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synced 2025-03-04 07:10:49 +00:00
Blocking queries issues will still be uncancellable (that cannot be helped until we get rid of net/rpc). However this makes it so that if calling getWithIndex (like during a cache Notify go routine) we can cancell the outer routine. Previously it would keep issuing more blocking queries until the result state actually changed.
1222 lines
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1222 lines
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package cache
import (
// Test a basic Get with no indexes (and therefore no blocking queries).
func TestCacheGet_noIndex(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42}, nil).Times(1)
// Get, should fetch
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Get, should not fetch since we already have a satisfying value
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Sleep a tiny bit just to let maybe some background calls happen
// then verify that we still only got the one call
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
// Test a basic Get with no index and a failed fetch.
func TestCacheGet_initError(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
fetcherr := fmt.Errorf("error")
typ.Static(FetchResult{}, fetcherr).Times(2)
// Get, should fetch
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
// Get, should fetch again since our last fetch was an error
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
// Sleep a tiny bit just to let maybe some background calls happen
// then verify that we still only got the one call
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
// Test a cached error is replaced by a successful result. See
// https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/4480
func TestCacheGet_cachedErrorsDontStick(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
fetcherr := fmt.Errorf("initial error")
// First fetch errors, subsequent fetches are successful and then block
typ.Static(FetchResult{}, fetcherr).Times(1)
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42, Index: 123}, nil).Times(1)
// We trigger this to return same value to simulate a timeout.
triggerCh := make(chan time.Time)
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42, Index: 123}, nil).WaitUntil(triggerCh)
// Get, should fetch and get error
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
// Get, should fetch again since our last fetch was an error, but get success
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Now get should block until timeout and then get the same response NOT the
// cached error.
getCh1 := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Key: "hello",
MinIndex: 123,
// We _don't_ set a timeout here since that doesn't trigger the bug - the
// bug occurs when the Fetch call times out and returns the same value when
// an error is set. If it returns a new value the blocking loop works too.
time.AfterFunc(50*time.Millisecond, func() {
// "Timeout" the Fetch after a short time.
select {
case result := <-getCh1:
t.Fatalf("result or error returned before an update happened. "+
"If this is nil look above for the error log: %v", result)
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
// It _should_ keep blocking for a new value here
// Sleep a tiny bit just to let maybe some background calls happen
// then verify the calls.
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
// Test a Get with a request that returns a blank cache key. This should
// force a backend request and skip the cache entirely.
func TestCacheGet_blankCacheKey(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42}, nil).Times(2)
// Get, should fetch
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: ""})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Get, should not fetch since we already have a satisfying value
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Sleep a tiny bit just to let maybe some background calls happen
// then verify that we still only got the one call
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
// Test that Get blocks on the initial value
func TestCacheGet_blockingInitSameKey(t *testing.T) {
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
triggerCh := make(chan time.Time)
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42}, nil).WaitUntil(triggerCh).Times(1)
// Perform multiple gets
getCh1 := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
getCh2 := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
// They should block
select {
case <-getCh1:
t.Fatal("should block (ch1)")
case <-getCh2:
t.Fatal("should block (ch2)")
case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
// Trigger it
// Should return
TestCacheGetChResult(t, getCh1, 42)
TestCacheGetChResult(t, getCh2, 42)
// Test that Get with different cache keys both block on initial value
// but that the fetches were both properly called.
func TestCacheGet_blockingInitDiffKeys(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Keep track of the keys
var keysLock sync.Mutex
var keys []string
// Configure the type
triggerCh := make(chan time.Time)
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42}, nil).
Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
defer keysLock.Unlock()
keys = append(keys, args.Get(1).(Request).CacheInfo().Key)
// Perform multiple gets
getCh1 := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
getCh2 := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "goodbye"}))
// They should block
select {
case <-getCh1:
t.Fatal("should block (ch1)")
case <-getCh2:
t.Fatal("should block (ch2)")
case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
// Trigger it
// Should return both!
