Mike Morris 26d61c6b13
chore(deps): update gopsutil to v2.20.9 (#8843) (#8859)
* core(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys

To resolve /go/pkg/mod/github.com/shirou/gopsutil@v2.20.9+incompatible/host/host_bsd.go:20:13: undefined: unix.SysctlTimeval

* chore(deps): make update-vendor
2020-10-07 14:52:50 -04:00

774 lines
20 KiB

// +build windows
package net
import (
var (
modiphlpapi = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("iphlpapi.dll")
procGetExtendedTCPTable = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetExtendedTcpTable")
procGetExtendedUDPTable = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetExtendedUdpTable")
procGetIfEntry2 = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetIfEntry2")
const (
TCPTableBasicListener = iota
type netConnectionKindType struct {
family uint32
sockType uint32
filename string
var kindTCP4 = netConnectionKindType{
family: syscall.AF_INET,
sockType: syscall.SOCK_STREAM,
filename: "tcp",
var kindTCP6 = netConnectionKindType{
family: syscall.AF_INET6,
sockType: syscall.SOCK_STREAM,
filename: "tcp6",
var kindUDP4 = netConnectionKindType{
family: syscall.AF_INET,
sockType: syscall.SOCK_DGRAM,
filename: "udp",
var kindUDP6 = netConnectionKindType{
family: syscall.AF_INET6,
sockType: syscall.SOCK_DGRAM,
filename: "udp6",
var netConnectionKindMap = map[string][]netConnectionKindType{
"all": {kindTCP4, kindTCP6, kindUDP4, kindUDP6},
"tcp": {kindTCP4, kindTCP6},
"tcp4": {kindTCP4},
"tcp6": {kindTCP6},
"udp": {kindUDP4, kindUDP6},
"udp4": {kindUDP4},
"udp6": {kindUDP6},
"inet": {kindTCP4, kindTCP6, kindUDP4, kindUDP6},
"inet4": {kindTCP4, kindUDP4},
"inet6": {kindTCP6, kindUDP6},
// https://github.com/microsoft/ethr/blob/aecdaf923970e5a9b4c461b4e2e3963d781ad2cc/plt_windows.go#L114-L170
type guid struct {
Data1 uint32
Data2 uint16
Data3 uint16
Data4 [8]byte
const (
maxStringSize = 256
maxPhysAddressLength = 32
pad0for64_4for32 = 0
type mibIfRow2 struct {
InterfaceLuid uint64
InterfaceIndex uint32
InterfaceGuid guid
Alias [maxStringSize + 1]uint16
Description [maxStringSize + 1]uint16
PhysicalAddressLength uint32
PhysicalAddress [maxPhysAddressLength]uint8
PermanentPhysicalAddress [maxPhysAddressLength]uint8
Mtu uint32
Type uint32
TunnelType uint32
MediaType uint32
PhysicalMediumType uint32
AccessType uint32
DirectionType uint32
InterfaceAndOperStatusFlags uint32
OperStatus uint32
AdminStatus uint32
MediaConnectState uint32
NetworkGuid guid
ConnectionType uint32
padding1 [pad0for64_4for32]byte
TransmitLinkSpeed uint64
ReceiveLinkSpeed uint64
InOctets uint64
InUcastPkts uint64
InNUcastPkts uint64
InDiscards uint64
InErrors uint64
InUnknownProtos uint64
InUcastOctets uint64
InMulticastOctets uint64
InBroadcastOctets uint64
OutOctets uint64
OutUcastPkts uint64
OutNUcastPkts uint64
OutDiscards uint64
OutErrors uint64
OutUcastOctets uint64
OutMulticastOctets uint64
OutBroadcastOctets uint64
OutQLen uint64
func IOCounters(pernic bool) ([]IOCountersStat, error) {
return IOCountersWithContext(context.Background(), pernic)
func IOCountersWithContext(ctx context.Context, pernic bool) ([]IOCountersStat, error) {
ifs, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var counters []IOCountersStat
err = procGetIfEntry2.Find()
if err == nil { // Vista+, uint64 values (issue#693)
for _, ifi := range ifs {
c := IOCountersStat{
Name: ifi.Name,
row := mibIfRow2{InterfaceIndex: uint32(ifi.Index)}
ret, _, err := procGetIfEntry2.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&row)))
if ret != 0 {
return nil, os.NewSyscallError("GetIfEntry2", err)
c.BytesSent = uint64(row.OutOctets)
c.BytesRecv = uint64(row.InOctets)
