config if there is an error so it's safe to continue.
"failed to parse Connect.Proxy.Config for linked service",
"service", svc.String(),
"error", err,
clusterChain, err := s.makeFilterChainTerminatingGateway(
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make filter chain for cluster %q: %v", clusterName, err)
l.FilterChains = append(l.FilterChains, clusterChain)
// if there is a service-resolver for this service then also setup subset filter chains for it
if hasResolver {
// generate 1 filter chain for each service subset
for subsetName := range resolver.Subsets {
subsetClusterName := connect.ServiceSNI(svc.Name, subsetName, svc.NamespaceOrDefault(), svc.PartitionOrDefault(), cfgSnap.Datacenter, cfgSnap.Roots.TrustDomain)
subsetClusterChain, err := s.makeFilterChainTerminatingGateway(
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make filter chain for cluster %q: %v", subsetClusterName, err)
l.FilterChains = append(l.FilterChains, subsetClusterChain)
// Before we add the fallback, sort these chains by the matched name. All
// of these filter chains are independent, but envoy requires them to be in
// some order. If we put them in a random order then every xDS iteration
// envoy will force the listener to be replaced. Sorting these has no
// effect on how they operate, but it does mean that we won't churn
// listeners at idle.
sort.Slice(l.FilterChains, func(i, j int) bool {
return l.FilterChains[i].FilterChainMatch.ServerNames[0] < l.FilterChains[j].FilterChainMatch.ServerNames[0]
// This fallback catch-all filter ensures a listener will be present for health checks to pass
// Envoy will reset these connections since known endpoints are caught by filter chain matches above
tcpProxy, err := makeTCPProxyFilter(name, "", "terminating_gateway.")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fallback := &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
Filters: []*envoy_listener_v3.Filter{
{Name: "envoy.filters.network.sni_cluster"},
l.FilterChains = append(l.FilterChains, fallback)
return l, nil
func (s *ResourceGenerator) makeFilterChainTerminatingGateway(
cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot,
cluster string,
service structs.ServiceName,
intentions structs.Intentions,
protocol string,
) (*envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain, error) {
tlsContext := &envoy_tls_v3.DownstreamTlsContext{
CommonTlsContext: makeCommonTLSContextFromLeafWithoutParams(cfgSnap, cfgSnap.TerminatingGateway.ServiceLeaves[service]),
RequireClientCertificate: &wrappers.BoolValue{Value: true},
transportSocket, err := makeDownstreamTLSTransportSocket(tlsContext)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filterChain := &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
FilterChainMatch: makeSNIFilterChainMatch(cluster),
Filters: make([]*envoy_listener_v3.Filter, 0, 3),
TransportSocket: transportSocket,
// This controls if we do L4 or L7 intention checks.
useHTTPFilter := structs.IsProtocolHTTPLike(protocol)
// If this is L4, the first filter we setup is to do intention checks.
if !useHTTPFilter {
authFilter, err := makeRBACNetworkFilter(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filterChain.Filters = append(filterChain.Filters, authFilter)
// Lastly we setup the actual proxying component. For L4 this is a straight
// tcp proxy. For L7 this is a very hands-off HTTP proxy just to inject an
// HTTP filter to do intention checks here instead.
opts := listenerFilterOpts{
protocol: protocol,
filterName: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", service.Name, service.NamespaceOrDefault(), service.PartitionOrDefault(), cfgSnap.Datacenter),
routeName: cluster, // Set cluster name for route config since each will have its own
cluster: cluster,
statPrefix: "upstream.",
routePath: "",
if useHTTPFilter {
var err error
opts.httpAuthzFilter, err = makeRBACHTTPFilter(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.cluster = ""
opts.useRDS = true
filter, err := makeListenerFilter(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filterChain.Filters = append(filterChain.Filters, filter)
return filterChain, nil
func (s *ResourceGenerator) makeMeshGatewayListener(name, addr string, port int, cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) (*envoy_listener_v3.Listener, error) {
tlsInspector, err := makeTLSInspectorListenerFilter()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sniCluster, err := makeSNIClusterFilter()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The cluster name here doesn't matter as the sni_cluster
// filter will fill it in for us.