TestCacheGetChResult(t, getCh1, 42)
TestCacheGetChResult(t, getCh2, 42)
// Verify proper keys
require.Equal([]string{"goodbye", "hello"}, keys)
// Test a get with an index set will wait until an index that is higher
// is set in the cache.
func TestCacheGet_blockingIndex(t *testing.T) {
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
triggerCh := make(chan time.Time)
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 1, Index: 4}, nil).Once()
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 12, Index: 5}, nil).Once()
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42, Index: 6}, nil).WaitUntil(triggerCh)
// Fetch should block
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Key: "hello", MinIndex: 5}))
// Should block
select {
case <-resultCh:
t.Fatal("should block")
case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
// Wait a bit
// Should return
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 42)
func TestCacheGet_cancellation(t *testing.T) {
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 1, Index: 4}, nil).Times(0).WaitUntil(time.After(1 * time.Millisecond))
ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(50*time.Millisecond))
// this is just to keep the linter happy
defer cancel()
result, _, err := c.Get(ctx, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Key: "hello", MinIndex: 5}))
require.Nil(t, result)
require.Error(t, err)
testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, context.DeadlineExceeded.Error())
// Test a get with an index set will timeout if the fetch doesn't return
// anything.
func TestCacheGet_blockingIndexTimeout(t *testing.T) {
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
triggerCh := make(chan time.Time)
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 1, Index: 4}, nil).Once()
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 12, Index: 5}, nil).Once()
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42, Index: 6}, nil).WaitUntil(triggerCh)
// Fetch should block
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Key: "hello", MinIndex: 5, Timeout: 200 * time.Millisecond}))
// Should block
select {
case <-resultCh:
t.Fatal("should block")
case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
// Should return after more of the timeout
select {
case result := <-resultCh:
require.Equal(t, 12, result)
case <-time.After(300 * time.Millisecond):
t.Fatal("should've returned")
// Test a get with an index set with requests returning an error
// will return that error.
func TestCacheGet_blockingIndexError(t *testing.T) {
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
var retries uint32
fetchErr := fmt.Errorf("test fetch error")
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 1, Index: 4}, nil).Once()
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: nil, Index: 5}, fetchErr).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
atomic.AddUint32(&retries, 1)
// First good fetch to populate catch
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 1)
// Fetch should not block and should return error
resultCh = TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Key: "hello", MinIndex: 7, Timeout: 1 * time.Minute}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, nil)
// Wait a bit
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// Check the number
actual := atomic.LoadUint32(&retries)
require.True(t, actual < 10, fmt.Sprintf("actual: %d", actual))
// Test that if a Type returns an empty value on Fetch that the previous
// value is preserved.
func TestCacheGet_emptyFetchResult(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
stateCh := make(chan int, 1)
// Configure the type
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42, State: 31, Index: 1}, nil).Times(1)
// Return different State, it should NOT be ignored
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: nil, State: 32}, nil).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
// We should get back the original state
opts := args.Get(0).(FetchOptions)
stateCh <- opts.LastResult.State.(int)
// Get, should fetch
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Get, should not fetch since we already have a satisfying value
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Key: "hello", MinIndex: 1, Timeout: 100 * time.Millisecond})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// State delivered to second call should be the result from first call.
select {
case state := <-stateCh:
require.Equal(31, state)
case <-time.After(20 * time.Millisecond):
t.Fatal("timed out")
// Next request should get the SECOND returned state even though the fetch
// returns nil and so the previous result is used.
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Key: "hello", MinIndex: 1, Timeout: 100 * time.Millisecond})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
select {
case state := <-stateCh:
require.Equal(32, state)
case <-time.After(20 * time.Millisecond):
t.Fatal("timed out")
// Sleep a tiny bit just to let maybe some background calls happen
// then verify that we still only got the one call
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
// Test that a type registered with a periodic refresh will perform
// that refresh after the timer is up.
func TestCacheGet_periodicRefresh(t *testing.T) {
typ := &MockType{}
Refresh: true,
RefreshTimer: 100 * time.Millisecond,
RefreshTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// This is a bit weird, but we do this to ensure that the final
// call to the Fetch (if it happens, depends on timing) just blocks.
triggerCh := make(chan time.Time)
defer close(triggerCh)
// Configure the type
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 1, Index: 4}, nil).Once()
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 12, Index: 5}, nil).Once()
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 12, Index: 5}, nil).WaitUntil(triggerCh)
// Fetch should block
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 1)
// Fetch again almost immediately should return old result
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
resultCh = TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 1)
// Wait for the timer
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
resultCh = TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 12)
// Test that a type registered with a periodic refresh will perform
// that refresh after the timer is up.
func TestCacheGet_periodicRefreshMultiple(t *testing.T) {
typ := &MockType{}
Refresh: true,
RefreshTimer: 0 * time.Millisecond,
RefreshTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// This is a bit weird, but we do this to ensure that the final
// call to the Fetch (if it happens, depends on timing) just blocks.
