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synced 2025-03-03 14:50:50 +00:00
auto-encrypt is now handled as a special case of auto-config. This also is moving all the cert-monitor code into the auto-config package.
563 lines
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563 lines
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package autoconf
import (
cachetype "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/cache-types"
func TestAutoEncrypt_generateCSR(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
conf *config.RuntimeConfig
// to validate the csr
expectedSubject pkix.Name
expectedSigAlg x509.SignatureAlgorithm
expectedPubAlg x509.PublicKeyAlgorithm
expectedDNSNames []string
expectedIPs []net.IP
expectedURIs []*url.URL
cases := map[string]testCase{
"ip-sans": {
conf: &config.RuntimeConfig{
Datacenter: "dc1",
NodeName: "test-node",
AutoEncryptTLS: true,
AutoEncryptIPSAN: []net.IP{net.IPv4(198, 18, 0, 1), net.IPv4(198, 18, 0, 2)},
expectedSubject: pkix.Name{
CommonName: connect.AgentCN("test-node", unknownTrustDomain),
Names: []pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue{
// 2,5,4,3 is the CommonName type ASN1 identifier
Type: asn1.ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 3},
Value: "testnode.agnt.unknown.consul",
expectedSigAlg: x509.ECDSAWithSHA256,
expectedPubAlg: x509.ECDSA,
expectedDNSNames: defaultDNSSANs,
expectedIPs: append(defaultIPSANs,
net.IP{198, 18, 0, 1},
net.IP{198, 18, 0, 2},
expectedURIs: []*url.URL{
Scheme: "spiffe",
Host: unknownTrustDomain,
Path: "/agent/client/dc/dc1/id/test-node",
"dns-sans": {
conf: &config.RuntimeConfig{
Datacenter: "dc1",
NodeName: "test-node",
AutoEncryptTLS: true,
AutoEncryptDNSSAN: []string{"foo.local", "bar.local"},
expectedSubject: pkix.Name{
CommonName: connect.AgentCN("test-node", unknownTrustDomain),
Names: []pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue{
// 2,5,4,3 is the CommonName type ASN1 identifier
Type: asn1.ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 3},
Value: "testnode.agnt.unknown.consul",
expectedSigAlg: x509.ECDSAWithSHA256,
expectedPubAlg: x509.ECDSA,
expectedDNSNames: append(defaultDNSSANs, "foo.local", "bar.local"),
expectedIPs: defaultIPSANs,
expectedURIs: []*url.URL{
Scheme: "spiffe",
Host: unknownTrustDomain,
Path: "/agent/client/dc/dc1/id/test-node",
for name, tcase := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ac := AutoConfig{config: tcase.conf}
csr, _, err := ac.generateCSR()
require.NoError(t, err)
request, err := connect.ParseCSR(csr)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, request)
require.Equal(t, tcase.expectedSubject, request.Subject)
require.Equal(t, tcase.expectedSigAlg, request.SignatureAlgorithm)
require.Equal(t, tcase.expectedPubAlg, request.PublicKeyAlgorithm)
require.Equal(t, tcase.expectedDNSNames, request.DNSNames)
require.Equal(t, tcase.expectedIPs, request.IPAddresses)
require.Equal(t, tcase.expectedURIs, request.URIs)
func TestAutoEncrypt_hosts(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
serverProvider ServerProvider
config *config.RuntimeConfig
hosts []string
err string
providerNone := newMockServerProvider(t)
providerWithServer := newMockServerProvider(t)
providerWithServer.On("FindLANServer").Return(&metadata.Server{Addr: &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(198, 18, 0, 1), Port: 1234}}).Times(0)
cases := map[string]testCase{
"router-override": {
serverProvider: providerWithServer,
config: &config.RuntimeConfig{
RetryJoinLAN: []string{""},
StartJoinAddrsLAN: []string{""},
hosts: []string{""},
"various-addresses": {
serverProvider: providerNone,
config: &config.RuntimeConfig{
RetryJoinLAN: []string{"", "foo.com", "[2001:db8::1234]:1234", "abc.local:9876"},
StartJoinAddrsLAN: []string{"", "start.local", "[::ffff:]", "main.dev:6789"},
hosts: []string{
"split-host-port-error": {
serverProvider: providerNone,
config: &config.RuntimeConfig{
StartJoinAddrsLAN: []string{"this-is-not:a:ip:and_port"},
err: "no auto-encrypt server addresses available for use",
for name, tcase := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ac := AutoConfig{
config: tcase.config,
logger: testutil.Logger(t),
acConfig: Config{
ServerProvider: tcase.serverProvider,
hosts, err := ac.autoEncryptHosts()
if tcase.err != "" {
testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tcase.err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tcase.hosts, hosts)
func TestAutoEncrypt_InitialCerts(t *testing.T) {
token := "1a148388-3dd7-4db4-9eea-520424b4a86a"
datacenter := "foo"
nodeName := "bar"
mcfg := newMockedConfig(t)
_, indexedRoots, cert := testCerts(t, nodeName, datacenter)
// The following are called once for each round through the auto-encrypt initial certs outer loop
// (not the per-host direct rpc attempts but the one involving the RetryWaiter)
request := structs.CASignRequest{
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: token},
