freddygv 60d6e28c97 Pass explicit signal with op for secrets write
Previously the updates to the peering secrets UUID table relied on
inferring what action triggered the update based on a reconciliation
against the existing secrets.

Instead we now explicitly require the operation to be given so that the
inference isn't necessary. This makes the UUID table logic easier to
reason about and fixes some related bugs.

There is also an update so that the peering secrets get handled on
2022-08-03 17:25:12 -05:00

784 lines
28 KiB

package peerstream
import (
grpcstatus ""
external ""
type BidirectionalStream interface {
Send(*pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage) error
Recv() (*pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage, error)
Context() context.Context
// ExchangeSecret exchanges the one-time secret embedded in a peering token for a
// long-lived secret for use with the peering stream handler. This secret exchange
// prevents peering tokens from being reused.
// Note that if the peering secret exchange fails, a peering token may need to be
// re-generated, since the one-time initiation secret may have been invalidated.
func (s *Server) ExchangeSecret(ctx context.Context, req *pbpeerstream.ExchangeSecretRequest) (*pbpeerstream.ExchangeSecretResponse, error) {
// For private/internal gRPC handlers, protoc-gen-rpc-glue generates the
// requisite methods to satisfy the structs.RPCInfo interface using fields
// from the pbcommon package. This service is public, so we can't use those
// fields in our proto definition. Instead, we construct our RPCInfo manually.
// Embedding WriteRequest ensures RPCs are forwarded to the leader, embedding
// DCSpecificRequest adds the RequestDatacenter method (but as we're not
// setting Datacenter it has the effect of *not* doing DC forwarding).
var rpcInfo struct {
var resp *pbpeerstream.ExchangeSecretResponse
handled, err := s.ForwardRPC(&rpcInfo, func(conn *grpc.ClientConn) error {
var err error
resp, err = pbpeerstream.NewPeerStreamServiceClient(conn).ExchangeSecret(ctx, req)
return err
if handled || err != nil {
return resp, err
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"peering", "exchange_secret"}, time.Now())
// Validate the given establishment secret against the one stored on the server.
existing, err := s.GetStore().PeeringSecretsRead(nil, req.PeerID)
if err != nil {
return nil, grpcstatus.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to read peering secret: %v", err)
if existing == nil || subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(existing.GetEstablishment().GetSecretID()), []byte(req.EstablishmentSecret)) == 0 {
return nil, grpcstatus.Error(codes.PermissionDenied, "invalid peering establishment secret")
id, err := s.generateNewStreamSecret()
if err != nil {
return nil, grpcstatus.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to generate peering stream secret: %v", err)
writeReq := &pbpeering.PeeringSecretsWriteRequest{
Secrets: &pbpeering.PeeringSecrets{
PeerID: req.PeerID,
Stream: &pbpeering.PeeringSecrets_Stream{
// Overwriting any existing un-utilized pending stream secret.
PendingSecretID: id,
// If there is an active stream secret ID it is NOT invalidated here.
// It remains active until the pending secret ID is used and promoted to active.
// This allows dialing clusters with the active stream secret to continue to dial successfully until they
// receive the new secret.
ActiveSecretID: existing.GetStream().GetActiveSecretID(),
Operation: pbpeering.PeeringSecretsWriteRequest_OPERATION_EXCHANGESECRET,
err = s.Backend.PeeringSecretsWrite(writeReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, grpcstatus.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to persist peering secret: %v", err)
return &pbpeerstream.ExchangeSecretResponse{StreamSecret: id}, nil
func (s *Server) generateNewStreamSecret() (string, error) {
id, err := lib.GenerateUUID(s.Backend.ValidateProposedPeeringSecret)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return id, nil
// StreamResources handles incoming streaming connections.
