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synced 2025-03-03 06:40:45 +00:00
We need to init the flagset that cli uses to generate the help outside of the Run method since Run isn't called anymore for printing help.
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467 lines
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package cli
import (
// CLI contains the state necessary to run subcommands and parse the
// command line arguments.
// CLI also supports nested subcommands, such as "cli foo bar". To use
// nested subcommands, the key in the Commands mapping below contains the
// full subcommand. In this example, it would be "foo bar".
// If you use a CLI with nested subcommands, some semantics change due to
// ambiguities:
// * We use longest prefix matching to find a matching subcommand. This
// means if you register "foo bar" and the user executes "cli foo qux",
// the "foo" command will be executed with the arg "qux". It is up to
// you to handle these args. One option is to just return the special
// help return code `RunResultHelp` to display help and exit.
// * The help flag "-h" or "-help" will look at all args to determine
// the help function. For example: "otto apps list -h" will show the
// help for "apps list" but "otto apps -h" will show it for "apps".
// In the normal CLI, only the first subcommand is used.
// * The help flag will list any subcommands that a command takes
// as well as the command's help itself. If there are no subcommands,
// it will note this. If the CLI itself has no subcommands, this entire
// section is omitted.
// * Any parent commands that don't exist are automatically created as
// no-op commands that just show help for other subcommands. For example,
// if you only register "foo bar", then "foo" is automatically created.
type CLI struct {
// Args is the list of command-line arguments received excluding
// the name of the app. For example, if the command "./cli foo bar"
// was invoked, then Args should be []string{"foo", "bar"}.
Args []string
// Commands is a mapping of subcommand names to a factory function
// for creating that Command implementation. If there is a command
// with a blank string "", then it will be used as the default command
// if no subcommand is specified.
// If the key has a space in it, this will create a nested subcommand.
// For example, if the key is "foo bar", then to access it our CLI
// must be accessed with "./cli foo bar". See the docs for CLI for
// notes on how this changes some other behavior of the CLI as well.
Commands map[string]CommandFactory
// Name defines the name of the CLI.
Name string
// Version of the CLI.
Version string
// HelpFunc and HelpWriter are used to output help information, if
// requested.
// HelpFunc is the function called to generate the generic help
// text that is shown if help must be shown for the CLI that doesn't
// pertain to a specific command.
// HelpWriter is the Writer where the help text is outputted to. If
// not specified, it will default to Stderr.
HelpFunc HelpFunc
HelpWriter io.Writer
once sync.Once
commandTree *radix.Tree
commandNested bool
isHelp bool
subcommand string
subcommandArgs []string
topFlags []string
isVersion bool
// NewClI returns a new CLI instance with sensible defaults.
func NewCLI(app, version string) *CLI {
return &CLI{
Name: app,
Version: version,
HelpFunc: BasicHelpFunc(app),
// IsHelp returns whether or not the help flag is present within the
// arguments.
func (c *CLI) IsHelp() bool {
return c.isHelp
// IsVersion returns whether or not the version flag is present within the
// arguments.
func (c *CLI) IsVersion() bool {
return c.isVersion
// Run runs the actual CLI based on the arguments given.
func (c *CLI) Run() (int, error) {
// Just show the version and exit if instructed.
if c.IsVersion() && c.Version != "" {
c.HelpWriter.Write([]byte(c.Version + "\n"))
return 0, nil
// Just print the help when only '-h' or '--help' is passed.
if c.IsHelp() && c.Subcommand() == "" {
c.HelpWriter.Write([]byte(c.HelpFunc(c.Commands) + "\n"))
return 0, nil
// Attempt to get the factory function for creating the command
// implementation. If the command is invalid or blank, it is an error.
raw, ok := c.commandTree.Get(c.Subcommand())
if !ok {
c.HelpWriter.Write([]byte(c.HelpFunc(c.helpCommands(c.subcommandParent())) + "\n"))
return 1, nil
command, err := raw.(CommandFactory)()
if err != nil {
return 1, err
// If we've been instructed to just print the help, then print it
if c.IsHelp() {
return 0, nil
// If there is an invalid flag, then error
if len(c.topFlags) > 0 {
"Invalid flags before the subcommand. If these flags are for\n" +
"the subcommand, please put them after the subcommand.\n\n"))
return 1, nil
code := command.Run(c.SubcommandArgs())
if code == RunResultHelp {
// Requesting help
return 1, nil
return code, nil
// Subcommand returns the subcommand that the CLI would execute. For
// example, a CLI from "--version version --help" would return a Subcommand
// of "version"
func (c *CLI) Subcommand() string {
return c.subcommand
// SubcommandArgs returns the arguments that will be passed to the
// subcommand.
func (c *CLI) SubcommandArgs() []string {
return c.subcommandArgs
// subcommandParent returns the parent of this subcommand, if there is one.
// If there isn't on, "" is returned.
func (c *CLI) subcommandParent() string {
// Get the subcommand, if it is "" alread just return
sub := c.Subcommand()
if sub == "" {
return sub
// Clear any trailing spaces and find the last space
sub = strings.TrimRight(sub, " ")
idx := strings.LastIndex(sub, " ")
if idx == -1 {
// No space means our parent is root
return ""
return sub[:idx]
func (c *CLI) init() {
if c.HelpFunc == nil {
c.HelpFunc = BasicHelpFunc("app")
if c.Name != "" {
c.HelpFunc = BasicHelpFunc(c.Name)
if c.HelpWriter == nil {
c.HelpWriter = os.Stderr
// Build our command tree
c.commandTree = radix.New()
c.commandNested = false
for k, v := range c.Commands {
k = strings.TrimSpace(k)
c.commandTree.Insert(k, v)
if strings.ContainsRune(k, ' ') {
c.commandNested = true
// Go through the key and fill in any missing parent commands
if c.commandNested {
var walkFn radix.WalkFn
toInsert := make(map[string]struct{})
walkFn = func(k string, raw interface{}) bool {
idx := strings.LastIndex(k, " ")
if idx == -1 {
// If there is no space, just ignore top level commands
return false
// Trim up to that space so we can get the expected parent
k = k[:idx]
if _, ok := c.commandTree.Get(k); ok {
// Yay we have the parent!
return false
// We're missing the parent, so let's insert this
toInsert[k] = struct{}{}
// Call the walk function recursively so we check this one too
return walkFn(k, nil)
// Walk!
