Michael Klein 03a1a86dfe
ui: chore - upgrade ember and friends (#14518)
* v3.20.2...v3.24.0

* Fix handle undefined outlet in route component

* Don't use template helper for optional

Using the optional-helper here will trigger a computation
in the same runloop error. This is because we are setting
the `modal`-property when the `<Ref>` component gets
rendered which will update the `this.modal`-property which
will then recompute the `optional`-helper leading to this

Instead we will create an action that will call the `open`-method
on the modal when it is defined. This gets rid of the double
computation error as we will not access the modal property
twice in the same runloop when `modal` is getting set.

* Fix - fn needs to be passed function tab-nav

We create functions in the component file instead
so that fn-helper stops complaining about the
need to pass a function.

* Update ember-exam to 6.1 version

"Makes it compatible" with ember-qunit v5

* scheduleOnce setMaxHeight paged-collection

We need to schedule to get around double-computation error.

* Fix - is removed from ember-data

This has been private API all along - we need to
work around the removal.


* Fix `propContains` instead of `deepEqual` policy

Recent works differently than iterating attributes.
We use `propContains` instead of `deepEqual`. We are only
interested in the properties we assert against and match
the previous behavior with this change.

* Fix `propContains` instead of `deepEqual` token

* Better handling single-records repo test-helper

`` has been removed we need to handle proxies and
model instances differently.

* Fix remaining repository tests with propContains

We don't want to match entire objects - we don't care
about properties we haven't defined in the assertion.

* Don't use template helper for optional

Using a template helper will give us a recomputation error -
we work around it by creating an explicit action on
the component instead.

* Await `I $verb the $pageObject object` step

* Fix no more customization ember-can

No need to customize, the helper handles destruction
fine on its own.

* Fix - don't pass `optional` functions to fn

We will declare the functions on the component instead.
This gives us the same behavior but no error from
`fn`, which expects a function to be passed.

* Fix - handle `undefined` state on validate modifier

StateChart can yield out an undefined `state` we need
to handle that in the validate modifier

* Fix linting errors tests directory

* Warn / turn off new ember linting issues

We will tackle them one by one and don't want to
autofix issues that could be dangerous to auto-fix.

* Auto-fix linting issues

* More linting configuration

* Fix remaining linting issues

* Fix linting issues new files after rebase

* ui: Remove ember-cli-uglify config now we are using terser (#14574)

Co-authored-by: John Cowen <>
2022-09-15 09:43:17 +01:00

205 lines
7.5 KiB

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