tcpProxy, err := makeTCPProxyFilter(name, "", "mesh_gateway_local.")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sniClusterChain := &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
Filters: []*envoy_listener_v3.Filter{
l := makePortListener(name, addr, port, envoy_core_v3.TrafficDirection_UNSPECIFIED)
l.ListenerFilters = []*envoy_listener_v3.ListenerFilter{tlsInspector}
// We need 1 Filter Chain per remote cluster
keys := cfgSnap.MeshGateway.GatewayKeys()
for _, key := range keys {
if key.Matches(cfgSnap.Datacenter, cfgSnap.ProxyID.PartitionOrEmpty()) {
continue // skip local
clusterName := connect.GatewaySNI(key.Datacenter, key.Partition, cfgSnap.Roots.TrustDomain)
filterName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, key.String())
dcTCPProxy, err := makeTCPProxyFilter(filterName, clusterName, "mesh_gateway_remote.")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.FilterChains = append(l.FilterChains, &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
FilterChainMatch: &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChainMatch{
ServerNames: []string{fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", clusterName)},
Filters: []*envoy_listener_v3.Filter{
if cfgSnap.ProxyID.InDefaultPartition() &&
cfgSnap.ServiceMeta[structs.MetaWANFederationKey] == "1" &&
cfgSnap.ServerSNIFn != nil {
for _, key := range keys {
if key.Datacenter == cfgSnap.Datacenter {
continue // skip local
clusterName := cfgSnap.ServerSNIFn(key.Datacenter, "")
filterName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, key.String())
dcTCPProxy, err := makeTCPProxyFilter(filterName, clusterName, "mesh_gateway_remote.")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.FilterChains = append(l.FilterChains, &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
FilterChainMatch: &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChainMatch{
ServerNames: []string{fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", clusterName)},
Filters: []*envoy_listener_v3.Filter{
// Wildcard all flavors to each server.
for _, srv := range cfgSnap.MeshGateway.ConsulServers {
clusterName := cfgSnap.ServerSNIFn(cfgSnap.Datacenter, srv.Node.Node)
filterName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, cfgSnap.Datacenter)
dcTCPProxy, err := makeTCPProxyFilter(filterName, clusterName, "mesh_gateway_local_server.")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.FilterChains = append(l.FilterChains, &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
FilterChainMatch: &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChainMatch{
ServerNames: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s", clusterName)},
Filters: []*envoy_listener_v3.Filter{
// This needs to get tacked on at the end as it has no
// matching and will act as a catch all
l.FilterChains = append(l.FilterChains, sniClusterChain)
return l, nil
type filterChainOpts struct {
routeName string
clusterName string
filterName string
protocol string
useRDS bool
tlsContext *envoy_tls_v3.DownstreamTlsContext
func (s *ResourceGenerator) makeUpstreamFilterChain(opts filterChainOpts) (*envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain, error) {
filter, err := makeListenerFilter(listenerFilterOpts{
useRDS: opts.useRDS,
protocol: opts.protocol,
filterName: opts.filterName,
routeName: opts.routeName,
cluster: opts.clusterName,
statPrefix: "upstream.",
if err != nil {
return nil, err
transportSocket, err := makeDownstreamTLSTransportSocket(opts.tlsContext)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChain{
Filters: []*envoy_listener_v3.Filter{
TransportSocket: transportSocket,
}, nil
// simpleChainTarget returns the discovery target for a chain with a single node.
