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synced 2025-03-04 07:10:49 +00:00
- Introduce a new telemetry configurable parameter retry_failed_connection. User can set the value to true to let consul agent continue its start process on failed connection to datadog server. When set to false, agent will stop on failed start. The default behavior is true. Co-authored-by: Dan Upton <daniel@floppy.co> Co-authored-by: Evan Culver <eculver@users.noreply.github.com>
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package config
import (
// DefaultSource is the default agent configuration.
// This needs to be merged first in the head.
// TODO: return a LiteralSource (no decoding) instead of a FileSource
func DefaultSource() Source {
cfg := consul.DefaultConfig()
serfLAN := cfg.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig
serfWAN := cfg.SerfWANConfig.MemberlistConfig
return FileSource{
Name: "default",
Format: "hcl",
Data: `
acl = {
token_ttl = "30s"
policy_ttl = "30s"
default_policy = "allow"
down_policy = "extend-cache"
bind_addr = ""
bootstrap = false
bootstrap_expect = 0
check_output_max_size = ` + strconv.Itoa(checks.DefaultBufSize) + `
check_update_interval = "5m"
client_addr = ""
datacenter = "` + consul.DefaultDC + `"
default_query_time = "300s"
disable_coordinates = false
disable_host_node_id = true
disable_remote_exec = true
domain = "consul."
enable_central_service_config = true
encrypt_verify_incoming = true
encrypt_verify_outgoing = true
log_level = "INFO"
max_query_time = "600s"
primary_gateways_interval = "30s"
protocol = ` + strconv.Itoa(consul.DefaultRPCProtocol) + `
retry_interval = "30s"
retry_interval_wan = "30s"
# segment_limit is the maximum number of network segments that may be declared. Default 64 is highly encouraged
segment_limit = 64
server = false
syslog_facility = "LOCAL0"
tls = {
defaults = {
tls_min_version = "TLSv1_2"
// TODO (slackpad) - Until #3744 is done, we need to keep these
// in sync with agent/consul/config.go.
autopilot = {
cleanup_dead_servers = true
last_contact_threshold = "200ms"
max_trailing_logs = 250
server_stabilization_time = "10s"
gossip_lan = {
gossip_interval = "` + serfLAN.GossipInterval.String() + `"
gossip_nodes = ` + strconv.Itoa(serfLAN.GossipNodes) + `
retransmit_mult = ` + strconv.Itoa(serfLAN.RetransmitMult) + `
probe_interval = "` + serfLAN.ProbeInterval.String() + `"
probe_timeout = "` + serfLAN.ProbeTimeout.String() + `"
suspicion_mult = ` + strconv.Itoa(serfLAN.SuspicionMult) + `
gossip_wan = {
gossip_interval = "` + serfWAN.GossipInterval.String() + `"
gossip_nodes = ` + strconv.Itoa(serfLAN.GossipNodes) + `
retransmit_mult = ` + strconv.Itoa(serfLAN.RetransmitMult) + `
probe_interval = "` + serfWAN.ProbeInterval.String() + `"
probe_timeout = "` + serfWAN.ProbeTimeout.String() + `"
suspicion_mult = ` + strconv.Itoa(serfWAN.SuspicionMult) + `
dns_config = {
allow_stale = true
a_record_limit = 0
udp_answer_limit = 3
max_stale = "87600h"
recursor_timeout = "2s"
limits = {
http_max_conns_per_client = 200
https_handshake_timeout = "5s"
rpc_handshake_timeout = "5s"
rpc_rate = -1
rpc_max_burst = 1000
rpc_max_conns_per_client = 100
kv_max_value_size = ` + strconv.FormatInt(raft.SuggestedMaxDataSize, 10) + `
txn_max_req_len = ` + strconv.FormatInt(raft.SuggestedMaxDataSize, 10) + `
performance = {
leave_drain_time = "5s"
raft_multiplier = ` + strconv.Itoa(int(consul.DefaultRaftMultiplier)) + `
rpc_hold_timeout = "7s"
ports = {
dns = 8600
http = 8500
https = -1
grpc = -1
serf_lan = ` + strconv.Itoa(consul.DefaultLANSerfPort) + `
serf_wan = ` + strconv.Itoa(consul.DefaultWANSerfPort) + `
server = ` + strconv.Itoa(consul.DefaultRPCPort) + `
proxy_min_port = 20000
proxy_max_port = 20255
sidecar_min_port = 21000
sidecar_max_port = 21255
expose_min_port = 21500
expose_max_port = 21755
raft_protocol = 3
telemetry = {
metrics_prefix = "consul"
filter_default = true
prefix_filter = []
retry_failed_connection = true
raft_snapshot_threshold = ` + strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.RaftConfig.SnapshotThreshold)) + `
raft_snapshot_interval = "` + cfg.RaftConfig.SnapshotInterval.String() + `"
raft_trailing_logs = ` + strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.RaftConfig.TrailingLogs)) + `
// DevSource is the additional default configuration for dev mode.
