Frank Schroeder 1c75cf1af5 pkg refactor
command/agent/*                  -> agent/*
    command/consul/*                 -> agent/consul/*
    command/agent/command{,_test}.go -> command/agent{,_test}.go
    command/base/command.go          -> command/base.go
    command/base/*                   -> command/*
    commands.go                      -> command/commands.go

The script which did the refactor is:

	cd $GOPATH/src/
	git mv command/agent/command.go command/agent.go
	git mv command/agent/command_test.go command/agent_test.go
	git mv command/agent/flag_slice_value{,_test}.go command/
	git mv command/agent .
	git mv command/base/command.go command/base.go
	git mv command/base/config_util{,_test}.go command/
	git mv commands.go command/
	git mv consul agent
	rmdir command/base/

	gsed -i -e 's|package agent|package command|' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|package agent|package command|' command/flag_slice_value{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|package base|package command|' command/base.go command/config_util{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|package main|package command|' command/commands.go

	gsed -i -e 's|base.Command|BaseCommand|' command/commands.go
	gsed -i -e 's|agent.Command|AgentCommand|' command/commands.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\tCommand:|\tBaseCommand:|' command/commands.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base\.||' command/commands.go
	gsed -i -e 's|command\.||' command/commands.go

	gsed -i -e 's|command|c|' main.go
	gsed -i -e 's|range Commands|range command.Commands|' main.go
	gsed -i -e 's|Commands: Commands|Commands: command.Commands|' main.go

	gsed -i -e 's|base\.BoolValue|BoolValue|' command/operator_autopilot_set.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base\.DurationValue|DurationValue|' command/operator_autopilot_set.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base\.StringValue|StringValue|' command/operator_autopilot_set.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base\.UintValue|UintValue|' command/operator_autopilot_set.go

	gsed -i -e 's|\bCommand\b|BaseCommand|' command/base.go
	gsed -i -e 's|BaseCommand Options|Command Options|' command/base.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base.Command|BaseCommand|' command/*.go
	gsed -i -e 's|c\.Command|c.BaseCommand|g' command/*.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\tCommand:|\tBaseCommand:|' command/*_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base\.||' command/*_test.go

	gsed -i -e 's|\bCommand\b|AgentCommand|' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|cmd.AgentCommand|cmd.BaseCommand|' command/agent.go

	gsed -i -e 's|cli.AgentCommand = new(Command)|cli.Command = new(AgentCommand)|' command/agent_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|exec.AgentCommand|exec.Command|' command/agent_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|exec.BaseCommand|exec.Command|' command/agent_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|NewTestAgent|agent.NewTestAgent|' command/agent_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|= TestConfig|= agent.TestConfig|' command/agent_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|: RetryJoin|: agent.RetryJoin|' command/agent_test.go

	gsed -i -e 's|\.\./\.\./|../|' command/config_util_test.go

	gsed -i -e 's|\bverifyUniqueListeners|VerifyUniqueListeners|' agent/config{,_test}.go command/agent.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bserfLANKeyring\b|SerfLANKeyring|g' agent/{agent,keyring,testagent}.go command/agent.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bserfWANKeyring\b|SerfWANKeyring|g' agent/{agent,keyring,testagent}.go command/agent.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bNewAgent\b|agent.New|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bNewAgent|New|' agent/{acl_test,agent,testagent}.go

	gsed -i -e 's|\bAgent\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bBool\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bConfig\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bDefaultConfig\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bDevConfig\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bMergeConfig\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bReadConfigPaths\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bParseMetaPair\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bSerfLANKeyring\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bSerfWANKeyring\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go

	gsed -i -e 's|circonus\.agent|circonus|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|logger\.agent|logger|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|metrics\.agent|metrics|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|// agent.Agent|// agent|' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|a\.agent\.Config|a.Config|' command/agent{,_test}.go

	gsed -i -e 's|agent\.AppendSliceValue|AppendSliceValue|' command/{configtest,validate}.go

	gsed -i -e 's|consul/consul|agent/consul|' GNUmakefile

	gsed -i -e 's|\.\./test|../../test|' agent/consul/server_test.go

	# fix imports
	f=$(grep -rl '' * | grep '\.go')
	gsed -i -e 's|||' $f
	goimports -w $f

	f=$(grep -rl '' * | grep '\.go')
	gsed -i -e 's|||' $f
	goimports -w $f

	goimports -w command/*.go main.go
2017-06-10 18:52:45 +02:00

51 lines
1.2 KiB

package agent
import (
// Snapshot handles requests to take and restore snapshots. This uses a special
// mechanism to make the RPC since we potentially stream large amounts of data
// as part of these requests.
func (s *HTTPServer) Snapshot(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
var args structs.SnapshotRequest
s.parseDC(req, &args.Datacenter)
s.parseToken(req, &args.Token)
if _, ok := req.URL.Query()["stale"]; ok {
args.AllowStale = true
switch req.Method {
case "GET":
args.Op = structs.SnapshotSave
// Headers need to go out before we stream the body.
replyFn := func(reply *structs.SnapshotResponse) error {
setMeta(resp, &reply.QueryMeta)
return nil
// Don't bother sending any request body through since it will
// be ignored.
var null bytes.Buffer
if err := s.agent.SnapshotRPC(&args, &null, resp, replyFn); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case "PUT":
args.Op = structs.SnapshotRestore
if err := s.agent.SnapshotRPC(&args, req.Body, resp, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
return nil, nil