c.PacketsSent = uint64(row.OutUcastPkts)
c.PacketsRecv = uint64(row.InUcastPkts)
c.Errin = uint64(row.InErrors)
c.Errout = uint64(row.OutErrors)
c.Dropin = uint64(row.InDiscards)
c.Dropout = uint64(row.OutDiscards)
counters = append(counters, c)
} else { // WinXP fallback, uint32 values
for _, ifi := range ifs {
c := IOCountersStat{
Name: ifi.Name,
row := windows.MibIfRow{Index: uint32(ifi.Index)}
err = windows.GetIfEntry(&row)
if err != nil {
return nil, os.NewSyscallError("GetIfEntry", err)
c.BytesSent = uint64(row.OutOctets)
c.BytesRecv = uint64(row.InOctets)
c.PacketsSent = uint64(row.OutUcastPkts)
c.PacketsRecv = uint64(row.InUcastPkts)
c.Errin = uint64(row.InErrors)
c.Errout = uint64(row.OutErrors)
c.Dropin = uint64(row.InDiscards)
c.Dropout = uint64(row.OutDiscards)
counters = append(counters, c)
if !pernic {
return getIOCountersAll(counters)
return counters, nil
// NetIOCountersByFile is an method which is added just a compatibility for linux.
func IOCountersByFile(pernic bool, filename string) ([]IOCountersStat, error) {
return IOCountersByFileWithContext(context.Background(), pernic, filename)
func IOCountersByFileWithContext(ctx context.Context, pernic bool, filename string) ([]IOCountersStat, error) {
return IOCounters(pernic)
// Return a list of network connections
// Available kind:
// reference to netConnectionKindMap
func Connections(kind string) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return ConnectionsWithContext(context.Background(), kind)
func ConnectionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, kind string) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return ConnectionsPidWithContext(ctx, kind, 0)
// ConnectionsPid Return a list of network connections opened by a process
func ConnectionsPid(kind string, pid int32) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return ConnectionsPidWithContext(context.Background(), kind, pid)
func ConnectionsPidWithContext(ctx context.Context, kind string, pid int32) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
tmap, ok := netConnectionKindMap[kind]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid kind, %s", kind)
return getProcInet(tmap, pid)
func getProcInet(kinds []netConnectionKindType, pid int32) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
stats := make([]ConnectionStat, 0)
for _, kind := range kinds {
s, err := getNetStatWithKind(kind)
if err != nil {
if pid == 0 {
stats = append(stats, s...)
} else {
for _, ns := range s {
if ns.Pid != pid {
stats = append(stats, ns)
return stats, nil
func getNetStatWithKind(kindType netConnectionKindType) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
if kindType.filename == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("kind filename must be required")
switch kindType.filename {
case kindTCP4.filename:
return getTCPConnections(kindTCP4.family)
case kindTCP6.filename:
return getTCPConnections(kindTCP6.family)
case kindUDP4.filename:
return getUDPConnections(kindUDP4.family)
case kindUDP6.filename:
return getUDPConnections(kindUDP6.family)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid kind filename, %s", kindType.filename)
// Return a list of network connections opened returning at most `max`
// connections for each running process.
func ConnectionsMax(kind string, max int) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return ConnectionsMaxWithContext(context.Background(), kind, max)
func ConnectionsMaxWithContext(ctx context.Context, kind string, max int) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return []ConnectionStat{}, common.ErrNotImplementedError
// Return a list of network connections opened, omitting `Uids`.