trigger := make([]chan time.Time, 3)
for i := range trigger {
trigger[i] = make(chan time.Time)
// Configure the type
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 1, Index: 4}, nil).Once()
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 12, Index: 5}, nil).Once().WaitUntil(trigger[0])
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 24, Index: 6}, nil).Once().WaitUntil(trigger[1])
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42, Index: 7}, nil).WaitUntil(trigger[2])
// Fetch should block
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 1)
// Fetch again almost immediately should return old result
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
resultCh = TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 1)
// Trigger the next, sleep a bit, and verify we get the next result
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
resultCh = TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 12)
// Trigger the next, sleep a bit, and verify we get the next result
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
resultCh = TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 24)
// Test that a refresh performs a backoff.
func TestCacheGet_periodicRefreshErrorBackoff(t *testing.T) {
typ := &MockType{}
Refresh: true,
RefreshTimer: 0,
RefreshTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
var retries uint32
fetchErr := fmt.Errorf("test fetch error")
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 1, Index: 4}, nil).Once()
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: nil, Index: 5}, fetchErr).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
atomic.AddUint32(&retries, 1)
// Fetch
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 1)
// Sleep a bit. The refresh will quietly fail in the background. What we
// want to verify is that it doesn't retry too much. "Too much" is hard
// to measure since its CPU dependent if this test is failing. But due
// to the short sleep below, we can calculate about what we'd expect if
// backoff IS working.
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
// Fetch should work, we should get a 1 still. Errors are ignored.
resultCh = TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 1)
// Check the number
actual := atomic.LoadUint32(&retries)
require.True(t, actual < 10, fmt.Sprintf("actual: %d", actual))
// Test that a badly behaved RPC that returns 0 index will perform a backoff.
func TestCacheGet_periodicRefreshBadRPCZeroIndexErrorBackoff(t *testing.T) {
typ := &MockType{}
Refresh: true,
RefreshTimer: 0,
RefreshTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
var retries uint32
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 0, Index: 0}, nil).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
atomic.AddUint32(&retries, 1)
// Fetch
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 0)
// Sleep a bit. The refresh will quietly fail in the background. What we
// want to verify is that it doesn't retry too much. "Too much" is hard
// to measure since its CPU dependent if this test is failing. But due
// to the short sleep below, we can calculate about what we'd expect if
// backoff IS working.
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
// Fetch should work, we should get a 0 still. Errors are ignored.
resultCh = TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 0)
// Check the number
actual := atomic.LoadUint32(&retries)
require.True(t, actual < 10, fmt.Sprintf("%d retries, should be < 10", actual))
// Test that fetching with no index makes an initial request with no index, but
// then ensures all background refreshes have > 0. This ensures we don't end up
// with any index 0 loops from background refreshed while also returning
// immediately on the initial request if there is no data written to that table
// yet.
func TestCacheGet_noIndexSetsOne(t *testing.T) {
typ := &MockType{}
SupportsBlocking: true,
Refresh: true,
RefreshTimer: 0,
RefreshTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Simulate "well behaved" RPC with no data yet but returning 1
first := int32(1)
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 0, Index: 1}, nil).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
opts := args.Get(0).(FetchOptions)
isFirst := atomic.SwapInt32(&first, 0)
if isFirst == 1 {
assert.Equal(t, uint64(0), opts.MinIndex)
} else {
assert.True(t, opts.MinIndex > 0, "minIndex > 0")
// Fetch
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 0)
// Sleep a bit so background refresh happens
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// Same for "badly behaved" RPC that returns 0 index and no data
first := int32(1)
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 0, Index: 0}, nil).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
opts := args.Get(0).(FetchOptions)
isFirst := atomic.SwapInt32(&first, 0)
if isFirst == 1 {
assert.Equal(t, uint64(0), opts.MinIndex)
} else {
assert.True(t, opts.MinIndex > 0, "minIndex > 0")
// Fetch
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 0)
// Sleep a bit so background refresh happens
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// Test that the backend fetch sets the proper timeout.
func TestCacheGet_fetchTimeout(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := &MockType{}
timeout := 10 * time.Minute
RefreshTimeout: timeout,
SupportsBlocking: true,
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
// Register the type with a timeout
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
var actual time.Duration
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42}, nil).Times(1).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
opts := args.Get(0).(FetchOptions)
actual = opts.Timeout
// Get, should fetch
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Test the timeout
require.Equal(timeout, actual)
// Test that entries expire
func TestCacheGet_expire(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := &MockType{}
LastGetTTL: 400 * time.Millisecond,
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
// Register the type with a timeout
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42}, nil).Times(2)
// Get, should fetch
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Wait for a non-trivial amount of time to sanity check the age increases at
// least this amount. Note that this is not a fudge for some timing-dependent
// background work it's just ensuring a non-trivial time elapses between the
// request above and below serilaly in this thread so short time is OK.
