mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
This sounds a bit 'backwards' as the end goal here is to add an improved UX to partitions, not namespaces. The reason for doing it this way is that Namespaces already has a type of 'improved UX' CRUD in that it has one to many relationship in the form when saving your namespaces (the end goal for partitions). In moving Namespaces to use the same approach as partitions we: - Ensure the new approach works with one-to-many forms. - Test the new approach without writing a single test (we already have a bunch of tests for namespaces which are now testing the approach used by both namespaces and partitions) Additionally: - Fixes issue with missing default nspace in the nspace selector - In doing when checking to see that things where consistent between the two, I found a few little minor problems with the Admin Partition CRUD so fixed those up here also. - Removed the old style Nspace notifications
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/* globals requirejs */
import EmberRouter from '@ember/routing/router';
import config from './config/environment';
import { runInDebug } from '@ember/debug';
import merge from 'deepmerge';
import { env } from 'consul-ui/env';
import walk, { dump } from 'consul-ui/utils/routing/walk';
const doc = document;
const appName = config.modulePrefix;
const appNameJS = appName
.map((item, i) => (i ? `${item.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${item.substr(1)}` : item))
export const routes = merge.all(
// Our parent datacenter resource sets the namespace
// for the entire application
dc: {
_options: { path: '/:dc' },
// Services represent a consul service
services: {
_options: { path: '/services' },
// Show an individual service
show: {
_options: { path: '/:name' },
instances: {
_options: { path: '/instances' },
intentions: {
_options: { path: '/intentions' },
edit: {
_options: { path: '/:intention_id' },
create: {
_options: { path: '/create' },
topology: {
_options: { path: '/topology' },
services: {
_options: { path: '/services' },
upstreams: {
_options: { path: '/upstreams' },
routing: {
_options: { path: '/routing' },
tags: {
_options: { path: '/tags' },
instance: {
_options: { path: '/:name/instances/:node/:id' },
healthchecks: {
_options: { path: '/health-checks' },
upstreams: {
_options: { path: '/upstreams' },
exposedpaths: {
_options: { path: '/exposed-paths' },
addresses: {
_options: { path: '/addresses' },
metadata: {
_options: { path: '/metadata' },
notfound: {
_options: { path: '/:name/:node/:id' },
// Nodes represent a consul node
nodes: {
_options: { path: '/nodes' },
// Show an individual node
show: {
_options: { path: '/:name' },
healthchecks: {
_options: { path: '/health-checks' },
services: {
_options: { path: '/service-instances' },
rtt: {
_options: { path: '/round-trip-time' },
sessions: {
_options: { path: '/lock-sessions' },
metadata: {
_options: { path: '/metadata' },
// Intentions represent a consul intention
intentions: {
_options: { path: '/intentions' },
edit: {
_options: {
path: '/:intention_id',
abilities: ['read intentions'],
create: {
_options: {
path: '/create',
abilities: ['create intentions'],
// Key/Value
kv: {
_options: { path: '/kv' },
folder: {
_options: { path: '/*key' },
edit: {
_options: { path: '/*key/edit' },
create: {
_options: {
path: '/*key/create',
abilities: ['create kvs'],
'root-create': {
_options: {
path: '/create',
abilities: ['create kvs'],
// ACLs
acls: {
_options: {
path: '/acls',
abilities: ['access acls'],
policies: {
_options: {
path: '/policies',
abilities: ['read policies'],
edit: {
_options: { path: '/:id' },
create: {
_options: {
path: '/create',
abilities: ['create policies'],
roles: {
_options: {
path: '/roles',
abilities: ['read roles'],
edit: {
_options: { path: '/:id' },
create: {
_options: {
path: '/create',
abilities: ['create roles'],
tokens: {
_options: {
path: '/tokens',
abilities: ['access acls'],
edit: {
_options: { path: '/:id' },
create: {
_options: {
path: '/create',
abilities: ['create tokens'],
'auth-methods': {
_options: {
path: '/auth-methods',
abilities: ['read auth-methods'],
show: {
_options: { path: '/:id' },
'auth-method': {
_options: { path: '/auth-method' },
'binding-rules': {
_options: { path: '/binding-rules' },
'nspace-rules': {
_options: { path: '/nspace-rules' },
'routing-config': {
_options: { path: '/routing-config/:name' },
// Shows a datacenter picker. If you only have one
// it just redirects you through.
index: {
_options: { path: '/' },
// The settings page is global.
settings: {
_options: { path: '/setting' },
notfound: {
_options: { path: '/*notfound' },
...[...doc.querySelectorAll(`script[data-${appName}-routes]`)].map($item =>
runInDebug(() => {
// check to see if we are running docfy and if so add its routes to our
// route config
const docfyOutput = requirejs.entries[`${appName}/docfy-output`];
if (typeof docfyOutput !== 'undefined') {
const output = {};
// see https://github.com/josemarluedke/docfy/blob/904529641279975586402431108895713d156b55/packages/ember/addon/index.ts
(function addPage(route, page) {
if (page.name !== '/') {
route = route[page.name] = {
_options: { path: page.name },
page.pages.forEach(page => {
const url = page.relativeUrl;
if (typeof url === 'string') {
if (url !== '') {
route[url] = {
_options: { path: url },
page.children.forEach(child => {
addPage(route, child);
})(routes, output.default.nested);
// To print the Ember route DSL use `Routes()` in Web Inspectors console
// or `javascript:Routes()` in the location bar of your browser
runInDebug(() => {
window.Routes = (endpoint = env('DEBUG_ROUTES_ENDPOINT')) => {
if (!endpoint) {
endpoint = 'data:,%s';
let win;
const str = dump(routes);
if (endpoint.startsWith('data:,')) {
win = window.open('', '_blank');
} else {
win = window.open(endpoint.replace('%s', encodeURIComponent(str)), '_blank');
export default class Router extends EmberRouter {
location = env('locationType');
rootURL = env('rootURL');