// A chain can have a single target if it is for a TCP service or an HTTP service without
// multiple splits/routes/failovers.
func simpleChainTarget(chain *structs.CompiledDiscoveryChain) (*structs.DiscoveryTarget, error) {
startNode := chain.Nodes[chain.StartNode]
if startNode == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing first node in compiled discovery chain for: %s", chain.ServiceName)
if startNode.Type != structs.DiscoveryGraphNodeTypeResolver {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected discovery chain with single node, found unexpected start node: %s", startNode.Type)
targetID := startNode.Resolver.Target
return chain.Targets[targetID], nil
func (s *ResourceGenerator) getAndModifyUpstreamConfigForListener(
uid proxycfg.UpstreamID,
u *structs.Upstream,
chain *structs.CompiledDiscoveryChain,
) structs.UpstreamConfig {
var (
cfg structs.UpstreamConfig
err error
configMap := make(map[string]interface{})
if u != nil {
configMap = u.Config
if chain == nil || chain.IsDefault() {
cfg, err = structs.ParseUpstreamConfigNoDefaults(configMap)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. The parse func returns
// default config if there is an error so it's safe to continue.
s.Logger.Warn("failed to parse", "upstream", uid, "error", err)
} else {
// Use NoDefaults here so that we can set the protocol to the chain
// protocol if necessary
cfg, err = structs.ParseUpstreamConfigNoDefaults(configMap)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. The parse func returns
// default config if there is an error so it's safe to continue.
s.Logger.Warn("failed to parse", "upstream", uid, "error", err)
if cfg.EnvoyListenerJSON != "" {
s.Logger.Warn("ignoring escape hatch setting because already configured for",
"discovery chain", chain.ServiceName, "upstream", uid, "config", "envoy_listener_json")
// Remove from config struct so we don't use it later on
cfg.EnvoyListenerJSON = ""
protocol := cfg.Protocol
if protocol == "" {
protocol = chain.Protocol
if protocol == "" {
protocol = "tcp"
// set back on the config so that we can use it from return value
cfg.Protocol = protocol
return cfg
type listenerFilterOpts struct {
useRDS bool
protocol string
filterName string
routeName string
cluster string
statPrefix string
routePath string
requestTimeoutMs *int
ingressGateway bool
httpAuthzFilter *envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter
func makeListenerFilter(opts listenerFilterOpts) (*envoy_listener_v3.Filter, error) {
switch opts.protocol {
case "grpc", "http2", "http":
return makeHTTPFilter(opts)
case "tcp":
if opts.useRDS {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("RDS is not compatible with the tcp proxy filter")
} else if opts.cluster == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cluster name is required for a tcp proxy filter")
return makeTCPProxyFilter(opts.filterName, opts.cluster, opts.statPrefix)
func makeTLSInspectorListenerFilter() (*envoy_listener_v3.ListenerFilter, error) {
return &envoy_listener_v3.ListenerFilter{Name: "envoy.filters.listener.tls_inspector"}, nil
func makeSNIFilterChainMatch(sniMatches ...string) *envoy_listener_v3.FilterChainMatch {
return &envoy_listener_v3.FilterChainMatch{
ServerNames: sniMatches,
func makeSNIClusterFilter() (*envoy_listener_v3.Filter, error) {
// This filter has no config which is why we are not calling make
return &envoy_listener_v3.Filter{Name: "envoy.filters.network.sni_cluster"}, nil
func makeTCPProxyFilter(filterName, cluster, statPrefix string) (*envoy_listener_v3.Filter, error) {
cfg := &envoy_tcp_proxy_v3.TcpProxy{
StatPrefix: makeStatPrefix(statPrefix, filterName),
ClusterSpecifier: &envoy_tcp_proxy_v3.TcpProxy_Cluster{Cluster: cluster},
return makeFilter("envoy.filters.network.tcp_proxy", cfg)
func makeStatPrefix(prefix, filterName string) string {
// Replace colons here because Envoy does that in the metrics for the actual
// clusters but doesn't in the stat prefix here while dashboards assume they
// will match.