// WithoutUids functions are reliant on implementation details. They may be altered to be an alias for Connections or be
// removed from the API in the future.
func ConnectionsWithoutUids(kind string) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return ConnectionsWithoutUidsWithContext(context.Background(), kind)
func ConnectionsWithoutUidsWithContext(ctx context.Context, kind string) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return ConnectionsMaxWithoutUidsWithContext(ctx, kind, 0)
func ConnectionsMaxWithoutUidsWithContext(ctx context.Context, kind string, max int) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext(ctx, kind, 0, max)
func ConnectionsPidWithoutUids(kind string, pid int32) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return ConnectionsPidWithoutUidsWithContext(context.Background(), kind, pid)
func ConnectionsPidWithoutUidsWithContext(ctx context.Context, kind string, pid int32) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext(ctx, kind, pid, 0)
func ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUids(kind string, pid int32, max int) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext(context.Background(), kind, pid, max)
func ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext(ctx context.Context, kind string, pid int32, max int) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return connectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext(ctx, kind, pid, max)
func connectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext(ctx context.Context, kind string, pid int32, max int) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
return []ConnectionStat{}, common.ErrNotImplementedError
func FilterCounters() ([]FilterStat, error) {
return FilterCountersWithContext(context.Background())
func FilterCountersWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]FilterStat, error) {
return nil, common.ErrNotImplementedError
func ConntrackStats(percpu bool) ([]ConntrackStat, error) {
return ConntrackStatsWithContext(context.Background(), percpu)
func ConntrackStatsWithContext(ctx context.Context, percpu bool) ([]ConntrackStat, error) {
return nil, common.ErrNotImplementedError
// NetProtoCounters returns network statistics for the entire system
// If protocols is empty then all protocols are returned, otherwise
// just the protocols in the list are returned.
// Not Implemented for Windows
func ProtoCounters(protocols []string) ([]ProtoCountersStat, error) {
return ProtoCountersWithContext(context.Background(), protocols)
func ProtoCountersWithContext(ctx context.Context, protocols []string) ([]ProtoCountersStat, error) {
return nil, common.ErrNotImplementedError
func getTableUintptr(family uint32, buf []byte) uintptr {
var (
pmibTCPTable pmibTCPTableOwnerPidAll
pmibTCP6Table pmibTCP6TableOwnerPidAll
p uintptr
switch family {
case kindTCP4.family:
if len(buf) > 0 {
pmibTCPTable = (*mibTCPTableOwnerPid)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibTCPTable))
} else {
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibTCPTable))
case kindTCP6.family:
if len(buf) > 0 {
pmibTCP6Table = (*mibTCP6TableOwnerPid)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibTCP6Table))
} else {
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibTCP6Table))
return p
func getTableInfo(filename string, table interface{}) (index, step, length int) {
switch filename {
case kindTCP4.filename:
index = int(unsafe.Sizeof(table.(pmibTCPTableOwnerPidAll).DwNumEntries))
step = int(unsafe.Sizeof(table.(pmibTCPTableOwnerPidAll).Table))
length = int(table.(pmibTCPTableOwnerPidAll).DwNumEntries)
case kindTCP6.filename:
index = int(unsafe.Sizeof(table.(pmibTCP6TableOwnerPidAll).DwNumEntries))
step = int(unsafe.Sizeof(table.(pmibTCP6TableOwnerPidAll).Table))
length = int(table.(pmibTCP6TableOwnerPidAll).DwNumEntries)
case kindUDP4.filename:
index = int(unsafe.Sizeof(table.(pmibUDPTableOwnerPid).DwNumEntries))