func (s *Server) StreamResources(stream pbpeerstream.PeerStreamService_StreamResourcesServer) error {
logger := s.Logger.Named("stream-resources").With("request_id", external.TraceID())
logger.Trace("Started processing request")
defer logger.Trace("Finished processing request")
// NOTE: this code should have similar error handling to the new-request
// handling code in HandleStream()
if !s.Backend.IsLeader() {
// We are not the leader so we will hang up on the dialer.
logger.Debug("cannot establish a peering stream on a follower node")
st, err := grpcstatus.New(codes.FailedPrecondition,
"cannot establish a peering stream on a follower node").WithDetails(
&pbpeerstream.LeaderAddress{Address: s.Backend.GetLeaderAddress()})
if err != nil {
logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal the leader address in response; err: %v", err))
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.FailedPrecondition, "cannot establish a peering stream on a follower node")
} else {
return st.Err()
// Initial message on a new stream must be a new subscription request.
first, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to establish stream", "error", err)
return err
// TODO(peering) Make request contain a list of resources, so that roots and services can be
// subscribed to with a single request. See:
req := first.GetOpen()
if req == nil {
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "first message when initiating a peering must be: Open")
logger.Trace("received initial replication request from peer")
logTraceRecv(logger, req)
if req.PeerID == "" {
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "initial subscription request must specify a PeerID")
_, p, err := s.GetStore().PeeringReadByID(nil, req.PeerID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to look up peer", "peer_id", req.PeerID, "error", err)
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.Internal, "failed to find PeerID: "+req.PeerID)
if p == nil {
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "initial subscription for unknown PeerID: "+req.PeerID)
// TODO(peering): If the peering is marked as deleted, send a Terminated message and return
secrets, err := s.GetStore().PeeringSecretsRead(nil, req.PeerID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to look up secrets for peering", "peer_id", req.PeerID, "error", err)
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.Internal, "failed to find peering secrets for PeerID: "+req.PeerID)
if secrets == nil {
logger.Error("no known secrets for peering", "peer_id", req.PeerID, "error", err)
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.Internal, "unable to authorize connection, peering must be re-established")
// Check the given secret ID against the active stream secret.
var authorized bool
if active := secrets.GetStream().GetActiveSecretID(); active != "" {
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(active), []byte(req.StreamSecretID)) == 1 {
authorized = true
// Next check the given stream secret against the locally stored pending stream secret.
// A pending stream secret is one that has not been seen by this handler.
if pending := secrets.GetStream().GetPendingSecretID(); pending != "" && !authorized {
// If the given secret is the currently pending secret, it gets promoted to be the active secret.
// This is the case where a server recently exchanged for a stream secret.
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(pending), []byte(req.StreamSecretID)) == 0 {
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.PermissionDenied, "invalid peering stream secret")
authorized = true
promoted := &pbpeering.PeeringSecretsWriteRequest{
Secrets: &pbpeering.PeeringSecrets{
PeerID: req.PeerID,
Stream: &pbpeering.PeeringSecrets_Stream{
ActiveSecretID: pending,
// The PendingSecretID is intentionally zeroed out since we want to avoid re-triggering this
// promotion process with the same pending secret.
PendingSecretID: "",
Operation: pbpeering.PeeringSecretsWriteRequest_OPERATION_PROMOTEPENDING,
err = s.Backend.PeeringSecretsWrite(promoted)
if err != nil {
return grpcstatus.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to persist peering secret: %v", err)
if !authorized {
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.PermissionDenied, "invalid peering stream secret")
logger.Info("accepted initial replication request from peer", "peer_id", p.ID)
if p.PeerID != "" {
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "expected PeerID to be empty; the wrong end of peering is being dialed")
streamReq := HandleStreamRequest{
LocalID: p.ID,
RemoteID: "",
PeerName: p.Name,
Partition: p.Partition,
Stream: stream,
err = s.HandleStream(streamReq)
// A nil error indicates that the peering was deleted and the stream needs to be gracefully shutdown.
if err == nil {
return nil
logger.Error("error handling stream", "peer_name", p.Name, "peer_id", req.PeerID, "error", err)
return err
type HandleStreamRequest struct {
// LocalID is the UUID for the peering in the local Consul datacenter.
