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synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
For our dc, nspace and partition 'bucket' menus, sometimes when selecting one 'bucket' we need to reset a different 'bucket' back to the one that your token has by default (or the default if not). For example when switching to a different partition whilst you are in a non-default namespace of another partition, we need to switch you to the token default namespace of the partition you are switching to.
345 lines
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345 lines
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import { env } from 'consul-ui/env';
const OPTIONAL = {};
OPTIONAL.partition = /^-([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)$/;
OPTIONAL.nspace = /^~([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)$/;
const trailingSlashRe = /\/$/;
// see below re: ember double slashes
// const moreThan1SlashRe = /\/{2,}/g;
const _uuid = function() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, c => {
const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0;
return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 3) | 8).toString(16);
// let popstateFired = false;
* Register a callback to be invoked whenever the browser history changes,
* including using forward and back buttons.
const route = function(e) {
const path = e.state.path;
const url = this.getURLForTransition(path);
// Ignore initial page load popstate event in Chrome
// if (!popstateFired) {
// popstateFired = true;
// if (url === this._previousURL) {
// return;
// }
// }
if (url === this._previousURL) {
if (path === this._previousPath) {
this._previousPath = e.state.path;
// async
if (typeof this.callback === 'function') {
// TODO: Can we use `settled` or similar to make this `route` method async?
// not async
// used for webkit workaround
this._previousURL = url;
this._previousPath = e.state.path;
export default class FSMWithOptionalLocation {
// extend FSMLocation
implementation = 'fsm-with-optional';
baseURL = '';
* Set from router:main._setupLocation (-internals/routing/lib/system/router)
* Will be pre-pended to path upon state change
rootURL = '/';
* Path is the 'application path' i.e. the path/URL with no root/base URLs
* but potentially with optional parameters (these are remove when getURL is called)
path = '/';
* Sneaky undocumented property used in ember's main router used to skip any
* setup of location from the main router. We currently don't need this but
* document it here incase we ever do.
cancelRouterSetup = false;
* Used to store our 'optional' segments should we have any
optional = {};
static create() {
return new this(...arguments);
constructor(owner, doc, env) {
this.container = Object.entries(owner)[0][1];
// add the route/state change handler
this.route = route.bind(this);
this.doc = typeof doc === 'undefined' ? this.container.lookup('service:-document') : doc;
this.env = typeof env === 'undefined' ? this.container.lookup('service:env') : env;
const base = this.doc.querySelector('base[href]');
if (base !== null) {
this.baseURL = base.getAttribute('href');
* @internal
* Called from router:main._setupLocation (-internals/routing/lib/system/router)
* Used to set state on first call to setURL
initState() {
this.location = this.location || this.doc.defaultView.location;
this.machine = this.machine || this.doc.defaultView.history;
this.doc.defaultView.addEventListener('popstate', this.route);
const state = this.machine.state;
const url = this.getURL();
const href = this.formatURL(url);
if (state && state.path === href) {
// preserve existing state
// used for webkit workaround, since there will be no initial popstate event
this._previousPath = href;
this._previousURL = url;
} else {
this.dispatch('replace', href);
getURLFrom(url) {
// remove trailing slashes if they exist
url = url || this.location.pathname;
this.rootURL = this.rootURL.replace(trailingSlashRe, '');
this.baseURL = this.baseURL.replace(trailingSlashRe, '');
// remove baseURL and rootURL from start of path
return url
.replace(new RegExp(`^${this.baseURL}(?=/|$)`), '')
.replace(new RegExp(`^${this.rootURL}(?=/|$)`), '');
// ember default locations remove double slashes here e.g. '//'
// .replace(moreThan1SlashRe, '/'); // remove extra slashes
getURLForTransition(url) {
this.optional = {};
url = this.getURLFrom(url)
.filter((item, i) => {
if (i < 3) {
let found = false;
Object.entries(OPTIONAL).reduce((prev, [key, re]) => {
const res = re.exec(item);
if (res !== null) {
prev[key] = {
value: item,
match: res[1],
found = true;
return prev;
}, this.optional);
return !found;
return true;
return url;
optionalParams() {
let optional = this.optional || {};
return ['partition', 'nspace'].reduce((prev, item) => {
let value = '';
if (typeof optional[item] !== 'undefined') {
value = optional[item].match;
prev[item] = value;
return prev;
}, {});
// public entrypoints for app hrefs/URLs
// visit and transitionTo can't be async/await as they return promise-like
// non-promises that get re-wrapped by the addition of async/await
visit() {
return this.transitionTo(...arguments);
* Turns a routeName into a full URL string for anchor hrefs etc.
