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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package proxystateconverter
import (
func makeLbEndpoint(addr string, port int, health pbproxystate.HealthStatus, weight int) *pbproxystate.Endpoint {
ep := &pbproxystate.Endpoint{
Address: &pbproxystate.Endpoint_HostPort{
HostPort: &pbproxystate.HostPortAddress{
Host: addr,
Port: uint32(port),
ep.HealthStatus = health
ep.LoadBalancingWeight = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: uint32(weight)}
return ep
// endpointsFromSnapshot returns the mesh API representation of the "routes" in the snapshot.
func (s *Converter) endpointsFromSnapshot(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) error {
if cfgSnap == nil {
return errors.New("nil config given")
switch cfgSnap.Kind {
case structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy:
return s.endpointsFromSnapshotConnectProxy(cfgSnap)
//case structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway:
// return s.endpointsFromSnapshotTerminatingGateway(cfgSnap)
//case structs.ServiceKindMeshGateway:
// return s.endpointsFromSnapshotMeshGateway(cfgSnap)
//case structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway:
// return s.endpointsFromSnapshotIngressGateway(cfgSnap)
//case structs.ServiceKindAPIGateway:
// return s.endpointsFromSnapshotAPIGateway(cfgSnap)
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid service kind: %v", cfgSnap.Kind)
// endpointsFromSnapshotConnectProxy returns the xDS API representation of the "endpoints"
// (upstream instances) in the snapshot.
func (s *Converter) endpointsFromSnapshotConnectProxy(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) error {
eps := make(map[string]*pbproxystate.Endpoints)
// NOTE: Any time we skip a chain below we MUST also skip that discovery chain in clusters.go
// so that the sets of endpoints generated matches the sets of clusters.
for uid, chain := range cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.DiscoveryChain {
upstream, skip := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.GetUpstream(uid, &cfgSnap.ProxyID.EnterpriseMeta)
if skip {
// Discovery chain is not associated with a known explicit or implicit upstream so it is skipped.
var upstreamConfigMap map[string]interface{}
if upstream != nil {
upstreamConfigMap = upstream.Config
es, err := s.endpointsFromDiscoveryChain(
if err != nil {
return err
for clusterName, endpoints := range es {
eps[clusterName] = &pbproxystate.Endpoints{
Endpoints: endpoints,
// NOTE: Any time we skip an upstream below we MUST also skip that same
// upstream in clusters.go so that the sets of endpoints generated matches
// the sets of clusters.
for _, uid := range cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.PeeredUpstreamIDs() {
upstream, skip := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.GetUpstream(uid, &cfgSnap.ProxyID.EnterpriseMeta)
if skip {
// Discovery chain is not associated with a known explicit or implicit upstream so it is skipped.
tbs, ok := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamPeerTrustBundles.Get(uid.Peer)
if !ok {
// this should never happen since we loop through upstreams with
// set trust bundles
return fmt.Errorf("trust bundle not ready for peer %s", uid.Peer)
clusterName := generatePeeredClusterName(uid, tbs)
mgwMode := structs.MeshGatewayModeDefault
if upstream != nil {
mgwMode = upstream.MeshGateway.Mode
peerServiceEndpoints, err := s.makeEndpointsForPeerService(cfgSnap, uid, mgwMode)
if err != nil {
return err
if peerServiceEndpoints != nil {
pbEndpoints := &pbproxystate.Endpoints{
Endpoints: peerServiceEndpoints,
eps[clusterName] = pbEndpoints
// Looping over explicit upstreams is only needed for prepared queries because they do not have discovery chains
for _, u := range cfgSnap.Proxy.Upstreams {
if u.DestinationType != structs.UpstreamDestTypePreparedQuery {
uid := proxycfg.NewUpstreamID(&u)
dc := u.Datacenter
if dc == "" {
dc = cfgSnap.Datacenter
clusterName := connect.UpstreamSNI(&u, "", dc, cfgSnap.Roots.TrustDomain)
