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synced 2025-03-02 14:20:39 +00:00
* dns token fix whitespace for docs and comments fix test cases fix test cases remove tabs in help text Add changelog Peering dns test Peering dns test Partial implementation of Peered DNS test Swap to new topology lib expose dns port for integration tests on client remove partial test implementation remove extra port exposure remove changelog from the ent pr Add dns token to set-agent-token switch Add enterprise golden file Use builtin/dns template in tests Update ent dns policy Update ent dns template test remove local gen certs fix templated policy specs * add changelog * go mod tidy
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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package topology
import (
libassert "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert"
libcluster "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/cluster"
libservice "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/service"
const (
AcceptingPeerName = "accepting-to-dialer"
DialingPeerName = "dialing-to-acceptor"
type BuiltCluster struct {
Cluster *libcluster.Cluster
Context *libcluster.BuildContext
Service libservice.Service
Container libservice.Service
Gateway libservice.Service
type PeeringClusterSize struct {
AcceptingNumServers int
AcceptingNumClients int
DialingNumServers int
DialingNumClients int
// BasicPeeringTwoClustersSetup sets up a scenario for testing peering, which consists of
// - an accepting cluster with 3 servers and 1 client agent. The client should be used to
// host a service for export: staticServerSvc.
// - a dialing cluster with 1 server and 1 client. The client should be used to host a
// service connecting to staticServerSvc.
// - Create the peering, export the service from accepting cluster, and verify service
// connectivity.
// It returns objects of the accepting cluster, dialing cluster, staticServerSvc, and staticClientSvcSidecar
func BasicPeeringTwoClustersSetup(
t *testing.T,
consulImage string,
consulVersion string,
pcs PeeringClusterSize,
peeringThroughMeshgateway bool,
) (*BuiltCluster, *BuiltCluster) {
acceptingCluster, acceptingCtx, acceptingClient := NewCluster(t, &ClusterConfig{
NumServers: pcs.AcceptingNumServers,
NumClients: pcs.AcceptingNumClients,
BuildOpts: &libcluster.BuildOptions{
Datacenter: "dc1",
ConsulImageName: consulImage,
ConsulVersion: consulVersion,
InjectAutoEncryption: true,
ApplyDefaultProxySettings: true,
dialingCluster, dialingCtx, dialingClient := NewCluster(t, &ClusterConfig{
NumServers: pcs.DialingNumServers,
NumClients: pcs.DialingNumClients,
BuildOpts: &libcluster.BuildOptions{
Datacenter: "dc2",
ConsulImageName: consulImage,
ConsulVersion: consulVersion,
InjectAutoEncryption: true,
ApplyDefaultProxySettings: true,
// Create the mesh gateway for dataplane traffic and peering control plane traffic (if enabled)
gwCfg := libservice.GatewayConfig{
Name: "mesh",
Kind: "mesh",
acceptingClusterGateway, err := libservice.NewGatewayService(context.Background(), gwCfg, acceptingCluster.Clients()[0])
require.NoError(t, err)
dialingClusterGateway, err := libservice.NewGatewayService(context.Background(), gwCfg, dialingCluster.Clients()[0])
require.NoError(t, err)
// Enable peering control plane traffic through mesh gateway
if peeringThroughMeshgateway {
req := &api.MeshConfigEntry{
Peering: &api.PeeringMeshConfig{
PeerThroughMeshGateways: true,
configCluster := func(cli *api.Client) error {
libassert.CatalogServiceExists(t, cli, "mesh", nil)
ok, _, err := cli.ConfigEntries().Set(req, &api.WriteOptions{})
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("config entry is not set")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error writing config entry: %s", err)
return nil
err = configCluster(dialingClient)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = configCluster(acceptingClient)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, dialingCluster.PeerWithCluster(acceptingClient, AcceptingPeerName, DialingPeerName))
libassert.PeeringStatus(t, acceptingClient, AcceptingPeerName, api.PeeringStateActive)
// libassert.PeeringExports(t, acceptingClient, acceptingPeerName, 1)
// Register a static-server service in acceptingCluster and export to dialing cluster
var serverService, serverSidecarService libservice.Service
clientNode := acceptingCluster.Clients()[0]
// Create a service and proxy instance
var err error
// Create a service and proxy instance
serviceOpts := libservice.ServiceOpts{
Name: libservice.StaticServerServiceName,
ID: "static-server",
Meta: map[string]string{"version": ""},
HTTPPort: 8080,
GRPCPort: 8079,
serverService, serverSidecarService, err = libservice.CreateAndRegisterStaticServerAndSidecar(clientNode, &serviceOpts)