LocalID string
// RemoteID is the UUID for the peering from the perspective of the peer.
RemoteID string
// PeerName is the name of the peering.
PeerName string
// Partition is the local partition associated with the peer.
Partition string
// Stream is the open stream to the peer cluster.
Stream BidirectionalStream
func (r HandleStreamRequest) WasDialed() bool {
return r.RemoteID == ""
// DrainStream attempts to gracefully drain the stream when the connection is going to be torn down.
// Tearing down the connection too quickly can lead our peer receiving a context cancellation error before the stream termination message.
// Handling the termination message is important to set the expectation that the peering will not be reestablished unless recreated.
func (s *Server) DrainStream(req HandleStreamRequest) {
for {
// Ensure that we read until an error, or the peer has nothing more to send.
if _, err := req.Stream.Recv(); err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
s.Logger.Warn("failed to tear down stream gracefully: peer may not have received termination message",
"peer_name", req.PeerName, "peer_id", req.LocalID, "error", err)
// Since the peering is being torn down we discard all replication messages without an error.
// We want to avoid importing new data at this point.
func (s *Server) HandleStream(streamReq HandleStreamRequest) error {
if err := s.realHandleStream(streamReq); err != nil {
s.Tracker.DisconnectedDueToError(streamReq.LocalID, err.Error())
return err
// TODO(peering) Also need to clear subscriptions associated with the peer
return nil
// The localID provided is the locally-generated identifier for the peering.
// The remoteID is an identifier that the remote peer recognizes for the peering.
func (s *Server) realHandleStream(streamReq HandleStreamRequest) error {
// TODO: pass logger down from caller?
logger := s.Logger.Named("stream").
With("peer_name", streamReq.PeerName).
With("peer_id", streamReq.LocalID).
With("dialed", streamReq.WasDialed())
logger.Trace("handling stream for peer")
// handleStreamCtx is local to this function.
handleStreamCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(streamReq.Stream.Context())
defer cancel()
status, err := s.Tracker.Connected(streamReq.LocalID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to register stream: %v", err)
var trustDomain string
if s.ConnectEnabled {
// Read the TrustDomain up front - we do not allow users to change the ClusterID
// so reading it once at the beginning of the stream is sufficient.
trustDomain, err = getTrustDomain(s.GetStore(), logger)
if err != nil {
return err
remoteSubTracker := newResourceSubscriptionTracker()
mgr := newSubscriptionManager(
subCh := mgr.subscribe(streamReq.Stream.Context(), streamReq.LocalID, streamReq.PeerName, streamReq.Partition)
// We need a mutex to protect against simultaneous sends to the client.
var sendMutex sync.Mutex
// streamSend is a helper function that sends msg over the stream
// respecting the send mutex. It also logs the send and calls status.TrackSendError
// on error.
streamSend := func(msg *pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage) error {
logTraceSend(logger, msg)
err := streamReq.Stream.Send(msg)
if err != nil {
return err
// Subscribe to all relevant resource types.
for _, resourceURL := range []string{
} {
sub := makeReplicationRequest(&pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage_Request{
ResourceURL: resourceURL,
PeerID: streamReq.RemoteID,
if err := streamSend(sub); err != nil {
// TODO(peering) Test error handling in calls to Send/Recv
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send subscription for %q to stream: %w", resourceURL, err)
// recvCh sends messages from the gRPC stream.
recvCh := make(chan *pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage)
// recvErrCh sends errors received from the gRPC stream.
recvErrCh := make(chan error)
// Start a goroutine to read from the stream and pass to recvCh and recvErrCh.
