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synced 2025-03-03 06:40:45 +00:00
This isn't used in OSS but CE needs it. It'll be easier to manage common deps in OSS and take them to CE.
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package s3manager
import (
// DefaultDownloadPartSize is the default range of bytes to get at a time when
// using Download().
const DefaultDownloadPartSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5
// DefaultDownloadConcurrency is the default number of goroutines to spin up
// when using Download().
const DefaultDownloadConcurrency = 5
// The Downloader structure that calls Download(). It is safe to call Download()
// on this structure for multiple objects and across concurrent goroutines.
// Mutating the Downloader's properties is not safe to be done concurrently.
type Downloader struct {
// The buffer size (in bytes) to use when buffering data into chunks and
// sending them as parts to S3. The minimum allowed part size is 5MB, and
// if this value is set to zero, the DefaultPartSize value will be used.
PartSize int64
// The number of goroutines to spin up in parallel when sending parts.
// If this is set to zero, the DefaultDownloadConcurrency value will be used.
Concurrency int
// An S3 client to use when performing downloads.
S3 s3iface.S3API
// NewDownloader creates a new Downloader instance to downloads objects from
// S3 in concurrent chunks. Pass in additional functional options to customize
// the downloader behavior. Requires a client.ConfigProvider in order to create
// a S3 service client. The session.Session satisfies the client.ConfigProvider
// interface.
// Example:
// // The session the S3 Downloader will use
// sess, err := session.NewSession()
// // Create a downloader with the session and default options
// downloader := s3manager.NewDownloader(sess)
// // Create a downloader with the session and custom options
// downloader := s3manager.NewDownloader(sess, func(d *s3manager.Downloader) {
// d.PartSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024 // 64MB per part
// })
func NewDownloader(c client.ConfigProvider, options ...func(*Downloader)) *Downloader {
d := &Downloader{
S3: s3.New(c),
PartSize: DefaultDownloadPartSize,
Concurrency: DefaultDownloadConcurrency,
for _, option := range options {
return d
// NewDownloaderWithClient creates a new Downloader instance to downloads
// objects from S3 in concurrent chunks. Pass in additional functional
// options to customize the downloader behavior. Requires a S3 service client
// to make S3 API calls.
// Example:
// // The session the S3 Downloader will use
// sess, err := session.NewSession()
// // The S3 client the S3 Downloader will use
// s3Svc := s3.new(sess)
// // Create a downloader with the s3 client and default options
// downloader := s3manager.NewDownloaderWithClient(s3Svc)
// // Create a downloader with the s3 client and custom options
// downloader := s3manager.NewDownloaderWithClient(s3Svc, func(d *s3manager.Downloader) {
// d.PartSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024 // 64MB per part
// })
func NewDownloaderWithClient(svc s3iface.S3API, options ...func(*Downloader)) *Downloader {
d := &Downloader{
S3: svc,
PartSize: DefaultDownloadPartSize,
Concurrency: DefaultDownloadConcurrency,
for _, option := range options {
return d
type maxRetrier interface {
MaxRetries() int
// Download downloads an object in S3 and writes the payload into w using
// concurrent GET requests.
// Additional functional options can be provided to configure the individual
// download. These options are copies of the Downloader instance Download is called from.
// Modifying the options will not impact the original Downloader instance.
// It is safe to call this method concurrently across goroutines.
// The w io.WriterAt can be satisfied by an os.File to do multipart concurrent
// downloads, or in memory []byte wrapper using aws.WriteAtBuffer.
func (d Downloader) Download(w io.WriterAt, input *s3.GetObjectInput, options ...func(*Downloader)) (n int64, err error) {
impl := downloader{w: w, in: input, ctx: d}
for _, option := range options {
if s, ok := d.S3.(maxRetrier); ok {
impl.partBodyMaxRetries = s.MaxRetries()
impl.totalBytes = -1
if impl.ctx.Concurrency == 0 {
impl.ctx.Concurrency = DefaultDownloadConcurrency
if impl.ctx.PartSize == 0 {
impl.ctx.PartSize = DefaultDownloadPartSize
return impl.download()
// downloader is the implementation structure used internally by Downloader.
type downloader struct {
ctx Downloader
in *s3.GetObjectInput
w io.WriterAt
wg sync.WaitGroup
m sync.Mutex
pos int64
totalBytes int64
written int64
err error
partBodyMaxRetries int
// download performs the implementation of the object download across ranged
// GETs.
func (d *downloader) download() (n int64, err error) {
// Spin off first worker to check additional header information
if total := d.getTotalBytes(); total >= 0 {
// Spin up workers
ch := make(chan dlchunk, d.ctx.Concurrency)
for i := 0; i < d.ctx.Concurrency; i++ {
go d.downloadPart(ch)
// Assign work
for d.getErr() == nil {
if d.pos >= total {
break // We're finished queuing chunks
// Queue the next range of bytes to read.