hrefTo(routeName, params, hash) {
if (typeof hash.dc !== 'undefined') {
delete hash.dc;
if (typeof hash.nspace !== 'undefined') {
hash.nspace = `~${hash.nspace}`;
if (typeof hash.partition !== 'undefined') {
hash.partition = `-${hash.partition}`;
if (typeof this.router === 'undefined') {
this.router = this.container.lookup('router:main');
let withOptional = true;
switch (true) {
case routeName === 'settings':
case routeName.startsWith('docs.'):
withOptional = false;
if(this.router.currentRouteName.startsWith('docs.')) {
// If we are in docs, then add a default dc as there won't be one in the
// URL
if(routeName.startsWith('dc')) {
// if its an app URL replace it with debugging instead of linking
return `console://${routeName} <= ${JSON.stringify(params)}`;
const router = this.router._routerMicrolib;
const url = router.generate(routeName, ...params, {
queryParams: {},
return this.formatURL(url, hash, withOptional);
* Takes a full browser URL including rootURL and optional (a full href) and
* performs an ember transition/refresh and browser location update using that
transitionTo(url) {
if(this.router.currentRouteName.startsWith('docs') && url.startsWith('console://')) {
console.log(`location.transitionTo: ${url.substr(10)}`);
return true;
const previousOptional = Object.entries(this.optionalParams());
const transitionURL = this.getURLForTransition(url);
if (this._previousURL === transitionURL) {
// probably an optional parameter change as the Ember URLs are the same
// whereas the entire URL is different
this.dispatch('push', url);
return Promise.resolve();
// this.setURL(url);
} else {
const currentOptional = this.optionalParams();
if(previousOptional.some(([key, value]) => currentOptional[key] !== value)) {
// an optional parameter change and a normal param change as the Ember
// URLs are different and we know the optional params changed
// TODO: Consider changing the above previousURL === transitionURL to
// use the same 'check the optionalParams' approach
this.dispatch('push', url);
// use ember to transition, which will eventually come around to use location.setURL
return this.container.lookup('router:main').transitionTo(transitionURL);
// Ember location interface
* Returns the current `location.pathname` without `rootURL` or `baseURL`
getURL() {
const search = this.location.search || '';
let hash = '';
if (typeof this.location.hash !== 'undefined') {
hash = this.location.hash.substr(0);
const url = this.getURLForTransition(this.location.pathname);
return `${url}${search}${hash}`;
formatURL(url, optional, withOptional = true) {
if (url !== '') {
// remove trailing slashes if they exists
this.rootURL = this.rootURL.replace(trailingSlashRe, '');
this.baseURL = this.baseURL.replace(trailingSlashRe, '');
} else if (this.baseURL[0] === '/' && this.rootURL[0] === '/') {
// if baseURL and rootURL both start with a slash
// ... remove trailing slash from baseURL if it exists
this.baseURL = this.baseURL.replace(trailingSlashRe, '');
if (withOptional) {
const temp = url.split('/');
if (Object.keys(optional || {}).length === 0) {
optional = undefined;
optional = Object.values(optional || this.optional || {});
optional = optional.filter(item => Boolean(item)).map(item => item.value || item, []);
temp.splice(...[1, 0].concat(optional));
url = temp.join('/');
return `${this.baseURL}${this.rootURL}${url}`;
* Change URL takes an ember application URL
changeURL(type, path) {
this.path = path;
const state = this.machine.state;
path = this.formatURL(path);
if (!state || state.path !== path) {
this.dispatch(type, path);
setURL(path) {
// this.optional = {};
this.changeURL('push', path);
replaceURL(path) {
this.changeURL('replace', path);
onUpdateURL(callback) {
this.callback = callback;
* Dispatch takes a full actual browser URL with all the rootURL and optional
* params if they exist
dispatch(event, path) {
const state = {
path: path,
uuid: _uuid(),
this.machine[`${event}State`](state, null, path);
// popstate listeners only run from a browser action not when a state change
// is called directly, so manually call the popstate listener.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/popstate_event#the_history_stack
this.route({ state: state });
willDestroy() {
this.doc.defaultView.removeEventListener('popstate', this.route);