// This should be merged in the head after the default configuration.
// TODO: return a LiteralSource (no decoding) instead of a FileSource
func DevSource() Source {
return FileSource{
Name: "dev",
Format: "hcl",
Data: `
bind_addr = ""
disable_anonymous_signature = true
disable_keyring_file = true
enable_debug = true
ui_config {
enabled = true
log_level = "DEBUG"
server = true
gossip_lan = {
gossip_interval = "100ms"
probe_interval = "100ms"
probe_timeout = "100ms"
suspicion_mult = 3
gossip_wan = {
gossip_interval = "100ms"
probe_interval = "100ms"
probe_timeout = "100ms"
suspicion_mult = 3
connect = {
enabled = true
performance = {
raft_multiplier = 1
ports = {
grpc = 8502
// NonUserSource contains the values the user cannot configure.
// This needs to be merged in the tail.
// TODO: return a LiteralSource (no decoding) instead of a FileSource
func NonUserSource() Source {
return FileSource{
Name: "non-user",
Format: "hcl",
Data: `
check_deregister_interval_min = "1m"
check_reap_interval = "30s"
ae_interval = "1m"
sync_coordinate_rate_target = 64
sync_coordinate_interval_min = "15s"
# SegmentNameLimit is the maximum segment name length.
segment_name_limit = 64
connect = {
# 0s causes the value to be ignored and operate without capping
# the max time before leaf certs can be generated after a roots change.
test_ca_leaf_root_change_spread = "0s"
// versionSource creates a config source for the version parameters.
// This should be merged in the tail since these values are not
// user configurable.
func versionSource(rev, ver, verPre, meta string) Source {
return LiteralSource{
Name: "version",
Config: Config{
Revision: &rev,
Version: &ver,
VersionPrerelease: &verPre,
VersionMetadata: &meta,
// defaultVersionSource returns the version config source for the embedded
// version numbers.
func defaultVersionSource() Source {
return versionSource(version.GitCommit, version.Version, version.VersionPrerelease, version.VersionMetadata)
// DefaultConsulSource returns the default configuration for the consul agent.
// This should be merged in the tail since these values are not user configurable.
// TODO: return a LiteralSource (no decoding) instead of a FileSource
func DefaultConsulSource() Source {
cfg := consul.DefaultConfig()
raft := cfg.RaftConfig
return FileSource{
Name: "consul",
Format: "hcl",
Data: `
consul = {
coordinate = {
update_batch_size = ` + strconv.Itoa(cfg.CoordinateUpdateBatchSize) + `
update_max_batches = ` + strconv.Itoa(cfg.CoordinateUpdateMaxBatches) + `
update_period = "` + cfg.CoordinateUpdatePeriod.String() + `"
raft = {
election_timeout = "` + raft.ElectionTimeout.String() + `"
heartbeat_timeout = "` + raft.HeartbeatTimeout.String() + `"
leader_lease_timeout = "` + raft.LeaderLeaseTimeout.String() + `"
server = {
health_interval = "` + cfg.ServerHealthInterval.String() + `"
// DevConsulSource returns the consul agent configuration for the dev mode.
// This should be merged in the tail after the DefaultConsulSource.
func DevConsulSource() Source {
c := Config{}
c.Consul.Coordinate.UpdatePeriod = strPtr("100ms")
c.Consul.Raft.ElectionTimeout = strPtr("52ms")
c.Consul.Raft.HeartbeatTimeout = strPtr("35ms")
c.Consul.Raft.LeaderLeaseTimeout = strPtr("20ms")
c.Consul.Server.HealthInterval = strPtr("10ms")
return LiteralSource{Name: "consul-dev", Config: c}
func strPtr(v string) *string {
return &v