// Insert any that we're missing
for k := range toInsert {
var f CommandFactory = func() (Command, error) {
return &MockCommand{
HelpText: "This command is accessed by using one of the subcommands below.",
RunResult: RunResultHelp,
}, nil
c.commandTree.Insert(k, f)
// Process the args
func (c *CLI) commandHelp(command Command) {
// Get the template to use
tpl := strings.TrimSpace(defaultHelpTemplate)
if t, ok := command.(CommandHelpTemplate); ok {
tpl = t.HelpTemplate()
if !strings.HasSuffix(tpl, "\n") {
tpl += "\n"
// Parse it
t, err := template.New("root").Parse(tpl)
if err != nil {
t = template.Must(template.New("root").Parse(fmt.Sprintf(
"Internal error! Failed to parse command help template: %s\n", err)))
// Template data
data := map[string]interface{}{
"Name": c.Name,
"Help": command.Help(),
// Build subcommand list if we have it
var subcommandsTpl []map[string]interface{}
if c.commandNested {
// Get the matching keys
subcommands := c.helpCommands(c.Subcommand())
keys := make([]string, 0, len(subcommands))
for k := range subcommands {
keys = append(keys, k)
// Sort the keys
// Figure out the padding length
var longest int
for _, k := range keys {
if v := len(k); v > longest {
longest = v
// Go through and create their structures
subcommandsTpl = make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, len(subcommands))
for _, k := range keys {
// Get the command
raw, ok := subcommands[k]
if !ok {
"Error getting subcommand %q", k)))
sub, err := raw()
if err != nil {
"Error instantiating %q: %s", k, err)))
// Find the last space and make sure we only include that last part
name := k
if idx := strings.LastIndex(k, " "); idx > -1 {
name = name[idx+1:]
subcommandsTpl = append(subcommandsTpl, map[string]interface{}{
"Name": name,
"NameAligned": name + strings.Repeat(" ", longest-len(k)),
"Help": sub.Help(),
"Synopsis": sub.Synopsis(),
data["Subcommands"] = subcommandsTpl
// Write
err = t.Execute(c.HelpWriter, data)
if err == nil {
// An error, just output...
"Internal error rendering help: %s", err)))
// helpCommands returns the subcommands for the HelpFunc argument.
// This will only contain immediate subcommands.
func (c *CLI) helpCommands(prefix string) map[string]CommandFactory {
// If our prefix isn't empty, make sure it ends in ' '
if prefix != "" && prefix[len(prefix)-1] != ' ' {
prefix += " "
// Get all the subkeys of this command
var keys []string
c.commandTree.WalkPrefix(prefix, func(k string, raw interface{}) bool {
// Ignore any sub-sub keys, i.e. "foo bar baz" when we want "foo bar"
if !strings.Contains(k[len(prefix):], " ") {
keys = append(keys, k)
return false
// For each of the keys return that in the map
result := make(map[string]CommandFactory, len(keys))
for _, k := range keys {
raw, ok := c.commandTree.Get(k)
if !ok {
// We just got it via WalkPrefix above, so we just panic
panic("not found: " + k)
result[k] = raw.(CommandFactory)
return result
func (c *CLI) processArgs() {
for i, arg := range c.Args {
if arg == "--" {
if c.subcommand == "" {
// Check for version flags if not in a subcommand.
if arg == "-v" || arg == "-version" || arg == "--version" {
c.isVersion = true
// Check for help flags.
if arg == "-h" || arg == "-help" || arg == "--help" {
c.isHelp = true
if arg != "" && arg[0] == '-' {
// Record the arg...
c.topFlags = append(c.topFlags, arg)
// If we didn't find a subcommand yet and this is the first non-flag
// argument, then this is our subcommand.
if c.subcommand == "" && arg != "" && arg[0] != '-' {
c.subcommand = arg
if c.commandNested {
// Nested CLI, the subcommand is actually the entire
// arg list up to a flag that is still a valid subcommand.
searchKey := strings.Join(c.Args[i:], " ")
k, _, ok := c.commandTree.LongestPrefix(searchKey)
if ok {
// k could be a prefix that doesn't contain the full
// command such as "foo" instead of "foobar", so we
// need to verify that we have an entire key. To do that,
// we look for an ending in a space or an end of string.
reVerify := regexp.MustCompile(regexp.QuoteMeta(k) + `( |$)`)
if reVerify.MatchString(searchKey) {
c.subcommand = k
i += strings.Count(k, " ")
// The remaining args the subcommand arguments
c.subcommandArgs = c.Args[i+1:]
// If we never found a subcommand and support a default command, then
// switch to using that.
if c.subcommand == "" {
if _, ok := c.Commands[""]; ok {
args := c.topFlags
args = append(args, c.subcommandArgs...)
c.topFlags = nil
c.subcommandArgs = args
const defaultHelpTemplate = `
{{.Help}}{{if gt (len .Subcommands) 0}}
{{- range $value := .Subcommands }}
{{ $value.NameAligned }} {{ $value.Synopsis }}{{ end }}
{{- end }}