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
// Get, should not fetch, verified via the mock assertions above
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
require.True(meta.Age > 5*time.Millisecond)
// Sleep for the expiry
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
// Get, should fetch
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Sleep a tiny bit just to let maybe some background calls happen
// then verify that we still only got the one call
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
// Test that entries reset their TTL on Get
func TestCacheGet_expireResetGet(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := &MockType{}
LastGetTTL: 150 * time.Millisecond,
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
// Register the type with a timeout
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42}, nil).Times(2)
// Get, should fetch
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Fetch multiple times, where the total time is well beyond
// the TTL. We should not trigger any fetches during this time.
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
// Sleep a bit
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
// Get, should not fetch
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
// Get, should fetch
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Sleep a tiny bit just to let maybe some background calls happen
// then verify that we still only got the one call
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
// Test a Get with a request that returns the same cache key across
// two different "types" returns two separate results.
func TestCacheGet_duplicateKeyDifferentType(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := TestType(t)
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
typ2 := TestType(t)
defer typ2.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
c.RegisterType("t2", typ2)
// Configure the types
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 100}, nil)
typ2.Static(FetchResult{Value: 200}, nil)
// Get, should fetch
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "foo"})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(100, result)
// Get from t2 with same key, should fetch
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "foo"})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t2", req)
require.Equal(200, result)
// Get from t again with same key, should cache
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "foo"})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(100, result)
// Sleep a tiny bit just to let maybe some background calls happen
// then verify that we still only got the one call
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
// Test that Get partitions the caches based on DC so two equivalent requests
// to different datacenters are automatically cached even if their keys are
// the same.
func TestCacheGet_partitionDC(t *testing.T) {
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", &testPartitionType{})
// Perform multiple gets
getCh1 := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Datacenter: "dc1", Key: "hello"}))
getCh2 := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Datacenter: "dc9", Key: "hello"}))
// Should return both!
TestCacheGetChResult(t, getCh1, "dc1")
TestCacheGetChResult(t, getCh2, "dc9")
// Test that Get partitions the caches based on token so two equivalent requests
// with different ACL tokens do not return the same result.
func TestCacheGet_partitionToken(t *testing.T) {
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", &testPartitionType{})
// Perform multiple gets
getCh1 := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Token: "", Key: "hello"}))
getCh2 := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Token: "foo", Key: "hello"}))
// Should return both!
TestCacheGetChResult(t, getCh1, "")
TestCacheGetChResult(t, getCh2, "foo")
// testPartitionType implements Type for testing that simply returns a value
// comprised of the request DC and ACL token, used for testing cache
// partitioning.
type testPartitionType struct{}
func (t *testPartitionType) Fetch(opts FetchOptions, r Request) (FetchResult, error) {
info := r.CacheInfo()
return FetchResult{
Value: fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", info.Datacenter, info.Token),
}, nil
func (t *testPartitionType) RegisterOptions() RegisterOptions {
return RegisterOptions{
SupportsBlocking: true,
// Test that background refreshing reports correct Age in failure and happy
// states.
func TestCacheGet_refreshAge(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := &MockType{}
Refresh: true,
RefreshTimer: 0,
RefreshTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
var index, shouldFail uint64
typ.On("Fetch", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).
Return(func(o FetchOptions, r Request) FetchResult {
idx := atomic.LoadUint64(&index)
if atomic.LoadUint64(&shouldFail) == 1 {
return FetchResult{Value: nil, Index: idx}
if o.MinIndex == idx {
// Simulate waiting for a new value
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
return FetchResult{Value: int(idx * 2), Index: idx}
}, func(o FetchOptions, r Request) error {
if atomic.LoadUint64(&shouldFail) == 1 {
return errors.New("test error")
return nil
// Set initial index/value
atomic.StoreUint64(&index, 4)
// Fetch
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 8)
// Wait a few milliseconds after initial fetch to check age is not reporting
// actual age.
time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)
// Fetch again, non-blocking
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
require.Equal(8, result)
// Age should be zero since background refresh was "active"
require.Equal(time.Duration(0), meta.Age)
// Now fail the next background sync
atomic.StoreUint64(&shouldFail, 1)
// Wait until the current request times out and starts failing. The request
// should take a maximum of 5ms to return but give it some headroom to allow
// it to finish 5ms sleep, unblock and next background request to be attemoted
// and fail and state updated in noisy CI... We might want to retry if this is
// still flaky but see if a longer wait is sufficient for now.