// Using a separate goroutine allows us to process sends and receives all in the main for{} loop.
go func() {
for {
msg, err := streamReq.Stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
recvErrCh <- err
logTraceRecv(logger, msg)
select {
case recvCh <- msg:
case <-handleStreamCtx.Done():
// Start a goroutine to send heartbeats at a regular interval.
go func() {
tick := time.NewTicker(s.outgoingHeartbeatInterval)
defer tick.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-handleStreamCtx.Done():
case <-tick.C:
heartbeat := &pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage{
Payload: &pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage_Heartbeat_{
Heartbeat: &pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage_Heartbeat{},
if err := streamSend(heartbeat); err != nil {
logger.Warn("error sending heartbeat", "err", err)
// incomingHeartbeatCtx will complete if incoming heartbeats time out.
incomingHeartbeatCtx, incomingHeartbeatCtxCancel :=
context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), s.incomingHeartbeatTimeout)
// NOTE: It's important that we wrap the call to cancel in a wrapper func because during the loop we're
// re-assigning the value of incomingHeartbeatCtxCancel and we want the defer to run on the last assigned
// value, not the current value.
defer func() {
// The main loop that processes sends and receives.
for {
select {
// When the doneCh is closed that means that the peering was deleted locally.
case <-status.Done():
logger.Info("ending stream")
term := &pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage{
Payload: &pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage_Terminated_{
Terminated: &pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage_Terminated{},
if err := streamSend(term); err != nil {
// Nolint directive needed due to bug in govet that doesn't see that the cancel
// func of the incomingHeartbeatTimer _does_ get called.
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send to stream: %v", err)
logger.Trace("deleting stream status")
return nil
// Handle errors received from the stream by shutting down our handler.
case err := <-recvErrCh:
if err == io.EOF {
// NOTE: We don't expect to receive an io.EOF error here when the stream is disconnected gracefully.
// When the peering is deleted locally, status.Done() returns which is handled elsewhere and this method
// exits. When we receive a Terminated message, that's also handled elsewhere and this method
// exits. After the method exits this code here won't receive any recv errors and those will be handled
// by DrainStream().
err = fmt.Errorf("stream ended unexpectedly")
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected error receiving from the stream: %w", err)
return err
// We haven't received a heartbeat within the expected interval. Kill the stream.
case <-incomingHeartbeatCtx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("heartbeat timeout")
case msg := <-recvCh:
// NOTE: this code should have similar error handling to the
// initial handling code in StreamResources()
if !s.Backend.IsLeader() {
// We are not the leader anymore, so we will hang up on the dialer.
logger.Info("node is not a leader anymore; cannot continue streaming")
st, err := grpcstatus.New(codes.FailedPrecondition,
"node is not a leader anymore; cannot continue streaming").WithDetails(
&pbpeerstream.LeaderAddress{Address: s.Backend.GetLeaderAddress()})
if err != nil {
logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal the leader address in response; err: %v", err))
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.FailedPrecondition, "node is not a leader anymore; cannot continue streaming")
} else {
return st.Err()
if req := msg.GetRequest(); req != nil {
if !pbpeerstream.KnownTypeURL(req.ResourceURL) {
return grpcstatus.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "subscription request to unknown resource URL: %s", req.ResourceURL)
// There are different formats of requests depending upon where in the stream lifecycle we are.
// 1. Initial Request: This is the first request being received
// FROM the establishing peer. This is handled specially in
// (*Server).StreamResources BEFORE calling
// (*Server).HandleStream. This takes care of determining what
// the PeerID is for the stream.
// 2. Subscription Request: This is the first request for a
// given ResourceURL within a stream. The Initial Request (1)
// is always one of these as well.
// These must contain a valid ResourceURL with no Error or
// ResponseNonce set.
// It is valid to subscribe to the same ResourceURL twice
// within the lifetime of a stream, but all duplicate
// subscriptions are treated as no-ops upon receipt.
// 3. ACK Request: This is the message sent in reaction to an
// earlier Response to indicate that the response was processed
// by the other side successfully.
// These must contain a ResponseNonce and no Error.
// 4. NACK Request: This is the message sent in reaction to an
// earlier Response to indicate that the response was NOT
// processed by the other side successfully.
