mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
* ui: Make eventsources use http-like errors for stopping * ui: Don't swallow errors from prometheus, pass them to the ui to handle
740 lines
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740 lines
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/*eslint no-console: "off"*/
(function () {
var emptySeries = { unitSuffix: "", labels: {}, data: [] }
var prometheusProvider = {
options: {},
* init is called when the provider is first loaded.
* options.providerOptions contains any operator configured parameters
* specified in the Consul agent config that is serving the UI.
* Consul will provider a boolean options.metrics_proxy_enabled to indicate
* whether the agent has a metrics proxy configured.
* The provider should throw an Exception if the options are not valid for
* example because it requires a metrics proxy and one is not configured.
init: function(options) {
this.options = options;
if (!this.options.metrics_proxy_enabled) {
throw new Error("prometheus metrics provider currently requires the ui_config.metrics_proxy to be configured in the Consul agent.");
* serviceRecentSummarySeries should return time series for a recent time
* period summarizing the usage of the named service in the indicated
* datacenter. In Consul Enterprise a non-empty namespace is also provided.
* If these metrics aren't available then an empty series array may be
* returned.
* The period may (later) be specified in options.startTime and
* options.endTime.
* The service's protocol must be given as one of Consul's supported
* protocols e.g. "tcp", "http", "http2", "grpc". If it is empty or the
* provider doesn't recognize the protocol, it should treat it as "tcp" and
* provide basic connection stats.
* The expected return value is a promise which resolves to an object that
* should look like the following:
* {
* // The unitSuffix is shown after the value in tooltips. Values will be
* // rounded and shortened. Larger values will already have a suffix
* // like "10k". The suffix provided here is concatenated directly
* // allowing for suffixes like "mbps/kbps" by using a suffix of "bps".
* // If the unit doesn't make sense in this format, include a
* // leading space for example " rps" would show as "1.2k rps".
* unitSuffix: " rps",
* // The set of labels to graph. The key should exactly correspond to a
* // property of every data point in the array below except for the
* // special case "Total" which is used to show the sum of all the
* // stacked graph values. The key is displayed in the tooltop so it
* // should be human-friendly but as concise as possible. The value is a
* // longer description that is displayed in the graph's key on request
* // to explain exactly what the metrics mean.
* labels: {
* "Total": "Total inbound requests per second.",
* "Successes": "Successful responses (with an HTTP response code ...",
* "Errors": "Error responses (with an HTTP response code in the ...",
* },
* data: [
* {
* time: 1600944516286, // milliseconds since Unix epoch
* "Successes": 1234.5,
* "Errors": 2.3,
* },
* ...
* ]
* }
* Every data point object should have a value for every series label
* (except for "Total") otherwise it will be assumed to be "0".
serviceRecentSummarySeries: function(serviceDC, namespace, serviceName, protocol, options) {
// Fetch time-series
var series = []
var labels = []
// Set the start and end range here so that all queries end up with
// identical time axes. Later we might accept these as options.
var now = (new Date()).getTime()/1000;
options.start = now - (15*60);
options.end = now;
if (this.hasL7Metrics(protocol)) {
return this.fetchRequestRateSeries(serviceName, options);
// Fallback to just L4 metrics.
return this.fetchDataRateSeries(serviceName, options);
* serviceRecentSummaryStats should return four summary statistics for a
* recent time period for the named service in the indicated datacenter. In
* Consul Enterprise a non-empty namespace is also provided.
* If these metrics aren't available then an empty array may be returned.
* The period may (later) be specified in options.startTime and
* options.endTime.
* The service's protocol must be given as one of Consul's supported
* protocols e.g. "tcp", "http", "http2", "grpc". If it is empty or the
* provider doesn't recognize it it should treat it as "tcp" and provide
* just basic connection stats.
* The expected return value is a promise which resolves to an object that
* should look like the following:
* {
* stats: [ // We expect four of these for now.
* {
* // label should be 3 chars or fewer as an abbreviation
* label: "SR",
* // desc describes the stat in a tooltip
* desc: "Success Rate - the percentage of all requests that were not 5xx status",
* // value is a string allowing the provider to format it and add
* // units as appropriate. It should be as compact as possible.