require.NoError(t, err)
libassert.CatalogServiceExists(t, acceptingClient, libservice.StaticServerServiceName, nil)
libassert.CatalogServiceExists(t, acceptingClient, "static-server-sidecar-proxy", nil)
require.NoError(t, serverService.Export("default", AcceptingPeerName, acceptingClient))
// Register a static-client service in dialing cluster and set upstream to static-server service
var clientSidecarService *libservice.ConnectContainer
clientNode := dialingCluster.Clients()[0]
// Create a service and proxy instance
var err error
clientSidecarService, err = libservice.CreateAndRegisterStaticClientSidecar(clientNode, DialingPeerName, true, false, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
libassert.CatalogServiceExists(t, dialingClient, "static-client-sidecar-proxy", nil)
_, adminPort := clientSidecarService.GetAdminAddr()
libassert.AssertUpstreamEndpointStatus(t, adminPort, fmt.Sprintf("static-server.default.%s.external", DialingPeerName), "HEALTHY", 1)
_, port := clientSidecarService.GetAddr()
libassert.HTTPServiceEchoes(t, "localhost", port, "")
libassert.AssertFortioName(t, fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d", port), libservice.StaticServerServiceName, "")
return &BuiltCluster{
Cluster: acceptingCluster,
Context: acceptingCtx,
Service: serverSidecarService,
Container: serverSidecarService,
Gateway: acceptingClusterGateway,
Cluster: dialingCluster,
Context: dialingCtx,
Service: nil,
Container: clientSidecarService,
Gateway: dialingClusterGateway,
type ClusterConfig struct {
NumServers int
NumClients int
ApplyDefaultProxySettings bool
BuildOpts *libcluster.BuildOptions
Cmd string
LogConsumer *TestLogConsumer
// Exposed Ports are available on the cluster's pause container for the purposes
// of adding external communication to the cluster. An example would be a listener
// on a gateway.
ExposedPorts []int
func NewCluster(
t *testing.T,
config *ClusterConfig,
) (*libcluster.Cluster, *libcluster.BuildContext, *api.Client) {
return NewClusterWithConfig(t, config, "", "")
// NewCluster creates a cluster with peering enabled. It also creates
// and registers a mesh-gateway at the client agent. The API client returned is
// pointed at the client agent.
// - proxy-defaults.protocol = tcp
func NewClusterWithConfig(
t *testing.T,
config *ClusterConfig,
serverHclConfig string,
clientHclConfig string,
) (*libcluster.Cluster, *libcluster.BuildContext, *api.Client) {
var (
cluster *libcluster.Cluster
err error
require.NotEmpty(t, config.BuildOpts.Datacenter)
require.True(t, config.NumServers > 0)
opts := libcluster.BuildOptions{
Datacenter: config.BuildOpts.Datacenter,
InjectAutoEncryption: config.BuildOpts.InjectAutoEncryption,
InjectGossipEncryption: true,
AllowHTTPAnyway: true,
ConsulVersion: config.BuildOpts.ConsulVersion,
ACLEnabled: config.BuildOpts.ACLEnabled,
LogStore: config.BuildOpts.LogStore,
ctx := libcluster.NewBuildContext(t, opts)
serverConf := libcluster.NewConfigBuilder(ctx).
t.Logf("%s server config: \n%s", opts.Datacenter, serverConf.JSON)
// optional
if config.LogConsumer != nil {
serverConf.LogConsumer = config.LogConsumer
t.Logf("Cluster config:\n%s", serverConf.JSON)
// optional custom cmd
if config.Cmd != "" {
serverConf.Cmd = append(serverConf.Cmd, config.Cmd)
if serverHclConfig != "" {
if config.ExposedPorts != nil {
cluster, err = libcluster.New(t, []libcluster.Config{*serverConf}, config.ExposedPorts...)
} else {
cluster, err = libcluster.NewN(t, *serverConf, config.NumServers)
require.NoError(t, err)
// builder generates certs for us, so copy them back
if opts.InjectAutoEncryption {
cluster.CACert = serverConf.CACert
var retryJoin []string
for i := 0; i < config.NumServers; i++ {
retryJoin = append(retryJoin, fmt.Sprintf("agent-%d", i))
// Add numClients static clients to register the service
configBuilder := libcluster.NewConfigBuilder(ctx).
clientConf := configBuilder.ToAgentConfig(t)
t.Logf("%s client config: \n%s", opts.Datacenter, clientConf.JSON)
if clientHclConfig != "" {
require.NoError(t, cluster.AddN(*clientConf, config.NumClients, true))
// Use the client agent as the HTTP endpoint since we will not rotate it in many tests.
var client *api.Client
if config.NumClients > 0 {
clientNode := cluster.Agents[config.NumServers]
client = clientNode.GetClient()
} else {
client = cluster.Agents[0].GetClient()
libcluster.WaitForLeader(t, cluster, client)
libcluster.WaitForMembers(t, client, config.NumServers+config.NumClients)
// Default Proxy Settings
if config.ApplyDefaultProxySettings {
ok, err := utils.ApplyDefaultProxySettings(client)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ok)
return cluster, ctx, client
type TestLogConsumer struct {
Msgs []string
func (g *TestLogConsumer) Accept(l testcontainers.Log) {
g.Msgs = append(g.Msgs, string(l.Content))