R.B. Boyer a72f868218
testing/deployer: update deployer to use v2 catalog constructs when requested (#19046)
This updates the testing/deployer (aka "topology test") framework to conditionally 
configure and launch catalog constructs using v2 resources. This is controlled via a 
Version field on the Node construct in a topology.Config. This only functions for a 
dataplane type and has other restrictions that match the rest of v2 (no peering, no 
wanfed, no mesh gateways).

Like config entries, you can statically provide a set of initial resources to be synced 
when bringing up the cluster (beyond those that are generated for you such as 
workloads, services, etc).

If you want to author a test that can be freely converted between v1 and v2 then that 
is possible. If you switch to the multi-port definition on a topology.Service (aka 
"workload/instance") then that makes v1 ineligible.

This also adds a starter set of "on every PR" integration tests for single and multiport 
under test-integ/catalogv2
2023-11-02 14:25:48 -05:00

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module github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer
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