R.B. Boyer c395affc93
connect: expose an API endpoint to compile the discovery chain (#6248)
In addition to exposing compilation over the API cleaned up the structures that would be exchanged to be cleaner and easier to support and understand.

Also removed ability to configure the envoy OverprovisioningFactor.
2019-08-02 15:34:54 -05:00

649 lines
13 KiB

package structs
import (
// TestDecodeConfigEntry is the 'structs' mirror image of
// command/config/write/config_write_test.go:TestParseConfigEntry
func TestDecodeConfigEntry(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
name string
camel string
snake string
expect ConfigEntry
expectErr string
// TODO(rb): test json?
name: "proxy-defaults: extra fields or typo",
snake: `
kind = "proxy-defaults"
name = "main"
cornfig {
"foo" = 19
camel: `
Kind = "proxy-defaults"
Name = "main"
Cornfig {
"foo" = 19
expectErr: `invalid config key "cornfig"`,
name: "proxy-defaults",
snake: `
kind = "proxy-defaults"
name = "main"
config {
"foo" = 19
"bar" = "abc"
"moreconfig" {
"moar" = "config"
mesh_gateway {
mode = "remote"
camel: `
Kind = "proxy-defaults"
Name = "main"
Config {
"foo" = 19
"bar" = "abc"
"moreconfig" {
"moar" = "config"
MeshGateway {
Mode = "remote"
expect: &ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: "proxy-defaults",
Name: "main",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"foo": 19,
"bar": "abc",
"moreconfig": map[string]interface{}{
"moar": "config",
MeshGateway: MeshGatewayConfig{
Mode: MeshGatewayModeRemote,
name: "service-defaults",
snake: `
kind = "service-defaults"
name = "main"
protocol = "http"
mesh_gateway {
mode = "remote"
camel: `
Kind = "service-defaults"
Name = "main"
Protocol = "http"
MeshGateway {
Mode = "remote"
expect: &ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: "service-defaults",
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
MeshGateway: MeshGatewayConfig{
Mode: MeshGatewayModeRemote,
name: "service-router: kitchen sink",
snake: `
kind = "service-router"
name = "main"
routes = [
match {
http {
path_exact = "/foo"
header = [
name = "debug1"
present = true
name = "debug2"
present = false
invert = true
name = "debug3"
exact = "1"
name = "debug4"
prefix = "aaa"
name = "debug5"
suffix = "bbb"
name = "debug6"
regex = "a.*z"
destination {
service = "carrot"
service_subset = "kale"
namespace = "leek"
prefix_rewrite = "/alternate"
request_timeout = "99s"
num_retries = 12345
retry_on_connect_failure = true
retry_on_status_codes = [401, 209]
match {
http {
path_prefix = "/foo"
methods = [ "GET", "DELETE" ]
query_param = [
name = "hack1"
present = true
name = "hack2"
exact = "1"
name = "hack3"
regex = "a.*z"
match {
http {
path_regex = "/foo"
camel: `
Kind = "service-router"
Name = "main"
Routes = [
Match {
PathExact = "/foo"
Header = [
Name = "debug1"
Present = true
Name = "debug2"
Present = false
Invert = true
Name = "debug3"
Exact = "1"
Name = "debug4"
Prefix = "aaa"
Name = "debug5"
Suffix = "bbb"
Name = "debug6"
Regex = "a.*z"
Destination {
Service = "carrot"
ServiceSubset = "kale"
Namespace = "leek"
PrefixRewrite = "/alternate"
RequestTimeout = "99s"
NumRetries = 12345
RetryOnConnectFailure = true
RetryOnStatusCodes = [401, 209]
Match {
PathPrefix = "/foo"
Methods = [ "GET", "DELETE" ]
QueryParam = [
Name = "hack1"
Present = true
Name = "hack2"
Exact = "1"
Name = "hack3"
Regex = "a.*z"
Match {
PathRegex = "/foo"
expect: &ServiceRouterConfigEntry{
Kind: "service-router",
Name: "main",
Routes: []ServiceRoute{
Match: &ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/foo",
Header: []ServiceRouteHTTPMatchHeader{
Name: "debug1",
Present: true,
Name: "debug2",
Present: false,
Invert: true,
Name: "debug3",
Exact: "1",
Name: "debug4",
Prefix: "aaa",
Name: "debug5",
Suffix: "bbb",
Name: "debug6",
Regex: "a.*z",
Destination: &ServiceRouteDestination{
Service: "carrot",
ServiceSubset: "kale",
Namespace: "leek",
PrefixRewrite: "/alternate",
RequestTimeout: 99 * time.Second,
NumRetries: 12345,
RetryOnConnectFailure: true,
RetryOnStatusCodes: []uint32{401, 209},
Match: &ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathPrefix: "/foo",
Methods: []string{"GET", "DELETE"},
QueryParam: []ServiceRouteHTTPMatchQueryParam{
Name: "hack1",
Present: true,
Name: "hack2",
Exact: "1",
Name: "hack3",
Regex: "a.*z",
Match: &ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathRegex: "/foo",
name: "service-splitter: kitchen sink",
snake: `
kind = "service-splitter"
name = "main"
splits = [
weight = 99.1
service_subset = "v1"
weight = 0.9
service = "other"
namespace = "alt"
camel: `
Kind = "service-splitter"
Name = "main"
Splits = [
Weight = 99.1
ServiceSubset = "v1"
Weight = 0.9
Service = "other"
Namespace = "alt"