ch <- dlchunk{w: d.w, start: d.pos, size: d.ctx.PartSize}
d.pos += d.ctx.PartSize
// Wait for completion
} else {
// Checking if we read anything new
for d.err == nil {
// We expect a 416 error letting us know we are done downloading the
// total bytes. Since we do not know the content's length, this will
// keep grabbing chunks of data until the range of bytes specified in
// the request is out of range of the content. Once, this happens, a
// 416 should occur.
e, ok := d.err.(awserr.RequestFailure)
if ok && e.StatusCode() == http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable {
d.err = nil
// Return error
return d.written, d.err
// downloadPart is an individual goroutine worker reading from the ch channel
// and performing a GetObject request on the data with a given byte range.
// If this is the first worker, this operation also resolves the total number
// of bytes to be read so that the worker manager knows when it is finished.
func (d *downloader) downloadPart(ch chan dlchunk) {
defer d.wg.Done()
for {
chunk, ok := <-ch
if !ok || d.getErr() != nil {
if err := d.downloadChunk(chunk); err != nil {
// getChunk grabs a chunk of data from the body.
// Not thread safe. Should only used when grabbing data on a single thread.
func (d *downloader) getChunk() {
if d.getErr() != nil {
chunk := dlchunk{w: d.w, start: d.pos, size: d.ctx.PartSize}
d.pos += d.ctx.PartSize
if err := d.downloadChunk(chunk); err != nil {
// downloadChunk downloads the chunk froom s3
func (d *downloader) downloadChunk(chunk dlchunk) error {
in := &s3.GetObjectInput{}
awsutil.Copy(in, d.in)
// Get the next byte range of data
rng := fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", chunk.start, chunk.start+chunk.size-1)
in.Range = &rng
var n int64
var err error
for retry := 0; retry <= d.partBodyMaxRetries; retry++ {
req, resp := d.ctx.S3.GetObjectRequest(in)
err = req.Send()
if err != nil {
return err
d.setTotalBytes(resp) // Set total if not yet set.
n, err = io.Copy(&chunk, resp.Body)
if err == nil {
chunk.cur = 0
logMessage(d.ctx.S3, aws.LogDebugWithRequestRetries,
fmt.Sprintf("DEBUG: object part body download interrupted %s, err, %v, retrying attempt %d",
aws.StringValue(in.Key), err, retry))
return err
func logMessage(svc s3iface.S3API, level aws.LogLevelType, msg string) {
s, ok := svc.(*s3.S3)
if !ok {
if s.Config.Logger == nil {
if s.Config.LogLevel.Matches(level) {
// getTotalBytes is a thread-safe getter for retrieving the total byte status.
func (d *downloader) getTotalBytes() int64 {
defer d.m.Unlock()
return d.totalBytes
// setTotalBytes is a thread-safe setter for setting the total byte status.
// Will extract the object's total bytes from the Content-Range if the file
// will be chunked, or Content-Length. Content-Length is used when the response
// does not include a Content-Range. Meaning the object was not chunked. This
// occurs when the full file fits within the PartSize directive.
func (d *downloader) setTotalBytes(resp *s3.GetObjectOutput) {
defer d.m.Unlock()
if d.totalBytes >= 0 {
if resp.ContentRange == nil {
// ContentRange is nil when the full file contents is provied, and
// is not chunked. Use ContentLength instead.
if resp.ContentLength != nil {
d.totalBytes = *resp.ContentLength
} else {
parts := strings.Split(*resp.ContentRange, "/")
total := int64(-1)
var err error
// Checking for whether or not a numbered total exists
// If one does not exist, we will assume the total to be -1, undefined,
// and sequentially download each chunk until hitting a 416 error
totalStr := parts[len(parts)-1]
if totalStr != "*" {
total, err = strconv.ParseInt(totalStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
d.err = err
d.totalBytes = total
func (d *downloader) incrWritten(n int64) {
defer d.m.Unlock()
d.written += n
// getErr is a thread-safe getter for the error object
func (d *downloader) getErr() error {
defer d.m.Unlock()
return d.err
// setErr is a thread-safe setter for the error object
func (d *downloader) setErr(e error) {
defer d.m.Unlock()
d.err = e
// dlchunk represents a single chunk of data to write by the worker routine.
// This structure also implements an io.SectionReader style interface for
// io.WriterAt, effectively making it an io.SectionWriter (which does not
// exist).
type dlchunk struct {
w io.WriterAt
start int64
size int64
cur int64
// Write wraps io.WriterAt for the dlchunk, writing from the dlchunk's start
// position to its end (or EOF).
func (c *dlchunk) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if c.cur >= c.size {
return 0, io.EOF
n, err = c.w.WriteAt(p, c.start+c.cur)
c.cur += int64(n)