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", prefix, strings.Replace(filterName, ":", "_", -1))
func makeHTTPFilter(opts listenerFilterOpts) (*envoy_listener_v3.Filter, error) {
cfg := &envoy_http_v3.HttpConnectionManager{
StatPrefix: makeStatPrefix(opts.statPrefix, opts.filterName),
CodecType: envoy_http_v3.HttpConnectionManager_AUTO,
HttpFilters: []*envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter{
Name: "envoy.filters.http.router",
Tracing: &envoy_http_v3.HttpConnectionManager_Tracing{
// Don't trace any requests by default unless the client application
// explicitly propagates trace headers that indicate this should be
// sampled.
RandomSampling: &envoy_type_v3.Percent{Value: 0.0},
if opts.useRDS {
if opts.cluster != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot specify cluster name when using RDS")
cfg.RouteSpecifier = &envoy_http_v3.HttpConnectionManager_Rds{
Rds: &envoy_http_v3.Rds{
RouteConfigName: opts.routeName,
ConfigSource: &envoy_core_v3.ConfigSource{
ResourceApiVersion: envoy_core_v3.ApiVersion_V3,
ConfigSourceSpecifier: &envoy_core_v3.ConfigSource_Ads{
Ads: &envoy_core_v3.AggregatedConfigSource{},
} else {
if opts.cluster == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must specify cluster name when not using RDS")
route := &envoy_route_v3.Route{
Match: &envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch{
PathSpecifier: &envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch_Prefix{
Prefix: "/",
// TODO(banks) Envoy supports matching only valid GRPC
// requests which might be nice to add here for gRPC services
// but it's not supported in our current envoy SDK version
// although docs say it was supported by 1.8.0. Going to defer
// that until we've updated the deps.
Action: &envoy_route_v3.Route_Route{
Route: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction{
ClusterSpecifier: &envoy_route_v3.RouteAction_Cluster{
Cluster: opts.cluster,
if opts.requestTimeoutMs != nil {
r := route.GetRoute()
r.Timeout = ptypes.DurationProto(time.Duration(*opts.requestTimeoutMs) * time.Millisecond)
// If a path is provided, do not match on a catch-all prefix
if opts.routePath != "" {
route.Match.PathSpecifier = &envoy_route_v3.RouteMatch_Path{Path: opts.routePath}
cfg.RouteSpecifier = &envoy_http_v3.HttpConnectionManager_RouteConfig{
RouteConfig: &envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration{
Name: opts.routeName,
VirtualHosts: []*envoy_route_v3.VirtualHost{
Name: opts.filterName,
Domains: []string{"*"},
Routes: []*envoy_route_v3.Route{
if opts.protocol == "http2" || opts.protocol == "grpc" {
cfg.Http2ProtocolOptions = &envoy_core_v3.Http2ProtocolOptions{}
// Like injectConnectFilters for L4, here we ensure that the first filter
// (other than the "envoy.grpc_http1_bridge" filter) in the http filter
// chain of a public listener is the authz filter to prevent unauthorized
// access and that every filter chain uses our TLS certs.
if opts.httpAuthzFilter != nil {
cfg.HttpFilters = append([]*envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter{opts.httpAuthzFilter}, cfg.HttpFilters...)
if opts.protocol == "grpc" {
// Add grpc bridge before router and authz
cfg.HttpFilters = append([]*envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter{{
Name: "envoy.filters.http.grpc_http1_bridge",
}}, cfg.HttpFilters...)