* value: "98%",
* }
* ]
* }
serviceRecentSummaryStats: function(serviceDC, namespace, serviceName, protocol, options) {
// Fetch stats
var stats = [];
if (this.hasL7Metrics(protocol)) {
stats.push(this.fetchRPS(serviceName, "service", options))
stats.push(this.fetchER(serviceName, "service", options))
stats.push(this.fetchPercentile(50, serviceName, "service", options))
stats.push(this.fetchPercentile(99, serviceName, "service", options))
} else {
// Fallback to just L4 metrics.
stats.push(this.fetchConnRate(serviceName, "service", options))
stats.push(this.fetchServiceRx(serviceName, "service", options))
stats.push(this.fetchServiceTx(serviceName, "service", options))
stats.push(this.fetchServiceNoRoute(serviceName, "service", options))
return this.fetchStats(stats)
* upstreamRecentSummaryStats should return four summary statistics for each
* upstream service over a recent time period, relative to the named service
* in the indicated datacenter. In Consul Enterprise a non-empty namespace
* is also provided.
* Note that the upstreams themselves might be in different datacenters but
* we only pass the target service DC since typically these metrics should
* be from the outbound listener of the target service in this DC even if
* they eventually end up in another DC.
* If these metrics aren't available then an empty array may be returned.
* The period may (later) be specified in options.startTime and
* options.endTime.
* The expected return value format is shown below:
* {
* stats: {
* // Each upstream will appear as an entry keyed by the upstream
* // service name. The value is an array of stats with the same
* // format as serviceRecentSummaryStats response.stats. Note that
* // different upstreams might show different stats depending on
* // their protocol.
* "upstream_name": [
* {label: "SR", desc: "...", value: "99%"},
* ...
* ],
* ...
* }
* }
upstreamRecentSummaryStats: function(serviceDC, namespace, serviceName, upstreamName, options) {
return this.fetchRecentSummaryStats(serviceName, "upstream", options)
* downstreamRecentSummaryStats should return four summary statistics for
* each downstream service over a recent time period, relative to the named
* service in the indicated datacenter. In Consul Enterprise a non-empty
* namespace is also provided.
* Note that the service may have downstreams in different datacenters. For
* some metrics systems which are per-datacenter this makes it hard to query
* for all downstream metrics from one source. For now the UI will only show
* downstreams in the same datacenter as the target service. In the future
* this method may be called multiple times, once for each DC that contains
* downstream services to gather metrics from each. In that case a separate
* option for target datacenter will be used since the target service's DC
* is still needed to correctly identify the outbound clusters that will
* route to it from the remote DC.
* If these metrics aren't available then an empty array may be returned.
* The period may (later) be specified in options.startTime and
* options.endTime.
* The expected return value format is shown below:
* {
* stats: {
* // Each downstream will appear as an entry keyed by the downstream
* // service name. The value is an array of stats with the same
* // format as serviceRecentSummaryStats response.stats. Different
* // downstreams may display different stats if required although the
* // protocol should be the same for all as it is the target
* // service's protocol that matters here.
* "downstream_name": [
* {label: "SR", desc: "...", value: "99%"},
* ...
* ],
* ...
* }
* }
downstreamRecentSummaryStats: function(serviceDC, namespace, serviceName, options) {
return this.fetchRecentSummaryStats(serviceName, "downstream", options)
fetchRecentSummaryStats: function(serviceName, type, options) {
// Fetch stats
var stats = [];
// We don't know which upstreams are HTTP/TCP so just fetch all of them.
stats.push(this.fetchRPS(serviceName, type, options))
stats.push(this.fetchER(serviceName, type, options))
stats.push(this.fetchPercentile(50, serviceName, type, options))
stats.push(this.fetchPercentile(99, serviceName, type, options))
// L4
stats.push(this.fetchConnRate(serviceName, type, options))
stats.push(this.fetchServiceRx(serviceName, type, options))
stats.push(this.fetchServiceTx(serviceName, type, options))
stats.push(this.fetchServiceNoRoute(serviceName, type, options))
return this.fetchStatsGrouped(stats)
hasL7Metrics: function(protocol) {
return protocol === "http" || protocol === "http2" || protocol === "grpc"
fetchStats: function(statsPromises) {
var all = Promise.all(statsPromises).
var data = {
stats: []
// Add all non-empty stats
for (var i = 0; i < statsPromises.length; i++) {
if (results[i].value) {
return data
// Fetch the metrics async, and return a promise to the result.
return all
fetchStatsGrouped: function(statsPromises) {
var all = Promise.all(statsPromises).