// These must contain a ResponseNonce and an Error.
if !remoteSubTracker.IsSubscribed(req.ResourceURL) {
// This must be a new subscription request to add a new
// resource type, vet it like a new request.
if !streamReq.WasDialed() {
if req.PeerID != "" && req.PeerID != streamReq.RemoteID {
// Not necessary after the first request from the dialer,
// but if provided must match.
return grpcstatus.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument,
"initial subscription requests for a resource type must have consistent PeerID values: got=%q expected=%q",
if req.ResponseNonce != "" {
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "initial subscription requests for a resource type must not contain a nonce")
if req.Error != nil {
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "initial subscription request for a resource type must not contain an error")
if remoteSubTracker.Subscribe(req.ResourceURL) {
logger.Info("subscribing to resource type", "resourceURL", req.ResourceURL)
// At this point we have a valid ResourceURL and we are subscribed to it.
switch {
case req.ResponseNonce == "" && req.Error != nil:
return grpcstatus.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "initial subscription request for a resource type must not contain an error")
case req.ResponseNonce != "" && req.Error == nil: // ACK
// TODO(peering): handle ACK fully
case req.ResponseNonce != "" && req.Error != nil: // NACK
// TODO(peering): handle NACK fully
logger.Warn("client peer was unable to apply resource", "code", req.Error.Code, "error", req.Error.Message)
status.TrackNack(fmt.Sprintf("client peer was unable to apply resource: %s", req.Error.Message))
// This branch might be dead code, but it could also happen
// during a stray 're-subscribe' so just ignore the
// message.
if resp := msg.GetResponse(); resp != nil {
// TODO(peering): Ensure there's a nonce
reply, err := s.processResponse(streamReq.PeerName, streamReq.Partition, status, resp, logger)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to persist resource", "resourceURL", resp.ResourceURL, "resourceID", resp.ResourceID)
} else {
if err := streamSend(reply); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send to stream: %v", err)
if term := msg.GetTerminated(); term != nil {
logger.Info("peering was deleted by our peer: marking peering as terminated and cleaning up imported resources")
// Once marked as terminated, a separate deferred deletion routine will clean up imported resources.
if err := s.Backend.PeeringTerminateByID(&pbpeering.PeeringTerminateByIDRequest{ID: streamReq.LocalID}); err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to mark peering as terminated: %w", err)
return nil
if msg.GetHeartbeat() != nil {
// Reset the heartbeat timeout by creating a new context.
// We first must cancel the old context so there's no leaks. This is safe to do because we're only
// reading that context within this for{} loop, and so we won't accidentally trigger the heartbeat
// timeout.
// NOTE: IDEs and govet think that the reassigned cancel below never gets
// called, but it does by the defer when the heartbeat ctx is first created.
// They just can't trace the execution properly for some reason (possibly golang/go#29587).
incomingHeartbeatCtx, incomingHeartbeatCtxCancel =
context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), s.incomingHeartbeatTimeout)
case update := <-subCh:
var resp *pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage_Response
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(update.CorrelationID, subExportedService):
resp, err = makeServiceResponse(logger, status, update)
if err != nil {
// Log the error and skip this response to avoid locking up peering due to a bad update event.
logger.Error("failed to create service response", "error", err)
case strings.HasPrefix(update.CorrelationID, subMeshGateway):
// TODO(Peering): figure out how to sync this separately
case update.CorrelationID == subCARoot:
resp, err = makeCARootsResponse(logger, update)
if err != nil {
// Log the error and skip this response to avoid locking up peering due to a bad update event.