step = int(unsafe.Sizeof(table.(pmibUDPTableOwnerPid).Table))
length = int(table.(pmibUDPTableOwnerPid).DwNumEntries)
case kindUDP6.filename:
index = int(unsafe.Sizeof(table.(pmibUDP6TableOwnerPid).DwNumEntries))
step = int(unsafe.Sizeof(table.(pmibUDP6TableOwnerPid).Table))
length = int(table.(pmibUDP6TableOwnerPid).DwNumEntries)
func getTCPConnections(family uint32) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
var (
p uintptr
buf []byte
size uint32
pmibTCPTable pmibTCPTableOwnerPidAll
pmibTCP6Table pmibTCP6TableOwnerPidAll
if family == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("faimly must be required")
for {
switch family {
case kindTCP4.family:
if len(buf) > 0 {
pmibTCPTable = (*mibTCPTableOwnerPid)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibTCPTable))
} else {
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibTCPTable))
case kindTCP6.family:
if len(buf) > 0 {
pmibTCP6Table = (*mibTCP6TableOwnerPid)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibTCP6Table))
} else {
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibTCP6Table))
err := getExtendedTcpTable(p,
if err == nil {
return nil, err
buf = make([]byte, size)
var (
index, step int
length int
stats := make([]ConnectionStat, 0)
switch family {
case kindTCP4.family:
index, step, length = getTableInfo(kindTCP4.filename, pmibTCPTable)
case kindTCP6.family:
index, step, length = getTableInfo(kindTCP6.filename, pmibTCP6Table)
if length == 0 {
return nil, nil
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
switch family {
case kindTCP4.family:
mibs := (*mibTCPRowOwnerPid)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[index]))
ns := mibs.convertToConnectionStat()
stats = append(stats, ns)
case kindTCP6.family:
mibs := (*mibTCP6RowOwnerPid)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[index]))
ns := mibs.convertToConnectionStat()
stats = append(stats, ns)
index += step
return stats, nil
func getUDPConnections(family uint32) ([]ConnectionStat, error) {
var (
p uintptr
buf []byte
size uint32
pmibUDPTable pmibUDPTableOwnerPid
pmibUDP6Table pmibUDP6TableOwnerPid
if family == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("faimly must be required")
for {
switch family {
case kindUDP4.family:
if len(buf) > 0 {
pmibUDPTable = (*mibUDPTableOwnerPid)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibUDPTable))
} else {
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibUDPTable))
case kindUDP6.family:
if len(buf) > 0 {
pmibUDP6Table = (*mibUDP6TableOwnerPid)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibUDP6Table))
} else {
p = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pmibUDP6Table))
err := getExtendedUdpTable(
if err == nil {
return nil, err
buf = make([]byte, size)
var (
index, step, length int
stats := make([]ConnectionStat, 0)
switch family {
case kindUDP4.family:
index, step, length = getTableInfo(kindUDP4.filename, pmibUDPTable)
case kindUDP6.family:
index, step, length = getTableInfo(kindUDP6.filename, pmibUDP6Table)
if length == 0 {
return nil, nil
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
switch family {
case kindUDP4.family:
mibs := (*mibUDPRowOwnerPid)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[index]))
ns := mibs.convertToConnectionStat()
stats = append(stats, ns)
case kindUDP4.family:
mibs := (*mibUDP6RowOwnerPid)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[index]))
ns := mibs.convertToConnectionStat()
stats = append(stats, ns)
index += step
return stats, nil
// tcpStatuses https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb485761(v=vs.85).aspx
var tcpStatuses = map[mibTCPState]string{
1: "CLOSED",
2: "LISTEN",
3: "SYN_SENT",
6: "FIN_WAIT_1",
7: "FIN_WAIT_2",
10: "LAST_ACK",
11: "TIME_WAIT",
12: "DELETE",
func getExtendedTcpTable(pTcpTable uintptr, pdwSize *uint32, bOrder bool, ulAf uint32, tableClass tcpTableClass, reserved uint32) (errcode error) {