var data = {
stats: {}
// Add all non-empty stats
for (var i = 0; i < statsPromises.length; i++) {
if (results[i]) {
for (var group in results[i]) {
if (!results[i].hasOwnProperty(group)) continue;
if (!data.stats[group]) {
data.stats[group] = []
return data
// Fetch the metrics async, and return a promise to the result.
return all
reformatSeries: function(unitSuffix, labelMap) {
return function(response) {
// Handle empty result sets gracefully.
if (!response.data || !response.data.result || response.data.result.length == 0
|| !response.data.result[0].values
|| response.data.result[0].values.length == 0) {
return emptySeries;
// Reformat the prometheus data to be the format we want with stacked
// values as object properties.
// Populate time values first based on first result since Prometheus will
// always return all the same points for all series in the query.
let series = response.data.result[0].values.map(function(d, i) {
return {
time: Math.round(d[0] * 1000),
// Then for each series returned populate the labels and values in the
// points.
response.data.result.map(function(d) {
d.values.map(function(p, i) {
series[i][d.metric.label] = parseFloat(p[1]);
return {
unitSuffix: unitSuffix,
labels: labelMap,
data: series
fetchRequestRateSeries: function(serviceName, options){
// We need the sum of all non-500 error rates as one value and the 500
// error rate as a separate series so that they stack to show the full
// request rate. Some creative label replacement makes this possible in
// one query.
var q = `sum by (label) (`+
// The outer label_replace catches 5xx error and relabels them as
// err=yes
// The inner label_replace relabels all !5xx rates as err=no so they
// will get summed together.
// Get rate of requests to the service
// ... inner replacement matches all code classes except "5" and
// applies err=no
`, "label", "Successes", "envoy_response_code_class", "[^5]")`+
// ... outer replacement matches code=5 and applies err=yes
`, "label", "Errors", "envoy_response_code_class", "5")`+
var labelMap = {
Total: 'Total inbound requests per second',
Successes: 'Successful responses (with an HTTP response code not in the 5xx range) per second.',
Errors: 'Error responses (with an HTTP response code in the 5xx range) per second.',
return this.fetchSeries(q, options)
.then(this.reformatSeries(" rps", labelMap))
fetchDataRateSeries: function(serviceName, options){
// 8 * converts from bytes/second to bits/second
var q = `8 * sum by (label) (`+
// Label replace generates a unique label per rx/tx metric to stop them
// being summed together.
// Get the tx rate
// Match all and apply the tx label
`, "label", "Outbound", "__name__", ".*"`+
// Union those vectors with the RX ones
`) or label_replace(`+
// Get the rx rate
// Match all and apply the rx label
`, "label", "Inbound", "__name__", ".*"`+
var labelMap = {
Total: 'Total bandwidth',
Inbound: 'Inbound data rate (data recieved) from the network in bits per second.',
Outbound: 'Outbound data rate (data transmitted) from the network in bits per second.',
return this.fetchSeries(q, options)
.then(this.reformatSeries("bps", labelMap))
makeSubject: function(serviceName, type) {
if (type == "upstream") {
// {{GROUP}} is a placeholder that is replaced by the upstream name
return `${serviceName} → {{GROUP}}`;
if (type == "downstream") {
// {{GROUP}} is a placeholder that is replaced by the downstream name
return `{{GROUP}} → ${serviceName}`;
return serviceName
makeHTTPSelector: function(serviceName, type) {
// Downstreams are totally different
if (type == "downstream") {
return `consul_service="${serviceName}"`
var lc = `local_cluster="${serviceName}"`
if (type == "upstream") {
lc += `,envoy_http_conn_manager_prefix=~"upstream_.*"`;
} else {
// Only care about inbound public listener
lc += `,envoy_http_conn_manager_prefix="public_listener_http"`
return lc
makeTCPSelector: function(serviceName, type) {
// Downstreams are totally different
if (type == "downstream") {
return `consul_service="${serviceName}"`