endpoints, ok := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.PreparedQueryEndpoints[uid]
if ok {
epts := makeEndpointsForLoadAssignment(
{Endpoints: endpoints},
pbEndpoints := &pbproxystate.Endpoints{
Endpoints: epts,
eps[clusterName] = pbEndpoints
// Loop over potential destinations in the mesh, then grab the gateway nodes associated with each
cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.DestinationsUpstream.ForEachKey(func(uid proxycfg.UpstreamID) bool {
svcConfig, ok := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.DestinationsUpstream.Get(uid)
if !ok || svcConfig.Destination == nil {
return true
for _, address := range svcConfig.Destination.Addresses {
clusterName := clusterNameForDestination(cfgSnap, uid.Name, address, uid.NamespaceOrDefault(), uid.PartitionOrDefault())
endpoints, ok := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.DestinationGateways.Get(uid)
if ok {
epts := makeEndpointsForLoadAssignment(
{Endpoints: endpoints},
proxycfg.GatewayKey{ /*empty so it never matches*/ },
pbEndpoints := &pbproxystate.Endpoints{
Endpoints: epts,
eps[clusterName] = pbEndpoints
return true
s.proxyState.Endpoints = eps
return nil
func (s *Converter) makeEndpointsForPeerService(
cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot,
uid proxycfg.UpstreamID,
upstreamGatewayMode structs.MeshGatewayMode,
) ([]*pbproxystate.Endpoint, error) {
var eps []*pbproxystate.Endpoint
upstreamsSnapshot, err := cfgSnap.ToConfigSnapshotUpstreams()
if err != nil {
return eps, err
if upstreamGatewayMode == structs.MeshGatewayModeNone {
s.Logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("invalid mesh gateway mode 'none', defaulting to 'remote' for %q", uid))
// If an upstream is configured with local mesh gw mode, we make a load assignment
// from the gateway endpoints instead of those of the upstreams.
if upstreamGatewayMode == structs.MeshGatewayModeLocal {
localGw, ok := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.WatchedLocalGWEndpoints.Get(cfgSnap.Locality.String())
if !ok {
// local GW is not ready; return early
return eps, nil
eps = makeEndpointsForLoadAssignment(
{Endpoints: localGw},
return eps, nil
// Also skip peer instances with a hostname as their address. EDS
// cannot resolve hostnames, so we provide them through CDS instead.
if _, ok := upstreamsSnapshot.PeerUpstreamEndpointsUseHostnames[uid]; ok {
return eps, nil
endpoints, ok := upstreamsSnapshot.PeerUpstreamEndpoints.Get(uid)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
eps = makeEndpointsForLoadAssignment(
{Endpoints: endpoints},
proxycfg.GatewayKey{ /*empty so it never matches*/ },
return eps, nil
func (s *Converter) filterSubsetEndpoints(subset *structs.ServiceResolverSubset, endpoints structs.CheckServiceNodes) (structs.CheckServiceNodes, error) {
// locally execute the subsets filter
if subset.Filter != "" {
filter, err := bexpr.CreateFilter(subset.Filter, nil, endpoints)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
raw, err := filter.Execute(endpoints)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return raw.(structs.CheckServiceNodes), nil
return endpoints, nil
// TODO(proxystate): Terminating Gateway will be added in the future.
// Functions to add from agent/xds/endpoints.go:
// func endpointsFromSnapshotTerminatingGateway
// TODO(proxystate): Mesh Gateway will be added in the future.
// Functions to add from agent/xds/endpoints.go:
// func endpointsFromSnapshotMeshGateway
// TODO(proxystate): Cluster Peering will be added in the future.
// Functions to add from agent/xds/endpoints.go:
// func makeEndpointsForOutgoingPeeredServices
// TODO(proxystate): Mesh Gateway will be added in the future.
// Functions to add from agent/xds/endpoints.go:
// func endpointsFromServicesAndResolvers
// TODO(proxystate): Mesh Gateway will be added in the future.
// Functions to add from agent/xds/endpoints.go:
// func makePeerServerEndpointsForMeshGateway
// TODO(proxystate): Ingress Gateway will be added in the future.