// In envoy 1.14.x the default value "stats_for_all_methods=true" was
// deprecated, and was changed to "false" in 1.18.x. Avoid using the
// default. TODO: we may want to expose this to users somehow easily.
grpcStatsFilter, err := makeEnvoyHTTPFilter(
PerMethodStatSpecifier: &envoy_grpc_stats_v3.FilterConfig_StatsForAllMethods{
StatsForAllMethods: makeBoolValue(true),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cfg.HttpFilters = append([]*envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter{
}, cfg.HttpFilters...)
return makeFilter("envoy.filters.network.http_connection_manager", cfg)
func makeFilter(name string, cfg proto.Message) (*envoy_listener_v3.Filter, error) {
any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &envoy_listener_v3.Filter{
Name: name,
ConfigType: &envoy_listener_v3.Filter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: any},
}, nil
func makeEnvoyHTTPFilter(name string, cfg proto.Message) (*envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter, error) {
any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter{
Name: name,
ConfigType: &envoy_http_v3.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: any},
}, nil
func makeCommonTLSContextFromLeafWithoutParams(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, leaf *structs.IssuedCert) *envoy_tls_v3.CommonTlsContext {
return makeCommonTLSContextFromLeaf(cfgSnap, leaf, nil)
func makeCommonTLSContextFromLeaf(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, leaf *structs.IssuedCert, tlsParams *envoy_tls_v3.TlsParameters) *envoy_tls_v3.CommonTlsContext {
// Concatenate all the root PEMs into one.
if cfgSnap.Roots == nil {
return nil
rootPEMS := ""
for _, root := range cfgSnap.Roots.Roots {
rootPEMS += ca.EnsureTrailingNewline(root.RootCert)
if tlsParams == nil {
tlsParams = &envoy_tls_v3.TlsParameters{}
return &envoy_tls_v3.CommonTlsContext{
TlsParams: tlsParams,
TlsCertificates: []*envoy_tls_v3.TlsCertificate{
CertificateChain: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource{
Specifier: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource_InlineString{
InlineString: ca.EnsureTrailingNewline(leaf.CertPEM),
PrivateKey: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource{
Specifier: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource_InlineString{
InlineString: ca.EnsureTrailingNewline(leaf.PrivateKeyPEM),
ValidationContextType: &envoy_tls_v3.CommonTlsContext_ValidationContext{
ValidationContext: &envoy_tls_v3.CertificateValidationContext{
// TODO(banks): later for L7 support we may need to configure ALPN here.
TrustedCa: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource{
Specifier: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource_InlineString{
InlineString: rootPEMS,
func makeDownstreamTLSTransportSocket(tlsContext *envoy_tls_v3.DownstreamTlsContext) (*envoy_core_v3.TransportSocket, error) {
if tlsContext == nil {
return nil, nil
return makeTransportSocket("tls", tlsContext)
func makeUpstreamTLSTransportSocket(tlsContext *envoy_tls_v3.UpstreamTlsContext) (*envoy_core_v3.TransportSocket, error) {
if tlsContext == nil {
return nil, nil
return makeTransportSocket("tls", tlsContext)
func makeTransportSocket(name string, config proto.Message) (*envoy_core_v3.TransportSocket, error) {
any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &envoy_core_v3.TransportSocket{
Name: name,
ConfigType: &envoy_core_v3.TransportSocket_TypedConfig{
TypedConfig: any,
}, nil
func makeCommonTLSContextFromFiles(caFile, certFile, keyFile string) *envoy_tls_v3.CommonTlsContext {
ctx := envoy_tls_v3.CommonTlsContext{
TlsParams: &envoy_tls_v3.TlsParameters{},
// Verify certificate of peer if caFile is specified
if caFile != "" {
ctx.ValidationContextType = &envoy_tls_v3.CommonTlsContext_ValidationContext{
ValidationContext: &envoy_tls_v3.CertificateValidationContext{
TrustedCa: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource{
Specifier: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource_Filename{
Filename: caFile,
// Present certificate for mTLS if cert and key files are specified
if certFile != "" && keyFile != "" {
ctx.TlsCertificates = []*envoy_tls_v3.TlsCertificate{
CertificateChain: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource{
Specifier: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource_Filename{
Filename: certFile,
PrivateKey: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource{
Specifier: &envoy_core_v3.DataSource_Filename{
Filename: keyFile,
return &ctx