logger.Error("failed to create ca roots response", "error", err)
logger.Warn("unrecognized update type from subscription manager: " + update.CorrelationID)
if resp == nil {
replResp := makeReplicationResponse(resp)
if err := streamSend(replResp); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to push data for %q: %w", update.CorrelationID, err)
func getTrustDomain(store StateStore, logger hclog.Logger) (string, error) {
_, cfg, err := store.CAConfig(nil)
switch {
case err != nil:
logger.Error("failed to read Connect CA Config", "error", err)
return "", grpcstatus.Error(codes.Internal, "failed to read Connect CA Config")
case cfg == nil:
logger.Warn("cannot begin stream because Connect CA is not yet initialized")
return "", grpcstatus.Error(codes.FailedPrecondition, "Connect CA is not yet initialized")
return connect.SpiffeIDSigningForCluster(cfg.ClusterID).Host(), nil
func (s *Server) StreamStatus(peerID string) (resp Status, found bool) {
return s.Tracker.StreamStatus(peerID)
// ConnectedStreams returns a map of connected stream IDs to the corresponding channel for tearing them down.
func (s *Server) ConnectedStreams() map[string]chan struct{} {
return s.Tracker.ConnectedStreams()
func logTraceRecv(logger hclog.Logger, pb proto.Message) {
logTraceProto(logger, pb, true)
func logTraceSend(logger hclog.Logger, pb proto.Message) {
logTraceProto(logger, pb, false)
func logTraceProto(logger hclog.Logger, pb proto.Message, received bool) {
if !logger.IsTrace() {
dir := "sent"
if received {
dir = "received"
// Redact the long-lived stream secret to avoid leaking it in trace logs.
pbToLog := pb
switch msg := pb.(type) {
case *pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage:
clone := &pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage{}
proto.Merge(clone, msg)
if clone.GetOpen() != nil {
clone.GetOpen().StreamSecretID = "hidden"
pbToLog = clone
case *pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage_Open:
clone := &pbpeerstream.ReplicationMessage_Open{}
proto.Merge(clone, msg)
clone.StreamSecretID = "hidden"
pbToLog = clone
m := jsonpb.Marshaler{
Indent: " ",
out, err := m.MarshalToString(pbToLog)
if err != nil {
out = "<ERROR: " + err.Error() + ">"
logger.Trace("replication message", "direction", dir, "protobuf", out)
// resourceSubscriptionTracker is used to keep track of the ResourceURLs that a
// stream has subscribed to and can notify you when a subscription comes in by
// closing the channels returned by SubscribedChan.
type resourceSubscriptionTracker struct {
// notifierMap keeps track of a notification channel for each resourceURL.
// Keys may exist in here even when they do not exist in 'subscribed' as
// calling SubscribedChan has to possibly create and and hand out a
// notification channel in advance of any notification.
notifierMap map[string]chan struct{}
// subscribed is a set that keeps track of resourceURLs that are currently
// subscribed to. Keys are never deleted. If a key is present in this map
// it is also present in 'notifierMap'.
subscribed map[string]struct{}
func newResourceSubscriptionTracker() *resourceSubscriptionTracker {
return &resourceSubscriptionTracker{
subscribed: make(map[string]struct{}),
notifierMap: make(map[string]chan struct{}),
// IsSubscribed returns true if the given ResourceURL has an active subscription.
func (t *resourceSubscriptionTracker) IsSubscribed(resourceURL string) bool {
_, ok := t.subscribed[resourceURL]
return ok
// Subscribe subscribes to the given ResourceURL. It will return true if this
// was the FIRST time a subscription occurred. It will also close the
// notification channel associated with this ResourceURL.
func (t *resourceSubscriptionTracker) Subscribe(resourceURL string) bool {
if _, ok := t.subscribed[resourceURL]; ok {
return false
t.subscribed[resourceURL] = struct{}{}
// and notify
ch := t.ensureNotifierChan(resourceURL)
return true
// SubscribedChan returns a channel that will be closed when the ResourceURL is
// subscribed using the Subscribe method.
func (t *resourceSubscriptionTracker) SubscribedChan(resourceURL string) <-chan struct{} {
return t.ensureNotifierChan(resourceURL)
func (t *resourceSubscriptionTracker) ensureNotifierChan(resourceURL string) chan struct{} {
if ch, ok := t.notifierMap[resourceURL]; ok {
return ch
ch := make(chan struct{})
t.notifierMap[resourceURL] = ch
return ch