// Functions to add from agent/xds/endpoints.go:
// func endpointsFromSnapshotIngressGateway
// TODO(proxystate): API Gateway will be added in the future.
// Functions to add from agent/xds/endpoints.go:
// func endpointsFromSnapshotAPIGateway
// used in clusters.go
func makeHostPortEndpoint(host string, port int) *pbproxystate.Endpoint {
return &pbproxystate.Endpoint{
Address: &pbproxystate.Endpoint_HostPort{
HostPort: &pbproxystate.HostPortAddress{
Host: host,
Port: uint32(port),
func makeUnixSocketEndpoint(path string) *pbproxystate.Endpoint {
return &pbproxystate.Endpoint{
Address: &pbproxystate.Endpoint_UnixSocket{
UnixSocket: &pbproxystate.UnixSocketAddress{
Path: path,
// envoy's mode is particular to a pipe address and is uint32.
// it also says "The mode for the Pipe. Not applicable for abstract sockets."
// https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/core/v3/address.proto#config-core-v3-pipe
Mode: "0",
func (s *Converter) makeUpstreamLoadAssignmentEndpointForPeerService(
cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot,
uid proxycfg.UpstreamID,
upstreamGatewayMode structs.MeshGatewayMode,
) ([]*pbproxystate.Endpoint, error) {
var eps []*pbproxystate.Endpoint
upstreamsSnapshot, err := cfgSnap.ToConfigSnapshotUpstreams()
if err != nil {
return eps, err
if upstreamGatewayMode == structs.MeshGatewayModeNone {
s.Logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("invalid mesh gateway mode 'none', defaulting to 'remote' for %q", uid))
// If an upstream is configured with local mesh gw mode, we make a load assignment
// from the gateway endpoints instead of those of the upstreams.
if upstreamGatewayMode == structs.MeshGatewayModeLocal {
localGw, ok := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.WatchedLocalGWEndpoints.Get(cfgSnap.Locality.String())
if !ok {
// local GW is not ready; return early
return eps, nil
eps = makeEndpointsForLoadAssignment(
{Endpoints: localGw},
return eps, nil
// Also skip peer instances with a hostname as their address. EDS
// cannot resolve hostnames, so we provide them through CDS instead.
if _, ok := upstreamsSnapshot.PeerUpstreamEndpointsUseHostnames[uid]; ok {
return eps, nil
endpoints, ok := upstreamsSnapshot.PeerUpstreamEndpoints.Get(uid)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
eps = makeEndpointsForLoadAssignment(
{Endpoints: endpoints},
proxycfg.GatewayKey{ /*empty so it never matches*/ },
return eps, nil
func (s *Converter) endpointsFromDiscoveryChain(
uid proxycfg.UpstreamID,
chain *structs.CompiledDiscoveryChain,
cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot,
gatewayKey proxycfg.GatewayKey,
upstreamConfigMap map[string]interface{},
upstreamEndpoints map[string]structs.CheckServiceNodes,
gatewayEndpoints map[string]structs.CheckServiceNodes,
forMeshGateway bool,
) (map[string][]*pbproxystate.Endpoint, error) {
if chain == nil {
if forMeshGateway {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing discovery chain for %s", uid)
return nil, nil
if upstreamConfigMap == nil {
upstreamConfigMap = make(map[string]interface{}) // TODO:needed?
clusterEndpoints := make(map[string][]*pbproxystate.Endpoint)
// TODO(proxystate): escape hatches will be implemented in the future
//var escapeHatchCluster *pbproxystate.Cluster
//if !forMeshGateway {
//cfg, err := structs.ParseUpstreamConfigNoDefaults(upstreamConfigMap)
//if err != nil {
// // Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. The parse func returns
// // default config if there is an error so it's safe to continue.
// s.Logger.Warn("failed to parse", "upstream", uid,
// "error", err)
//if cfg.EnvoyClusterJSON != "" {
// if chain.Default {
// // If you haven't done anything to setup the discovery chain, then
// // you can use the envoy_cluster_json escape hatch.