r1, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procGetExtendedTCPTable.Addr(), 6, pTcpTable, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pdwSize)), getUintptrFromBool(bOrder), uintptr(ulAf), uintptr(tableClass), uintptr(reserved))
if r1 != 0 {
errcode = syscall.Errno(r1)
func getExtendedUdpTable(pUdpTable uintptr, pdwSize *uint32, bOrder bool, ulAf uint32, tableClass udpTableClass, reserved uint32) (errcode error) {
r1, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procGetExtendedUDPTable.Addr(), 6, pUdpTable, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pdwSize)), getUintptrFromBool(bOrder), uintptr(ulAf), uintptr(tableClass), uintptr(reserved))
if r1 != 0 {
errcode = syscall.Errno(r1)
func getUintptrFromBool(b bool) uintptr {
if b {
return 1
return 0
const anySize = 1
// type MIB_TCP_STATE int32
type mibTCPState int32
type tcpTableClass int32
const (
tcpTableBasicListener tcpTableClass = iota
type udpTableClass int32
const (
udpTableBasic udpTableClass = iota
// TCP
type mibTCPRowOwnerPid struct {
DwState uint32
DwLocalAddr uint32
DwLocalPort uint32
DwRemoteAddr uint32
DwRemotePort uint32
DwOwningPid uint32
func (m *mibTCPRowOwnerPid) convertToConnectionStat() ConnectionStat {
ns := ConnectionStat{
Family: kindTCP4.family,
Type: kindTCP4.sockType,
Laddr: Addr{
IP: parseIPv4HexString(m.DwLocalAddr),
Port: uint32(decodePort(m.DwLocalPort)),
Raddr: Addr{
IP: parseIPv4HexString(m.DwRemoteAddr),
Port: uint32(decodePort(m.DwRemotePort)),
Pid: int32(m.DwOwningPid),
Status: tcpStatuses[mibTCPState(m.DwState)],
return ns
type mibTCPTableOwnerPid struct {
DwNumEntries uint32
Table [anySize]mibTCPRowOwnerPid
type mibTCP6RowOwnerPid struct {
UcLocalAddr [16]byte
DwLocalScopeId uint32
DwLocalPort uint32
UcRemoteAddr [16]byte
DwRemoteScopeId uint32
DwRemotePort uint32
DwState uint32
DwOwningPid uint32
func (m *mibTCP6RowOwnerPid) convertToConnectionStat() ConnectionStat {
ns := ConnectionStat{
Family: kindTCP6.family,
Type: kindTCP6.sockType,
Laddr: Addr{
IP: parseIPv6HexString(m.UcLocalAddr),
Port: uint32(decodePort(m.DwLocalPort)),
Raddr: Addr{
IP: parseIPv6HexString(m.UcRemoteAddr),
Port: uint32(decodePort(m.DwRemotePort)),
Pid: int32(m.DwOwningPid),
Status: tcpStatuses[mibTCPState(m.DwState)],
return ns
type mibTCP6TableOwnerPid struct {
DwNumEntries uint32
Table [anySize]mibTCP6RowOwnerPid
type pmibTCPTableOwnerPidAll *mibTCPTableOwnerPid
type pmibTCP6TableOwnerPidAll *mibTCP6TableOwnerPid
// UDP
type mibUDPRowOwnerPid struct {
DwLocalAddr uint32
DwLocalPort uint32
DwOwningPid uint32
func (m *mibUDPRowOwnerPid) convertToConnectionStat() ConnectionStat {
ns := ConnectionStat{
Family: kindUDP4.family,
Type: kindUDP4.sockType,
Laddr: Addr{
IP: parseIPv4HexString(m.DwLocalAddr),
Port: uint32(decodePort(m.DwLocalPort)),
Pid: int32(m.DwOwningPid),
return ns
type mibUDPTableOwnerPid struct {
DwNumEntries uint32
Table [anySize]mibUDPRowOwnerPid
type mibUDP6RowOwnerPid struct {
UcLocalAddr [16]byte
DwLocalScopeId uint32
DwLocalPort uint32
DwOwningPid uint32
func (m *mibUDP6RowOwnerPid) convertToConnectionStat() ConnectionStat {
ns := ConnectionStat{
Family: kindUDP6.family,
Type: kindUDP6.sockType,
Laddr: Addr{
IP: parseIPv6HexString(m.UcLocalAddr),
Port: uint32(decodePort(m.DwLocalPort)),
Pid: int32(m.DwOwningPid),
return ns
type mibUDP6TableOwnerPid struct {
DwNumEntries uint32
Table [anySize]mibUDP6RowOwnerPid
type pmibUDPTableOwnerPid *mibUDPTableOwnerPid
type pmibUDP6TableOwnerPid *mibUDP6TableOwnerPid
func decodePort(port uint32) uint16 {
return syscall.Ntohs(uint16(port))
func parseIPv4HexString(addr uint32) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", addr&255, addr>>8&255, addr>>16&255, addr>>24&255)
func parseIPv6HexString(addr [16]byte) string {
var ret [16]byte
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
ret[i] = uint8(addr[i])
// convert []byte to net.IP
ip := net.IP(ret[:])
return ip.String()