2022-10-19 17:26:25 -06:00

118 lines
3.6 KiB

<StateChart @src={{chart}} as |State Guard ChartAction dispatch state|>
(hash State=State Guard=Guard Action=ChartAction dispatch=dispatch state=state)
as |chart|
<div class='oidc-select' ...attributes>
<State @notMatches='idle'>
(hash partition=this.partition nspace=@nspace dc=@dc)
@onchange={{queue (action (mut this.items) value='data') (fn dispatch 'SUCCESS')}}
@onerror={{queue (fn dispatch 'RESET') @onerror}}
<State @matches='loaded'>
{{on 'click' (queue (set this 'partition' '') (fn dispatch 'RESET'))}}
Choose different Partition
@src={{state-chart 'validate'}}
as |ignoredState ignoredGuard ignoredAction formDispatch state|
@label='Admin Partition'
error='Name must be a valid DNS hostname.'
@placeholder='Enter your Partition'
@oninput={{action (mut this.partition) value='target.value'}}
@chart={{hash state=state dispatch=formDispatch}}
{{! this belongs to the outer StateChart but we need }}
{{! to understand validation state }}
<State @matches='idle'>
{{disabled (or (lt this.partition.length 1) (state-matches state 'error'))}}
{{on 'click' (fn dispatch 'LOAD')}}
Choose provider
<State @matches='loading'>
<Progress aria-label='Loading' />
<State @matches='loaded'>
{{#if (lt this.items.length 3)}}
{{#each this.items as |item|}}
class={{concat item.Kind '-oidc-provider'}}
{{on 'click' (fn @onchange item)}}
Continue with
{{or item.DisplayName item.Name}}{{#if (not-eq item.Namespace 'default')}}
{{#let (or this.provider (object-at 0 this.items)) as |item|}}
@label='SSO Provider'
@onchange={{action (mut this.provider)}}
<:option as |option|>
<span class={{concat option.item.Kind '-oidc-provider'}}>
{{or option.item.DisplayName option.item.Name}}{{#if
(not-eq option.item.Namespace 'default')
}} ({{option.item.Namespace}}){{/if}}
<Action @type='button' {{disabled @disabled}} {{on 'click' (fn @onchange item)}}>
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