// escapeHatchCluster, err = makeClusterFromUserConfig(cfg.EnvoyClusterJSON)
// if err != nil {
// return ce, nil
// }
// } else {
// s.Logger.Warn("ignoring escape hatch setting, because a discovery chain is configued for",
// "discovery chain", chain.ServiceName, "upstream", uid,
// "envoy_cluster_json", chain.ServiceName)
// }
mgwMode := structs.MeshGatewayModeDefault
if upstream, _ := cfgSnap.ConnectProxy.GetUpstream(uid, &cfgSnap.ProxyID.EnterpriseMeta); upstream != nil {
mgwMode = upstream.MeshGateway.Mode
// Find all resolver nodes.
for _, node := range chain.Nodes {
switch {
case node == nil:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("impossible to process a nil node")
case node.Type != structs.DiscoveryGraphNodeTypeResolver:
case node.Resolver == nil:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("impossible to process a non-resolver node")
rawUpstreamConfig, err := structs.ParseUpstreamConfigNoDefaults(upstreamConfigMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
upstreamConfig := finalizeUpstreamConfig(rawUpstreamConfig, chain, node.Resolver.ConnectTimeout)
mappedTargets, err := s.mapDiscoChainTargets(cfgSnap, chain, node, upstreamConfig, forMeshGateway)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
targetGroups, err := mappedTargets.groupedTargets()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, groupedTarget := range targetGroups {
clusterName := groupedTarget.ClusterName
// TODO(proxystate): escape hatches will be implemented in the future
//if escapeHatchCluster != nil {
// clusterName = escapeHatchCluster.Name
switch len(groupedTarget.Targets) {
case 0:
case 1:
// We expect one target so this passes through to continue setting the load assignment up.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot have more than one target")
ti := groupedTarget.Targets[0]
s.Logger.Debug("generating endpoints for", "cluster", clusterName, "targetID", ti.TargetID)
targetUID := proxycfg.NewUpstreamIDFromTargetID(ti.TargetID)
if targetUID.Peer != "" {
peerServiceEndpoints, err := s.makeEndpointsForPeerService(cfgSnap, targetUID, mgwMode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if peerServiceEndpoints != nil {
clusterEndpoints[clusterName] = peerServiceEndpoints
endpointGroup, valid := makeLoadAssignmentEndpointGroup(
if !valid {
continue // skip the cluster if we're still populating the snapshot
epts := makeEndpointsForLoadAssignment(
clusterEndpoints[clusterName] = epts
return clusterEndpoints, nil
// TODO(proxystate): Mesh Gateway will be added in the future.
// Functions to add from agent/xds/endpoints.go:
// func makeExportedUpstreamEndpointsForMeshGateway
type loadAssignmentEndpointGroup struct {
Endpoints structs.CheckServiceNodes
OnlyPassing bool
OverrideHealth pbproxystate.HealthStatus
func makeEndpointsForLoadAssignment(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot,
policy *structs.DiscoveryPrioritizeByLocality,
endpointGroups []loadAssignmentEndpointGroup,
localKey proxycfg.GatewayKey) []*pbproxystate.Endpoint {
pbEndpoints := make([]*pbproxystate.Endpoint, 0, len(endpointGroups))
// TODO(proxystate): this will be added with property overrides having golden files with this
//if len(endpointGroups) > 1 {
// cla.Policy = &envoy_endpoint_v3.ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy{
// // We choose such a large value here that the failover math should
// // in effect not happen until zero instances are healthy.
// OverprovisioningFactor: response.MakeUint32Value(100000),
// }
var priority uint32
for _, endpointGroup := range endpointGroups {
endpointsByLocality, err := groupedEndpoints(cfgSnap.ServiceLocality, policy, endpointGroup.Endpoints)
if err != nil {
for _, endpoints := range endpointsByLocality {
for _, ep := range endpoints {
// TODO (mesh-gateway) - should we respect the translate_wan_addrs configuration here or just always use the wan for cross-dc?
