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synced 2025-03-03 14:50:50 +00:00
* Remove unused StatsCard component * Create Card and Stats contextual components with styling * Send endpoint, item, and protocol to Stats as props * WIP basic plumbing for metrics in Ember * WIP metrics data source now works for different protocols and produces reasonable mock responses * WIP sparkline component * Mostly working metrics and graphs in topology * Fix date in tooltip to actually be correct * Clean up console.log * Add loading frame and create a style sheet for Stats * Various polish fixes: - Loading state for graph - Added fake latency cookie value to test loading - If metrics provider has no series/stats for the service show something that doesn't look broken - Graph hover works right to the edge now - Stats boxes now wrap so they are either shown or not as will fit not cut off - Graph resizes when browser window size changes - Some tweaks to number formats and stat metrics to make them more compact/useful * Thread Protocol through topology model correctly * Rebuild assetfs * Fix failing tests and remove stats-card now it's changed and become different * Fix merge conflict * Update api doublt * more merge fixes * Add data-permission and id attr to Card * Run JS linter * Move things around so the tests run with everything available * Get tests passing: 1. Remove fakeLatency setTimeout (will be replaced with CONSUL_LATENCY in mocks) 2. Make sure any event handlers are removed * Make sure the Consul/scripts are available before the app * Make sure interval gets set if there is no cookie value * Upgrade mocks so we can use CONSUL_LATENCY * Fix handling of no series values from Prometheus * Update assetfs and fix a comment * Rebase and rebuild assetfs; fix tcp metric series units to be bits not bytes * Rebuild assetfs * Hide stats when provider is not configured Co-authored-by: kenia <keniavalladarez@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: John Cowen <jcowen@hashicorp.com>
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module.exports = ({ appName, environment, rootURL, config }) => `
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<h2>JavaScript Required</h2>
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