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synced 2025-03-03 14:50:50 +00:00
The new grpcAddress function contains all of the logic to translate the command line options into the values used in the template. The new type has two advantages. 1. It introduces a logical grouping of values in the BootstrapTplArgs struct which is exceptionally large. This grouping makes the struct easier to understand because each set of nested values can be seen as a single entity. 2. It gives us a reasonable return value for this new function.
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package envoy
// BootstrapTplArgs is the set of arguments that may be interpolated into the
// Envoy bootstrap template.
type BootstrapTplArgs struct {
// ProxyCluster is the cluster name for the the Envoy `node` specification and
// is typically the same as the ProxyID.
ProxyCluster string
// ProxyID is the ID of the proxy service instance as registered with the
// local Consul agent. This must be used as the Envoy `node.id` in order for
// the agent to deliver the correct configuration.
ProxyID string
// AgentCAPEM is the CA to use to verify the local agent gRPC service if
// TLS is enabled.
AgentCAPEM string
// AdminAccessLogPath The path to write the access log for the
// administration server. If no access log is desired specify
// "/dev/null". By default it will use "/dev/null".
AdminAccessLogPath string
// AdminBindAddress is the address the Envoy admin server should bind to.
AdminBindAddress string
// AdminBindPort is the port the Envoy admin server should bind to.
AdminBindPort string
// LocalAgentClusterName is the name reserved for the local Consul agent gRPC
// service and is expected to be used for that purpose.
LocalAgentClusterName string
// Token is the Consul ACL token provided which is required to make gRPC
// discovery requests. If non-empty, this must be configured as the gRPC
// service "initial_metadata" with the key "x-consul-token" in order to
// authorize the discovery streaming RPCs.
Token string
// StaticClustersJSON is JSON string, each is expected to be a valid Cluster
// definition. They are appended to the "static_resources.clusters" list. Note
// that cluster names should be chosen in such a way that they won't collide
// with service names since we use plain service names as cluster names in xDS
// to make metrics population simpler and cluster names mush be unique. See
// https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/v1.9.0/api-v2/api/v2/cds.proto.
StaticClustersJSON string
// StaticListenersJSON is a JSON string containing zero or more Listener
// definitions. They are appended to the "static_resources.listeners" list. A
// single listener should be given as a plain object, if more than one is to
// be added, they should be separated by a comma suitable for direct injection
// into a JSON array.
// See https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/v1.9.0/api-v2/api/v2/lds.proto.
StaticListenersJSON string
// StatsSinksJSON is a JSON string containing an array in the right format
// to be rendered as the body of the `stats_sinks` field at the top level of
// the bootstrap config. It's format may vary based on Envoy version used. See
// https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/v1.9.0/api-v2/config/metrics/v2/stats.proto#config-metrics-v2-statssink.
StatsSinksJSON string
// StatsConfigJSON is a JSON string containing an object in the right format
// to be rendered as the body of the `stats_config` field at the top level of
// the bootstrap config. It's format may vary based on Envoy version used. See
// https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/v1.9.0/api-v2/config/metrics/v2/stats.proto#envoy-api-msg-config-metrics-v2-statsconfig.
StatsConfigJSON string
// StatsFlushInterval is the time duration between Envoy stats flushes. It is
// in proto3 "duration" string format for example "1.12s" See
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json and
// https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/v1.9.0/api-v2/config/bootstrap/v2/bootstrap.proto#bootstrap
StatsFlushInterval string
// TracingConfigJSON is a JSON string containing an object in the right format
// to be rendered as the body of the `tracing` field at the top level of
// the bootstrap config. It's format may vary based on Envoy version used.
// See https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/v1.9.0/api-v2/config/trace/v2/trace.proto.
TracingConfigJSON string
// Namespace is the Consul Enterprise Namespace of the proxy service instance as
// registered with the Consul agent.
Namespace string
// EnvoyVersion is the envoy version, which is necessary to generate the
// correct configuration.
EnvoyVersion string
// GRPC settings used in the bootstrap template.
type GRPC struct {
// AgentAddress is the IP address of the local agent where the proxy instance
// is registered.
AgentAddress string
// AgentPort is the gRPC port exposed on the local agent.
AgentPort string
// AgentTLS is true if the local agent gRPC service should be accessed over
// TLS.
AgentTLS bool
// AgentSocket is the path to a Unix Socket for communicating with the
// local agent's gRPC endpoint. Disabled if the empty (the default),
// but overrides AgentAddress and AgentPort if set.
AgentSocket string
const bootstrapTemplate = `{
"admin": {
"access_log_path": "{{ .AdminAccessLogPath }}",
"address": {
"socket_address": {
"address": "{{ .AdminBindAddress }}",
"port_value": {{ .AdminBindPort }}
"node": {
"cluster": "{{ .ProxyCluster }}",
"id": "{{ .ProxyID }}",
"metadata": {
"namespace": "{{if ne .Namespace ""}}{{ .Namespace }}{{else}}default{{end}}",
"envoy_version": "{{ .EnvoyVersion }}"
"static_resources": {
"clusters": [
"name": "{{ .LocalAgentClusterName }}",
"connect_timeout": "1s",
"type": "STATIC",
{{- if .AgentTLS -}}
"tls_context": {
"common_tls_context": {
"validation_context": {
"trusted_ca": {
"inline_string": "{{ .AgentCAPEM }}"
{{- end }}
"http2_protocol_options": {},
"hosts": [
{{- if .AgentSocket -}}
"pipe": {
"path": "{{ .AgentSocket }}"
{{- else -}}
"socket_address": {
"address": "{{ .AgentAddress }}",
"port_value": {{ .AgentPort }}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .StaticClustersJSON -}}
{{ .StaticClustersJSON }}
{{- end }}
]{{- if .StaticListenersJSON -}}
"listeners": [
{{ .StaticListenersJSON }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .StatsSinksJSON }}
"stats_sinks": {{ .StatsSinksJSON }},
{{- end }}
{{- if .StatsConfigJSON }}
"stats_config": {{ .StatsConfigJSON }},
{{- end }}
{{- if .StatsFlushInterval }}
"stats_flush_interval": "{{ .StatsFlushInterval }}",
{{- end }}
{{- if .TracingConfigJSON }}
"tracing": {{ .TracingConfigJSON }},
{{- end }}
"dynamic_resources": {
"lds_config": { "ads": {} },
"cds_config": { "ads": {} },
"ads_config": {
"api_type": "GRPC",
"grpc_services": {
"initial_metadata": [
"key": "x-consul-token",
"value": "{{ .Token }}"
"envoy_grpc": {
"cluster_name": "{{ .LocalAgentClusterName }}"
{{- if ne .EnvoyVersion "1.10.0"}}
"layers": [
"name": "static_layer",
"static_layer": {
"envoy.deprecated_features:envoy.api.v2.Cluster.tls_context": true,
"envoy.deprecated_features:envoy.config.trace.v2.ZipkinConfig.HTTP_JSON_V1": true,
"envoy.deprecated_features:envoy.config.filter.network.http_connection_manager.v2.HttpConnectionManager.Tracing.operation_name": true
{{- end }}