_, addr, port := ep.BestAddress(!localKey.Matches(ep.Node.Datacenter, ep.Node.PartitionOrDefault()))
healthStatus, weight := calculateEndpointHealthAndWeight(ep, endpointGroup.OnlyPassing)
if endpointGroup.OverrideHealth != pbproxystate.HealthStatus_HEALTH_STATUS_UNKNOWN {
healthStatus = endpointGroup.OverrideHealth
endpoint := makeHostPortEndpoint(addr, port)
endpoint.HealthStatus = healthStatus
endpoint.LoadBalancingWeight = response.MakeUint32Value(weight)
pbEndpoints = append(pbEndpoints, endpoint)
// TODO(proxystate): what do we do about priority downstream?
//cla.Endpoints = append(cla.Endpoints, &envoy_endpoint_v3.LocalityLbEndpoints{
// Priority: priority,
// LbEndpoints: es,
return pbEndpoints
func makeLoadAssignmentEndpointGroup(
targets map[string]*structs.DiscoveryTarget,
targetHealth map[string]structs.CheckServiceNodes,
gatewayHealth map[string]structs.CheckServiceNodes,
targetID string,
localKey proxycfg.GatewayKey,
forMeshGateway bool,
) (loadAssignmentEndpointGroup, bool) {
realEndpoints, ok := targetHealth[targetID]
if !ok {
// skip the cluster if we're still populating the snapshot
return loadAssignmentEndpointGroup{}, false
target := targets[targetID]
var gatewayKey proxycfg.GatewayKey
switch target.MeshGateway.Mode {
case structs.MeshGatewayModeRemote:
gatewayKey.Datacenter = target.Datacenter
gatewayKey.Partition = target.Partition
case structs.MeshGatewayModeLocal:
gatewayKey = localKey
if forMeshGateway || gatewayKey.IsEmpty() || localKey.Matches(target.Datacenter, target.Partition) {
// Gateways are not needed if the request isn't for a remote DC or partition.
return loadAssignmentEndpointGroup{
Endpoints: realEndpoints,
OnlyPassing: target.Subset.OnlyPassing,
}, true
// If using a mesh gateway we need to pull those endpoints instead.
gatewayEndpoints, ok := gatewayHealth[gatewayKey.String()]
if !ok {
// skip the cluster if we're still populating the snapshot
return loadAssignmentEndpointGroup{}, false
// But we will use the health from the actual backend service.
overallHealth := pbproxystate.HealthStatus_HEALTH_STATUS_UNHEALTHY
for _, ep := range realEndpoints {
health, _ := calculateEndpointHealthAndWeight(ep, target.Subset.OnlyPassing)
if health == pbproxystate.HealthStatus_HEALTH_STATUS_HEALTHY {
overallHealth = pbproxystate.HealthStatus_HEALTH_STATUS_HEALTHY
return loadAssignmentEndpointGroup{
Endpoints: gatewayEndpoints,
OverrideHealth: overallHealth,
}, true
func calculateEndpointHealthAndWeight(
ep structs.CheckServiceNode,
onlyPassing bool,
) (pbproxystate.HealthStatus, int) {
healthStatus := pbproxystate.HealthStatus_HEALTH_STATUS_HEALTHY
weight := 1
if ep.Service.Weights != nil {
weight = ep.Service.Weights.Passing
for _, chk := range ep.Checks {
if chk.Status == api.HealthCritical {
healthStatus = pbproxystate.HealthStatus_HEALTH_STATUS_UNHEALTHY
if onlyPassing && chk.Status != api.HealthPassing {
healthStatus = pbproxystate.HealthStatus_HEALTH_STATUS_UNHEALTHY
if chk.Status == api.HealthWarning && ep.Service.Weights != nil {
weight = ep.Service.Weights.Warning
// Make weights fit Envoy's limits. A zero weight means that either Warning
// (likely) or Passing (weirdly) weight has been set to 0 effectively making
// this instance unhealthy and should not be sent traffic.
if weight < 1 {
healthStatus = pbproxystate.HealthStatus_HEALTH_STATUS_UNHEALTHY
weight = 1
if weight > 128 {
weight = 128
return healthStatus, weight