var lc = `local_cluster="${serviceName}"`
if (type == "upstream") {
lc += `,envoy_tcp_prefix=~"upstream_.*"`;
} else {
// Only care about inbound public listener
lc += `,envoy_tcp_prefix="public_listener_tcp"`
return lc
groupQueryHTTP: function(type, q) {
if (type == "upstream") {
q += " by (envoy_http_conn_manager_prefix)"
// Extract the raw upstream service name to group results by
q = this.upstreamRelabelQueryHTTP(q)
} else if (type == "downstream") {
q += " by (local_cluster)"
q = this.downstreamRelabelQuery(q)
return q
groupQueryTCP: function(type, q) {
if (type == "upstream") {
q += " by (envoy_tcp_prefix)"
// Extract the raw upstream service name to group results by
q = this.upstreamRelabelQueryTCP(q)
} else if (type == "downstream") {
q += " by (local_cluster)"
q = this.downstreamRelabelQuery(q)
return q
upstreamRelabelQueryHTTP: function(q) {
return `label_replace(${q}, "upstream", "$1", "envoy_http_conn_manager_prefix", "upstream_(.*)_http")`
upstreamRelabelQueryTCP: function(q) {
return `label_replace(${q}, "upstream", "$1", "envoy_tcp_prefix", "upstream_(.*)_tcp")`
downstreamRelabelQuery: function(q) {
return `label_replace(${q}, "downstream", "$1", "local_cluster", "(.*)")`
groupBy: function(type) {
if (type == "service") {
return false
return type;
metricPrefixHTTP: function(type) {
if (type == "downstream") {
return "envoy_cluster_upstream_rq"
return "envoy_http_downstream_rq";
metricPrefixTCP: function(type) {
if (type == "downstream") {
return "envoy_cluster_upstream_cx"
return "envoy_tcp_downstream_cx";
fetchRPS: function(serviceName, type, options){
var sel = this.makeHTTPSelector(serviceName, type)
var subject = this.makeSubject(serviceName, type)
var metricPfx = this.metricPrefixHTTP(type)
var q = `sum(rate(${metricPfx}_completed{${sel}}[15m]))`
return this.fetchStat(this.groupQueryHTTP(type, q),
`<b>${subject}</b> request rate averaged over the last 15 minutes`,
fetchER: function(serviceName, type, options){
var sel = this.makeHTTPSelector(serviceName, type)
var subject = this.makeSubject(serviceName, type)
var groupBy = ""
if (type == "upstream") {
groupBy += " by (envoy_http_conn_manager_prefix)"
} else if (type == "downstream") {
groupBy += " by (local_cluster)"
var metricPfx = this.metricPrefixHTTP(type)
var q = `sum(rate(${metricPfx}_xx{${sel},envoy_response_code_class="5"}[15m]))${groupBy}/sum(rate(${metricPfx}_xx{${sel}}[15m]))${groupBy}`
if (type == "upstream") {
q = this.upstreamRelabelQueryHTTP(q)
} else if (type == "downstream") {
q = this.downstreamRelabelQuery(q)
return this.fetchStat(q,
`Percentage of <b>${subject}</b> requests which were 5xx status over the last 15 minutes`,
return shortNumStr(val)+"%"
fetchPercentile: function(percentile, serviceName, type, options){
var sel = this.makeHTTPSelector(serviceName, type)
var subject = this.makeSubject(serviceName, type)
var groupBy = "le"
if (type == "upstream") {
groupBy += ",envoy_http_conn_manager_prefix"
} else if (type == "downstream") {
groupBy += ",local_cluster"
var metricPfx = this.metricPrefixHTTP(type)
var q = `histogram_quantile(${percentile/100}, sum by(${groupBy}) (rate(${metricPfx}_time_bucket{${sel}}[15m])))`
if (type == "upstream") {
q = this.upstreamRelabelQueryHTTP(q)
} else if (type == "downstream") {
q = this.downstreamRelabelQuery(q)
return this.fetchStat(q,
`<b>${subject}</b> ${percentile}th percentile request service time over the last 15 minutes`,
fetchConnRate: function(serviceName, type, options) {
var sel = this.makeTCPSelector(serviceName, type)
var subject = this.makeSubject(serviceName, type)
var metricPfx = this.metricPrefixTCP(type)
var q = `sum(rate(${metricPfx}_total{${sel}}[15m]))`
return this.fetchStat(this.groupQueryTCP(type, q),
`<b>${subject}</b> inbound TCP connections per second averaged over the last 15 minutes`,
fetchServiceRx: function(serviceName, type, options) {
var sel = this.makeTCPSelector(serviceName, type)
var subject = this.makeSubject(serviceName, type)
var metricPfx = this.metricPrefixTCP(type)