expect: &ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{
Kind: ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []ServiceSplit{
Weight: 99.1,
ServiceSubset: "v1",
Weight: 0.9,
Service: "other",
Namespace: "alt",
name: "service-resolver: subsets with failover",
snake: `
kind = "service-resolver"
name = "main"
default_subset = "v1"
connect_timeout = "15s"
subsets = {
"v1" = {
filter = "Service.Meta.version == v1"
"v2" = {
filter = "Service.Meta.version == v2"
only_passing = true
failover = {
"v2" = {
service = "failcopy"
service_subset = "sure"
namespace = "neighbor"
datacenters = ["dc5", "dc14"]
"*" = {
datacenters = ["dc7"]
camel: `
Kind = "service-resolver"
Name = "main"
DefaultSubset = "v1"
ConnectTimeout = "15s"
Subsets = {
"v1" = {
Filter = "Service.Meta.version == v1"
"v2" = {
Filter = "Service.Meta.version == v2"
OnlyPassing = true
Failover = {
"v2" = {
Service = "failcopy"
ServiceSubset = "sure"
Namespace = "neighbor"
Datacenters = ["dc5", "dc14"]
"*" = {
Datacenters = ["dc7"]
expect: &ServiceResolverConfigEntry{
Kind: "service-resolver",
Name: "main",
DefaultSubset: "v1",
ConnectTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
Subsets: map[string]ServiceResolverSubset{
"v1": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v1",
"v2": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v2",
OnlyPassing: true,
Failover: map[string]ServiceResolverFailover{
"v2": {
Service: "failcopy",
ServiceSubset: "sure",
Namespace: "neighbor",
Datacenters: []string{"dc5", "dc14"},
"*": {
Datacenters: []string{"dc7"},
name: "service-resolver: redirect",
snake: `
kind = "service-resolver"
name = "main"
redirect {
service = "other"
service_subset = "backup"
namespace = "alt"
datacenter = "dc9"
camel: `
Kind = "service-resolver"
Name = "main"
Redirect {
Service = "other"
ServiceSubset = "backup"
Namespace = "alt"
Datacenter = "dc9"
expect: &ServiceResolverConfigEntry{
Kind: "service-resolver",
Name: "main",
Redirect: &ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "other",
ServiceSubset: "backup",
Namespace: "alt",
Datacenter: "dc9",
name: "service-resolver: default",
snake: `
kind = "service-resolver"
name = "main"
camel: `
Kind = "service-resolver"
Name = "main"
expect: &ServiceResolverConfigEntry{
Kind: "service-resolver",
Name: "main",
} {
tc := tc
testbody := func(t *testing.T, body string) {
var raw map[string]interface{}
err := hcl.Decode(&raw, body)
require.NoError(t, err)
got, err := DecodeConfigEntry(raw)
if tc.expectErr != "" {
require.Nil(t, got)
require.Error(t, err)
requireContainsLower(t, err.Error(), tc.expectErr)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tc.expect, got)
t.Run(" (snake case)", func(t *testing.T) {
testbody(t, tc.snake)
t.Run(" (camel case)", func(t *testing.T) {
testbody(t, tc.camel)
func TestServiceConfigResponse_MsgPack(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(banks) lib.MapWalker doesn't actually fix the map[interface{}] issue
// it claims to in docs yet. When it does uncomment those cases below.
a := ServiceConfigResponse{
ProxyConfig: map[string]interface{}{
"string": "foo",
// "map": map[string]interface{}{
// "baz": "bar",
// },
UpstreamConfigs: map[string]map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"string": "aaaa",
// "map": map[string]interface{}{
// "baz": "aa",
// },
"b": map[string]interface{}{
"string": "bbbb",
// "map": map[string]interface{}{
// "baz": "bb",
// },
var buf bytes.Buffer
// Encode as msgPack using a regular handle i.e. NOT one with RawAsString
// since our RPC codec doesn't use that.
enc := codec.NewEncoder(&buf, msgpackHandle)
require.NoError(t, enc.Encode(&a))
var b ServiceConfigResponse
dec := codec.NewDecoder(&buf, msgpackHandle)
require.NoError(t, dec.Decode(&b))
require.Equal(t, a, b)
func TestConfigEntryResponseMarshalling(t *testing.T) {
cases := map[string]ConfigEntryResponse{
"nil entry": ConfigEntryResponse{},
"proxy-default entry": ConfigEntryResponse{
Entry: &ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: ProxyDefaults,
Name: ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "bar",
"service-default entry": ConfigEntryResponse{
Entry: &ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: ServiceDefaults,
Name: "foo",
Protocol: "tcp",
// Connect: ConnectConfiguration{SideCarProxy: true},
for name, tcase := range cases {
name := name
tcase := tcase
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
data, err := tcase.MarshalBinary()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, data)
var resp ConfigEntryResponse
require.NoError(t, resp.UnmarshalBinary(data))
require.Equal(t, tcase, resp)
func requireContainsLower(t *testing.T, haystack, needle string) {
require.Contains(t, strings.ToLower(haystack), strings.ToLower(needle))