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
var lastAge time.Duration
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
require.Equal(8, result)
// Age should be non-zero since background refresh was "active"
require.True(meta.Age > 0)
lastAge = meta.Age
// Wait a bit longer - age should increase by at least this much
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
require.Equal(8, result)
require.True(meta.Age > (lastAge + (1 * time.Millisecond)))
// Now unfail the background refresh
atomic.StoreUint64(&shouldFail, 0)
// And update the data so we can see when the background task is working again
// (won't be immediate due to backoff on the errors).
atomic.AddUint64(&index, 1)
t0 := time.Now()
timeout := true
// Allow up to 5 seconds since the error backoff is likely to have kicked in
// and causes this to take different amounts of time depending on how quickly
// the test thread got down here relative to the failures.
for attempts := 0; attempts < 50; attempts++ {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
// Should never error even if background is failing as we have cached value
// Got the new value!
if result == 10 {
// Age should be zero since background refresh is "active" again
t.Logf("Succeeded after %d attempts", attempts)
require.Equal(time.Duration(0), meta.Age)
timeout = false
require.False(timeout, "failed to observe update after %s", time.Since(t0))
func TestCacheGet_nonRefreshAge(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
typ := &MockType{}
Refresh: false,
LastGetTTL: 100 * time.Millisecond,
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
var index uint64
typ.On("Fetch", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).
Return(func(o FetchOptions, r Request) FetchResult {
idx := atomic.LoadUint64(&index)
return FetchResult{Value: int(idx * 2), Index: idx}
}, nil)
// Set initial index/value
atomic.StoreUint64(&index, 4)
// Fetch
resultCh := TestCacheGetCh(t, c, "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
TestCacheGetChResult(t, resultCh, 8)
var lastAge time.Duration
// Wait a few milliseconds after initial fetch to check age IS reporting
// actual age.
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
// Fetch again, non-blocking
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
require.Equal(8, result)
require.True(meta.Age > (5 * time.Millisecond))
lastAge = meta.Age
// Wait for expiry
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
require.Equal(8, result)
// Age should smaller again
require.True(meta.Age < lastAge)
// Wait for a non-trivial amount of time to sanity check the age increases at
// least this amount. Note that this is not a fudge for some timing-dependent
// background work it's just ensuring a non-trivial time elapses between the
// request above and below serilaly in this thread so short time is OK.
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
// Fetch again, non-blocking
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"}))
require.Equal(8, result)
require.True(meta.Age > (5 * time.Millisecond))
lastAge = meta.Age
// Now verify that setting MaxAge results in cache invalidation
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Key: "hello",
MaxAge: 1 * time.Millisecond,
require.Equal(8, result)
// Age should smaller again
require.True(meta.Age < lastAge)
func TestCacheGet_nonBlockingType(t *testing.T) {
typ := TestTypeNonBlocking(t)
c := TestCache(t)
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Configure the type
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 42, Index: 1}, nil).Once()
typ.Static(FetchResult{Value: 43, Index: 2}, nil).Twice().
Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
opts := args.Get(0).(FetchOptions)
// MinIndex should never be set for a non-blocking type.
require.Equal(t, uint64(0), opts.MinIndex)
require := require.New(t)
// Get, should fetch
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Get, should not fetch since we have a cached value
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
// Get, should not attempt to fetch with blocking even if requested. The
// assertions below about the value being the same combined with the fact the
// mock will only return that value on first call suffice to show that
// blocking request is not being attempted.
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{
Key: "hello",
MinIndex: 1,
Timeout: 10 * time.Minute,
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
// Get with a max age should fetch again
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello", MaxAge: 5 * time.Millisecond})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(43, result)
// Get with a must revalidate should fetch again even without a delay.
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello", MustRevalidate: true})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(43, result)
// Sleep a tiny bit just to let maybe some background calls happen
// then verify that we still only got the one call
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)