var q = `8 * sum(rate(${metricPfx}_rx_bytes_total{${sel}}[15m]))`
return this.fetchStat(this.groupQueryTCP(type, q),
`<b>${subject}</b> received bits per second averaged over the last 15 minutes`,
fetchServiceTx: function(serviceName, type, options) {
var sel = this.makeTCPSelector(serviceName, type)
var subject = this.makeSubject(serviceName, type)
var metricPfx = this.metricPrefixTCP(type)
var q = `8 * sum(rate(${metricPfx}_tx_bytes_total{${sel}}[15m]))`
var self = this
return this.fetchStat(this.groupQueryTCP(type, q),
`<b>${subject}</b> transmitted bits per second averaged over the last 15 minutes`,
fetchServiceNoRoute: function(serviceName, type, options) {
var sel = this.makeTCPSelector(serviceName, type)
var subject = this.makeSubject(serviceName, type)
var metricPfx = this.metricPrefixTCP(type)
var metric = "_no_route"
if (type == "downstream") {
metric = "_connect_fail"
var q = `sum(rate(${metricPfx}${metric}{${sel}}[15m]))`
return this.fetchStat(this.groupQueryTCP(type, q),
`<b>${subject}</b> unroutable (failed) connections per second averaged over the last 15 minutes`,
fetchStat: function(promql, label, desc, formatter, groupBy) {
if (!groupBy) {
// If we don't have a grouped result and its just a single stat, return
// no result as a zero not a missing stat.
promql += " OR on() vector(0)";
var params = {
query: promql,
time: (new Date).getTime()/1000
return this.httpGet("/api/v1/query", params).then(function(response){
if (!groupBy) {
// Not grouped, expect just one stat value return that
var v = parseFloat(response.data.result[0].value[1])
return {
label: label,
desc: desc,
value: formatter(v)
var data = {};
for (var i = 0; i < response.data.result.length; i++) {
var res = response.data.result[i];
var v = parseFloat(res.value[1]);
var groupName = res.metric[groupBy];
data[groupName] = {
label: label,
desc: desc.replace('{{GROUP}}', groupName),
value: formatter(v)
return data;
fetchSeries: function(promql, options) {
var params = {
query: promql,
start: options.start,
end: options.end,
step: "10s",
timeout: "8s"
return this.httpGet("/api/v1/query_range", params)
httpGet: function(path, params) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var self = this
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (xhr.readyState !== 4) return;
if (xhr.status == 200) {
// Attempt to parse response as JSON and return the object
var o = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
const e = new Error(xhr.statusText);
e.statusCode = xhr.status;
var url = self.baseURL()+path;
if (params) {
var qs = Object.keys(params).
return encodeURIComponent(key)+"="+encodeURIComponent(params[key])
url = url+"?"+qs
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
baseURL: function() {
// TODO support configuring a direct Prometheus via
// metrics_provider_options_json.
return "/v1/internal/ui/metrics-proxy"
// Helper functions
function shortNumStr(n) {
if (n < 1e3) {
if (Number.isInteger(n)) return ""+n
if (n >= 100) {
// Go to 3 significant figures but wrap it in Number to avoid scientific
// notation lie 2.3e+2 for 230.
return Number(n.toPrecision(3))
} if (n < 1) {
// Very small numbers show with limited precision to prevent long string
// of 0.000000.
return Number(n.toFixed(2));
} else {
// Two sig figs is enough below this
return Number(n.toPrecision(2));
if (n >= 1e3 && n < 1e6) return +(n / 1e3).toPrecision(3) + "k";
if (n >= 1e6 && n < 1e9) return +(n / 1e6).toPrecision(3) + "m";
if (n >= 1e9 && n < 1e12) return +(n / 1e9).toPrecision(3) + "g";
if (n >= 1e12) return +(n / 1e12).toFixed(0) + "t";
function shortTimeStr(n) {
if (n < 1e3) return Math.round(n) + "ms";
var secs = n / 1e3
if (secs < 60) return secs.toFixed(1) + "s"
var mins = secs/60
if (mins < 60) return mins.toFixed(1) + "m"
var hours = mins/60
if (hours < 24) return hours.toFixed(1) + "h"
var days = hours/24
return days.toFixed(1) + "d"
/* global consul:writable */
window.consul.registerMetricsProvider("prometheus", prometheusProvider)