Datacenter: datacenter,
// this gets removed by the mock code as its non-deterministic what it will be
CSR: "",
// first failure
&net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(198, 18, 0, 1), Port: 8300},
).Once().Return(fmt.Errorf("injected error"))
// second failure
&net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(198, 18, 0, 2), Port: 8300},
).Once().Return(fmt.Errorf("injected error"))
// third times is successfuly (second attempt to first server)
&net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(198, 18, 0, 1), Port: 8300},
).Once().Return(nil).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
resp, ok := args.Get(5).(*structs.SignedResponse)
require.True(t, ok)
resp.ConnectCARoots = *indexedRoots
resp.IssuedCert = *cert
resp.VerifyServerHostname = true
mcfg.Config.Waiter = lib.NewRetryWaiter(2, 0, 1*time.Millisecond, nil)
ac := AutoConfig{
config: &config.RuntimeConfig{
Datacenter: datacenter,
NodeName: nodeName,
RetryJoinLAN: []string{"", ""},
ServerPort: 8300,
acConfig: mcfg.Config,
logger: testutil.Logger(t),
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
resp, err := ac.autoEncryptInitialCerts(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, resp)
require.True(t, resp.VerifyServerHostname)
require.NotEmpty(t, resp.IssuedCert.PrivateKeyPEM)
resp.IssuedCert.PrivateKeyPEM = ""
cert.PrivateKeyPEM = ""
require.Equal(t, cert, &resp.IssuedCert)
require.Equal(t, indexedRoots, &resp.ConnectCARoots)
require.Empty(t, resp.ManualCARoots)
func TestAutoEncrypt_InitialConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
token := "010494ae-ee45-4433-903c-a58c91297714"
nodeName := "auto-encrypt"
datacenter := "dc1"
mcfg := newMockedConfig(t)
loader := setupRuntimeConfig(t)
auto_encrypt {
tls = true
loader.opts.Config.NodeName = &nodeName
mcfg.Config.Loader = loader.Load
indexedRoots, cert, extraCerts := mcfg.setupInitialTLS(t, nodeName, datacenter, token)
// prepopulation is going to grab the token to populate the correct cache key
// no server provider
mcfg.serverProvider.On("FindLANServer").Return(&metadata.Server{Addr: &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), Port: 8300}}).Times(1)
populateResponse := func(args mock.Arguments) {
resp, ok := args.Get(5).(*structs.SignedResponse)
require.True(t, ok)
*resp = structs.SignedResponse{
VerifyServerHostname: true,
ConnectCARoots: *indexedRoots,
IssuedCert: *cert,
ManualCARoots: extraCerts,
expectedRequest := structs.CASignRequest{
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: token},
Datacenter: datacenter,
// TODO (autoconf) Maybe in the future we should populate a CSR
// and do some manual parsing/verification of the contents. The
// bits not having to do with the signing key such as the requested
// SANs and CN. For now though the mockDirectRPC type will empty
// the CSR so we have to pass in an empty string to the expectation.
CSR: "",
&net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), Port: 8300},
ac, err := New(mcfg.Config)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, ac)
cfg, err := ac.InitialConfiguration(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, cfg)
func TestAutoEncrypt_TokenUpdate(t *testing.T) {
testAC := startedAutoConfig(t, true)
newToken := "1a4cc445-86ed-46b4-a355-bbf5a11dddb0"
rootsCtx, rootsCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
&structs.DCSpecificRequest{Datacenter: testAC.ac.config.Datacenter},
).Return(nil).Once().Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
leafCtx, leafCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
Datacenter: "dc1",
Agent: "autoconf",
Token: newToken,
IPSAN: defaultIPSANs,
).Return(nil).Once().Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
// this will be retrieved once when resetting the leaf cert watch
// send the notification about the token update
testAC.tokenUpdates <- struct{}{}
// wait for the leaf cert watches
require.True(t, waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, leafCtx.Done(), rootsCtx.Done()), "New cache watches were not started within 100ms")
func TestAutoEncrypt_RootsUpdate(t *testing.T) {
testAC := startedAutoConfig(t, true)
secondCA := connect.TestCA(t, testAC.initialRoots.Roots[0])
secondRoots := structs.IndexedCARoots{
ActiveRootID: secondCA.ID,
TrustDomain: connect.TestClusterID,
Roots: []*structs.CARoot{
QueryMeta: structs.QueryMeta{
Index: 99,
updatedCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
[]string{secondCA.RootCert, testAC.initialRoots.Roots[0].RootCert},
).Return(nil).Once().Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
// when a cache event comes in we end up recalculating the fallback timer which requires this call
testAC.mcfg.tlsCfg.On("AutoEncryptCertNotAfter").Return(time.Now().Add(10 * time.Minute)).Once()
req := structs.DCSpecificRequest{Datacenter: "dc1"}
require.True(t, testAC.mcfg.cache.sendNotification(context.Background(), req.CacheInfo().Key, cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: rootsWatchID,
Result: &secondRoots,
Meta: cache.ResultMeta{
Index: secondRoots.Index,
require.True(t, waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, updatedCtx.Done()), "TLS certificates were not updated within the alotted time")
func TestAutoEncrypt_CertUpdate(t *testing.T) {
testAC := startedAutoConfig(t, true)
secondCert := newLeaf(t, "autoconf", "dc1", testAC.initialRoots.Roots[0], 99, 10*time.Minute)
updatedCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
).Return(nil).Once().Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
// when a cache event comes in we end up recalculating the fallback timer which requires this call
req := cachetype.ConnectCALeafRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Agent: "autoconf",
Token: testAC.originalToken,
IPSAN: defaultIPSANs,
require.True(t, testAC.mcfg.cache.sendNotification(context.Background(), req.CacheInfo().Key, cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: leafWatchID,
Result: secondCert,
Meta: cache.ResultMeta{
Index: secondCert.ModifyIndex,
require.True(t, waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, updatedCtx.Done()), "TLS certificates were not updated within the alotted time")
func TestAutoEncrypt_Fallback(t *testing.T) {
testAC := startedAutoConfig(t, true)
// at this point everything is operating normally and we are just
// waiting for events. We are going to send a new cert that is basically
// already expired and then allow the fallback routine to kick in.
secondCert := newLeaf(t, "autoconf", "dc1", testAC.initialRoots.Roots[0], 100, time.Nanosecond)
secondCA := connect.TestCA(t, testAC.initialRoots.Roots[0])
secondRoots := structs.IndexedCARoots{
ActiveRootID: secondCA.ID,
TrustDomain: connect.TestClusterID,
Roots: []*structs.CARoot{
QueryMeta: structs.QueryMeta{
Index: 101,
thirdCert := newLeaf(t, "autoconf", "dc1", secondCA, 102, 10*time.Minute)
// setup the expectation for when the certs get updated initially
updatedCtx, updateCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
).Return(nil).Once().Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
// when a cache event comes in we end up recalculating the fallback timer which requires this call
fallbackCtx, fallbackCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// also testing here that we can change server IPs for ongoing operations
Addr: &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(198, 18, 23, 2), Port: 8300},
// after sending the notification for the cert update another InitialConfiguration RPC
// will be made to pull down the latest configuration. So we need to set up the response
// for the second RPC
populateResponse := func(args mock.Arguments) {
resp, ok := args.Get(5).(*structs.SignedResponse)
require.True(t, ok)
*resp = structs.SignedResponse{
VerifyServerHostname: true,
ConnectCARoots: secondRoots,
IssuedCert: *thirdCert,
ManualCARoots: testAC.extraCerts,
expectedRequest := structs.CASignRequest{
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: testAC.originalToken},
Datacenter: "dc1",
// TODO (autoconf) Maybe in the future we should populate a CSR
// and do some manual parsing/verification of the contents. The
// bits not having to do with the signing key such as the requested
// SANs and CN. For now though the mockDirectRPC type will empty
// the CSR so we have to pass in an empty string to the expectation.
CSR: "",
// the fallback routine to perform auto-encrypt again will need to grab this
&net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(198, 18, 23, 2), Port: 8300},
testAC.mcfg.expectInitialTLS(t, "autoconf", "dc1", testAC.originalToken, secondCA, &secondRoots, thirdCert, testAC.extraCerts)
// after the second RPC we now will use the new certs validity period in the next run loop iteration
testAC.mcfg.tlsCfg.On("AutoEncryptCertNotAfter").Return(time.Now().Add(10 * time.Minute)).Once()
// now that all the mocks are set up we can trigger the whole thing by sending the second expired cert
// as a cache update event.
req := cachetype.ConnectCALeafRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Agent: "autoconf",
Token: testAC.originalToken,
IPSAN: defaultIPSANs,
require.True(t, testAC.mcfg.cache.sendNotification(context.Background(), req.CacheInfo().Key, cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: leafWatchID,
Result: secondCert,
Meta: cache.ResultMeta{
Index: secondCert.ModifyIndex,
// wait for the TLS certificates to get updated
require.True(t, waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, updatedCtx.Done()), "TLS certificates were not updated within the alotted time")
// now wait for the fallback routine to be invoked
require.True(t, waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, fallbackCtx.Done()), "fallback routines did not get invoked within the alotted time")